
By SushiRoll25

304K 8.7K 332

*302k reads?!? Oh my goodness!! 😭😭. I was sooo nervous about putting my work out there for people to read... More

Senior Year
Trojan Warrior
History Repeats Itself
Viking Princesses
Risky Business
Unwanted Interactions
Strange Happenings
No Love From Lady Luck
Heros Are Overrated
Eyes in the Dark
And Now I Wish I Didn't Know
From Man to Wolf
Apologies From the King
Chasing Waterfalls
Love Is In The Air.....?
Trespassing On Taken Property
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Prisoner of War
Happy Birthday to Me
Becoming the Wolf
Back to Life Back to Reality?
The Truth Shall Set You Free
Family Secrets part 1
Family Secrets Part 2
Saying Goodbye
Wedding Day
Bringing Down the King

A New Life

5.6K 173 22
By SushiRoll25

We arrive in Europe and then it's a long drive from the Holland airport to a small town located deep in the countryside. I was so tired from the flight over, but I couldn't close my eyes on the drive. I never knew The Netherlands were so beautiful. The ground is covered in a snowy blanket and green trees poke into the sky. The further into the country we go the more we are surrounded by the trees. The air is thick with with a pine aroma and fire places burning in the distance. After what feels like an eternity we pull off the highway onto a narrow dirt path that leads us deep into the woods. We drive along the bumpy road for about another hour and I start to have a moment of panic when the thought of being blindfolded on a road like this only a few months before enters my mind. Sensing my anxiety, Easton reaches across the driver's seat to squeeze my thigh. "Easton?" I ask finally breaking the silence. "What happened to Eve and Daniel that night?" Easton sighs hesitant to tell me. "I was hoping we would already be bonded before you asked me this. That night, Victor was able to get away fighting off Garrett and losing him in the woods. We don't know how they are doing it, but then found a way to cover their smell. We had taken Eve and Daniel in and held her in our jail while making arrangements to transfer her here to our more guarded facility. Unfortunately, Victor was able to get some of his army to sneak and break her out. Since they are able to cover their smell, the guards didn't know they were coming. They were shot and killed and Eve and Daniel were able to escape and we are not sure where they are now. I have had scouts searching every lead for the last few weeks, and we believe they are somewhere in Europe." I grab my mouth trying to stifle the loud gasp that escaped my lips. I instantly start to tremble thinking of the torture they subjected me to. "Please forgive me Charlee." Easton begs as he pulls off to the side of the dirt path. "I am so sorry I am doing everything I can to find them. I will not let anything happen to you again. I will die before they take you again." I throw my arms around his neck and sob at the pain I hear in his voice. Hanna told me that Easton could feel all the pain and torture I was feeling. I can only imagine what kind of a strain that put on him knowing he was searching for me, but could not find me. "I love you Charlee and I will do everything in my power to keep you safe." He grabs my face and pulls me in for a deep kiss. "Really?" We are interrupted by Alex knocking on my window. "You seriously couldn't wait to get to the pack house?" He shakes his head and Easton and I both start laughing with embarrassment.
A short time later we pull up to the "pack house." "Welkom in Europa ." Easton says excitedly happy to be home.  "This is not a house Easton!  This is a mansion!"  I exclaim bewilderedly.   He laughs at my shock and takes my hand to lead me inside.  A man in his early forties opens the huge door for us somehow knowing we are here,  "Welcome home Koning."   "Wees in vrede." Easton replies pulling him in for a hug. "Christian, meet Charlee, my fiancé and soon to be Queen." "Charlee?" Christian gasps. "Yes, it's a long story and I will fill you in soon. For now can you please help us with our things, and get Charlee's family situated in the guest house?" Christian reaches his hand out to mine, "Welcome home my Koningin I will be at your every request." I thank him for his kindness and follow Easton into our home.

The home is beautiful so elegantly designed and absolutely massive. Easton leads me up a grand double staircase and down a never ending corridor. I know I am going to get lost for the first month. We arrive outside double doors and Easton pushes them open. When I walk in I am completely captivated by the room. There is an enormous bed tucked in between two floor to ceiling windows that take up an entire wall. Directly across from the bed on the opposite side of the room is a French door that opens up to a huge balcony with a built in hot tub. There are massive fur rugs laid out all over the floor and in a quiet sitting area a large stone fireplace crackles. Easton shows me my closet which there are no words to describe. In the middle of the closet is a lit cabinet full of gorgeous jewelry. The racks of the closet are empty awaiting the arrival of my clothes. "We will go out soon to buy you more clothes." Easton says folding me into his arms. "I brought all my clothes with me, I don't want you to spend money on me Easton, I couldn't ask you to do that." "Charlee, you are about to be the Queen of every Wolfpack in the world, you will definitely need different outfits for different occasions. Not to mention I expect to see you in more of those bathing suits you were wearing at the lake." My face heats up remembering the outfit Hanna lent me.

"Do you mind if I take a shower? My muscles feel tight from the long journey." I say trying to take the heated attention off of me. Easton laughs knowing exactly what I'm doing. "I don't think you realize just how gorgeous you are babydoll." He leans down and kisses me deeply again. My hands begin to wander up the back of his shirt. He is like my own personal furnace. I can feel his strong firm muscles in his back and begin to feel a heat in my stomach that I have never felt before. He slowly moves down kissing me tenderly on my neck as he begins to let his hands wander from my face down my back grabbing the back of my legs he picks me up and lays me down on the bed. He again begins to kiss me me and bring his hands back up to squeeze my waist. As he starts nuzzling my neck a low growl escapes his throat. He suddenly pulls back and is on the other side of the room, back pressed into the door trying to regain control. "Babydoll, we are getting married on Friday. I almost marked you, and I don't want to do that until we are officially married." As my eyes begin to refocus I notice his sharp fangs and dilated eyes. "I don't know what you just did to me but I have never lost self control like that. You're smell changed and my wolf took over. I'm not even sure how I was able to resist it. I think you should go take a shower. I'm going to go for a run and cool off." He laughs breathily. I nod to him and head into the bathroom.

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