We AREN'T The Star Sanses

بواسطة Smol-Gecko-Bean

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The Star Sanses. Composed of Underswp's Blueberry, an "innocent" soul who likes to cook, Dream, the keeper of... المزيد

Chapter One: The Idea
Chapter Two: The Stars Turned Dark
Chapter Three: Whelp we f*cked up-
A/N Holy fucking shit
Happy Fourth Of July (Mini Chapter!)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6(???): Oh yeah Error's dead sorry bout that-
A/N SORRY! (also half chapter... I guess????)
Chapter Seven: Don't Do Drugs Kids
:00000 I'm alive!??!
Chapter Whatever
No way. 2k!??!?

This is Another Chapter Yay :3333

625 28 25
بواسطة Smol-Gecko-Bean

Well ok here I guess:


Nightmare cursed under his breath as he saw a tear stained Geno followed by a solemn-looking Fresh and Reaper. 

"So!?" Geno spat, tears welling up in his eyes as he snapped. Nightmare normally would have attacked Geno or something for being that rude, but he got why. Geno has already lost his Papyrus, something he'd never get over, and now Error, his closest sibling.

Nightmare looked behind to see Dust with tearful eyes at the mention of Error, the best friend he knew he'd never see again, and Horror trying to hug him.

Cross approached Geno carefully. "Geno... I.... we don't...." Wow. Even Cross didn't know what to say in this situation. Nightmare pulled Cross back and looked at Geno, Reaper and Fresh dully. 

"Come in.." he said. "I think we should all talk this out calmly." Geno looked like he was about to reject the offer, but Fresh and Reaper placed their hands on Geno's shoulder's and the wounded skeleboi calmed down. Nightmare looked at Geno with a mixture of sympathy and pity, knowing full well how he was feeling. Error was like a brother to him too.

Geno slowly nodded and Nightmare made space for them to sit on the couch, across from Dust and Horror. Killer looked at the group and went upstairs, probably to get something. Almost right after, Killer ran down, holding two of Error's prized puppets. The ones of Geno and Fresh. Killer handed them to Geno and Fresh wordlessly before sitting down next to Nightmare. Geno smiled a bit and pressed the toy close to his chest before looking over to Nightmare.

"So..." Geno's voice cracked as he spoke. 

Nightmare rubbed the back of his head. "We...don't know why. He was getting better, we saw.... it's...." he shook. "I don't know why." Nightmare flinched slightly as Killer rested his head on his tentacles, but he didn't tell Killer to get off. Nightmare smiled. Not a devilish, shit-eating grin, or a sadistic smirk... but a broken smile. The type you make while crying to assure someone you're fine.

"We've been broken too." Nightmare whispered. "I-I... I sometimes expect him to appear sometimes, saying it's a prank and we'll cry and be so mad but so happy... and half the time I expect him to yell at me when I go into his room... but it never happens...." he choked out, tears welling up in his eyes. "Dust's probably the worst... he and Error were best friends...." Nightmare groaned. "I have a headache now...."

Geno looked at Nightmare, with sad, wide eyes. Reaper whispered something to Geno and disappeared. Geno looked around for a second and sighed. "Reaper said he needed to do something." Geno sighed. "Can... Can I go in his room?" Geno asked.

Nightmare sighed. "Usually I'd say no... but I'm too tired to say no... go ahead, just don't trash the place." Geno nodded and went up the stairs to Error's room.

As Geno stepped foot into Error's room, he immediately smelled two scents: mint air freshener and weed. He knew the weed was probably Dust's, given Nightmare's vague description of the previous events.

Geno only noticed a minute later that Fresh had followed him, when said 90s skeleton surprised Geno by giving him a brotherly hug from behind. Geno didn't hesitate to melt into the hug, though. To be honest... he really needed it. When Fresh let go, Geno went right back to looking through Error's room.

He found the occasional pair of socks, knives, books, and failed puppets, but something very interesting was a book that seemed to have a magic lock on it. Geno, however, knew that he and Error, as siblings, had similar enough magic that Geno could unlock it. Fresh seemed to have the same idea as the lock was opened and Fresh's eye glowed.

Geno muttered a "thanks", and pulled Fresh on Error's bed with him to look through it. Though it was rude to search and intrude in a dead person's privacy, Geno NEEDED to know what caused his death. If something happened to Ink that wasn't his fault. He needed something to confirm it wasn't Ink's fault, because if there was none, the artist will be dead where he stands.

Geno flipped through the book, muttering something inaudible, until he found an interesting enough, recent page. The first sentence was "I'm meeting with Ink today." Geno narrowed his eyes and read the page. "Me and Ink have been meeting up for a while. We agreed we were still enemies on the battefield, but we could make temporary truces when we meet. It's... nice seeing him again. I missed it, honestly. I still want to kill him though, but a bit less. Makes sense?" then, when he flipped the page over, he saw one entry. A small one, it had only four words. But those words.... they maid Geno's non-existing blood boil. 

"Betrayl Ink Breaking Down". He didn't focus on the other two, which were "Breaking Down", but he focused on the first two. "Betrayl." and "Ink." this was written with blood. Blood. But the oddest thing was, is that... the blood was still wet, and the date at the top was only an hour or so ago. Geno shook it off, thinking Error must have gotten the date wrong and the blood was preserved through the magic lock.

Geno placed the book down, looking at Fresh with narrowed eyes. Fresh didn't seem as determined or... murderous as Geno did, but he looked like he didn't want to stop him. Geno stood up and teleported away. To the... Fallen Stars' base.

Reaper clutched his soul, gasping for air. He growled, looking away. "You're lucky, Geno..." he muttered, but his voice was full of affection. He grabbed a cracking soul with blue strings wrapped around it, the soul glitching slightly. He whispered something to the soul and it disappeared.


Reaper tumbled to the ground before regaining his balance as he felt an unbearable pain in his soul. "And to think I'll have to do this more than once." he growled. But despite it all, he teleported back to Nightmare's base. "Where's... Geno?" he panted.

Nightmare blinked. "Shhh..." he hushed. "Dust and Killer are sleeping. He's in Error's room with Fresh, I believe." Nightmare whispered.

Reaper nodded and slowly went up the stairs and floated over to where Error's room would be. He saw a book open and Fresh asleep on the floor, clutching what looked to be a photo frame. Fresh's glasses were on wrong and drool came out of his mouth as he slept.

Reaper looked at the book and visibly flinched. He knew where Geno was and what he was going to do. But Geno didn't realize the consequences that would come of his actions.

Geno looked inside Ink's bedroom window. The artist was asleep.

He smirked and pointed his finger at Ink, scowling. Just then, a pearly white bone rose up, straight into Ink's chest. Ink gasped and screamed loudly in pain and fear before his voice seemed to die out.

He looked directly at Geno, as if he'd known he was there the whole time. Ink was coughing blood, puking it honestly, sputtering it up as blood bubbled at his wound.

Geno searched Ink's gaze but found... nothing. Nothing. Just like Error was now. Error was nothing, and it was because of Ink. And now, Ink would be nothing as well. Tears sprouted in Ink's eyes, and just then, just for a split second, Geno could have sworn he saw two shapes take form in Ink's eyes. A broken heart and a question mark....

Ink closed his eyes. "Sorry..." he whispered. For a second, Geno was about to laugh. Ink was sorry? To him? But the words Ink whispered next dug deep into his soul. "It's not like I didn't want this to happen... maybe now we'll finally be together, Ruru......." 

Those words were followed by the sound of a dusting monster. And still, Geno didn't regret it. Geno blinked as he heard something in his ear. Two words. "Breaking down...."

And Geno broke down.

(hehe lol this is all I have for the chapter so here's something. It's Dust's perspective of what happened with the weed incident a few chapters ago)

(it's still going to be third person but following Dust and not Horror)

Dust groaned as he flopped on Error's bed, tears running down his cheeks. He hated it because Phantom was right. He should never have gotten attached to anyone here, he should never have joined the team, maybe then he wouldn't be in this mess right now, maybe if-

his thoughts were cut short as he noticed something plastic-y with green inside it poked out from Error's bed. The he remembered. Error had taken away his drugs because it was bad for him. Dust hadn't even thought about the weed for months. But now, in his horrible state, his mind and body seemed to be begging for it.

Dust shook his head. "No. I promised him I wouldn't." Dust growled. "I won't." Dust looked behind the bag as he decided to search Error's room for more confiscated stuff, something that wouldn't... defy what Error told him not to do, because after all, it was disrespectful to defy the orders of someone now that they're dead.

That's when Dust grabbed a knife, without looking, like an idiot. He had grabbed the knife by the blade, by the way. Thanks to his idiocy, a large cut was made on his hand. Dust winced, but after a while realized how suddenly... appealing it felt. It was odd... but he felt like the pain would distract him.

It did, actuality, as when he got the cut, Dust hadn't thought of anything but how much the cut hurt. And how much the cut hurt didn't hurt him nearly as much as the loss of his best friend. And... Error never told him NOT to do this... Dust hesitantly grabbed the knife.

What would Error say? What would the others say?

But the more he looked at the knife, the more he ignored what he thought the others would say. He looked at the knife and applied the first cut. The first intentional cut HURT, it did, but wasn't that the point? He wasn't thinking about his sadness now, but the pain. And that was good. Right? 

He hoped over time he'd get used to the flinching. Despite the pain he felt, Dust slid the blade over his arm again. And again. It had become somewhat addicting, but the bad part is... after an hour of this... he didn't feel the pain as much anymore.

And now that he had gotten only part of what he wanted, he could barely be controlled as he craved the rest. He needed to be distracted! He couldn't take this. He didn't care what Error would say anymore! He just needed something to distract him! Anything!

And again, he noticed the plastic bag under the bed. He grinned as he pulled out the bag, tears building in his eyes. Finally, he wouldn't feel this anymore! Finally!

An hour or so passed, he was high as hell, but he could comprehend words and faces still at least. He looked at Phantom, who looked unnaturally concerned. Phantom asked him if this was the right thing, what the others would say, if he would die. Like Phantom was his inner fears or somethin... "N-No! Sillllyyy... I won't dieeEE!" he said, words failing to make much sense. The next thing he knew he fell asleep.

When he woke up, he had a pounding headache. But that was besides the point. He looked up to see a concerned and scared Horror looking down at him.

Oh. Shit. he thought. What did I do?

WHOOO! Hope you liked this chapter and the bonus part in Dusty's POV. Uhhhh, tune in next time or somethingggg? Lol idk.

To answer your questions:

Horrordust? Yep.

Killermare? Yep.

Cream? No. In this story, Cross and Dream have no chemistry. They wouldn't work in this story. Because Killermare is a thing doesn't mean Cream will also be a thing.

Is Ink dead? Geno killed him. But I never said he was dead ;3

Is your reference of Breaking Down, your other Undertale Book, important to the story? I won't answer that, guess you'll have to check out the book to find out! >:3  (yea it kinda is but you don't hhhaaaave to read Breaking Down, it'd just help for context)

Ok I am so making a horrordust fluff half-chapter soon.

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