Onceler X Fem!reader Oneshots!

By DaddysBrownSauce69

167K 2.2K 5.7K

bitches be like: Oh My GoD tHe OnCeLeR fAnDoM iS sTiLL hApPeNiNg?ยฟ I'm bitches More

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Greedler X shy!reader
Onceler x Mother!reader (part 1?)
Onceler x Mother!reader (part 2)
Onceler x suicidal!reader (Part 1)
Onceler x mother!reader (part 3)
Onceler x mother!reader (part 4 FINALE)
Onceler x suicidal! reader (part 2)
Onceler x suicidal!reader (part 3)
Onceler x suicidal! reader (Part 4 FINALE)
Greedler X Maid! reader SMUT
Greedler x reader SMUT
Sick!Onceler x Caring! reader
A/N break/requests closed
A/N Thank you ๐Ÿ’“
Once-ler x reader
Greedler x Stripper! reader FLUFF/SMUT PART 2
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Onceler x singer! reader
Onceler x babysitter! reader PART 1
Onceler x singer! reader PART 2
Onceler x pregnant! reader
Honey, I'm hooommee!

Greedler x Stripper! reader FLUFF/SMUT

9.5K 101 220
By DaddysBrownSauce69

Requested by: TheClassicalSimp
Sorry this took so long to make, I hope you understand 🍓]

Your POV

I waited silently back stage, waiting for my queue. You see, I am a stripper - and I'll be honest, I love my job! I get many compliments "your show was amazing!" Or "your build is so strong!", Despite the fact I also get an equal amount of insults, I would never leave this job. However, there is one thing that bothers me the most, my 'master'.

My boss is the Greedler himself, the one who invented the thneed. I always feel like a toy when I'm with him, like I'm another one of his 'bitches'. He doesn't treat me harshly like other... 'pimps', shall we say, he treats my like a friend. Some days when we aren't working, we go out and get a drink or something, he always seems like a different person!
[ I feel like I messed up with this, I don't know much about strippers]

In side of work he's dominant, demanding but never treats us horribly, however outside of work he is the complete opposite - caring, funny, and overall the best person you could ever meet. It's a shame that he sees "half naked" women all the time, gets me jealous... Alright, I admit it, I may have an interest towards him.

I enjoy going on stage and making a show for Greedler, but I always get the nervous feeling that I won't do a good job or mess up. Plus, he has plenty of other women wrapped around his finger, why out of all of us would he choose me to have a relationship?! (or have a relationship at all, especially in his line of work)

Ahem.. Anyway, it was queue to perform - my outfit showed a lot of skin, but never my areas. I love the fact that he would never push us to do something we don't want, what a guy..
I gulped as the lights shut off, quietly jogging towards the centre and going into my starting position. A few moments later, the lights flickered and beamed up, it was quite dim to give it that feeling.

I sighed nervously, stealing a glance at Greedler and began to dance. I slowly walked around the pole, moving in a teasing manner and giving my audience 'the eyes'. I quickened my pace and jumped, wrapping my ankles and squeezing my thighs around the pole for grip. I was now upside down. I caressed my chest and slowly moved down (or up? Since I was upside down), my fingers brushed against my thin outfit around my torso. I slowly curled up and gripped the pole, my arms and abs burned as I lifted myself sideways, this was going to be a long night...

Time skip

I huffed as my audience clapped and whistled while I walked off the stage, I looked over to Greedler and smiled, he was clapping with a loving gaze. I waved to my audience and walked backstage to the changing rooms. My bag on the bench and coat hung up, I slipped the coat on and hooked my bag over my shoulder. I walked out of the room only to be stopped by Greedler.

"Amazing show (y/n), you performed beautifully tonight - like always~" he winked, leaning on the door frame with his arm and the other on his hip. I smiled and blushed lightly, moving a strand of hair out of my face

"Thank you Greedler.." Great, I got all nervous again. He chuckled and his gloved hand made its way to my cheek, rubbing his thumb against my flushed skin and sighed. I tilted my head slightly, something was on his mind. He noticed my questioning look and straightened his posture with a deep breath.

"Listen (y/n), I know this may be.. odd to hear from your boss but.." His green eyes darted left and right as he tried to find his words, the anticipation in my stomach grew by the second. He groaned, slightly frustrated and with dusted cheeks.

"Let me just show you." He grabbed my cheeks and pushed my lips onto his, my eyes widened and my hands gripped onto his shoulders for balance. He was an excellent kisser, not surprising since he was the boss of many fine women. My eyes shut as I melted into his arms that were now wrapped around my waist, he was very gentle and passionate, but the kiss had a hint of.. lust. He wanted this, and I wanted him. We pulled away for air, his green orbs were practically glowing with mischief, he leaned into my ear, his warm breath made me shiver.

"Follow me~" His lips brushed against my ear lobe, he grabbed my hand and sped walked to a room. I nearly tripped over my feet as I could barely keep up with him, the growing sensation in my crotch was getting too much to bare. My eyebrow rose as he led me to a room I had never been in before, he got out some keys and unlocked the door, looking left and right to make sure nobody was looking.

I stepped into a dark room, the door behind us shut and I jumped.
"G-Greedler? What are you.. ah!" I felt teeth nip at my sweetspots and certain hands caress every inch of my body, I threw my head up and arched my back, my ass against the growing bulge in his pants. His right hand played with my nipple as the other rubbed against my crotch, i tried to stiffle my huffs and moans as explosions of pleasure shot through my body. He seemed to notice and chuckled

"Don't hide them from me, (y/n)~" squeezing my boob and biting slightly harder on my neck, i gasped at the sudden shot of pain. Something warm, smelling of iron was running down my neck. His body swiftly moved away from mine, i made poor efforts to try to see in the thick darkness of the room. I spun around on the spot while calling his name, my eyes squinting to see if he was here. I jumped as a sudden but soothing light appeared from behind me, spinning my body around and gasping as I saw quite the.. romantic setting.

Dark red silky sheets draping over the bed and to the floor like a curtain, comfy and puffy pillows the same shade. My cheeks flushed hot and bright as I noticed some boxes on the nightstand filled with "toys", ranging from dildos to bondage sets. I glanced over to Greedler who was lighting some candles, he seemed to notice my nervous stare and smiled warmly

"Don't worry dear, I won't force you into anything you don't want" He winked, I covered my hot cheeks in embarrassment. He placed the lighter down and began to remove his clothes, I stood there awkwardly - not sure as to what I should do. He glanced over at me again, stopped unbuttoning his shirt and walked over

"Love, relax! sit on the bed, please" He motioned and I sat down, my fingers tapping on my lap anxiously. I looked at him shocked and flustered as he sat on my lap, giving me a seductive stare as he unbuttoned my shirt, however he stopped cold in his tracts
"Wait.. I'm not making you uncomfortable, right? You don't want this do you?" He asked me, a worried but caring stare painted on his face.

I shook my head quickly
"No, no! It's not that, it's just... I'm a bit nervous" I looked down pathetically, I felt him smile lightly as he patted my head.
"Don't worry, I won't force you into anything, I'll be gentle." He reassured, I smiled lightly and looked into his beautiful green eyes
"Alright, continue please~" he grinned wickedly and leaned into my neck, sinking his teeth and biting while undressing me.

I held onto his shoulders and moaned softly as he nipped my sweatspots, he slowly moved down as all my buttons were undone, revealing the top of my breasts. Greedler got off my lap and bent down as he began to remove my skirt and tights, slowly rolling them down my legs as he gazed into my eyes. He threw the clothing behind him and lifted my legs up, staring my half naked body up and down, admiring.

He knew I was begging to have him inside of me, but he wagged his finger and grabbed a box of sex toys, winking at me.
"We are going to have a bit of foreplay~" he stated in a flirtatious tone, chuckling when he saw me pout. Without saying another word, he grabbed my (f/c) panties and practically ripped them off my body, while his other hand unhooked my same colour bra.

I gasped and instinctively covered my areas, but relaxed as he began to open the packaging for the toys.
"First we a going to use some vibrations, I hope you don't mind~" he explained playfully, spreading my legs open and holding both my wrists above my head. I grinned excitedly as he turned the toy on, he placed it on my area and watched it do it's work.

Moaning immediately filled the room as it's vibrations rocked my hips, my clit exploding with pleasure with each vibration. The tent in Greedler's pants grew longer as he watched my naked body shiver and listen to my moans. I already didn't want this to stop, the pleasure was agonisingly blissful as a knot began to form in my stomach. He swirled the vibrator around and inserted it inside of me, I could've came right there and then. That was if he hadn't turned it off.

I shot up
"Why'd you stop?" I whined, my eyes widening as he pulled out another box which included a very long and thick dildo. He gave me a smirk and motioned for me to turn over, I gulped but obliged, my elbows and knees dug into the smooth sheets. I clenched my teeth as I felt the dildo try to enter my ass, my nails clawed at the sheets
"A-Ah! W-why there?!" I stuttered, he shrugged with a sadistic smirk.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked, I shrunk slightly as I mumbled a quite
"No.. keep going..." He chuckled darkly, sending shivers down my spine
"I will oblige~"

[This chapter was getting a bit long so I decided to make a second part to this, so don't worry this will be complete haha 🍓]

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