The Daily Life of TC Island

By TopCrashFan17

434 36 22

This will be my SMG4 like story book. I'll be making funny, cute, and adventures story book with me and My ca... More

Crash's quest for Instant Noodles
Smesh Vs Fake Crash: The Eat-Off
Its time...
Spooky Party(Halloween special)

A day with TC and Lustivora

78 7 2
By TopCrashFan17

*warning: this has some lemon in it, so read at your own risk*

Its it early in the morning. The two becoming parents, TC and Lustivora, are in bed sleeping. TC is the first to wake up.

TC: *yawn* Oh man...

He looks over to see his wife, Lusty, still asleep. He smiled, and gently rubbed her belly, that was carrying his children. He got out of bed, brushed his teeth, and went into the kitchen.

TC: Hmm... I got it! Breakfest in bed in bed sounds perfect.

TC gets everything he needs to make Lusty breakfast. He plans on making Waffles, Eggs, and Bacon, because why the hell not. First he puts on Music, and then begins cooking. As he began, Penta Penguin came in the kitchen, looking like he just woke up.

TC: Oh, hey buddy! Good morning.

Penta waves, and climbs on to the counter. He points at the big basket of muffens.

TC: Go ahead. Take one. I know you like them alot!

Penta claps, takes a muffen, and leaves to watch TV. TC chuckles, and continues to cook. 25 minutes later, everything is done. TC looks at the food he made, and smiles. He puts Lusty's plate together, and brings it up to their room.

TC: Lusty? You up? I made you breakfast.

TC comes in the room, only to see her still sleeping. He chuckles, puts the tray down, but he got mesmerised ny her.

TC: 'Oh man... what did I do to deserve her? Her hair, like clean flowers. Her body, hotter then the sun. My wife... shes carrying my kids. I would die for her~'

Lusty slowly began to wake up. She rubbed her eyes, and yawned like a kitten. She looks at TC, who is a blushing mess.

Lusty: *giggles* Morning~

TC: *snaps back to reality* Oh uh-Morning babe!!!

Lusty: I know your were looking at me~. Pervert~

TC: N-No! I just made you breakfast. Thats all.

Lusty looks over to her side, and sees the tray of food.

Lusty: Oh honey~! You didnt have to do this~.

TC: Welp, too late! *laughs* Anyways, enjoy! Im gonna clean up.

Lusty: Oh no you dont~.

Lusty uses her powers to pull TC towards her. He blushes, and looks confused.

Lusty: We can share this~. Here, eat up~.

Lusty puts a piece of Waffle in his mouth. He doesnt resist, and lets her.

TC: Btw, you doing good?

Lusty: Mhm~. Besides some cramps, im ok~.

Lusty continues feeding TC and herself, until everything was gone.

Lusty: Thank you honey~.

TC: Hehe. No need to thank me.

Lusty: Oh yes there is~. You've done so much for me, and you deserve a little reward~.

TC: A r-reward? Like what?

Lusty smiles, gets up, and closes the door. She looks at TC, and smirks.

Lusty: *laughs* Your lookimg at me funny again~.

TC turns away, covering his nose.

TC: No!! No im not!!

Lusty smirks even more, and strips herself naked. TC's eyes widen, and his nose oozes out blood.

Lusty: Oh my~! I got you ready turned on, didnt I?

TC: Oh, you dirty girl...

Lusty gets on the bed, and rubs her belly.

Lusty: Now, undress yourself~.

TC: *chuckles* As you wish.

*downstairs with Penta*

Penta is sitting on the couch, watching Spongebob, while eating His giant Muffen. But the noises upstairs led to him not hearing the TV. Penta rolls his eyes, and woddles upstairs tp see what was making the noise. He knocks on their door, but it opens slightly. Penta peaks in, but only to get an eyefull of sex.

Lusty: Oh honey~!!

TC: *moans*

Penta looks diagusted, shuts the door, and woddles back down stair. He jusr sits back down, and continues to watch TV, with a disgusted look on his face.

*back with TC and Lusty*

Lusty: Mmmm~

TC: *panting like a dog*

Lusty: Your still amazing~

TC slightly smiles, and kisses her on the lips. She back, and they both deside to take a shower together. After the shower, they got dressed, and agreed to do groceries. Penta got over the horrifying scene, and tagged along with them.

*at Wumpa Mart*

Wumpa Mart was packed today. TC, Lusty, and Penta were ready to begin.

TC: Alright. We need stuff for the upcoming season. Including Halloween, so lets be mindfull of that.

Lusty: And we need stuff for our children. *rubbing her belly*

TC: Of course! Now, lets get started!

And off they went. First, they got a couple of things to snack on, like Salad stuff, Peanut butter and Apples, sandwich supplies, and a few juice jugs. Then, Penta got fish from the seafood market, and luckly, the fish was fresh, not frozen. TC desided to save the Halloween stuff for later.

TC: Alright. That seems like everything. We did baby stuff, right?

Lusty nodded, and placed some shirts, shoes, and food.

TC: Alrighty then. Lets go cash out.

The three of them left to the cash register, but before they did, they saw Mindy, who looked lost.

Lusty: She looks lost~. Maybe we should help her~.

TC: Sounds good. Hey Mindy!!

Mindy looks over her shoulder to see TC waving at her. She slowlt walks over to them.

Mindy: H-H-Hi...

TC: You look lost. Need any help?

Mindy: Y-Yeah... I need to use the bathroom. And Fake Crash just dissapeared.

Her ears went down in embarressment. Lusty lead her to the ladies room, and Penta found Fake Crash near the pizza lane. FC waited for Mindy to be done. She came out, and the two left. TC and his group then cashed out, and left.

*back at home*

The group made it home safely, with all their house needs.

Lusty: That was fun~.

TC: Mhm. Now, lets put everything away.

They spent the last 10 minutes unpacking, and putting the food, and clothes away. They got it done easily, and sat on the couch.

TC: Lets watch TV. I heard Wumpa Islands Most Wanted is on.

Lusty: Ok~.

Penta already had the remote, and chose a Nature documentary about birds.

TC: Oh boy...

Lusty: *giggles* Let try this out.

*1 hour later*

The documentary was still playing, and TC had fallen from sheer bordem.

Lusty: Sleepy head~.

Penta continued to watch every little detail. Lusty watch, while slighty rubbing her belly. Untill she felt a hard kick.

Lusty: Ow~! One of them is active~.

Penta heard her say ow, and rushed over to see if shes ok.

Lusty: Oh Penta~. Im fine~. Its just tbe babies in my tummy are moving~. Wanna feel?

Penta nodded his head, and plaved his right flipper on her belly. He felt the kick, and looked excited.

Penta: Be-be-Babies!!!

Penta hugged her belly. Lusty smiled, while tearing up, and she patted Penta's head. TC started waking up, and looked at the adorable sight. He chuckled, got up, and started making dinner. After dinner, TC and Lusty headed for bed, with Penta tagging along with them. TC and Lusty sleep together, and Penta snuggled up right in between them. They all slept peacfully that night.

The End.
(So yes, TC and Lusty will be having triplets in the future. The hype is real.)
(Now, for our next story, we will have our first Multiverse hero in our story. SmeshBras123 will be going head to head against Fake Crash... in an eating competition!!! This might take a while, but it will be worth it at the end.)
(Thats all I have to say. Goodbye for now.)

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