From 6ft Under | Hajeongwoo

By itsbaejinjja

57.7K 4.4K 3.1K

T R E A S U R E Watanabe Haruto - Park Jeongwoo Park Jeongwoo, A divine being was sent to the human realm a... More

[I] Tainted Angel
[II] Hell is who you are
[IV] Gang Berry
[V] Great Pretender
[VI] Chasing chaos
[VII] Books, Memories, & Immortals
[VIII] Good boys go bad
[IX] Kiss me
[X] Greed and Healing
[XI] Payback Time
[XII] Spontaneous compensation
[XIII] Compensation
[XIV] Graveyard of the Unburied
[XV] Lifting the veil
[XVI] Chain of Custody
[XVII] Memory Chip
[XVIII] War of Miscreants
[XIX] Calm and Chaos
[XX] Devil's Prayer
[XXI] Kinds of Brave
[XXII] Alone Together
[XXIII] Lingering Doubts
[XXIV] Embodiment of Lust
[XXV] Puppy Love
[XXVI] An Archangel's Equivalent
[XXVII] Gift of Choice
[XXVIII] Waiting Game
[XXIX] Burning Bridges
[XXX] The Final Judgement

[III] The fall of light

2.1K 182 56
By itsbaejinjja

Third Person

The tanned skin Korean grumpily walk inside the room. Stomach loudly rumbling as he roam his eyes around to find Doyoung but the latter is nowhere to be found. Without a second thought he walk towards the last row of the room and settled down. If it's not for Doyoung he wouldn't sit in front and since the the other is not around, he has no reason to be there.

Jeongwoo boredly glance at the whole class, the room is almost filled but there's no sight of their female professor. He pick up his phone and search for Doyoung's contact.


[Word format]

Jeongwoo: Doyoung
: Where are you?
: Are you coming to class?

Doyoung: Hey
: I won't attend the morning class
: Something came up

Jeongwoo: Huh? You don't even know anyone here.
: What exactly happened?

Doyoung: I'm going to the restricted part of the Solar library

Jeongwoo: I wanna come along!

Doyoung: Sshhh! Stay in the class
: Take notes for me
: Gotta go, see you later!

Just when he's about to reply, a small box is suddenly pushed closer to him. Jeongwoo look up only to see the tall Japanese taking the vacant seat beside him after placing the box of munchkin.

"What is this for?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"You went out of the convenience store empty handed. I just thought you haven't eaten yet." Haruto explained earning an unconvinced stare from the latter.

"What is it to you? We're not friends or whatever, you're still a weird guy to me. Take this back."

Jeongwoo's words were immediately thrown into a pit when the other male ignored him and busied himself by talking to an unfamiliar guy on the side.

The archangel heave a deep sigh and stand up, picking his belongings to leave. It seems that the professor will not come and if ever she would, Jeongwoo already lost his drive to wait.

"Where are you going, Angel?" Haruto curiously look at him and stand up as if he wants to go with the latter.

The younger only ignored him and went out of the room, leaving the box of munchkin Haruto gave him. With that, the taller male quickly followed behind and ran after him. "Can i go with you?!"

"Leave me alone, I'm going to the solar."

And he walked away from him. The solar library is located on the 7th floor of their building and since the class he was supposed to attend earlier is on the 2nd, he has to go all the way there just to find books that might help him remember his forgotten memories.

He press the elevator button and soon enough, he arrived in the library. It looks exactly the same like a hundred years ago except that there are computers now and a small conference room on the side near the shelves of heaven principles. There's only a few beings inside the library probably because it's still early.

Jeongwoo took his phone out to message Doyoung and ask him for his whereabouts but even after a few minutes, he didn't receive any response from him.

Looking back and forth to check if someone is near and watching, the archangel quickly but quietly sneak inside the restricted part of the library. The room was filled with darkness and appears to be a little eerie but nonetheless Jeongwoo turn on the lights and walk inside while reading the labels written on the shelves.

The restricted part is obviously not accessible for everyone since the room contains revelation books that shouldn't be read by archangels and other divine beings. It was a place where they can find tales, prophesies and forgotten memories in the form of books. Indeed an existing memory capsule.

Jeongwoo furrow his eyebrows, Uriel told him earlier he's in the restricted parts but there's no sight of the latter. Shrugging his thoughts, he made his way to the shelf of tales. There's too many books of revelation and he didn't know what to read first. He took out a random book from the shelf and was about to put it back when he saw the title.

"The fall of light " he mumbled while flipping the pages. When Jeongwoo read the word 'guardian' from one of the pages, he didn't think twice and immediately hide it inside his shirt.

By this time, he didn't know how many feathers of his wings fell off but he couldn't care less. He's doing it for the mission but a greater part of him knew deep inside that he wanted to get his memories back.

As if nothing happened, Jeongwoo closed his eyes and continuously whispered a divine mantra to open the door like what he did earlier. He manage to go out without anyone noticing that he sneak out a book.

He hurriedly went inside the elevator and to his surprise, the immortal from his class was inside. "We meet again" Haruto said but the archangel ignored him and press the button of the ground floor.

"So angels in the human form can steal books now."

Jeongwoo's eyes widen in surprise as he quickly turn around to look at him. "What are you talking about?!" he nervously yelled.

An amused grin curve on the lips of the other male before shaking his head. "And they're not good in pretending." Haruto continued.

The smaller male rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I did not steal the book, i just borrowed it!" Jeongwoo defended.

"By how it looks, it seems that the book is from the restricted parts because if it's not then you don't really have to hide it."

The amused grin plastered on Haruto's lips did not fail to annoy Jeongwoo in all possible ways. "Omniscience, huh?" he said unimpressed.

Haruto shake his head, smiling wide to tease the latter more. "I'm not like your God. You're just obvious." he paused for a second before leaning back and continued. "For an archangel, you're a little dumb."

"Excused me?!" Jeongwoo exclaimed and shoot him a glare.

"But you're cute"

And as if planned, the elevator door opened, signaling that they have arrived at the ground floor.

Jeongwoo quickly walk out of the elevator and hurriedly rush towards a different direction without knowing where to go. From a distance, he heard Haruto yelled. "If you're looking for a place to read secretly you can go to the music room at the end of the west alley!"

The archangel found himself standing in front of the music room just like what the other male said. He shake his head before turning the knob of the door. As expected, no one is inside the room. Different musical instruments and music equipments welcomed his gaze. His eyes lit up at the sight of a Cello in the corner of the room.

Setting aside the book, the graceful instrument rested between Jeongwoo's knees while his arm held the bow just above the four strings spanning the length of the cello. He took a few deep breaths before closing his eyes and started playing, his fingers dancing along with the strings while the other hand move back and forth to create an angelic sound.

It has been awhile since he last played the cello. The last time was before they received the mission from the highest throne and somehow he misses the comfort of heaven. His solemn moment were suddenly interrupted when he heard a few knocks from the door. Jeongwoo gently move the cello and placed it on the stand so he could open the door.

"Huh?" he whispered in confusion when he saw no one but a small paper bag hanging on the knob.

Jeongwoo took it before looking back and forth just to check if someone is hiding somewhere near. He just shrug it off and went back inside the room. As he slumped down on the floor, he peek inside the paper bag only to see a familiar box of munchkin and a pack of banana milk that has a yellow sticky note attached to it.

'accept this or I'll tell the librarian you stole a book from the restricted area - H'

The archangel automatically roll his eyes before letting out a chuckle. "Weirdo" he mumbled and set the paper bag on the side. He leaned against the wall and pick the book from the floor.

The fall of light

Jeongwoo traced his fingers over the title of the book that was carved on the hard bound cover. The title alone already caught his attention. He's not sure if he can actually get something from the book but the title itself got him interested.

The guardian was the chosen archangel among the blessed. He was an epitome that even the immortals showered him with praises. The only thing dark about his soul was the love he has for the deadly sin in the immortal form.

It was foreseeable but everyone stand against it. For that love holds a curse. He was gifted with love and tremendous power but cursed with the choice whether to serve the good or the evil.

He was meant to serve heaven and the other was meant to serve hell. Both cannot be together as the guardian cannot step on the domain of the other so a curse was made for him to choose.

On the judgement day, one must choose to embrace the light or surrender to the dark. And so he choose the dark. The guardian knew all along that he will lose all his memories and die after the judgement. He spelled himself into a deep slumber that even the other archangel's trumpet cannot shake him. Along with the almighty's deepest sorrow for the fall of light, the depths of hell gave birth to the first fallen guardian- בן‎.

The archangel slowly closed the book and massage his temple. "The fall of light started with a divine guardian who fell in love with a deadly sin in the immortal form." he whispered to himself while hugging the book close to his chest. "Who could possibly be the first fallen guardian? And who's the deadly sin?"

Jeongwoo opened his eyes and put the book down above his lap before he deeply exhaled. His gaze landed to the paper bag he got which he assumed is from Haruto.

Gathering his things, Jeongwoo stormed out of the music room and run around, trying to find the other male. He keep on walking until his feet lead him to the grass field at the back of the Lunar building.

He obliviously roam his eyes around while holding the paper bag along with the book he sneaked out from the library.

"Angels in the human form enjoys breaking the rules and have their feathers fall off." a voice from behind made him turn around, as expected, it was the weird immoral from his class.

"Haruto" Jeongwoo muttered earning an amused look from the taller.

"Wow, you finally called my name with your calm voice. I suddenly feel like crying."

"Can you stop fooling around?"

Haruto shrug his shoulder and intently look at the smaller male standing across him. His eyes glistening with interest. "What brings you here?"

The archangel calmly meet his eyes before he respond. "You're an immortal right? You're from the lunar" Jeongwoo ask while examining the other.

"What about it?"

The endless exchange of questions annoyed Jeongwoo so he rolled his eyes and cross his arms over his chest, tired of beating around the bush. "What made you stay here?"

"Hell is boring as fuck."

Jeongwoo bravely meet his eyes. "I'm assuming you graduated a hundred years ago so why did you choose to pursue masteral just now?"

Haruto furrow his eyebrows followed by an annoying chuckle escaping his lips. "I should be asking the same."

"Just answer my question." Jeongwoo replied impatiently.

The taller male quietly stare at him with thoughts wandering inside his mind.

I regained my memory hundred years ago and found out that yours were erased. And now, I've finally felt something other than numbness for the first time in this lifetime.

"I just feel like it. Is that an acceptable answer?"

Jeongwoo slowly nods, he just come up with a new question. "Then do you know who the guardian is?"

With a deep sigh, Haruto look at him. "Even if i do i wouldn't tell you. Also, i thought we're not close? Why are you suddenly here bombarding me with questions?"

The archangel pursued his lips. "You are the only immortal i know, Haruto."


Kim Junkyu loosened his necktie with one hand as he held the door knob of his office using the other one. He just finished a meeting with Hyunsuk and another immortal friend about their new project and his hunger is already hiking up from all the brainstorming and endless plans they formulated.

"I'm just in time for lunch." Junkyu's nose was automatically filled with Mashiho's intoxicating smell as his gaze landed on the gorgeous archangel sitting cross legged in his couch, flipping through a random magazine.

"If you want to be my lunch then I'm honored." The immortal countered lifting his gaze away from the angel and walk towards where bottles of different wines are placed.

"The last time you lay a finger on me I was a struggling college intern. You didn't bother keeping your cool back then. What's holding you back now, Dr. Kim?"

The sudden challenge from the archangel made Junkyu smile. He poured the wine into the glass and brought it up to his lips while his eyes are fixed on the smaller male who was comfortably sitting on the couch.

Junkyu slowly shake his head. "And the last time i tainted your purity, you left me. Even in this lifetime you might still leave me anytime soon." he replied making Mashiho roll his eyes.

"Years ago, i thought the only thing you gave me was your kisses and your friend down there. I wasn't aware that your feelings came with them too. Didn't know it was a package deal." Mashiho defended raising his brows up and down while crossing his arms against his chest.

The taller male only stared at him and carefully observe him, trying to read his expression and figure out the Angel's next move.

"I'll give it to you straight. I came here for some information about the guardian and the seven deadly sins. I wanted to know why they have to cause inhumane crimes upon arrival." Mashiho explained earning a nod from the doctor.

"I'll try to dig things for you but i cannot promise anything, Mashiho." Junkyu replied before drinking the wine from his glass again. Completely aware that without him explaining everything, the latter would definitely find out that he's one of the beings the angels are looking for.

He knows that he can't do anything about it for it will only take a short while before they find out.

Mashiho look around and when he saw a man in his early 30s patiently standing by the glass window outside, he glance at Junkyu with a sly smile on his lips.

"I see you prefer matured people as your secretary now. What happened to the young and hot interns?"

The doctor deviously smiled as he stared at Mashiho. A playful expression written all over his angelic face and to say that Junkyu was thrilled by that expression is a complete understatement.

The next thing Mashiho knew, Junkyu was already hovering over him. One hand supporting his weight while the other one holding Mashiho's chin so their eyes are glued to one another.

"No one will ever be as good as you, Mashiho. So why would i bother?" Junkyu whispered close to his ears, his lips almost brushing against the archangel's luscious skin.

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