Azur Lane:My Oc Q&A

By shadowgamer254

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Tide:guys it's Tide here,I managed to hack into the authors phone and make this story so you can ask all of u... More

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593 10 31
By shadowgamer254

Tide:ok,I think we've waited for long enough

Shadow:agreed,let's get to answering these questions,and.bring the others here now

Tide:of course

Tide:*Chrono Shifts everyone into the story*

King:what the


Em:what happened

Ladon;where am I and who are you people

Nagaro:*puts up card*who are all of you and where am I

Tide:cool,we're all here now

King:Tide,what's going on

Shadow:we've brought you here,so we can all answer some questions

Em:uhm,sure but,who are you

Shadow:I'm Shadow,I'm an Oc from a different universe from yours

Nagaro:*puts up card*Oc?

Tide:long story short,we're all fictional characters that play by a storyline,created by a human in a higher universe,that's out of our reach

Ladon:like I would believe that,

Shadow:you can ask your Alter,for confirmation






Ladon:the fuck,so we're actually all fictional characters in a story

Tide:yup,and Me and Shadow made this story by hacking the account of the guy that made us,so now we can answer the questions of the people that read our story*points to all of the readers*

Everyone:*looks at all the readers*

Nagaro:*puts up card*that's a lot of people

King:of course you would hack the account of a being that could possibly delete us

Tide:don't worry,he doesn't know

Ladon:so why are we here again

Shadow:we're going to answer any question the readers of our stories have

Nagaro:*puts up card*but I don't know any of you

Tide:then lets start with introductions

Shadow:I'm Shadow,Shadow Freedom,A Commander,General and Captain for the 3 largest organizations in my world

Blitz:those are some high ranks you have,anyway,I'm Blitzkrieg or Blitz for short,4th ship of the Peacekeeper Class Battlecarriers

King:I am HMS Kingdom,3rd ship of the Peacekeeper Class Battlecarriers,you all can just call Me King

Em:I am Emperor,IJN Emperor,2nd ship of the Peacekeeper Class Battlecarriers,Em will do fine

Tide:lastly,there's Me,Tideturner or Tide for short,lead ship of the Peacekeeper Class Battlecarriers

Ladon:my turn I guess,I'm Ladon,only ship in the Super Modified and Super Upgraded Benson Class Destroyers,I'm Laffey's Brother

Nagaro:*puts up card*I am Nagaro of the Sakura Empire,3rd Nagato Class Battleship

Shadow:well, that's everyone for now,so let's get to answering the questions*brings up list of questions from the readers*

Tide:just look for a question that involves you and read it,then answer

Ladon:alright,I'll go first

Ladon:this one is from MalaysianAce1,he asks "who would win Nagaro Vs Ladon"

Nagaro:*puts up card*I don't know,Ladon is a Destroyer and I'm a Battleship but I don't know what he can do

Ladon:same and I don't want to start picking fights,if he's a Battleships,he should have more firepower than Me but I'm a Destroyer so,I should be faster,it's whether or not,he can hit Me

Tide:next one,this one from BlagojPejov,he asks,I assume this is fro everyone "who is your favorite shipgirl"

Ladon:my sister Laffey

Tide:has to be Seattle

King:Neptune,can't change my mind about it

Em:Ibuki for Me


Shadow:don't tell the other girls,it's Cheshire

Nagaro:*puts up card*I can't pick between my sisters

Shadow:ok my turn,this one is from CrazeWrezk,he asks Me "who is your favorite girl from the 3 factions"

Shadow:alright but don't let the others know about this,for the shipgirls,as mentioned before is Cheshire,for the T-Dolls,it's G41,she's just to cute,and for the Valkyries,it's Seele,don't tell Sirin and Thundia this

Blitz:I have no idea,who those people are

Em:isn't G41 a gun

Tide:in his world,there are things called T-Dolls,their like us but their guns

Ladon:so their human guns

Shadow:yup,their very strong too

Nagaro:*puts up card*how many are there

Shadow:about 400+

Blitz:so like around the same amount as Azur Lane

Tide:yup, let's continue with these questions

Nagaro:*puts up card*here's one from FalloutUSS-Pride2077 but I can't understand it

Shadow:let Me see*looks at the question*well he asks,if Nagaro has a voice,what he say Yamato,FDG,Belfast and Enterprise

King:I think that supposed to say "if Nagaro had a voice,what would he say to Yamato,FDG,Belfast and Enterprise

Nagaro:*puts up card*I would ask for Sushi from mommy,I would ask FDG to stop hugging Me tightly,and I have nothing to say to Belfast and the Gray Ghost

Em:well that's cold

Tide:remember when,Enterprise,shot Kaga in the chest,during the attack on Azur Lane base


Tide:he got a good seat to see it and he holds a small grudge about it

Shadow:enough of that,we're getting side tracked

King:well,here's another question from CrazeWrezk,he asks "Nagaro,do you have a crush"

Nagaro:*puts up card*what's a crush,do you mean crushing like stepping on rocks and smashing them

Everyone:*looks at him*

Ladon:*whispers*should we tell him

Tide:*whispers*no,he won't remember it anyway,you will all lose your memory of being here,when you go back to your world,but you'll get it back,when you come back here

Em:*whispers*well that's stupid

Shadow:*whispers*we don't make the rules,we just follow them

Blitz:let's make this the last one,its from FalloutUSS-Pride2077,he asked "Ladon,Nagaro and Peacekeepers vs Empress III,who wins

Peacekeepers:depends on which Empress III,we are fighting

Ladon:I can solo fight the Empress III from my world,I don't know about their Empress III,so I can't say,it  would depends,which one we fight

Nagaro:*puts up card*who is Empress III

Shadow:well since that was the final question,we can take a breather

Tide:ok readers,that's all the questions for now,we're sorry if didn't answer your question but feel free to comment it again,so maybe we might answer it next time

Blitz:ok,so how do we get back

Tide:*Chrono Sphere's them back to their world*

Shadow:we do hope you all enjoyed the first of the questions we answered

Tide:if you have any more,feel free to comments them and maybe we'll answer them next time

Shadow:anyway,hope to see you all next time

Tide:stay safe everyone

Shadow and Tide out

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