By The_Black_Spy

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A love/hate relationship between Snape and Y/N. But can you really trust what you read? [EDITING 03/23/23] More

1: Very Odd
2: Family Businesses
3: First meeting
4: Potions? Yuck.
5: Detention
6: Draught of Living Death
7: D'Dark figure
8: The Quidditch
9: The Philosophers Stone
10: Diary
11: Lockhart
12: A Gut
13: Obliviate
14: Scenario
15: Flipped
16: Beautiful Thing
17: Yellow Light
18: The Girl
19: Family Traditions
20: The Unexpected
21: Janus Thickey Ward
22: Bladder
23: Black
24: Boggart
25: 394
26: Obnubilate Figure
27: Scabbers
28: Mysterious Book
29: Hogsmeade
30: Truth and the Lie
31: Quidditch World Cup
32: Trelawney's word
33: The Age Line
35: Y/N Astor
36: Swear to me
37: The Unbreakable Vow
38: The Order Of The Phoenix
39: Wish Lists
40: Love, Y/N S.
41: The Epilogue
1: Very Odd [REVISED]
2: Family Businesses [REVISED]
3: First Meeting [REVISED]
4: Potions? Yuck. [REVISED]
5: Detention [REVISED]
6: Draught of Living Death [REVISED]
7: D'Dark figure [REVISED]
8: The Quidditch [REVISED]
9: The Philosophers Stone [REVISED]
10: Diary [REVISED]

34: Letter of Smith

3.4K 121 41
By The_Black_Spy


"Ronald, can't you just make up with Harry? Do you really think he put his name in that goblet?"

"Why do you even care Y/N? Sod off will you?" Without any cautions, L/N charge herself at the ginger and grab him on his uniform.

"Don't be ridiculous. What are you? A little girl?" She push him off her and walk away. Weasley threw daggers on her back.

The girl crash her teeth into each other, grinding it together. She walk towards the dungeon for their Potion Class after her 'unwanted conversation' with Ronald Weasley. She have seen the ginger on the hallway after leaving the Great Hall. But then, L/N did not expect to get into a quarrel with the red head. So after all of the dispute, she wanted to see her Potion Master, whom infact become so calm with her in the past few days after the 'talk' they had. 

Her tracks halted when she noticed Dumbledore is watching her from a far.


"Professor Dumbledore..." L/N feel herself cooling down from the heated argument earlier as she smile softly at him.

"If you don't mind, care to have a walk with me?"

L/N kept silent as they walk through the corridors, her hands becoming sweaty and her ears are beating loudly from her nervousness.

"I heard from Professor Moody Y/N... I'm impressed that you are finally getting a hold of your magic... To be frank when I heard of the incident that happened in the past year, I am not surprised as if I am expecting of it. Further more, I think I owe you a little information... don't I?"

L/N just nodded as she listen to Dumbledore. Yes, she enjoyed harnessing her unique magic. She is very surprised to have that kind of magic which from Moody's word is called, 'Magic Resistance'. According to Mad Eye, it's a rare condition in the wizarding world and only few have this kind of unique power if they have enough will power to do so but in L/N state, it's different. She can withstand any sort of magic if she have a proper exercise on it and if she keep on continuing her private lessons from her D.A.D.A Professor.

"Regarding Agrona and Caldwell Astor... They're indeed a very great threat to your well being Y/N... After they got caught, I manage to ask F/N and M/N to take care of you as they're incapable to bore an offspring... They agreed and take you in as their real child... But then, your biological parents escaped from Azkaban, along with Sirius Black and we need to be extra careful. You shouldn't be involve with them. Remember it Y/N."

The girl gulped and felt her chest ache. She still couldn't digest the fact that her biological parents are death eaters. It's disgusting. A shame. Her stomach twisted from disgust.

"You have a class to attend to if I'm not wrong? I shall be doing my duties now then... Have a great day Y/N..."


L/N brows furrowed at the scene after her eyes, everyone are making fun of her friends. She glared at Malfoy to where she concluded that he's the one who started all of the happenings.

The Slytherin girl can hear Ronald shrieks. "Malfoy got Hermione! Look!" Y/N rushed towards her friend once she take a look at Granger who's front teeth grew in an awful state.

She stopped her tracks as her fist balled at her side when she hear Snape's comment about the matter.

Snape look at Granger coldly, "I see no difference." Hermione run away from the scene as everyone entered the classroom by Snape's order.

L/N remained rooted on the floor, glaring at Snape, her lips trembling, and her fist are wobbling on her side.

Snape eyebrow arched, his hand lay comfortably infront of him. "Well? Aren't you coming in?"

"How could you be so mean?! Hermione did nothing—"

"WE are having our classes L/N." Snape said under his breath, his words are stern and hard, his obsedian black eyes are staring through her face, as if trying to get a hole on it.

While Y/N is still glaring on Snape, she entered the room and sat besides Potter who's temper is labeling with her.

"Harry... It's alright. Don't worry, I'm with you okay?"

"Thanks Y/N. It means a lot but doesn't stop the fact that I'm joining this stupid tournament."

Y/N just remained silent, listening to Snape explanation that they needed to create an antidote to his poison when a third year student barge inside, excusing Potter.

"I'll see you at the hall." L/N just nodded, arranging her cauldron at the table, getting the ingredients ready and imagining to hex Snape in different curses.

A few minutes have passed and Snape started to go on rounds, watching everyone with hate, taking points if he has an opportunity and criticising everyone with vile comments, until of course whe L/N called him over, challenging him to test her antidote.

"Why Professor? Because I'm a Slytherin? I am volunteering so please give me the poison." Everyone went quiet, they all have their eyes on the two.

Snape hand tightly gripped the vial on his pocket, looking at the girl in front of him, trying to enter her mind only to hear her raging voice.

'Come on then. Let's see.'

The students except the girl who had the guts to stand up to Snape carefully get out of the room once the bell rang.

"What in hell are you trying to do?" Snape obsedian black eyes tore her face inbetween as he raise his hand to shut the door off.

"Me?! Excuse me Professor but I know you have problem with my friends but you're just being an arse -- " L/N halted, calming herself before she could say anything else that she'll regret later.

"Look... Professor... It's inhumane... Can't you see? Hermione is hurt and I don't like seeing her like that. It is breaking my heart." Y/N almost beg on her knees to convince Snape into being good to others.

The Head of Slytherin House tore his gaze into the girl and remained silent. L/N getting annoyed once again because her Professor is acting like a mute once again. Everytime they're arguing of some matters... he always keep his tongue intact with his palate. Like he never speak before and it's driving L/N mad.

Y/N affectionately look at his eyes. "Severus. What are you not telling me?"

The dungeon bat got nervous and felt his throat dried. "W—What do you mean?"

"I can see in your eyes... They're concealing something from me... Like you always did whenever I mentioned my christening."

"Maybe you're seeing them wrong then like you always does -- Look at the time -- Don't you have your lesson with Professor Moody?" Snape softly shove her out of his classroom. She confusingly raise her eyebrows at the door. While Snape on the other hand gulped, exhaling carefully. Why it's so difficult to hide something from her?


"Is that all you got L/N?" The girl is panting on the ground, wiping the sweat on her forehead.

It's been hours and Moody doesn't let her rest. She slowly get up on the floor, glaring slightly to the limping Mad Eye in front of her.

"What? You need is focus L/N. Tell me what's keeping you distracted? Huh?!"

"There is nothing!" She yelled angrily and immediately wince when she let her anger take control of the situation once again.

"Then WHY you can't control your magic? I thought we're PROGRESSING!" Moody pressed on.

"Maybe because of my assignments Professor. Not to mention that almost every subject I have, wanted papers immediately!" L/N snapped, catching up her breath.

"Is that excuses L/N? Is that really the reason of your negligence? Remember that I have THIS eye you little girl." Moody pointed his forefinger on his weird moving eyes that can see through any object.

"What were you doing on Snape's office after dinner? No, that's not the right question. Why are you always with Snape when there is no wandering eyes around?" Mad Eye lean in towards the girl, causing her to lose her balance on the desk, suddenly afraid of getting caught by Mad Eye.

"I—I don't know what y—your talking about Professor..."

"You see L/N. Even if you won't blabber anything, I'll know -- LEGILIMENS!" Moody raised his hand, pointing his wand on the girl.

Y/N felt herself throwing up, her inside turning as she stumbled on the ground. Few memories flashing back in sequence, the most recent one first.

"What in hell are you trying to do?" Snape obsedian black eyes tore her face inbetween as he raise his hand to shut the door off.

"Me?! Excuse me Professor but I know you have problem with my friends but you're just being an arse -- " L/N halted, calming herself before she could say anything else that she'll regret later.

"Look... Professor... It's inhumane... Can't you see? Hermione is hurt and I don't like seeing her like that. It is breaking my heart." Y/N almost beg on her knees to convince Snape into being good to others.

The Head of Slytherin House tore his gaze into the girl and remained silent. L/N getting annoyed once again because her not-so-sure-boyfriend is acting like a mute once again. Everytime they're arguing of some matters... he always keep his tongue intact with his palate. Like he never speak before and it's driving L/N mad.

Y/N affectionately look at his eyes. "Severus. What are you not telling me?"

"What are you not telling me?"


"What are you not telling me?"

The voice in her head is slowly fading along with the images of her earliest memory. Moody couldn't see anything except the black scene in her mind, making the hair on his arms stand as it is accompanied by a very alarming sounds.

"NO!" L/N bellowed like a dog in pain, yellow lights emitting from her body that sends the old Mad Eye propelled on the ground. Her eyes is glowing brightly like a laser beam is going to come out on it as she coldly stare down at him.

"P—please... don't..." L/N softly whispered, then Professor Moody watch her body collapsed on the ground.



My head is pounding so much. Shite. I blink my eyes and wince at the sun streaming down on my face.

Hospital Wing? If there's an award for the best student who always get treated in the Hospital Wing the whole seven years of student's existence here, probably it's me or Harry... And we're only in fourth year! More injuries to come then! I just chuckled at the thought when my eyes accidentally stare at the silhouette of a student on the near window, reading something like it's very important.

"Hey BFF/N..." The look on her face is priceless, as if I caught her doing something forbidden.

"Why in hell you're so shocked? Did I just wake up from the dead?" I laugh softly and she just glared at me, quickly hiding the parchment on her pocket as she grab the chair to sit beside me.

"N—Nothing! You just scared me... How are you feeling? Madam Pomfrey is furious of Professor Moody. She told us that you got yourself drained. What happened between you and Professor Moody?" I noticed the change in her voice and expression but I decided to shrug it off.

"Im fine. Maybe I just got exhausted from the lessons with him. What about you?"

"Oh, well... Uh... you see, today is the day where Potter will compete with the other champions. Few minutes and the match will start now." My eyes went wide and I immediately stand up from the bed.

"Y/N! Stop! Madam Pomfrey will get mad!"

"No! I've been sleeping here like a dog and probably Harry is experiencing some difficulties the past few days! I need to cheer on him atleast!" I sloppily grab my Slytherin coat brought by BFF/N.

"Aren't you going to watch the match then? Not even Voldemort can stop me." I can see her flinch at the mention of You-Know-Who and glared at me.

"Okay okay I won't call him his name anymore." I bit my lips as I watch the paper from her pocket fell down on the floor. Why is she so jumpy? She must be hiding her lover!

"Hey BFF/N. You serve us a seat and I'm just going to sort my things here. Oh, and I know it's troublesome to deal with Madam Pomfrey so—"

"Fine fine. Just hurry up, okay?" I nodded my head and arrange the bunch of letters on the desk beside my bed. When she finally made it out of the room, I bent down and grabbed the parchment.

'Great job C, hope to hear more from L/N... We need a lot. Do your job well then I will be pleased. Burn this letter immediately.'


Good day guys! I am actually aware of your comments and I'm really enjoying them. Also, I really wanted to just spill the heck out of my story to you guys but I can't! Ugh. Keep safe and take care guys! Still, slow updates T T (binge watching Lucifer on Netflix 😂)

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