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By iheartmarkymark

187K 1.2K 237

[DISCONTINUED] adopted by - @aphmaulover3215 {no smut} {requests closed until further notice} More

๐–ฑ๐–พ๐—Š๐—Ž๐–พ๐—Œ๐—๐—Œ [closed]
๐Ÿฆ‹I'm Sorry๐Ÿฆ‹
๐Ÿฆ‹You Need A Break๐Ÿฆ‹
๐Ÿฆ‹Tummy Ache๐Ÿฆ‹
๐Ÿฆ‹Nap Time๐Ÿฆ‹
๐Ÿฆ‹Telling Without Telling๐Ÿฆ‹
๐Ÿฆ‹No Nap๐Ÿฆ‹
๐Ÿฆ‹Bad Day๐Ÿฆ‹
๐Ÿฆ‹I Want My Daddy๐Ÿฆ‹
โ˜๏ธAbout Foundโ˜๏ธ
โ˜๏ธAnother Thing About Foundโ˜๏ธ
โ˜๏ธRequests Closingโ˜๏ธ
โœจPoor Babyโœจ
please read


4.2K 39 14
By iheartmarkymark

Pt. 2

I wake up peacefully this morning. I was expecting for Bucky to have a nightmare and wake me up but no, he's still asleep. I get up and kiss his head before walking to my closet to get dressed for the day. It's fall here so I put on a pair of skinny jeans, a Metallica shirt, and socks.

I walk to my bathroom and brush my hair, teeth, and wash my face. I pull my hair in a high ponytail and quietly walk out closing the door behind me. I walk to the kitchen to get coffee and Nat and Steve and Clint and Thor are already there. "Mornin." They all say some sort of hey or morning. I get my coffee and sit in an armchair to watch the news.

A few minutes later I hear footsteps walking towards me I look up and see Bucky with tears running down his face. I stand up and halfway jog to him cupping his face in my hands. "Honey, What's wrong?" He sniffles again and I pick him up. He looks at me and mouths 'Mama weave me.' My heart shatters.

"Oh sugar, you know I wouldn't leave you. I was letting you sleep some more." He sniffles and wipes his eye.

He lays his head on my shoulder and plays with Lamby and Ellie while I watch the news. Once I see the weather I stand up with Bucky in my arms and walk him back to my room. "You need a change Bucky Bear?" He nods a little but keeps on playing with his stuffies.

I get wipes and a diaper and set them on the bed. I look around a bit and finally find his pacifier laying under the blankets. I pick it up and take it to the bathroom to wash it off before walking back in the bedroom and pushing it passed his lips.

He hums in content and I change him with no problems at all, no squirming, no pushing away, nothing. I put the sweatpants back on him and scoop him up.

"You hungry honey?" He nods and sighs laying his head on my shoulder. I walk back to the kitchen and most everyone's awake. Thor, Steve, Tasha, Clint, and Sam are awake. Tony is probably still sleeping or in the lab with Bruce blowing stuff up.

I set him on the counter and get a clean bottle out of the cabinet. I pour a couple of scoops of formula in the bottle and fill it up with water before shaking it up and setting it in the microwave. Once it's done I sit I'm my chair and feed him. He suckles softly and I smile.

"Hey Tasha?" She looks up from her book. "What's up?" "Can you watch Bucky for a couple of hours I have to go to the store and get him some things." She nods and looks down at a sleeping Steve in her lap. "Yeah. Steve's most likely gonna be little when he wakes up so they can play." I chuckle.

"Good and will you give him another bottle around twelve and put his meds in it before he takes a nap please?" "Yeah." "Thanks so much." "No problem." I look back at Bucky who is almost asleep. "Sugar, you need to stay awake okay?" He nods a little and keeps eating.

He finishes a few minutes later and I give him his pacifier back. He smiles and sucks happily while he plays with his stuffies. I check the time. 9:30 am. I'll wait until ten to leave just so I can sit with Bucky for a little longer.

Steve eventually woke up and he wanted to play with Bucky. He takes out his pacifier. 'Mama? P'ay S'eve?' He asks cutely. "Yeah honey, but before you go play I have to tell you something." He nods with a slightly confused face.

"I need to go to the store and get you a few things okay? I'll be back after your nap." I coo. Tears pool his eyes and he cries shaking his head. "You'll be here with Aunt Tasha and Stevie. Y'all can play all day and have snacks. You'll be havin so much fun you won't even know I'm gone." I soothe as much as I can.

He sniffles and wipes his eyes with his hand nodding. "Alright, I love you Bucky Bear, I'll be back in a minute." I say and kiss his temple. I set him down on the floor with his toys and walk away thanking Natasha.

I walk back to my room and get a pair of black combat boots and my favorite mirrored sunglasses along with my phone, keys, and wallet. As I make my way through the kitchen to the elevator I catch a glance of Bucky playing and smiling with Steve.

I smile to myself and walk in the elevator. "Lobby, please Jarvis and will you get the yellow R8 to the front please and thank you?" "Right on it Miss Erin." Jarvis replies in his thick british accent. I smile and lean against the wall of the elevator as it descends.

I hear a ding and the doors start opening. I walk out of the elevator and wave at people as I make my way to the car. I open the door and climb in throwing most of my things in the passenger side.

I start the engine and speed off to some nice clothes stores. I stop at Calvin Klein and walk in. I love Calvin Klein, it's one of my favorite stores. I go to the underwear section and get multiple packages. I think I grabbed around seven or eight. I don't know I wasn't counting.

Time skip an hour later I got six t shirts, ten long sleeve, twenty pair of jeans, underwear, four pair of sweatpants, two packages of socks, and a bottle of cologne. Also I got me a couple pair of shorts, socks, and shirts.

I walk out with my three bags and pop the trunk to set them in there. I hop back in and race to Nike, another one of my favorites. I get out of the car and waltz in admiring the women's side but I tell myself this shopping spree is for Bucky not me and walk to the men's side.

I get him seven shirts, ten pair of shorts, three packages of socks, and running/training shoes, some expensive ones at that. As I'm still looking through the shoes I hear my phone ring. I fish it out of my pocket and answer.

"Hey Tasha." "Hey, Erin. Bucky wanted to talk to you." I chuckle. "Okay, put him on." She hands the phone to Bucky and his eyes light up once he sees me. "Hey Sugar." I coo. 'Mama home?' He asks hopefully. "Not yet honey, I'm still shoppin for ya. I'll be home in a minute okay?" He frowns. 'Where mama go?' "I'm at the store right now getting you some shoes Bear, I'm almost done. I have one more store after this and it'll only take a few minutes, promise." He pouts but nods.

"Hey Buck, it's time for you and Stevie to take a nap okay?" Natasha says softly. 'Kay, bye mama.' "Bye Sugar, sleep good." I hang up and continue looking for shoes. I glanced around and people were staring at me, I had no idea why until I realized Bucky can't speak vocally so people think I'm crazy now.

Ain't that just awesome. I finish off by getting him another pair of tennis shoes and pay for everything. I put everything in the trunk and plop down in the seat. "Okay, one more store. You can do this, you're a bad bitch you got this." I sound kind of nuts but it's working.

I start the car and drive to Target so I can get him the essentials and a couple of other things. I step out of the car and drag myself inside. I had so much motivation at the beginning of this and now I'm just drained of everything, I just want to take a nap. I get him a toothbrush and a hairbrush and some apple smelling shampoo and conditioner because it smells good and it's supposed to be good for this hair.

I throw those in the basket and get some deodorant. I walk back to the baby section and look at pacifiers, he already has the raccoon one so, I get him a red one with white stars and a light blue one with clouds.

That should be enough until I come back for food and end up buying him more. I keep looking and find WubbaNubs. Those are literally the cutest things ever. I look through them and find a penguin and a dragon.

I mentally squeal like a fucking teenager because I'm just like that and throw them in the basket. I also looked through a lot of really soft blankets and got a lot of them so we can put them around the floor and the littles can use them for naps or just because.

I keep going and find bottles and sippy cups. I grab like three or four more bottles and a few sippy cups for the three boys to try on their good days. I conclude my shopping spree and head home after paying for everything at target.

The lady asked me if I had a family, I panicked but said yes and surprisingly she believed me. I told her about Bucky but didn't say he's actually a twenty six year old man that acts like he's one. She would've been weirded out by that.

She thought it was cute how I went to the store for my husband and baby. I throw everything in the trunk and drop myself in the driver seat. "Jarvis order some diapers for the boys please." I say as I drive home. "How many packages Miss Erin?" I think for a second.

"Ummm, lets do three just so we don't have to buy a lot later." "I have just ordered the diapers they should be at the tower by tomorrow afternoon." "Thanks J." "My pleasure." I smile and pull up outside of the building.

I get all of the bags, surprisingly, and walk to the elevator dropping them as soon as I step in. "Holy shit, who new clothes could be that heavy. Jarvis, tell Stark, Clint, and Banner to get their asses in here and help me out."

"They are standing by the opening waiting for you." "Thanks man." I pant and wait to get home and see my baby. The doors open and all I see is wide eyes. "Jesus Erin, how much did you spend?" Tony asks. "Honestly, I have no fucking idea. Just help me take these to Bucky's room." Luckily there was an unused room right beside mine so Bucky could have it now.

I also made stark get it customized, it has white walls, a king size bed with grey bed sheets/comforters, a desk, a huge flatscreen tv on the wall, a walk in closet, and a bathroom with separate bathtub and shower. It's sick.

We get to Bucky's room and drop everything. "Thanks boys, y'all can go do what y'all were doin earlier." They all tell me I'm welcome and trudge out.

I walk to the living room and Thor, Bucky, and Steve are playing a game on the floor. I sit in my chair and watch carefully, they're so invested in it they don't even notice I'm here.

I smile standing up and kiss their heads before walking out. They don't even notice that, wow. I brush it off and get back to Bucky's room so I can put everything up in its rightful place. It takes almost two hours for me to finish putting all of his clothes away but I did it. I also put his new pacifiers on his bed along with a Winnie the Pooh blanket I found for him.

I take the bottles to the kitchen and unpackaged them before setting them in the dishwasher to clean them before the boys use them.

I throw all of the bags and tags away and sigh. I'm just tired, what time is it anyway? 3 pm. It's only three pm and I'm pooped. I'm surprised at myself. I walk to the living room and plop down in my chair sighing heavily.

Bucky's head snaps up and he looks back at me with a huge smile on his face. He holds his arms up and I stand back up to pick him up and hug him. "Hey Sugar, I missed you." He pulled back. 'Miss Mama.' He mouths and hugs me again. "You need a change Bear?"

He nods and I walk to my room to get him changed and then I'll take him to his room to get a shirt and socks on. I lay him down on my bed and get a diaper from the drawer. I start by getting his pants off and finish by taping up the sides and getting his pants back on.

"Alright, all done." I coo and pick him up. "You wanna see somethin cool?" I ask him. He nods excitedly and holds onto me. I take him to his room and he's amazed, he looks around with wide eyes and a huge smile. I walk to the closet and he looks at me pointing to himself. "Yeah Sugar, all this is yours." He hugs me tight and pulls back. 'Tanks mama.' I smile. "You're welcome Sugar. Now, let's get you a shirt yeah?" He nods and relaxes.

I get a light blue shirt and a pair of socks and walk back to the main room to sit him on the bed. I pull the shirt over his head and pull his arms through the other two holes and pull it down the rest of the way. "There ya go, handsome." I coo and he 'giggles' ya know cause he can't speak.

I smile and get his socks on. He smiles and looks around a little, he stops once his eyes land on the new pacifiers. 'Mama me?' I nod. "Yeah baby, those are yours. You can open one at bedtime okay?" He pouts. 'Kay.' I smile and scoop him up. "You wanna go back with Stevie and Thor?" He nods and keeps his head on my shoulder. I walk back to the living room and set him on the floor so he can play. "Bucky, I'll be right back I need to talk to Uncle Tones. I'll only be a minute." I say and kiss his head before walking away.

I get to the lab and open the door seeing Tony and Bruce working on something. "Hey, I have an important question." The two scientists turn around swiftly. "I probably have an answer." Tony says. "Is there any way Bucky can get his voice back?" Bruce looks up at me. "Uh yeah but, it's a very meticulous procedure. He'll need to be big for the most part because we have to anesthetize him. It could be done though." I nod slowly with a smile. "Bring him in tomorrow morning. We'll be ready." I run up to them and hug them tight. "Thank y'all so much. Y'all are the best!" I yell as I walk out of the lab and back to the living room.

"C'mere Buckster. I need to tell you something." He looks up at me and reaches his arms up. I walk out of the room with him and sit on my bed. "Do you think you can be big for me tomorrow morning?" He thinks for a moment and shrugs but nods. "Okay, Uncle Tones and Uncle Bruce are gonna get your voice back so, I need you to be big for mommy tomorrow morning, yeah?" He nods excitedly this time. "Do you wanna sleep in momma's room or your room bug?" He leans his head down and head butts the crook of my neck signaling he wants to sleep with me.

"Okay, let's go get you changed so we can go night night." I state and stand up carrying him to his room. I lay him on the bed and pick out a pair of black and white plaid pajama pants and a soft grey shirt.

I grab a diaper on my way back and set everything down on the bed beside him. I begin to change him and notice something red in my peripheral vision, I look up to get a better look and see he opened one of his pacifiers while I was gone. I sigh and decide to finish changing him before asking him about the dragon pacifier.

I pull the tapes of the clean diaper around his hips and begin to dress him gently. I slip the pajama pants up his legs and the shirt over his head silently. I sit beside him and make him face me. "Sugar." I say in a firm but soft tone. "Where'd you get the dragon binky from?" He looked at me with a little fear but mostly confusion in his eyes.

He looks over and points to the head of the bed. He takes the pacifier out of his mouth and starts talking. 'Mama said bedtimes, it bedtimes.' He explains innocently. I sigh and look him in the eyes. "Baby, you weren't supposed to open one until momma said so." I tell him sternly. He immediately hangs his head and mouths apologies. "Bucky Bear, look at me baby." He hesitantly looks up with teary eyes.

My heart tears and I pull him into my lap running my hands through his hair. "Baby, momma's not mad, she just wanted you to know for next time okay?" He wipes his eyes sleepily and nods. I lean over a bit and pick up the pacifier slipping it passed his lips; he smiles and suckles tiredly, leaning his head on my shoulder.

I kiss his head and smile. "I think it's a certain little boys night night time, yeah?" He nods slowly. I kiss his head and lay him down pulling the covers up to his shoulders. "Okay, I'll be right back, I have to get my jama's on too." I say and walk to my closet. I grab a red shirt and black shorts and put them on before walking out. I get under the covers and Bucky's already asleep.

I walk out for a brief second and say my good nights to everyone before getting in the bed beside him. He instinctively moves closer and lays his head on my chest, still sucking on the pacifier softly. I lay there for a while running my hands through his hair before falling asleep too.

Word Count: 3155

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