Pure - The Broken Society

By AlexisJadeS22

652 45 58

*COMPLETED* One event in history has the power to change everything. One choice...can leave an entire so... More

Author's Note/Cast


9 1 3
By AlexisJadeS22

Madelynn Rivera

"Have you heard about what they're planning?" Quinn asks, his arms folded over the dining hall table as he stares at me profoundly. He watches me as I fiddle with the stitches on my arm where the tracker had been cut out. My cruel mind reminds me of the spectacle every time I look at it, remembering what it felt like to have foreign, soft skin touching my own...though the conduct was harsh. It still strangely felt nice, and I curse myself every single time I think this.

"No," I say after a moment of silence, "The people in the kitchen don't get to sit and gossip like you do, so we know nothing," I say, calmly, not bitterly, my subtly jocular tone not transferring to him.

"They've been telling us the plan for over a month, that guy that started this whole thing constantly repeating it over and over...it's quite annoying," he says, leaning back in his chair. "It's like he thinks we don't have brains! I guess...perhaps, maybe it's so that if something goes wrong we will know what to do."

It has been a month since the attack, not much happening in public, but behind closed doors, the infantry plans for this mysterious rebellion.

"Well, then...what's the plan?"

Quinn is silent for a moment, his eyes scouring the space around us, making sure that the area is free of listening ears. Five other people sit at a table across the room from us, all talking in hushed tones presumably about the same matter.

"On Wednesday, a train is scheduled to arrive near the border of Wavernpond, and the first step is to hijack that train."

"Wait a minute, how did you get involved with all of this?"

"Remember, I told you Sam and I were part of security, they recruited all of us and even more people who wanted to fight. Even Logan joined. General Torres granted us three leadership positions, he said that since we were once Pures that we will blend in when we go to the city."

I glare at Quinn, uneasiness crowding over me. I find myself involuntarily rolling my eyes at Tate's new title.

"Quinn, that's a suicide mission," I deadpan, "This isn't just some game that gives you multiple lives, this is a matter between life and death. You and the others know as good as anyone how dangerous the Patrolmen are." I say.

"That's exactly why we are the ones going to the city, Madelynn, because we know the dangers and won't get caught."

"This is insane, Quinn! You're just willing to follow some amature's plan to sneak into the city and do what exactly?"

"Overthrow the system."

"This is ridiculous!" I shout, my voice becoming a little loud as the five other people in the room peer over their shoulders to look at me. "This is suicide," I reiterate.

"And so was the journey here, was it not? We came here with no protection at all, and look...we made it," irritation seeps into his demeanor as he leans forward on the table. "It'll be different this time."

"Yeah, well we ran here to escape the city, not go back to it," I heave a sigh of defeat, anger clear in my body language. "If you want to get killed, then fine, but don't expect me to help you. This isn't our fight," I state without thinking about what I'm actually saying.

"You're so damn ignorant!" Quinn shouts at me, and I jump to his sudden words, "This is what you don't get! This is our fight, it's all of our fight! They've been suffering down here with barely enough food to survive as they have every damn thing they need up there," he points in the direction of the city, still shouting profusely. "You even said it yourself that you want things to change! Well this is our chance for that!"

"When I said I wanted things to change, I meant in a non-violent way," I say, miffed.

"This can't be fought without violence, it would be like fighting fire with sticks. You're only feeding it!"

I throw my hands down on the table, irritation and frustration possessing me. "Fine, whatever, go fight with them, it's your life on the line not mine," I say, my eyes glassed over out of sheer fear.


"I'll see you later," and with that, I stand from my chair, wiping at my eyes before any tears drip. My heart breaks as I stride away from the table, leaving Quinn with a look of sorrow.

"Madelynn!" Quinn shouts from behind, his heavy footsteps jaunting towards me as he grabs hold of my arm. "Madelynn, we need your help, too. We came from the city and we know it from the inside and out, they don't," he gestures to the people who walk by outside all donned in ripped clothing. "We need you as an excuse to get into the city when the time comes," he pleads.

I rip my arm from his grasp, turning to face him with an expression of betrayal.

"You-you went behind my back...to use me as a crutch without even asking me first?!"

"Madelynn, it's the only way-"

"No! I told you, I am not risking my life for a plan that will fail, Quinn," I take a deep breath to calm my nerves before continuing, "We made it here alive, that was our chance. We've already lost mom and dad, I can't afford to lose you too, you're the only family Becca and I have left," I plead to him, with hopes of persuasion, but he remains unfazed, his mind and heart already set on his decision.

"They accepted us in here, now it's our time to pay them back for it. We caused the attack, and now we must fight back against this never ending system of injustice and maltreatment. This is our chance to fix the broken society...I can't pass this up out of fear."

Defeated, I scrutinize his face, burning every feature into my mind as he looks at me hopefully.

"We need your help, Madelynn...you are the missing piece to this puzzle, please," he prays.

I stay silent for a moment, contemplating in my mind as I stare to the ground, my glassy eyes containing blurry vision. After a moment, I look back up at him, pushing my hair back behind my ear, "I can't," I say. "I can't lose you or Becca. If we both do this...she would be left with no one. Are you willing to make that sacrifice?"

"If it means promising her a better life for the future...then yes."


The walk to Sector four is one of disorientation and vexation. My nerves are a wreck as I think of all the horrific things that can go wrong. I haven't heard the full plan, but I know that somehow, somewhere, something will go wrong, and everything thought to have been safe turns into a trap. I can't fathom that, having to tell Becca what happened to her only brother once she realizes he's been gone for a few days. I just can't do it.

Up ahead, a staircase jutting from the side of the chasm wall leading to quarter doors stands. I take hold of the newly replaced railing, hoisting myself up the irregular and rigid steps cut with dystopian edges. My breaths come in uneven heaves as I struggle to calm my heartbeat, a panic attack near, ready to punch me.

I search the hundred doors lining the chasm wall, another staircase sticking out from the cut ridges. I ascend that staircase too, the railing not so new. I make it to the third floor, searching frantically for the door 459.

Finally, I find it, my eyes narrowing on the door seven feet away from where I stand. I ran to it. My balled fist connects with the rusted metal door within seconds, silently praying that the door will open.

As if my prayers have been answered, the door opens slowly to reveal Mia's flawless face in the threshold.

"Madelynn?" She questions, not expecting to see me in a heavy sweating panic on the other side of her door.

"I need your help," I say as she opens the door wider to welcome me inside. "I can't do this," I say.

"Calm down," she eases me with her hands. "Do what exactly?"

"This," I say, my arms wide pointing to the rolling hills and expansive field, "I can't be part of their plan," I say, my words broken and stressed through panting attacks.

"Woah, woah, slow down, it'll be al-"

"No, it's not going to be alright, Mia, he's going to risk his life, they all are going to risk their lives. And for what? Just for the satisfaction of being part of something big for once? I can't do this!" I shout, words spewing from my mouth as Mia watches me closely.

"Madelynn, they're doing it to promise a better life...for all of us!" Mia explains.

"It's suicide! Don't you see! No matter what plan they have made, it won't work, someone will end up dead in the end, and it sure as hell ain't going to be the Governor!"

"What happened to the Madelynn who was always up for a fight?" Mia questions, striding closer to me, me not liking the side she has seemingly chosen. "Are you going to let fear guide your life? This is something I know you want!"

I step back and run into a table, and I peer over my shoulder only to be met with papers titled "Plans" with grafite. My eyes scan the maps and outlines frantically. I hold in a breath as I read the plans left to right, not believing what I'm reading.

"Madelynn disguised as a prisoner - possibly sick."

"Q, S, L: escort her to headquarters dressed as Patrolmen."

"S: breaks from the group to a back door to let M and code breakers into HQ."

I throw down the plans in disgust.

"So you're in on this, too?"

"I have to be, it's my job."

"No it's not!" I shout, stepping closer to her, the anger inside me growing like a fiery ball of plasma. "You don't have to do this! Please, don't do it!"

"Madelynn! We are the ones who know the city! We are the only ones that can make this work!"

I shake my head in animosity, "I can't believe this," I mutter quietly to myself, raising my voice to say, "You're just like Quinn! Stupid and lost!"

The hurt flickering behind her eyes doesn't go unnoticed, but my mind doesn't allow me to dwell on the words that just escaped my vile mouth.

"Madelynn, if you live in fear, nothing's gonna change, things will only get worse. You can't let fear hold you back from change," she says softly, shaking away the bruise my words left on her.

"I will let it if that means being here for Becca to keep her safe," I spat, my mind running wild on a rampage driven by disbelief and deception.

"We have to do this, Madelynn, it's our only shot at bringing back the society that once stood before the war."

I shake my head again, shock expressed on my face as I walk towards the door ready to leave.

I murmur under my breath, "I can't do this," and I walk out, ignoring Mia as she calls after me.


A single tree ripples in the distance, its leaves a wonderful shade of mulberry purple as the seasons begin to shift. The tall grass clashes together making a soft clamour as the wind weaves through the tall blades.

My hair flies in the slow headwinds, flurries and fly- aways becoming tangled in my lashes as I stare ahead at the city. The soaring skyscrapers are daunting, seeming almost invisible for the reflecting windows show the sky turning a brilliant shade of sapphire blue. Each building stands at an angle, the land around it completely flat. The little houses that sit on the outskirts of the city appear as little dots in the distance. From afar, the city appears to be just that, a city, and if one didn't know any better they would think that living there would be easy. The concrete wall resting at the bottom of the rolling hills blinks every few seconds, the doors tightly sealed off from any visitors.

My eyes avert to the right of the city, where tall lush trees stand dense in a forest, flashbacks of the first time I ran through that forest clear in my mind. I trace the changing landscape with my eyes as I sit peacefully in an empty farming field, sitting at the very edge of the Sectors. My eyes trail up the descending hills and the desne trees, hiding the entrance into Sector one miles and miles away. From above, the Sectors appear to be nothing more than valleys and winding chasms of split land. Few buildings that once stood tall above the ground now lay below in ruins, some buildings just completely sinking under, still intact with major damage done higher up, Like Capital Pier and the dining hall.

I tear my gaze away from the thriving world behind me, instead focusing on the one in front of me. People would say it's gorgeous, but the people who know the truth would call it grotesque. I sit with my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around them, my chin resting on my arm. I'm so focused on the world in front of me, that I don't notice the footsteps approaching from behind. The unknown body takes a seat on my left side.

"What're you doing all the way up here?" Gage asks, peering at me from over his shoulder.

I take a deep breath, "I just needed a moment to think, you know?" I say, looking back up at him from where I sit. I take in his stretched figure standing no less than six feet tall, his jaw perfectly sculpted as he stares out into the vastly empty land.

"Yeah I know," he pauses, then parts his lips to say something more, "This whole rebellion thing...it's happening pretty fast."

I nod in agreement.

"And, uh, Quinn told me about your fear. Look, I understand your reasons for not wanting to be a part of it, I was against the idea at first, too. I thought that you defectors shouldn't be the ones to go back," he says, "But we need you, Madelynn. We need all of you. This will be a more believable stage play to the Patrolemen with you in it."

"What do you mean?" I ask. Stage play?

"Your brother and friends will be disguised as Patrolmen and you will be acting as a prisoner. They will take you into the city headquarters, where you will then let in the code breaker to disable the system and start the attack," Gage explains, gesturing his hands around in front of him to show the steps.

My stomach drops again to the idea. So many inquiries come to mind.

"Who's the code breaker?" I ask.

Gage shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know...their name was kinda left out of the plan. I guess I never thought of it before."

I nod at his response. "What if it doesn't work?" I ask next.

"It will, Tate thought of everything, that's why on Wednesday we are hijacking the train dispatching Patrolemen to the outer ring, to get their weapons and armor, some much needed supplies. Trust me, Madelynn, you will be safe." He reassures, then turns his head to look back at the city far off in the distance.

"I still don't understand...how this whole thing started. So much has happened, but I've been in the dark." That was your choice, dumbass, I remind myself.

"Tate has always wanted to storm the city, ever since two years ago when a girl left him to go to the city. It tore him apart, he hasn't really been the same since then...but then you showed up."

I whip my head around to face him, for he's already staring back at me. Confusion present on my face as I search for the answer. What does that have anything to do with this?

"He did the same things to her as he's doing to you...appearing distant, following you, threatening you then suddenly helping you. It's quite strange, but I guess he adopted those ways from his father, who did the same things to attract his mother." He explains, shrugging and running a hand through his black hair swiftly. "They left too, or at least that's what everyone thinks," he says sorrowfully, "They were here one minute and the next...gone, no one knows where they went, but they left him behind when he was only twelve. His dad worked closely beside Sargent Patel as Corporal, there hasn't been another one of those since. Tate was supposed to take over his position, but he wasted it away doing god knows what."

I stay silent, not knowing what to say except, "I guess we have that in common, parents who don't want us anymore and leave us."

Gage stares at me with eyes full of heartache.

"That's why he wants this so bad, to end the suffering of his people here so they don't leave behind their lives. All what he's ever wanted was a family, but every single person that comes into his life leaves...but I've got a different feeling about you."

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