My hunter academia

By Tarorawr

35.4K 1.2K 504

Killua landed in a place he doesn't know of. Things called quirks exsist, and people want to be heroes. It's... More

Landing and a tired teacher (ft. anti gravity hair)
Killua isnt short, hes average
Nezu Has questions, and Aizawa needs a Nap
Killua meets a parrot
Its just Killua showing off
filler for Sports Festival (i tried 😌)
Sad news (I think)
Killuas Sus (Aka another filler)

Wow Hes finally in UA

3.4K 127 71
By Tarorawr

Ahahdbjwjxbebz I'm sorry y'all for not updating fasttty 😭

Aizawa cleared his throat. "I think you'll be able to go to UA. I'll send the recording to Nezu, and while we wait, we can get clothes for you. Do you have any money?"

I shook my head, and Aizawa shrugged. "That's expected. Well, since the car is close enough and I have nothing to do for today, let's go right now. You better know your clothes size." I raised a brow.

"I think I do... Whatever. I can finally get out of these, they were starting to smell."

I took the lead walking back, almost skipping in my step. I cant help it, I like clothes (An: NOT CANON i just decided to add that since he changes a lot) I would probably pick out plain stuff.

I reached the car a minute before the other two, my hand resting on the door handle. I heard the car door open from the car key, and I almost jumped inside. I waited for the other two, tapping my fingers on my leg.

"Jeez, you sure are excited." Aizawa stated as he got inside.

I shrugged. We drove in silence for a minute, before Yamada spoke. "Kid, how did you charge up electricity? Isn't your quirk a speed quirk?" I froze.


"Uh, well, you see.." I stammered. "Spit it out already." Aizawa spoke. I sighed, head slightly bowing.

"Ok. I may have lied about my quirk. It's a electricity quirk."

"WHAT?!" Aizawa shouted. I cringed away, scratching my head. "Sorry?"

"So you lied to the principal." I sweat dropped.  "Jeez kid. Ok, how about this. I tell Nezu, he learns your new quirk, and we forget about it."

I brightened. "Sure." The rest of the car ride was pretty quiet for the rest of the trip

(Time skip to after they got clothes because i'm too lazy and need to get this chapter out today)
When we got home from the mall, I immediately headed to my temporary room, and flopped onto the bed. I smelled myself and cringed.

"I should shower soon, I smell bad... Aizawa mentioned something about getting a email and eating, so I'll ask during we eat to shower."

I exhaled, burying my face into the pillow. My mind wandered over to how U.A was like. Hopefully it would be nice.

I heard Aizawas voice call me into the living room again. I slowly sat up and shuffled to the room.

"Hey, Nezu accepted you into U.A. That means your uniform will come tomorrow, and you'll start on monday. Good job, kiddo." I blinked in surprise at the monotone voice. I thought he'd be a bit more proud. Not like it bothered me or anything.

Aizawa looked over to Yamada, who was making dinner, then back at me. "Do you wanna shower first, or eat? Before you ask, you stink." I poured at the comment, but decided to shower first. I can change into my new clothes, which by the way are super comfy.

Aizawa showed me the knobs and what did what, before leaving me. I only shorted for about 10 minutes, so food will probably be done soon.

We ate dinner, which tasted much better, aizawa sucks at cooking, before changing into my new pajamas, and sleeping. (Sorry that this part is rushed, I don't have any other ideas)

Time skip to Monday!

I shifted my tie around, feeling uncomfortable in the uniforms. "Jeez, these uniforms are itchy!" I thought to myself, scratching my arm.

I was already in the classroom, waiting for class to start. I had about 2 minutes left, and so far nobody was talking to me.

"Good. I don't really want to talk either. Whatever. I can wait 2 minutes. I guess i'm mainly curious about everyone's quirks, and what people do in a school. What do they learn?" I kept on thinking about that until the bell signaled that class was starting.

Aizawa shuffled in, looking homeless as ever. He scratched his chin, before speaking. "Alright, if you couldn't tell, we have a new student. Go ahead and introduce yourself."

I stood up from my chair. "Sup, I'm killua Zoldyck, but please call me Killua. My quirk is electricity." I sat back down, and noticed a boy with yellow hair staring at me, looking awed.

Same quirk as me! He mouthed. I raised my eyebrows in shock, blinking, before mouthing back, "Cool".

"Alright, now lets get started with today's lesson." I probably wasn't going to pay attention.
On another note, you should probably know. This takes place after U.S.J attack, and before the sports festival. Since Killua was a extra person, i took out mineta, so he's sitting where mineta sat.
Thank you for reading! <3
(keep in mind that i wrote this at like 12:00 am so there might be some mistakes)

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