Who are you, Percy Jackson or...

By GoBlueNYC

4K 65 16

After the Giant War, Percy was broken. He had lost everything. However, so had another family. Moira Queen, w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

410 7 0
By GoBlueNYC

AN: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. I will upload this consistently, hopefully every 8-10 days, maybe faster if I feel like it, but I am more focused on my personal life and my other story. Anyways, please enjoy!


"It's nothing Laurel, just some issues next door," he lied smoothly. "You should stay away from me. You'll get hurt, and I can't do that to you. I know you and Tommy have become close since I...left. Maybe spend some time with him," he said seriously, before walking away.

Percy vapor travelled to the factory and sat down in front of his computer. He typed in a password and started to transfer funds from a bank account into multiple people's bank account. He then crossed Adam Hunt's name off this list, as he had just taken $40 million dollars using an arrow. Yes, that arrow he fired was a trick arrow, and allowed him to access Hunt's back accounts.

Percy sat back in his chair, ready to wage war on the corrupt criminal elite that plagued Starling, a war that started with Robert, but would end with him.


Percy chased another corrupt businessman across the roof after coolly picking off each of his men with arrows and his signature leaf-shaped blade. Marcus Redmond had been embezzling money through a pension fund, and his name was on the List. After killing or wounding each of Redmond's men, Percy quickly caught up to the businessman and shot him in the leg, causing him to scream.

"Marcus Redmond, you have failed this city," Percy said.

Marcus Redmond slowly backed up. "What are you talking about? I didn't do nothing."

Percy internally chuckled at the double negative. He walked up to the man and dragged him over to the fans on the roof. "You call your partner, and you give those pensioners back their money!" he barked.

Percy removed the man's head from the fans, the businessman truly frightened. "Who are you?"

Percy turned around. "I'm your worst nightmare," he said before jumping off the roof and vapor travelling away.

He reappeared in the basement of Robert's old factory and changed his appearance back to Oliver. He went to his father's notebook, and crossed another name off the list. It felt good, crossing a name off the list. Every time he did so, he was getting rid of a corrupt individual in the place that had grown on him. He still missed New York, but Starling had become a second home for him.

Before returning home, Percy brought out Anaklusmos and trained on a sparring dummy for a little while, keeping himself in fighting shape. After a while, he vapor travelled back to his room and got ready for a restless sleep.

Percy came down to see Thea, Walter and Moira watching the news. Apparently, Marcus Redmond had put money back into the pensioner's fund, just like he told him to, but said it was his original plan all along. Original plan, my ass, he thought.

"Dude, what is up with this vigilante?" Percy asked. "He's getting more air time than the Kardashians."

"How exactly do you know who they are?" Thea asked.

"I've been catching up," Percy lied. "It's nice to see how much our culture has improved."

Percy heard Moira grumbling about how the city used to be safe, when Walter walked up to him. "You have any questions, Oliver?"

Percy turned to Walter. "It's just a simple proof of life declaration."

Percy chuckled. "I'll be fine, Walter. I've been to court several times."

"Yes, four times, by my count," a voice said from the hallway that Percy recognized.

"Hey Tommy. I'd hang, but we're on our way to court," Percy said.

"Dude, why do you think I'm here? My best friend is being resurrected," Tommy said.

"Thanks mate," Percy said. "What about you, Thea?"

Thea looked up at Percy. "I'm good, four times is enough for me," she said, walking out of the room.

"Mrs. Queen, car's ready," Diggle said, causing Moira and Walter to head out the door with Percy and Tommy following them.


The hearing went fine.

"The boat went down, and I was the only survivor," Percy said. "I was on a life raft for too long, and when I made it to the island, I knew I would survive for both my father and I."

The rest of it was a blur. Robert's declaration of death was not rescinded, and as they walked out, Percy felt something in the pit of his stomach.

"Now let's go to the offices, everyone wants to meet you," Moira said as they were walking down the stairs.

"Mom, I'm a bit out of it, can we do that tomorrow? That took a bit more out of me than expected," Percy said. Moira gave a small smile as they walked down the stairs and into the foyer. As Percy and Tommy reached the bottom of the stairs, Percy turned the corner and almost ran into Laurel, who was there with a couple of people.

"Oliver," Laurel greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"They were bringing me back from the dead," Percy said. "Legally speaking. What about you?"

"My job. I'm a lawyer, remember?" Laurel said pointedly. Oliver looked over to the woman on Laurel's left. "Hi, I'm Oliver Queen," he said kindly.

"Emily Nocenti," the woman said without making eye contact.

Laurel looked straight at Oliver. "Oliver was just on an island for five years away from civilization. Before that, he cheated on me with my sister," she said coldly. "He was there when she died. Last week, he told me to stay away from him. It was good advice. Please excuse me, I have a job to do." Laurel quickly walked forward, pushing past Oliver and Tommy.

Tommy looked at Oliver with a sad look before they walked out of the courthouse when they saw Martin Somers being interviewed by reporters. Percy's eyes narrowed. Percy's eyes narrowed. Martin Somers was on the list. While he wasn't in love with Laurel, and he didn't think he'd ever be, he was friends with her, and he did like her. He knew something was about to go down in Starling, and Laurel was a part of it.

After the reporters got Somers' statement, they saw Oliver, and rushed to get one from him. He quickly maneuvered through them to the Bentley where John Diggle was standing. He quickly pushed reporters away before the car sped off.

"This happens to you often, doesn't it?" Tommy asked, and only got a sigh in reply.


Percy vapor travelled back to his lair and began training. He trained his physical strength, using weights and other exercises, his hand to hand combat, his archery, and his swordplay. He knew Martin Somers was planning something, as Laurel had found something big. Percy knew nobody could stop Somers but him.

Martin Somers was at his port that night, and ordered his attorney to shut the trial down. He was nervous about what the media would do to him if the trial rolled out. Suddenly, the lights went out, and a twang of a bow being fired was heard.

"What was that?" Somers asked.

When the lights turned back on, Somers saw his lawyer and his bodyguards on the ground. He suddenly felt a blow to the back of the head, and all he saw was black.

Martin Somers woke up to see a green man in a hood and a bow in his hand. He had a sword on his back as well, but couldn't make out much more.

"Martin Somers, you've failed this city," Percy said.

"Who are you?" Somers asked nervously.

Percy pulled his bow back, causing Somers to chuckle nervously. Percy fired the arrow inches from Somers' head. "You're going to testify in that trial. You're gonna confess to having Victor Nocenti killed. There won't be a second warning," he said as he fired another arrow, this time grazing Somers' face, causing the corrupt businessman to cover his eyes.

Percy took this opportunity to vapor travel back to the basement, leaving a hanging Martin Somers on his docks.

Percy took some time in the basement to change before heading back to Queen Mansion, where he walked down the stairs and heard Moira and Diggle talking.

"He truly has no idea where I go, and I plan to keep it that way," Percy said, interrupting the conversation.

Moira turned around to see Percy. "Would you like to enlighten me on where you go to? Where you run off to?"

Percy chuckled. "No. I've been alone five years, and you know what happened before that." Diggle looked between the mother and son, completely confused.

"I'll introduce her eventually," Percy said, keeping up the lie.

Moira walked over to Percy. "What I want is for you to take Mr. Diggle on your next trip," Moira said. "You know what's going on in this city. A maniac is hunting the wealthy. This isn't a game! You're my son. I've lost you before, I'm not losing you again," she said.

Percy sighed, before nodding. "Sorry Moira," he said softly. "I'll take him."

Moira walked away, leaving Percy with Diggle. "Sorry to give you so much grief," he said.

Diggle walked up to him. "I served three tours in Afghanistan," he said, stopping in front of Percy. "You don't even come close to my definition of grief."

He walked past Percy, who was thinking about his own grief, when his thoughts were interrupted by Diggle. "You know what? If you ditch me one more time, you won't have to fire me," he said.

He walked out the door, walking past Thea, who was all dressed up.

"Where you going, Speedy?" Percy asked.

"Somewhere loud at smoky," she said. Percy sighed. "Don't bother with my stash, because I'm gonna go get drunk instead."

"Thea," Percy started.

"What, Oliver?" Thea challenged. "Don't be like you? You've given me the talk. It's funny. All you've done his judge me since you've been back. Let me have fun," she said, storming out of the house.

Percy sighed, wondering where it all went wrong.


When Percy entered the building, he almost gasped. He was lucky he didn't have his demigod scent or else the place would be full of monsters considering the amount of technology.

Percy was led into an office by Walter, where his step-father was walking him through Queen Consolidated's success came from.

"That's great," he said, interrupting Walter. "Can I get a glass of water please?" he asked an assistant politely with a smile.

"Oliver, would you mind sitting down?" Moira asked.

"Mom, you're making me nervous," Percy said.

"We want to dedicate the new applied sciences building of QC to your father," Walter said. Percy smiled. It would be a nice nod to Robert and what he did for the company.

Moira stepped forward. "We would like to make an announcement during the opening that you will be taking a leadership position at the company, your company," she said hopefully.

Percy looked Moira in the eye. "You're serious? I don't want to lead anything. Besides, I'm assuming Walter is already doing a good job here. Besides, do you guys think I got an MBA while I was away? I went to the University of Lian Yu?" he said sarcastically.

Moira looked at him. "Didn't you say you wanted to be a different person? You are Robert Queen's son."

"I am a different person, Moira, remember?" Percy replied, leaving Walter and Diggle confused.

"Everyone understands the difficulty of your transition, Oliver," Walter said kindly.

Percy smiled. "Thank you Walter," he said. "However, there are many parts, which include me obtaining an MBA, like I said earlier, or the fact that I have another step-father," he said quickly, leaving Diggle and Walter in shock.

"What was that, Oliver?" Walter asked.

"Nothing, Walter, sorry," Percy said, cursing himself in his mind.

Moira shook her head and started to leave the office. Before heading out, she turned around. "You know, before you left, your irresponsibility was somewhat charming," she started. "Now, it's just childish." Moira turned to leave.

"You know the reason for that Moira," Percy said. "Don't pretend you don't know."

Walter and Diggle were confused. "What is going on?" Walter asked.

"Nothing Walter," Moira said, leaving the office. Walter looked at Percy, and also left the office after a second, leaving Diggle and Percy alone in the office. After a few moments, Diggle gestured to the door, and Percy left the office.

As Percy left the office with Diggle, reporters swarmed them. Percy pushed his way through the reporters and into the car, Diggle following him shortly.

After a tense silence, Diggle turned to Percy. "I spent 27 years in Starling, and 5 in Afghanistan. You wanna know what I learned?"

Percy sighed. "There's no place like home?"

"No, the opposite," Diggle said. "Home is a battlefield. Everyone's trying to get you."

Percy sighed, remembering his home, and all the monsters trying to get him.

"Home tries to get you to open up, be someone you aren't," Diggle continued. "Or maybe you aren't as messed up in the head as you have every right to be."

Percy looked out the window, remembering Robert, and his dead body on the beach as they made their way back to the mansion.


Percy was pacing in his room listening to the news.

"Martin Somers' attorney has stated that his client has no intention of testifying in the case about Victor Nocenti," the news anchor said.

"Skatá," Percy swore, going back to his roots. While he was putting on a shirt, he felt another presence enter his room.

"How did you get those?" Thea asked, running up to Percy.

Percy quickly covered his scars with his shirt. "Thea, can you knock next time?" he asked.

"Mom said there were scars, but...I didn't expect this," Thea said, ignoring Percy. "What happened to you there?"

"I'm not ready to open up yet, but I can tell you a little bit, but you can't tell mom," Percy said. Thea nodded.

"I wasn't alone on the island," Percy started, causing Thea to gasp. "The people that were there tortured me for information," he continued.

"Ollie, I'm so sorry," Thea said. "I know there is something else, I'm not dumb."

Percy sighed. "I'm not ready to talk about it," he said sadly.

Thea stood up. "Of course you aren't. You just want to talk to me about your social life," she said turning away.

"Wait," Percy said before Thea could leave. "Where are you going?"

Thea turned around. "Why should I tell you?" she challenged.

Percy walked towards the girl who he had grown to love as a sister. "I'm sorry Thea, I just want you to be safe. I just need to get better at talking about my experience."

Thea looked at Percy strangely. "Do you have a second?" Percy raised his eyebrow, and nodded. "Good. I want to show you something out back."

Thea lead Percy out to the lawn, and Percy started to get nervous. Did she discover who he was?

"Sometimes when I wanted to talk to you, I came here," she said, leading Percy to a place where two headstones were, and Percy let out a sigh of relief. They read Robert and Oliver Queen, but it was a different grave to the one that was buried around 10 years prior.

"Mom was a wreck. A few months after the wreck, she stopped going out. Eventually, she stopped talking altogether. The house was so quiet that I'd come here," she started. "I'd come to talk to you." Inside, Percy was crying, but he kept his stoic face.

"I'd tell you stupid stuff, like how I was doing, who I had a crush on, I'd even beg for you to come home," Thea said. "The truth is, I felt closer to you when you where dead."

That struck a cord within Percy. He loved Thea, and he wanted to make sure she was safe. However, with his crusade of taking down the list, he had neglected to spend time with Thea, and he wanted to, so bad.

"Look, I know you where in hell there, but it was hell here too," she said. "You gotta let someone in, even if it isn't me."

Percy knew what he needed to do. He vapor travelled to a grocery store and picked up some ice cream before vapor travelling to an apartment complex. He was confused to find two cop cars outside, and he looked at them as he walked up the stairs to a familiar apartment. He knocked on the door, and the door opened, and he saw one of his old friends in the doorway.

"Hello Laurel," Percy said. "You alright? I saw a few cop cars outside."

"I'm fine Oliver," Laurel said. "Why are you here? You said to stay away from you. How am I supposed to do that if you can't stay away from me?"

I want my friend back, Percy thought. "Thea pointed out to me that I've been distant since I got back, and I know you definitely hate me, and you will probably never forgive me, I still want some sort of relationship with you, even if it is platonic," Percy said. I hope it's platonic, I don't love you, but I like you as a friend, he thought.

"She told me I needed to let someone in," Percy said.

"And you come to the first person you pushed away," Laurel said pointedly.

Percy smirked. "I did it for a reason. However, I realized I hurt you when I saw you in court, and I would like to have the opportunity to make it up to you," Percy said.

Laurel sighed before opening the door to let Percy in. Percy marveled at the similarity of the apartment, feeling nostalgic to when he was just Percy, and when he was just Oliver.

"This place brings back memories," Percy said.

"I haven't really had time to redecorate," Laurel snapped.

"I'm a jerk," Percy blurted out, causing Laurel to stop and look at him.

"Before the island, I was a damaged jerk, and now, I'm an even more damaged jerk," Percy said, causing Laurel to furrow up her eyebrows.

"What's in the bag?" Laurel asked.

Percy threw it to Laurel. "Something I haven't had in a long time," he said, as Laurel pulled it out of the bag with a smile. "Let's eat."

After a little while, Percy was content just sitting there eating ice cream.

"Moira wants me to join the company," Percy blurted out, causing Laurel to look at him. "Yeah, take my rightful place. Imagine that, Oliver Queen, CEO. What a load of horse shit," he said, causing Laurel to snort.

"I mean, I do have plans after 5 years, and I don't think I could do that by sitting in an office doing CEO stuff or whatever," Percy said.

Laurel sat up. "Oliver, you are an adult. You can say no."

Percy sighed. "Believe me, I've tried. You know how stubborn Moira can be."

"Well don't tell her, show her," Laurel said, causing Percy to raise an eyebrow. "Show her the person you want to be."

"You were always too smart for your own good," Percy said.

Laurel chuckled. "Look, I know about disapproving parents, and I know you have been on the receiving end of my fathers disapproval."

Percy chuckled. "Most of my family disapproved, but that's for another time."

Laurel sighed. "He thought if he and Sara were closer, that she wouldn't have gone with you."

Percy put his head in his hands. "Sara," he said. "She didn't deserve it, I ruined her life and yours. I'm so sorry."

"Oliver, you already apologized," Laurel said.

"It will never be enough," Percy said softly.

Suddenly, Percy heard a slight noise. He reached out and felt multiple presences converging on the apartment. "Did you hear that?" he asked Laurel, who looked at him cluelessly.

"There's someone in the fire escape," Percy said, grabbing a knife from the table. He grabbed Laurel's wrist and started to run for the door, but it was suddenly bashed in by a Chinese man with a sub machine gun.

Percy turned on a dime and started to run the other way, trying to evade fire from the intruder. He led Laurel to her bedroom, but another man came bursting through the window, and Percy had to turn again, dragging Laurel away from the intruders.

However, Percy and Laurel were cornered by a white haired woman, and one of the men had a shot lined up, when suddenly, the man fell to the ground. Diggle was standing there, his pistol raised. He quickly shot the other man, and went after the white haired woman. They exchanged blows, and suddenly, the woman had Diggle on the ground and her knife raised. Percy ran to get a clear shot and launched the knife with speed at the woman's hand, causing her to drop the knife and flee.

Laurel ran into Percy's arms. "Are you hurt Mr. Queen?" Diggle said.

"No, I'm fine Diggle," Percy said.


After Quentin came by, he thanked John and warned Percy to stay away from Laurel.

Later that night, Percy was walking in the mansion when he saw Diggle waiting for him.

"I'd say thanks, but I think I owe you more than that," Percy said.

"No, Oliver, I should be the one thanking you," Diggle said.

Percy looked at him with a confused expression. "The knife," Diggle said.

Percy sighed. "The knife, yeah," he said. "Just got lucky I guess."

"That was a kitchen knife. It's not even weighted properly," Diggle said. "I haven't seen anyone throw a knife that fast in a long time. I'm not a fool, Oliver. I know there is something more about you. I think I'm starting to understand who you are."

Percy chuckled. "Maybe. Besides, I'm heading off, goodnight, Diggle," he said, rounding the corner and vapor travelling away. He didn't even wait to hear a response.

Percy vapor travelled down to the docks in his full hood getup, and quickly took out guards on the port and picked up a walkie talkie. "Wallace, do you copy?" he heard.

"Wallace isn't here, but I am," he said.

As he said this, he effortlessly cut through Somers' men. He fired arrow after arrow at the henchmen and using Anaklusmos to stab them in the shoulder or torso, leaving them out of the fight. Eventually, he saw Martin Somers trying to run away, and he vapor travelled in front of him, where the businessman couldn't see him.

He fired an arrow, and it pinned Somers to a box. "I want the truth about Victor Nocenti, and I want it now," Percy ordered, firing another arrow opposite the first.

"I can't the triad will kill me," Somers said nervously.

Percy walked straight up to him and brought his sword to Somers' neck. "They aren't here, but I am," he said.

"Alright, I didn't kill him," Somers said. "It was the triad."

"Acting on whose instructions?" Percy demanded. When Somers stayed quiet, Percy put his swore closer into his neck, drawing blood. "Whose?!"

"It was mine, it was mine. Nocenti said he would testify against me," Somers squeaked out.

Suddenly, Percy felt a presence behind him, and it was the white haired woman.

"Move away from him," she said in Cantonese.

"Make me," Percy replied in the same language.

The woman lunges forwards with her knifes, and Percy starts going on the defensive. He knows he can easily defeat her with his sword, so he uses his bow instead for practice.

Percy dodges a kick before landing one of his own to the woman's chest, causing her to stumble. The woman goes on the offensive again with her knives, but Percy blocked each strike with his bow effortlessly.

After a few minutes of just blocking, Percy goes on the offensive, showing off his quickness. The woman struggles to keep up with his fast-paced attacks, and Percy is easily able to knock her to the ground after a few strikes. However, the pair hear sirens. "This is the police, drop your weapons," a voice said from a loudspeaker.

Percy ran away and vapor travelled to the docks, but before he could go anywhere, he hears a "FREEZE!" he looks to his right to see Quentin.

"You twitch and your dead," Quentin said. Percy still just stood there. "Bow down, hands up," Quentin followed up.

Before Quentin could do anything, Percy went to his waistband and threw an arrow at the gun, causing Quentin to turn around and go towards the gun. With that distraction, Percy vapor travels back to the lair, and crosses another name off the list.

When he did this, he realized he couldn't be the Oliver that Moira wanted him to be without keeping the promise he made to Robert. He needs to show people who he wants them to see, not an intelligent man, but a reckless boy who hasn't changed since the island. He knew he could keep his friends and family in the dark, but he hated it. He brought out a picture from his wallet that held a picture of Sally and Paul. Tears started to form in his eyes. He missed them so much. There were some times he just wanted to die. However, he wasn't sure he would meet them in Elysium, considering the things he had done.

Percy sat down, tears slowly going down his face, before he got up, his face hardened. He would do both. He would do something successfully to show Moira he could do something, but he would make sure to keep Robert's promise. He got up, ready to give his speech the next day.


Percy headed towards the ceremony for his father at QC's new applied sciences division.

When he got there, he saw Tommy and Laurel talking to each other, and he gave them a smile.

Percy planned his moment perfectly. "This is a monument that will stand for his vision and his legacy."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Percy said, picking up a drink and downing it. "What about me, huh? Aren't I a legacy? Thanks for warming them up Walt, I got it from here," he said, taking the golden shovel away from Walter.

Percy pretended to stumble, then cracked a crooked grin. "I'm sure you all know me, I'm Oliver Queen, and yadda yadda yadda," he started.

"Honestly, I'm pretty famous, and that's because I'm Robert's son. Yeah, I'm Robert's son," he said, fake drunkenly. "See, I was supposed to come here, and take my place in the company. Honestly, what did you guys think? Prodigal son returns and becomes heir apparent? Yeah probably. You see, I'm not like my father. I didn't suddenly come back with an MBA or anything, I didn't graduate from Oxford or anything," he said, chuckling.

"On a more serious note, I'm not my father," Percy said, sobering down. "I'm not half the man he was, and I never will be. So, please, stop asking me to be," he said, putting the golden shovel into the ground and walking through the crowd of reporters that came to the opening.

When he turned the corner, he vapor travelled back to the lair and took out his frustrations on a training dummy. When he was done, he looked through the list, remembering when he first found it on Robert's body, and looking at a symbol in the front.

At the same time, multiple cars met together on an empty road.

Moira Queen got out of one and into another. "My son knows nothing, Robert wouldn't have told him anything. He has no idea that the yacht was sabotaged," she said. The man sitting across from her nodded, and held out a book with the exact same symbol as the List.


Percy walked towards Robert Queen's grave, before crouching by it, the List in hand. "I didn't realize how hard it would be to reconnect with everyone, especially Thea," he said. "Honestly, it's hard, being Oliver Queen. I have to act perfectly, but I think I'm doing a good job. No one knows, and I'm trying to keep your son's memory in the best way possible."

Percy sighed. "Honestly, it's too hard, just to keep all these secrets, of my past life, of my current life, it's just too hard. I just want to give up, and just succumb to that feeling, but I know I can't. Honestly, I miss my friends, especially Annabeth, but I hope she went for rebirth and she'll move on. Honestly, I'm finally ready to move on. You asked me to save the city, to right your wrongs. I will. I swear," Percy said, not wanting to swear on the Styx just in case something happened.

"However, I can't be Oliver. I can't just be Oliver. I need to be Percy too," Percy said. "However, I don't want to dishonor your son's memory, but to save the city, I might have to, I'm sorry Robert," Percy said, before walking away back to the car, but not before gesturing for workers to dig up his tombstone.

"Will you be going out tonight, sir?" Diggle asked.

"Definitely," Percy said, before heading into the car.

AN: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this part. It might take me longer to upload this story, as the chapters are quite long, but I'll do my best to upload consistently. Sorry there weren't any flashbacks, I messed it up in the last chapter, but there might be some new ones in the next chapter, I'm not sure. Anyways, please let me know what you guys think. Thanks so much, and please review!

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