After work drinks

By StupendouslyGood

6.3K 70 44

If you are looking for a story about love, friendship, co-workers, loyalty, ambition, betrayal, drama, family... More

Author's Note
First Day
Client won
Business Trip
Christmas Party
The Visit
Monday Morning
Ignoring you ignoring me
Drinks at O'Luney's
In the closet
Phone Call to Bestie
The fight
Getting in
Two can play that game
Breaking up
Finally continued
Spicy curry
In charge
The Return
Oh Brother
Phone drama - Part 1
Phone drama - Part 2

Brothers test

39 2 0
By StupendouslyGood

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. To everyone reading thanks for keeping up with this story. My tardy days are over.

This Chapter is a bit short so excuse the length but I have others written out just had a major block writing this one out.

Lydia finally sets a day after work for Kyle to meet her and her brother Lance at the bar around the corner from her house. 

Lydia is a bit nervous and gives her brother strict instructions not to embarrass her. They enter the bar.

Lance: So where's your man then?

L: Give him a few he had a late work meeting but is rushing back to meet us here

Lance: So what it is that draws you to him?

L: You'll see, be patient

Lance: Ok let's get a round of drinks to get started

Forty five minutes later and there is still no sign of Kyle. Lance is frustrated to say the least but then decides  maybe this could work to his advantage. He sees Lydia frantically texting and figures she's probably shouting over text with Kyle.

Lance: Everything ok?

L: No he hasn't texted back he must still be in the train

Lance: Is he often late? A persons respect for other people's time says a lot about him Ly

L: Stop it Lance you know you sound just like dad right now

Lance: Really? Maybe someone needs to be the voice of reason

Just then Kyle walks in the bar, texting as he comes in. Lydia spots him and breathes a sigh of relief he's finally here but she is a bit mad at him for making her and Lance wait.

Kyle goes over and gives her a hug and a peck on the cheek  before he says.

K: Sorry Ly Chris wouldn't shut up you know how he is? I tried to call you but the clients office had terrible reception. 

L: Chris is the worst it's like he does everything possible not to go home 

Kyle looks towards Lance extending his arm out to introduce himself.

K: So sorry to keep you waiting, you must be Lydia's brother

The guys shake hands but Lance is eyeing him closely.

Lance: Yes I'm Lance nice to meet you

K: Same here Lydia hasn't told me much about you but I do know she does looks up to her big brother

Lance: That's very kind but my sister is strong willed and has her own mind as I'm sure you know (chuckles)

K: (smiles) Yes I'm well aware

L: Hey cut it out, will you?

K: Can I please get you both another round of drinks? I really should be buying considering how long I made you wait

Lance: Sure I'll have another whiskey on ice

L: Pinot Noir for me Kyle

K: You got it

Kyle walks towards the bar and let's the bartender know he will be covering their table for the night. Then as he's waiting for their drinks, he feels a tight sting on his face. A shocked Kyle looks back to see an angry woman seething.

K: Rose?

Rose: I can't believe you have the nerve to show up at my local bar after you ghosted me

K: Eer... Rose this is not a good time. Please can you just put this down as immaturity and move on

Rose: Fuck you Kyle you're just a fuck boy and you always will be. I hope you're life is as miserable as you made mine

Lance who is carefully watching Kyle realizes he has exactly what he needs to break them up. Rose grabs her purse and storms out. Lydia is facing her brother so she hasn't no idea what happened at the bar. Then suddenly Lance gets up and tells Lydia.

Lance: Stay here let me help him with the drinks

L: Ok 

Lance walks over to Kyle and stirs up conversation.

Lance: Everything alright man?

K: Yeah why won't it be?

Lance: Because getting slapped by a woman in the bar would shake me up a bit

Kyle is cursing under his breathe he was hoping to make a good impression on Lance as the only member of Lydia's family he has met, but realized that ship has sailed now.

K: Sorry you had to see that

Lance: An ex?

K: No we were not dating

Lance: (Smirks) A hookup? 

K: Sort of, I should have ended it sooner than I did, I never realized she was all vested. She went a little stalker on me for a few months. I had to completely cut all contact with her

Lance: Does this happen often? Women think you're more vested than you are?

K: Look Lance I adore your sister and would never do anything to jeopardize that. I'm sorry this night didn't go as planned. I really care for Lydia and I can't imagine my life without her, she is everything to me

Lance puts his hand on Kyle's shoulder just as the drinks come.

Lance: You're not the first guy whose said that to me and you won't be the last

Kyle is shocked with his words but does know how to react. Just then the drinks come through. Kyle tries to pick them up as Lance just stares on. Kyle nods for Lance to pick up one drink so he's not balances three drinks on two hands but Lance starts walking a away but not before saying.

Lance: Nah it doesn't look like you need any help, you look like you're use to juggling multiple things at one time

Kyle knows he's pissed off Lance and now he only prays that he doesn't tell Lydia so stop seeing him. Lance gets to Lydia first and tells her.

Lance: Ok I'm heading out, want me to walk you home Ly?

L: Why are you leaving? Did something happen?

Lance: No I've seen all I need to Ly. Kyle isn't the one for you

L: (annoyed) Don't you think you should give him a chance? 

Lance: (chuckles) Ask him if he gave the woman who slapped him at the bar a chance. I'm done I love you and I'll call you tomorrow 

Lydia is shocked but she is well aware of Kyle's past so knows this is probably all true. Lydia moves to hug her brother.

L: I wish you didn't have to leave 

Lance: If you're smart you'll leave too Ly

 Kyle just got mentally smashed by Lance, thoughts?

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