Live And Let Die // Tss Au

Oleh allycatreadytowrite

637 125 230

!! You don't need to have seen a single James Bond movie to be able to read this fic!! Agent 008 and Agent 0... Lebih Banyak

On Her Majesty's Secret Service
The writings on the wall
A view To A kill
The Bonds that force us together
Actual James Bond character Octavia 'Octopussy' Smythe is in this one!
Remus is tired of being nice. Remus wants to go apeshit
Can people PLEASE stop setting off bombs??? - sincrely, Phil the janitor
Damn bitch, Virgil do be crying
Hey at least no one is dead yet : D
Remus inherits Remy's insomnia when they're away
No Time To Die
RIP to Remus' fat tits
*crying* All these bitches are so clueless idiots
A Reunion
The Goodbyes
The Mission, Part 1
The Mission, Part 2
One Last Chapter

Don't cry, Weep for who I'll make you hurt

18 4 11
Oleh allycatreadytowrite

Roman sat next to Remus. The moonlight shone in through the window as they sat on the couch. Far away they could hear their mother and her girlfriends talking. But that wasn't important, they were watching Aladdin together again and that was all that mattered.

It was a dream. Of course Remus knew it was a dream.

And yet he leaned his body against Roman's and let himself feel his warmth as if he was real. He wanted it to be real so so badly.

"I'll make sure this becomes real soon. I promise" He mumbled to his brother.

His brother sat staring at the tv with blank eyes. He didn't sing along to the songs like he usually did. Didn't make a joke about how Remus always liked the most horrific scenes the most. Didn't comment on the luscious animation. Nothing. He was just a shell. Even in his dreams.

Remus buried his face against his brother's shoulder. He closed his eyes and took in his scent. Blood and dust. His throat hurt from holding back tears.

"I miss you"

Jaws didn't respond. The tv turned off. The pleasant talking quieted through the halls. The lights turned off. Somewhere in the house someone started to scream.

Remus woke up with a gasp. He sat up and looked around his room at MI6's headquarters while catching his breathe. His clothes were sticking to his body from sweat. Even though all he wore was loose shorts and a tank top the dream had made him shake from silent horror.

He could still hear the scream.....It wasn't a scream....It was real.....It was a siren. Every muscle in his body tensed up. It was the kind of siren that went off if the headquarters had been attacked.

It was so loud it was piercing his ears as he got up. He didn't even bother putting on shoes. All he took was his pistol before slamming the door to his apartement open and running for the elevator to take him down into the deeper halls of MI6.

When he got down the corridors were bathed in red from the lights. Normally they shone light blue. The uplifting posters on the wall about gun safety looked more like a horror movie poster now.

The cameras hadn't been destroyed so whoever was attacking hadn't been too careful about it. Maybe they didn't care. Maybe they hadn't had a plan. Remus still held his loaded gun as tightly as he could. He assumed danger was lurking around every corner.

Far away he could help someone scream for help. It only took a few seconds before the screaming stopped and the person went completely silent. Remus started to run in that direction.

He couldn't help but wonder where all the other agents had gone. Shouldn't there be guards running? Where was Patton and Logan? Where was anyone?

Remus turned a corner and was met with a hallway filled with bodies. For a moment he froze in horror. Bile filled his throat. The air stenched of rot and blood. He hunched down next to the closest body.

It was agent 0013. He moved his hand over her nose. She was still breathing. Remus let out a shaky breathe of relief. They weren't corpses. Only injured people.

There had to be at least 7 people here. A mix of guards and agents. How many people had gotten in if they could take down all of these. And leave this many injuries in their wake. Blood was everywhere. Even under agent 0013 nails, as if all she had been able to do in defence against the forces was to try and scratch them.

He ripped off a piece of fabric from his shirt to try and bandage her injuries. She stared up at him with eyes filled with terror, like she'd seen a monster. Her shaking hand moved to grip onto his wrist. Her nails dug down into his skin.

"0014......0014 already...patched the worst....worst of us all up..she ran ahead" 0013 whispered "Please....please call back up....please...I'm worried about her"

Remus held onto her hand "I'll handle it. Trust me. I'll handle it. I won't let anyone get hurt"

He got up and maneuvered between the bruised and bloody bodies to get to the end of the hallway "I won't let anyone ever get hurt again" He mumbled to himself.

He ran until he got near where prisoners were held. He could hear footsteps. He gritted his teeth together. His hands were shaking from tension.

Cries of pain tore through the hallways. Out of the corner of Remus' eye he saw a flash of a human figure. He ran after it but stopped dead in his track as he saw a person sitting slumped over with their back against the wall. A mark of blood had smeared out on the wall behind them.

It was agent 0014. He ran up to her. Her eyes were dim and her body unmoving except for weak, barely even there, breathes.

"Hey hey talk to me. Where are you hurt?" It sounded more like begging than a question as he gently cupped her cheek to look for injuries.

He moved her head slightly and froze. nausea took over as he saw her neck. A chunk of flesh was missing leaving muscle visible. Blood was still dripping down along her ripped apart skin.

It was Jaws. Jaws had done all this. Roman had hurt all these people.

Remus didn't let himself get caught up in his thoughts. He carefully laid her down in a position that would help her breathe and stop some of the blood flow. He used pieces of his tank top to bandage up the worst of her injuries.

"0013 is alive. She's okay. You'll both be okay. I promise" He mumbled to her. She couldn't speak, could barely even react.

Her breathing had gotten just a bit steadier. The alarm was still blaring. He forced himself to get up.

"I'll be back as soon as I can okay? Just gotta go stop my bitch of a brother somehow!"

His heart was beating so fast it was leaving him dizzy as he ran. He rechecked so his gun was loaded in case there were other people with Jaws. He knew fully well where he was going. To Virgil.

When he got to Virgil's cell a guard laid passed out on the floor right outside the door. The door which was open. He could hear muffled voices from inside. He pressed himself close to the wall and looked inside.

Virgil was sitting on the bed with the remnants of his destroyed shark plushie in his arms. His face was still bruised from Remus hurting him. Jaws stood in front of him hunched down to meet his eyes. He was holding out his hand.

Jaws let out barely a audible raspy whisper "virgil" He moved his hand closer.

Getting to hear his voice again made static go through Remus' body. A bittersweet taste filled his mouth.

"Home. Go home" Jaws continued.

"Jawsie" A part of Virgil's voice broke as he took his hand and moved to hug him.

He buried his head againsy Jaws' chest, letting the familiar scent of his shirt calm him. The older man picked him up and carried him out of the cell.

Remus moved behind a corner and hid. He looked with grief burning in his chets at his brother. The old worn out clothes. His long dirty hair. The scars running along his neck down under his shirt.
The blood smeared over his metal teeth.

Jaws relaxed as he began to walk towards the nearest exit. His hand combed through Virgil's messy hair. The teenager leaned his chin against his shoulder and looked out at the hallway. His eyes widened as he saw the agent.

A shaking breathe left Remus' lips as he moved out from his hiding spot. He cocked his gun and aimed it right at Jaws' back. Tears were making his sight blurry.

"I'm not letting you leave!"

Jaws stopped and glanced behind him. His glazed over eyes stared right through Remus. His eyes slowly wandered down to the gun and his muscles tensed. He carefully put Virgil down before opening his mouth enough so the sharp metal was fully visible.

He took a few quick steps and threw his fist right at Remus. The agent ducked out of the way. His hands were shaking too much to properly hold the gun. Jaws let out a snarl before chucking his fist right into his stomach.

All the air went out of Remus. He tried to keep moving swiftly but another punch landed right on his cheek. The pain rang through his body, making him drop his guard for just a moment. Jaws took the chance and grabbed a fistful of Remus' hair and slammed his head so hard into the wall he could hear a crack coming from his skull.

His eyesight turned blurry from more than just the tears. He stumbled against the wall as blood ran down from his forehead. Everything was spinning. His fingers twitched and a loud buzz rang through his ears.

Remus collapsed onto the ground, his body going numb. He watched on as Jaws went up to Virgil, who had been standing frozen in place staring at them. He took the teenager's hand and dragged in him to make him move.

"home" He forced out. Virgil took a few reluctant steps.

A broken sob left Remus' lips. Everything hurt. Watching them walk away hurt. He couldn't do this. He couldn't let anyone he loved ever get hurt again.

He forced himself to move. To lean his hand against the wall and push himself up on shaky legs. To grit his teeth and keep going no matter how badly his head ached. To hold his gun steady and run after them even though spots covered his sight.

"y-you're not leaving!"

Remus ran up in front of them and took up as much space as he could to block them from continuing. Jaws expression didn't change in the slightest as he gently pushed Virgil aside before taking ahold of the agen't wrist and twisting it behind his back.

He let out a scream of pain as his shoulder got close to dislocating. He got shoved down back first onto the ground. He barely had time to glance up before Jaws had kicked his foot right into his stomach. And again. And again.

The taste of copper filled his mouth as blood dripped down on his lips and his ribs were moments from breaking. Jaws looked at him for a moment, waiting to see if he still could fight before moving to leave.

Remus grabbed onto the fabric of his pants in a desperate attempt to stop him. He didn't get up from the ground. He was unsure if he could. But he looked up at his brother while refusing to let go.

"Ro please" He begged.

Jaws didn't listen. He shook his hand away and swiftly stamped his foot down on it. Crushing his fingers under his foot while staring down at him. Remus let out quiet whimpers.

He grabbed ahold of the agent's shoulders and forced him up on his feet. For a moment their eyes meet. Remus' was red from crying. Jaws' were as empty as before.

The metal teeth glimmered as he opened his mouth. His grip tightened as he leaned in to kill him. Remus panicked and moved his gun up to Jaws' chest. To a point where he knew he could shoot to make him injured enough to pass out but not enough to kill him.

It was silent for a few seconds. Tension hung like ice in the air. They both looked at the gun. Remus' hand wouldn't stop shaking. He could end it. He could-

"I'm not hurting you" Remus let the gun slip from his fingers and fall down on the ground.

Remus closed his eyes and moved his arms his brother. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he hugged him.

Jaws stood still in confusion for a moment. But soon enough he bit down into Remus' neck. Right where the skin had just about healed itself after the last time the teeth had torn it open.

"It's okay Roman" He assured.

He moved his hand up and down his back to soothe him as the teeth sunk fully down. It broke apart muscle and flesh. Pain shot through every vein in his body.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you more"

Jaws dragged his head back, making the teeth start to pull the flesh away from the bone. Blood pooled out. His muscles twitched uncontrollable. Whimpers left his throat.

"I wish I could have hugged Remy one last time as well"

His body went completely limp and if it wasn't for him leaning against Jaws he would have fallen down onto the ground. He couldn't move. His sight was all black and he couldn't even feel the pain anymore.

His eyelids were so so heavy. He could feel how close he was to passing out. He coud feel that if he passed out he wouldn't wake up again.

It was okay. He accepted it. Jaws continued to tear into him but it was okay. Everything was fuzzy and far away but it was okay. He welcomed it. He swore he could hear Remy's voice calling for him. He relaxed into the hug and-

"Jaws stop!" Virgil shouted.

He stood staring at the nearly identical people with horrified eyes. He went up to them and tugged in Jaws' shirt while giving him a stern look.

"Stop! I don't want you to hurt him! Bad Jawsie!"

Jaws looked at him before slowly moving his teeth away from Remus' neck. He took a step away making the agent collapse onto the floor, completely unmoving. He leaned down so he and the teenager were face to face.

"I want to stay here" Virgil mumbled out "I want you to stay here as well"

"Hurt" He trailed his hand over the bruises covering the teenager's face "They hurt you. I need to protect you"

He put his hand on top of Jaws' "They will hurt me at home as well. They will hurt you. It's safer here. It was only a one time thing I promise. They won't hurt me again. We have to stay here. Please"


"Theo will be fine! Please Jawsie. Stay for me"

Jaws obediently nodded. He couldn't say no to orders.

Virgil shone up into a smile and took his hand in his. "Great! Then let's go back to my room okay? We can stay there together. No one will force you to kill anyone ever again I promise"

He guided him towards the cell while continuing to list all of the things they would be able to do together. Read books, draw, sit on a cozy carpet. Jaws had grabbed onto Remus' ankle and was dragging him with them.

Once they got into the cell Virgil made sure to close the door so Jaws couldn't run away. He could hear the click of the lock going off. He sat his friend down on the bed and showed off his plushie.

"Look it's a shark! He has the same name as you! Jaws!"

Jaws held the plushie in his hands as if it was a weapon he had no idea what to do with. Virgil cuddled close to him and closed his eyes. He let out a sigh of relief at feeling his cold skin against his again.

Remus had been left on the floor. He coughed up blood and stared up at the ceiling. Everything was far away, even the pain. But his brother was there. His brother who couldn't remember him, much less recognize him, was safe. He couldn't help but smile at that.

Tears of happiness formed in his eyes as he forced his shaking hand to press a specific point on his watch to call Patton. He moved the watch up to his cracked lips.

"p-patton I-I need medical assistance in Virgil's cell.....and some handcuffs"

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