Live And Let Die // Tss Au

Per allycatreadytowrite

634 125 230

!! You don't need to have seen a single James Bond movie to be able to read this fic!! Agent 008 and Agent 0... Més

On Her Majesty's Secret Service
The writings on the wall
A view To A kill
The Bonds that force us together
Remus is tired of being nice. Remus wants to go apeshit
Can people PLEASE stop setting off bombs??? - sincrely, Phil the janitor
Damn bitch, Virgil do be crying
Don't cry, Weep for who I'll make you hurt
Hey at least no one is dead yet : D
Remus inherits Remy's insomnia when they're away
No Time To Die
RIP to Remus' fat tits
*crying* All these bitches are so clueless idiots
A Reunion
The Goodbyes
The Mission, Part 1
The Mission, Part 2
One Last Chapter

Actual James Bond character Octavia 'Octopussy' Smythe is in this one!

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Per allycatreadytowrite

Loving how the title of the chapter implies Jaws isn't an actual JB character. (and M, Q and Moneypenny of course. Btw M and Q are just titles that are passed down but Patton is supposed to be the actual Moneypenny's son. Son to the national hero who cucked James Bond over and over when no one else would. AND SHE*S A LESBIAN. No one can change my mind!)

Tw: Survivors guilt, self hate, actual murder!

Remus stopped in his steps as he realized the sound he was hearing was something ticking. 2 rooms away the first explosion went off.

A wave of heat washed over him right before the impact of the explosion slung him into the wall behind him. The air got dark from smoke. As he forced himself up on his feet he could hear a chain reaction of explosions going off. Of course it did, Remy had planted them.

The rooms had quickly crumbled into melting metal and fire filling the ground. A loud crack came from the ceiling. Remus got out of the room just in time to watch the ceiling fall in on itself. It took him a moment to realize that the hallway he was standing in had began to slowly fill with water.

Remy would be pissed off at him if they knew he was staying in a dangerous place just to try and hope that maybe he could save them. Logically if the bombs had gone of they'd probably done it right before being taken. Logically it was already too late. Maybe he was just prolonging having to realize it.

A whimper left his throat. Tears filled his eyes but he quickly rubbed them away. He had nothing to cry over. He was going to find Remy and they would leave together and then save Roman and murder Mr. Impur and everything would be fine.

"Oh please please jesus christ please"

Remus' eyes widened at hearing the words. He didn't recognize the voice but he heard that it was close by. His still working fingers twitched a little as he pulled out a smaller handgun from the inside of his jacket.

He had to lean against the wall as he walked. He rounded a corner and saw the elevator that had taken him and Remy down here. A person was desperately pressing the button while mumbling out swear words.

His breathing quickened as he stumbled towards the person. His contorted foot was more being dragged behind him than actually used to walk. The water was nearly reaching his knees.

The stranger turned around suddenly upon hearing Remus' footsteps. He looked shocked for a moment before his expression melted into relief.

"Oh great! I thought I was alone down here! Do you know any way out? I'm honestly pretty scared"

Remus didn't answer. He grabbed onto the stranger's shoulder and shoved him up against the wall. His eyes were bloodshot and wide as he held the gun to the man's forehead.

"WHERE. ARE .THEY?" He yelled between ragged breaths.

The stranger was staring at the gun. His lip was quivering and his entire body was shaking. His mouth opened but no sound came out.


"I-I don't- I don't know- I'm sorry- I don't know who you're talking about- I-I- Please don't- I just want to-" He stuttered out. Tears were already streaming down his cheeks.

He used the gun to hit him across the face "LIAR! YOU HAVE TO KNOW! I HAVE TO PROTECT THEM! WHERE ARE THEY? YOU TOOK THEM FROM ME!"

"I- Sorry- I'm sorry- I don't- Sorry- I just- I just want to get home- Please just-" It erupted into incomprehensible sobbing.

The agent stared at him as he cried. Remy was gone. He'd been too late. He couldn't do something as simple as to protect his own spouse.

Remus pulled the trigger.

The stranger's brain painted the wall behind them. He flinched and let go of them. The corpse collapsed onto the floor.

He took a step back and dropped the gun. Blood had splattered onto his hands, he could taste blood and flesh in his mouth. He stared at his shaking hands for a moment before lurching forward and puking.

The water was up to his thighs. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and realized that he'd been vomiting stomach acid and blood. His sight was going dark. He couldn't breath. His body ached. Everything was spinning.

He wanted to lay down and die. He couldn't. He had to save Remy and Roman........He was so tired of being the one to survive.

Somewhere at the back of his mind he remembered Remy telling him there were emergency exists near the elevator. He traced his hand against the wall as he forced himself forward. In his head played image after image of Remy being hurt or worse. God he hoped Roman was alright.

His hand trailed over something sticking out of the wall. He rubbed his eyes to get them to focus enough to see that it was a button. He wanted to hesitate and stay, to try and keep up the hope that maybe he could save them, but instead he pressed it.

The wall opened up and revealed 10 or so small oval pods. He collapsed into one. His broken ribs seemed to light up in pain at being pressed against the wall but his legs were shaking too much to stand.

He was barely aware that the pod was moving. One moment he was underwater and in the next the emergency pod had disintegrated leaving him floating near the edge of the harbor.

A fisher stood by the edge and was staring at him. She hunched down and reached out for him. He took her hand. His body was so numb he didn't even feel it. The dissociation also helped. She dragged him up onto land, his ribs hurt so bad from his waist stretching he nearly screamed.

He tried to stand up but his knees buckled under him. The fisher held onto him so he didn't fall flat on his face. Yelling and panicked voices could be heard from the part of the harbor belonging to Enfuel. The destruction of the underwater base had sent the whole location into chaos. Theo would have to fill out SO much paperwork.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital? No offense young man but you look horrible" The fisher asked.

Remus stared out into nothing, his mouth half agape, for nearly a minute before his brain finally got the message that maybe he should respond. "Ehm I-I- can you- there's an adress- could you take me there?"

She patted him gently on the shoulder "Of course"

She helped him over to her car and he collapsed onto the backseat. He groggily mumbled out the adress. If it weren't for the image of his brother's empty eyes constantly playing in his mind he would have passed out while she drove.

The car stopped outside of an apartement building in the midst of London. She asked him if she should helped him to the door but he denied it. After thanking her he forced himself to stand and stumbled out into the house.

Everything was foggy, like in a dream, as he took the familiar steps towards apartement nr. 3. It was nearing 2 am as he knocked on the door. It took a while before the door opened. When it opened a gun was pointed towards him.

"Oh...It's just you" Logan muttered as he lowered the gun.

He was wearing a star patterned pyjamas and his hair was a mess. He rubbed his eyes and let out a yawn that somehow sounded annoyed.

"What the hell are you doing here at this hour? You woke my cats"

Remus grabbed onto his shirt, his nails dug down into his skin and his bloodshot eyes stared up at him. "Lo- I- Roman- A-And- they- They're not- They didn't- I didn't-"

Logan held onto his friend so he didn't collapse. He felt startingly awake as Remus continued to stutter out incomplete sentences.

"Where's.....Where's Remy?" He suddenly felt nauseous "Remus where's Remy?"

"I'm sorry- I-"

Remus' eyes rolled back into his skull as he passed out.


The sun was blaring in through the window when Remus woke up. All his thoughts were scrambled and his body hurt like hell. He tried to stretch but immediately regretted it.

He rubbed his eyes to properly wake up while turning towards the other side of the bed. "G'morning darling deares-"

The other side of the bed was empty. A sinking feeling filled his chest as he remembered everything that had happened yesterday. Remy was gone.

Tears pressed on in his eyes but Remus quickly blinked them away. If he cried it felt so much more real. He didn't want it to be real.

He looked around and realized he was in Logan's bedroom. A black cat, who looked weirdly pissed off at him, sat on the end of the bed, unfinished gadgets and opened books were scattered over the floor, an aro flag was hung over the desk and posters for sci-fi series filled the walls. All his injuries seemed to have been tended to. Around half of his body was wrapped in bandages, especially his chest and neck. A tube, connected to a bag which he assumed was some sort of painkiller, had been placed into his inner elbow.

"You're finally awake" Logan said from the doorway.

He moved over to the bed and sat down closely to Remus. Yet another cat cuddled up in his lap.

"How are you feeling? Is there some injury I missed? I must confess that I was quite worried"

Remus reached out for him so Logan leaned down and embraced him. He held his arms carefully not to hurt him.

"Thanks" Remus mumbled out through chapped lips.

"Always" Logan glanced into his eyes "I need you to tell me what happened"

Remus immediately started to shake. If he had anything left in him aside from stomach acid he would have been worried about throwing up again. The words caught in his throat and all he could do was shake his head.

"The sooner I know what happened the sooner it can be fixed. You can write it down if you want"

The agent looked away from him.

"The last thing-" Logan sighed "Remy sent something to my computer and then nothing else happened. It was the locations of almost all of Enfuels and their bought companies locations, which is good, and I know you two were going to infiltrate a harbor base. I need to know what happened after they sent me the locations"

Remus parced his lips to say something but his body couldn't will itself to speak. He gripped onto the blanket while staring at nothing.

Logan let out another even more sad sigh. He rubbed his temples as if to rub a headache away while standing up from the bed. He fumbled around with the medical supplies. He took a handful of pills.

"Please just take these. You are too injured to fight back right now anyway"

He willingly took the pills, he didn't bother to ask about them because it was Logan and Logan would never hurt him. It only took a few seconds before his body was completely numb and his head was floaty and faraway. Suddenly he didn't feel the urge to sob anymore. Suddenly it became easy to say what had happened. The other man quickly wrote everything down as he said it before letting Remus doze off into a dreamless sleep.


The next time Remus woke up the drug was still affecting him. He drifted somewhere between sleep and alertness. The only thing keeping him from fallng asleep again was the weird sounds coming from the other room.

He tried to move out of bed but just turning on his side hurt so much he nearly teared up. His eyesight was blurry but he could see Logan sitting on the couch in the living room with his head in his hands.

He slowly realized that the sound he was hearing was Logan crying. His thoughts were too far away to remember why he would be crying.

The numbness took over and he passed out again. He kept flowing in and out of sleep for the next 3 days as he drug slowly wore off. He kept getting the feeling that there was something he Needed to do but he could never grasp what it was.

Until he finally woke up gasping for breathe in the middle of the day. His hand was scratching at the part of his neck where Jaws had torn into him. The drug had stopped making his memory foggy.

His first instinct was to try and get out of bed. A string of swears left his mouth as simply taking a step was a struggle. Logan appeared in the doorway, alerted by the sudden sounds.

"Your injuries aren't even close to being healed enough for you to move around" He muttered out while trying to get him to sit down again.

Remus scratched at his face to get him away "I need to save Remy! ANd Roman! And fix everything and-"

"Remus Octopussy Magda Bond Smythe I am not afraid to fucking taze you. Get back on that bed!"

The agent pouted while sitting down. Logan sat down next to him. He fixed his glasses and sighed.

"I've been trying to calculate in which facility they are most likely to be. If I just get more time maybe I can..." Logan's words trailed off into nothingness. "I'm sure in time we will....they will...they won't be gone for too long...I hope"

Remus wordlessly leaned his head against the other man's shoulder. Logan pressed a kiss to his forehead. They sat together with their sadness.

Until there came a knock on the door. The agent flinched and via instinct his hands struck up into his usual fighting position.

"I haven't invited anyone over" Logan informed.

He got up and took out a gun from a drawer before quietly leaving the bedroom. He could hear the door open and a mumbled conversation before Patton Moneypenny entered the bedroom. He had his usual bright smile plastered over his face. He wore a knitted work jacket and a matching blue pleated skirt.

"Hi Smythe" He greeted while doing an awkward little wave.

"Hiya Moneypenny"

"Ehm I....Q...." He seemed to be searching for the right words "Q told us what happened during the mission a few days ago. WE as in me and M I mean. And uh I just thought you should know that ehm M sent a message to your mother telling her about...Roman...and uh I don't know if she's read it. I mean it's not like she's sent anything back but uh I can imagine it is quite turbulent news to get"

Remus' eyes widened. He hadn't even thought about how to tell her. "That- That- you should have let me tell her!"

"I know kiddo, I'm sorry" For a moment it seemed like he was moving to hug Remus but then hesitated and instead sat down a bit away from him. "How are you feeling? You don't look so good"

"Havent' felt this good since an army of zombies came up from the ground and ate my entire body" He muttered back.


Patton sat still on the edge of the bed with his hands resting in his lap. It was quiet for a while. He stared out the window, his eyes nearly looked glossy. When he finally spoke again he was holding onto the fabric of his pants so hard so his knuckles had whitened.

"Remy's mothers should also know- I mean we should call them. If their child is.....They...They have the right to know. They will notice eventually anyway"

Remus stared down into the bedsheets just to avoid looking at the other man. There was a lump in his throat and something aching behind his ribs. Just the mention of Remy made him want to sob.

"I- I can't talk to them right now" He choked out. "They'll hate me for not being able to protect them. I was- I had to- I-I can't talk to them"

Patton reached out and gently took his hand "It wasn't your fault"

He couldn't get himself to reply.

"I can call them, if you'd let me" Patton suggested.

Remus weakly nodded.

The older man tried to send him a reassuring smile but it looked more like a grimace. He took his phone and walked into the other room. He closed the door behind him so the agent wouldn't hear.

The phonecall took 15 minutes. With each passing minute Remus got more and more anxious until it turned into nausea. When the door opened again he nearly flinched away from it.

Patton wiped a tear away from his cheek while setting the phone down on the nightstand. "They...They didn't take it well"

"I knew they would hate me-"

"They don't" Patton interrupted. He sat down on the bed again. This time closer to him. "They wondered if you were okay and everything. Kiddo honestly I think it would be better if you went to recover at their house instead of here or at MI6. You and them are really the only ones who can understand each other right now. I mean I can't imagine how I would feel if my husband or daughters were taken. It's the kind of support you need. I can sadly not give it to you kiddo"

"I don't need it. As soon as I can walk properly I'll get back to work. They will barely even notice Remy has been gone. I'll make sure of it"

"Kiddo don't! You need to let yourself heal. You can't do anything if your bones break apart!"

"I'll be fine!" Remus said through gritted teeth.

"Kiddo-" Patton reached out to take his hand but Remus flinched back "You have to take care of yourse-"

"I don't want to talk right now"

"Hurting yourself won't do anything to help Remy" Patton tried to say it as nicely as possible.


The strained smile fully disappeared from Patton's face and he quickly looked away. "I'm sorry 009. I know you have a lot to stress over right now. I still think you should spend time recovering" He stood up, still not looking at him "I hope you feel better soon, at least physically"

With that he left. Remus turned around and buried himself under the blanket. Even though he'd been sleeping for so long he was still so tired, it felt like he was sinking down into the bed. His heart hurt as he passed out.

In the dream, or maybe it was more of a memory, he was 8 years old and climbing around on the slippery rocks that extended from the edge of the floating palace. He was looking for lizards to kiss just in case they transformed into a monster companion. Roman was standing on the solid ground of the island and held onto his t-shirt so he wouldn't fall in.

Roman had his dark brown hair in a braid that nearly reached his waist. One of their caregivers had helped him weave flowers into it. He'd never understood why he would cut his hair if barely anyone around him had short hair. Remus had tried to make his hair look like Edward Scissorhands.

The slightly younger twin looked out at the water while the other gremlin continued to try and seduce lizards.

"When do you think we'll get to leave the island for the first time?" Ro suddenly asked.

"Dunno. Maybe when the zombie apocalypse stops" Remus joked back.

"I hope a magic carpet comes here like in Aladdin and some handsome ehm princess???" He was 8, he had no idea who he liked "Takes me away on an adventure and shows me the entire world. Agrabah isn't even that far away from here!....I think"

Remus was making plans on how to make him as miserable as possible when he finally told him Agrabah wasn't real "I liked the scene where Aladdin nearly drowns better"

"Of course you do you disgusting maggot dribble. Unlike you who will do nothing with your life IIIII the magnificent Roman shall become a hero and save the earth like at least 3 times and then IIIII the extravagant Roman shall live in an even bigger palace with my ehm wifeband and then IIIII the dazzling Roman shall carry on my legacy via an alligator bringing me an offspring just as it did for Mama"

Yes the twins really did believe they'd been given to their mom by an alligator. Octavia had the wisdow to not yet tell them that she fucked the man (James Bond) who killed her father after he rode in onto the island in a fake alligator. And then the next time she saw that man (still James Bond) he interrupted her circus' perfomance while dressed up as a clown to defuse a bomb and then they fucked AGAIN like 5 hours later while on a boat because James has a boat fetish and constantly ends his missions with fucking on a boat, it is concerning at this point. JAMES!!!! YOU!!! BOAT BITCH!!!!


Remus moved onto another stone to try and get closer to a lizard. Roman had to lean forward to not let go of him.

"You think mama will be back soon?" Roman asked.

"Oh yeah totally! Magda said the jewel affair should be done in like a week as long as nothing goes wrong" Remus looked back at his twin "Y'know I would much rather leave the island to go help mama smuggle stuff than get married or whatever you're dreaming about. Marriage is gross and stinky! I'll never get married! If I do you're legally allowed to kill me!"

"Better sleep with a gun under your pillow in like 20 years then because I will never pass up the chance to kill you!"

"Not if I get you fir- LIZARD!" Remus tried to stretch his arm as far out as he could to grab onto the green shimmering lizard he saw.

"Dukey I think what I'm looking forward to the most in life is to be left behind and tortured for 6 years"

Remus froze midmotion. He slowly turned back to look at his brother. "W-what did you just say?"

"That I'm looking forward to travel all over the world with mama" He chuckled "What else would I say"

He gulped back a chunk of bile that had formed in his throat. He couldn't get himself to move nor speak. He watched on as his brother's face seemed to morph. It nearly looked like it was melting before it was reformed again into something different.

His neatly braided hair turned into unkept long chunks of oily hair that trailed down to his shoulders. It looked like it was rotting from his scalp as it cast shadows over his empty blue eyes and sunk in cheeks. His mouth was half open showing the sharp metal teeth filling his mouth in such a way it looked painful.

Remus stared at the distortred version of his brother's face. "I-I- Roman I'm-" He felt nauseous. It was a mirror of his own face as well. "I'm- I'm sorry"

Roman let go off his shirt which made him stumble and fall back onto the slippery rocks. The back of his head hid harshly against the stone. He looked up and saw his brother moving down from the solid ground of the island. He walked towards him and hunched down right in front of him.

He expected him to bite those horrible teeth into him again but instead his mouth sloppily opened and he slowly said in a calm voice "Do you think they'll do the same thing to Remy that they did to me?"

The question made Remus' blood freeze. He couldn't get himself to respond. He couldn't breathe.

His brother moved his strong hands around his throat. He squeezed the air out of his lungs before shoving his head down under the water. His hands didn't let go. The air slowly left his body until he finally-

Remus woke up in a cold sweat. He gasped for breathe while his hands desperately clawed at his neck. He couldn't get the feeling of suffocating away. The taste of vomit filled his mouth.

With wide eyes he stared at the clock and realized he'd only been sleeping for an hour or so. He forced himself to sit up and dragged himself over to the edge of the bed. He had to lean his entire weight onto the nightstand to be able to stand up. He gritted his teeth together in pain.

His heart was still beating out of his chest the entire time he got ready to leave. He stumbled out into the living room. Logan was asleep on the couch with two cats curled up on top of his face.

The agent sneaked out the door. He nearly doubled over in pain while waiting for the elevator. Once outside he called for a cab and his head was spinning so much he had to look up the adress for MI6's headquarters to tell the driver where to go.

The secretary sitting in the lobby looked at him with wide eyes when he staggered in. She was visibly close to calling security on him before he shower her his card.

He barged in on Patton's mini office that lead into M's bigger office. "009 what are you doing here? You should be resting"

"I'm doing my fucking job!" He slurred out.

Patton got up from his desk and tried to stop Remus from barging in on M as well but the agent pushed him away. Patton sighed and stepped aside, he knew he was fighting a losing battle when it came to making anyone around him take care of themself.

Remus slammed the door to Deceit's office open and slammed it just as hard again to close it. He took a deep breathe and pointed at him "YOU MOTHERFU-"

The door slammed open AGAIN and a woman entered the room. She had on a white silk dress that reached her knees, an overly big black sun hat and matching sunglasses. She was in her mid fifties but didn't look a day past 42, so about as old as Deceit was. On the back of her dress an intricate pattern made out of sapphires and citrine formed an octopus. It was Remus' mother: Octavia Charlotte Smythe.

She took off her sunglasses and the look she gave Deceit was enough to frighten any man to their core.

"Where the hell is my son" It somehow sounded more like a threat than a question.

Deceit pressed his lips together into a thin line. He was suddenly Very aware of how close he was to someone attempting to murder him again. "Ma'am I'm sorry but we do not have that information right now"

"Oh darling trust me I am aware how little information all of you empty headed fools of this organization have"

"It's only been two days or so since we got the information that your son is the murderer-"

"MY son Is Not a murderer!" Octavia nearly yelled out. Remus tensed up. He dug his nails down into his skin.

"Mrs. Smythe I'm sorry that might have been the wrong word to use but it is confirmed that he has killed several of our agents for reasons we do not know yet. Anyhow we only got that information two day ago so please understand that it will take some time to-"

"Oh please. Aren't you supposed to be the most powerful organization in England or something" She crossed her arms. "I've done better work on finding someone with just me and a couple of my girls"

Deceit pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed "Allow me to remind you that we are aware of your many years of jewel smuggling and we can arrest you at any time. Just so you don't start interfering with the mission"

Octavia slammed her hands down into the table and leaned closer to Deceit. Her voice was calm and silky smooth as she said "The Octopussy clan has done more good than MI6 ever has. All you do is send young people out to die in your place" She chuckled "And besides that, If you arrested me you would have to arrest all those other rich stuckups that use illegal means to get where they are. I know you won't. I know those people are who MI6 really was made to protect"

Deceit leaned back in his seat to try and move away from her "Mrs-"

"And besides that it would be useless to hold me back from helping the mission that is about MY son and my child in law since I have the resources to do just as much as you can do. I may even be nice enough to let MI6 loan some of my help"

"I am very sorry ma'am but we're not allowed to create contracts with a criminal"

"Oh you" Octavia let out a string of swearwords in hindi that even made Remus widen his eyes. She glanced back at him "Son how about you leave so me and M can have a nice discussion"

Remus knew better than to say no. He simply nodded before leaving the room. The moment he closed the door behind him he could hear Octavia loudly announcing that Deceit was a motherfucker!

Patton sat by his desk and stared at the door with an uncomfortable look on his face. Remus walked by him without saying anything. He walked back to his and Remy's apartement at the MI6.

The apartement was dark as he went in. He didn't bother to turn the lights on. He pretended that it was a late night and soon Remy would come home from another one of their impromptu coffee runs. But he knew it wouldn't happen. Once more tears pressed on in his eyes but he forced them away.

He moved to curl up in the bed and pretend he didn't exists but his foot hit something hidden under the bed. He hunched down and grabbed onto it. It was a shoebox, on top of it laid a note.

'WIP of anniversary gift !!!Do not open!!! Don't!! If you do I Remy will be very sad and you don't want that! Don't open!!!'

A cold empty nothing appeared in Remus' chest....Right....the anniversary. He opened the box. Inside 2 small plushies laid. They were clearly hand sewn and not done yet. It was 1 rat with a mustache and a green tank top and 1 sloth with sunglasses and a leather jacket.

Remus' hands shook as he held onto them. He buried his head against the sloth plushie. Remy's familiar scent of strawberry perfume and coffee beans came from it.

He couldn't hold the tears back anymore. He collapsed on the floor and sobbed. The kind of ugly sob were his nose ran and his throat hurt. The plushie got wet from his tears.

"I-I'm sorry so sorry I'm sorry" He sobbed out. He wanted to tear his skin off and hit his head against the floor until his brain splattered out and gauge out his eyes after dipping them in hot wax. He deserved it. He deserved all the pain in the world.

A knock came from the other side of the door "Sweetie?" His mother's voice asked as she quietly opened the door. "Oh dear" She softly gasped when she saw him.

She sat down next to him and gently wrapped her arms around him. He leaned against her chest and pressed his head against the crook of her neck while continuing to sob. She mumbled sweet nothings while rubbing her hand up and down his back.

"Dad would have been able to- to save them. Save them both. I'm just- I'm just worthless. I-I can't be a hero like R-Roman or dad ever was"

Octavia leaned his head up so he looked at her "Oh shush. Your dad was never a hero, he couldn't even bother to be a gentleman most of the time"

She wiped a few of his tears away before leaning closer so their foreheads were touching "I'll put everything I can into finding them. We'll get them back soon enough. I know it. It'll be okay. Okay?"

Remus nodded while the sobs continued to rake his body "Okay"

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