Assassin's Creed Destiny

By Assassins1997

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"We are never fighting alone. Get up, get going , I'll meet you there" - Monty Oum "Nothing is True, Everythi... More

OC apperance and Short
Votes and Opinion
Volume 1, Part 1: The Encounter
Volume 1, Part 2 : The Shining at Beacon and meet a new friends
Volume 1 part 3: The First Step to become a Huntsman
Volume 1 Part 4: the secret behind the truth of Altair's mother family.
Volume 1 part 5: Jaunedice
Volume 1 Part 6: Forever Fall and Assassination of Lia de Russo
Volume 1 Part 7: The Stray
Arrived at Menagerie Part I
Arrived at Menagerie Part II: Assassination of Michael Strike
Volume II: The Encounter of his Cousins
Volume II: The searching for Precursor Box
Update: Altair's New Attire
Volume III: Round One
Volume III: Altair Phoenix vs. Team DGTL
Volume III: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume III: Lessons Learned and Hunting down another Templar Agent
Volume III: Never Miss a Beat and meet a new Maiden
Volume III: The Fall and Stoping the Templar Plans
Volume III: The Dark History of The Remnant Rite of Templar Order
Volume III: The Destiny and PvP
Volume III: Battle of Beacon Academy and Assassination of Samantha Strike
Volume III: Heroes, Monsters, and Free Will
Volume IV: The Complete Part 1(Become a Mentor and Protector)
Volume IV: The Complete (Intro)
Volume IV: The Civil War
Character Update: Altair Phoenix
Volume IV: Assassins and the Templar Meetings
Volume IV: Team RNJR and Assassination of Le Chasseur
Volume IV: The Road Trade Block and Assassination of Kesegowaase

Volume 1 Part 8: The Encounter of Daniel William

423 5 2
By Assassins1997

At Beacon, Academy. Altair is prepared to search for Blake Belladonna and he knows that she is with Sun Wukong. After wearing his Assassin robes, equip his weapons and gears. He heads toward Team RWBY room and he sees Weiss, Yang, and Ruby was ready as well. The Three nods and they start searching for Blake at Vale.

*Meanwhile with Blake and Sun*

Sun: "Finally, she speaks! Nearly two days and you've given me nothing but small talk and weird looks!" (Blake gives Sun a firm look) "Yeah, like that."

Blake: (rolls her eyes before closing them and looking at him sadly) "Sun... Are you familiar with the white fang ?"

Sun: "Of course! I don't think there's a Faunus on the who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks, if you ask me!"

Blake: (sips her drink while listening until she speaks up for the big reveal) "I was once a member of the White Fang."

Sun: (promptly goes cross-eyed and chokes on his drink, making him put it down and wipe his mouth as he holds up a hand to process this information) "Wait a minute, you were a member of the White Fang?!"

Blake: "That's right. I was a member for most of my life, actually. You could almost say I was born into it..."

The scene shifts to a simple silhouetted flashback of fallen weapons plunged into the ground - swords, guns, any number of combinations.

Blake: (off-screen) "Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between Humans and the Faunus."

The audience is shown the dark outlines of two trios - animal-eared and tailed Faunus on one side, regular Humans on the other - shaking hands and making peace after their struggle. This does not last long, as seen by a white Faunus cowering in fear of the gray-and-black aggressors harassing the hybrid. Later, more Faunus are pushing the crowd away from their bullied brethren.

Blake: (off-screen) "Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose as the voice of our people. And I was there."

Silhouettes of Faunus protestors are revealed, and emerging from the shadows is a young girl with dark hair and cat ears.

Blake: (off-screen) "I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. I actually thought we were making a difference. But I was just a youthful optimist."

Cutting from the child version of Blake, the blue flag of a white wolf with sad eyes and a circle behind its head is lowered, and raised in its stead is a red monster with three bloody scratches and teeth bared at the world.

Blake: (off-screen) "Then, five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking."

A quick series of images are shown - Faunus replacing their picket signs with axes and blades, windows being broken, thieves leaping on trains to steal their cargo.

Blake: (off-screen) "Suddenly, our peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us, hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus labor. And the worst part was, it was working. We were being treated as equals. But not out of respect... out of fear."

The flashback shows one more image of three Faunus individuals standing in a dominating manner with malicious grins until Blake puts down her teacup in front of a stunned Sun.

Blake: "So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence, and instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am criminal hiding in plain view, all with the help of a little black bow." (she wiggles her cat ears beneath the fashionable disguise to demonstrate)

Sun: (coming to terms with this) "So... have you told your friends any of this?"

Blake merely looks down in shame and says nothing.

*Meanwhile with Altair and Team RWBY*

Altair alongside Ruby, Yang, and Weiss were walking on the street of Vale looking for Blake. As soon as they walking for twelve hours. He receives a call from someone from his scroll and he wants to meet him at the Crowbar. Ruby looking at Altair and asked him.

Ruby: "Umm...Altair, is something wrong?"

Altair: "Oh no Ruby, someone is called me and wants me to meet him."

Ruby: "Who is it?"

Altair: "I don't know that's why I wanted to find out. I will see you guys later and text message me when you all in danger of finding Blake."

Ruby: "Don't worry Altair, you can count on us."

Yang: "She is right, we will find her and we will be called you when we are in danger."

Weiss: "Don't get too long okay?"

Altair: "Don't worry girls, I will see you three and I will come to save you all."

Altair smiles at them behind his Assassin hood as he waving at them as they waving him back. He starts to head to Crowbar to meet someone that it's very important while Ruby, Yang, and Weiss were looking for Blake.

As Altair arrived at the crowbar, he looked around as he approaching the bar table as he still wonders who is called him. He notices a man with black spike hair and wearing a cape. He also equips his weapon that looks like a sword but it can switch into a scythe.

???: "Well now, it's finally nice to meet you again son of Phoenix. It's been a long time since I never have seen you again."

Altair: "Well as I living breath, the famous professional huntsman himself. Qrow Branwen, It's good to see you again."

Qrow: "hehe...yeah it is, you look grown into a young man now and I am sorry about your family death Altair and I know they proud of you."

Altair: "Thank you Qrow, I know you still searching for information about my family's died and I know that you save the Fall Maiden."

Qrow: "I know, we still need to know who is the assault and why it connected to your family death and the fall maiden attack."

Altair: "All I know is that Cinder and her followers were responsible for the Fall Maiden attack and my family death is still unknown."

Qrow: "I know it is Altair, but we should keep this between us and I know that you will head to Menagerie."

Altair: "How did you know all of this?"

Qrow: "I have my own way kiddo, But I'm not the only one who can transform."

Altair: "I know, Raven Branwen your sister who is the leader of her tribes of Bandits."

Qrow: "You should be careful around her Altair, she sometimes does Neutral weather is working with you or your enemy."

Altair: "Alright, Qrow. I should be going to find them, I know your niece Ruby and Yang will asking me for a date alongside Blake and Weiss."

Qrow: " seems Yang, Ruby and her friends really care for you. Alright take care of them Altair, I will contact you anytime."

Altair smile and nods behind his Assassin hood as he walks out from the Crowbar and starts finding them before they attacking the Templar and White Fang.

*Meanwhile with Ruby, Yang, and Weiss.*

Ruby, Yang, and Weiss were searching for Blake for twelve hours as Ruby and Yang were shouting to be called Blake.

Ruby: (shouting) "Blaaaake!"

Yang: (also calling out) "Blaaaake!"

Ruby: (continuing to scream) "Blaaaaaaaake! Where are yoooouuuu!?"

Yang: "Blake!"

Ruby: (turning on Weiss) "Weiiiiss, you're not helping!"

Weiss: "Oh! Do you know what might be able to help? The Police !"

Ruby: (crossing her arms in irritation) "Ugh, Weiss..."

Weiss: "It was just an idea!"

Ruby: (walking down the sidewalk) "Yeah, a bad one."

Yang: (following behind Ruby) "Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions."

Weiss: (following behind Yang) "I think that when we hear it, you'll all realize I was right!"

Penny: (following behind Weiss) "And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!"

Ruby: (turning around suddenly with her team in surprise) "Aaaah! Penny! Where did you come from!?"

Penny: (cheerfully ignoring the question) "Hey guys! What are you up to?"

Ruby: "Uhh..."

Yang: "We're looking for our friend Blake."

Penny: "Ooooh, you mean the Faunus girl!"

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang stare at Penny.

Ruby: "Wait, how did you know that?"

Penny: "Uhh, the cat ears?" (points to her head)

Yang: (laughing a little) "What cat ears? She wears a... boooohhh..."

The realization leaves them in silence as a tumbleweed blows through in the wind.

Ruby: (whispering) "She does like tuna a lot..."

Penny: "So, where is she?"

Ruby: "We don't know. She's been missing since Friday."

Penny: (gasping) "That's terrible!" (approaching an uncomfortable Ruby) "Well, don't you worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate!"

Ruby: (doing her best to continue smiling) "Uh, that's really nice of you, Penny, but we're okay! Really! Right, guys?"

She looks over Penny to direct her question at Yang and Weiss, who's blinking outlines are all that's left of their sudden departure from the company of the strange girl. A tumbleweed blows past them again in the quiet.

Penny: "It sure is windy today!"

Penny didn't see her friend Altair as she asking her again

Penny: "So...where is Altair?"

Ruby: "He's meet with someone that it's really important, he will join us once we in great danger."

Penny: "Alright, Let's go, Ruby!"

*With Sun and Blake were walking into the Alley*

Sun: (hands behind his head) "So, what's the plan now?"

Blake: (contemplating) "I still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much Dust before."

Sun: (widening his eyes) "What if they did?" (lowering his arms and pacing in front of Blake as he continues his theory) "I mean... the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there! Right?"

Blake: "The only thing is, I've no idea where that would be."

Sun: "Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a huge shipment of Dust coming in from Atlas."

Blake: "How huge?"

Sun: "Huge. Big Schnee Company freighter."

Blake: "You're sure?"

Sun: "Sure I'm sure, but the White Fang is working with the groups of the mysterious cloak with the Red Cross."

Blake: "What? Strange, I never heard those types of a group like that before. We should hurry and find it."

*With Yang and Weiss*

Yang: (coming out of a shop with Weiss, waving to the person inside) "Thanks anyways!" (sighs) "This is hopeless." (at Weiss when she looks around nonchalantly) "You really don't care if we find her, do you?"

Weiss: "Don't be stupid; of course I do. I'm just afraid of what she'll say when we find her." (walks forward, calling over her shoulder:) "The innocent never run, Yang!"

Yang looks down in thought.

*With Ruby and Penny*

Penny: So, Blake is your friend?"

Ruby: (sighing as they make their way down the sidewalk) "Yes, Penny."

Penny: "But you're mad at her?"

Ruby: "Yes. Well, I'm not. Weiss is."

Penny: "Is she friends with Blake?"

Ruby: "Well, that's kind of up in the air right now..."

Penny: (trying to contemplate this) "But why?"

Ruby: (sighs again) "Well, you see, Blake might not be who we thought she was..."

Penny: (gasps) "Is she a man?"

Ruby: "No! No, Penny. She's..." (stops and sighs, looking at Penny as she talks now) "I don't know what she is. She didn't exactly talk to us before she decided to run off."

Penny: "I don't have a lot of friends, but if I did, I would want them to talk to me about things."

Ruby: (turns her gaze downward sadly) "Me too..." (they continue walking)

*Meanwhile with Altair*

After finishing the conversation with Qrow Branwen about the mysterious Phoenix's family death, Raven Branwen, and the assault of Fall Maiden. Altair rushing toward Blake and Sun's location in hurry by using rooftops and parkour through the obstacles.

 Altair: "*Thought* Raven Branwen, I don't know why she wanted me or my order, You know that murdering innocents is not our way. One day I will find you and telling you the truth, As for the Fall Maiden I need to know what happens to you, but I must find Ruby and others. I know Blake and Sun were at the dock."

*With Blake and Sun*

Amidst the chirping of crickets and darkness of night, Blake lays flat on her stomach on the rooftop overlooking the shipment of Schnee Dust containers.

Sun: (off-screen) "Did I miss anything?"

Blake: (looking up as Sun drops down to her right) "Not really. They've offloaded the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there."

Sun: "Cool." (holds out one of the green apples in his arms) "I stole you some food!"

Blake: (giving Sun a questioning look) "Do you always break the law without giving a second thought?"

Sun: (defensively countering:) "Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?" (Blake delivers a glare at him) "Okay, too soon!"

Just as he said to her, The wind blew as they saw bullhead were landed at the dock with the carried SDC crate full of dust and weapons. Both Blake and Sun sees the White Fang and Templar were start helping to lower the crate.

Blake: "Oh no..."

Sun: "Is that them?"

Blake: (staring at the bloody wolf on the back of the man's outfit and one of them with the Red Cross cape) "Yes... It's them."

White Fang: "Alright lads, let's get this party started and make sure it doesn't break inside!"

Templar Agent#1:  "Alright, we better unload the weapons from Atlas before the Assassin show up."

White Fang: "Hey dude, I never know that you Templar has existed here. You guys want to make peace?"

Templar#1: "Yeah, but through Chaos, Power, and Control. The only way to do it is to find the relics."

White Fang: "Geez...well let's get to it then."

As both the White Fang army and Templar Agents were unlock the crates. They start to control the Paladins and carried the dust.

Sun: "You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?"

Blake: (staring sadly at the scene) "No. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right." (she closes her eyes in despair, only to open them suddenly when she hears Roman Torchwick )

Roman Torchwick walks toward the White Fang and Templar as he lights his cigarette as he's being followed by Templar Agents to guard him.

Roman: "Alright then now boys, put all those Paladins and Dust inside the warehouse and make sure no one is coming toward us, especially our dear friend Assassin will coming to us all."

Templar Captain: "Alright boss, we got it no worries."

Blake: "This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a group of humans. Especially not one like that."

As Blake had enough. She pulls her katana of Gambol Shroud before walking off the edge of the roof

Sun: (alarmed) "Hey, what are you doing?!"

Blake falls to the ground in a crouch, then continues to hide behind one of the containers, peeking around the corner to see Roman berate a White Fang member holding a coil of rope as the Templar was helping the White Fang member to hold a coil of rope.

Roman: "No, you idiot! This isn't a leash!" (as he's looking around, Blake suddenly appears behind him with her blade at his throat) "What the- Oh, for f-" (rolls his eyes when he's cut off by Blake mid-swear)

Blake: "Nobody move!"

The White Fang and Templar were aiming their weapons at Blake Belladona that she holds Roman Torchwick.

Roman: "Whoa! Take it easy there, little lady."

As the White Fang closes in on her, Blake uses her free hand to go for her bow and remove it, causing the ribbon to fall away as her Faunus ears are shown to the world.

Blake: "Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum and those Humans?"

The White Fang was lowering their weapons but the Templar were still aiming their weapons at her as Roman laughing and chuckles.

Roman: "Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?"

Blake: "What are you talking about?"

Roman: "The White Fang and I were not only as a partner but the Templar as well and we will seek power to make this business together."

Blake: "Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation."

Suddenly they see the bullhead were right above them. She suddenly sees a mysterious man who is more familiar with Altair's robes but it's been cover with armor and mask.

Roman: (looking up) "I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation..."

The figure jumps from the Bullhead and landed on the ground as he pulls his sword as aim at Blake Belladona as she sees it with horror.

???: "You will not running away from my little girl."

Roman smiles and manages to fire his cane at Blake's feet, resulting in a large explosion.

*Meanwhile with Altair*

As he frees running parkour from the rooftops, he spots Ruby and Penny were walking. He landed on the ground and walks toward them as Penny and Ruby sees him as they waving at him

Altair: "Any luck girls?"

Ruby: " we don't me and penny already searching everything and there is..."

suddenly they heard an explosion at the dock as Altair, Ruby, and Penny heard of it. Ruby is starting to get worried.

Ruby: "Oh, no..."

Altair: "Come on girls, we must save Blake!"

Penny and Ruby nod at Altair as they rush toward the dock to save Blake as Altair knows who is in there as the White Fang and Roman were not alone. He can sense that Daniel William is helping Roman to face Blake Belladonna.

*Meanwhile at the dock*

Blake, dazed but relatively unhurt on the ground, quickly rolls and trying to attack Roman, but her attack has been blocked by Daniel with his greatsword. Blake looked at him as she attacks him as Daniel is simply easily counter her attack. Roman however is trying to leave the fight while he enjoys his cigarette.

Roman: Well looks like I have to leave now, I will let my best bodyguard deal with you.

 Daniel: I am not your bodyguard Roman!

Roman: Well it the same, well ta...

As soon he going to leave, Sun appeared and attacking Roman by leaps from the container above Roman and drops down on the criminal's face feet-first, rolling up and readying himself to fight.

Sun: Just you and me now!

The Bullheads open to let more White Fang members and Templar Agents descend on the scene, standing by Roman as he gets up and surrounding Sun.

Roman: "You are not the brightest banana in the bunch, are you, kid?"

with that said, The White Fang and Templar were rush toward Sun but he manages to counter their attack. Blake trying to reach Roman but Daniel blocking her path and attacking her as Blake counter his attack and both of them were fighting with their own skills. Blake trying to hit Daniel at his shoulder but Daniel has blocked it with his greatsword.

Blake: "Get out of my way! He's mine!"

Daniel: "You do more better than that!"

As Daniel activates his hidden blade and strike at her, but she manages to counter it as she notices that he have a hidden blade same as Altair have his own hidden blades. She begins to ask him.

Blake: "Who are you and why are you working with the White Fang?"

Daniel: "That's none of your business girls if you really wanna asked who we are? Well asked Altair about this one. Now time to die cat."

Daniel trying to pull his pistol to shoot Blake, but finally that Altair alongside Ruby and Penny arrived in time. Daniel and his Templar were spotted Altair as they aim their weapons. Blake turned to look at Altair who pulls out his Katana.

Daniel: "finally, you finally arrived in time and this time you will die by my blade."

Altair: "I'm afraid I can't let you do that today brother..."

Daniel: "That's very petty...Men kill him..."

The Templar Agents were charging their weapons at Altair and Daniel walks back to see his action. Altair also pulls his tanto as he starting to attacking them as he performing his Master Assassin technique by slicing and cut down his enemy as Blake sees his action were amazing. But she needs to deal with Roman Torchwick herself that he's fighting against Sun.

Just as Roman deals with one opponent, Sun appears right behind her. Vaulting over Blake he kicks Roman in the chest and disconnects his staff into two spinning circles of flame-firing shotgun nunchucks that only slow down once to show the audience what they are before becoming twin arcs of an offense again. Sun swings each gun at Roman while firing everything he as at him, but even with the rapid series of shots and flying bullets, Roman manages to defend himself against every bullet and hit until a millisecond-long pause allows Blake to get a slash in and knock him back.

On his back, Roman notices a container hanging by a crane right above the two warriors and gets up to fire his cane at its supports. Blake leaps behind it, but Sun barely misses when he jumps forward, ending up right below the nozzle of Roman's cane. Just as he's about to fire, his and Sun's attention is drawn to a familiar voice.

Ruby: (off-screen) "Hey!"

Ruby appears on the rooftop overlooking them, Crescent Rose extended and ready for action.

Roman: (losing interest in Sun, waving) "Well, hello, Red! Isn't it past your bedtime?"

Penny: (approaching Ruby) "Ruby, are these people your friends?"

Ruby: (looking behind her) "Penny, get back!" (while her attention is diverted, Roman snarls and fires his cane at her, launching the young Huntress-in-training back from the explosion's force and sending her scythe flying away) "AAAAAH!"

Roman gives off a professional-level evil laugh at his attack on the young girl. Penny turns her head toward the criminal and gives her first glare, walking forward while Ruby tries to get back up.

Ruby: "Penny, wait! Stop!" (she raises her hand in a futile attempt to stop her)

Penny: "Don't worry, Ruby. I'm combat ready!"

Her backpack mechanically opens up, and from its dark depths comes a single sword that extends and multiples into several blades hovering over Penny's back. Leaping from the rooftop with the weapons acting as wings, she sends three of her swords to knock two White Fang soldiers and two Templar Agents down before even landing on the ground, where she proceeds to fling the swords at one enemy, impale another to a wall, create a barrier of spinning steel against a running attack, leaping over a goon with her swords in tow, and finally making a wheel that she throws to knock multiple Faunus and Templars off their feet.

Sun: (observing the spectacle in amazement) "Whoa!" (he runs off to safety)

Three Bullheads come from the skies and open fire on the battle, but Penny merely forms a shield and launches two of her swords into the wall behind her, which in turn pulls their wielder back with their strings. When her swords swirl around her again, she commands them to open their points and build up a large glowing ball of green light. With a punching action, several bright lasers crack the pavement when they fire at the transports and slice each one in half, causing several of the White Fang members inside to fall and letting Ruby watch as Bullheads fall in pieces behind her.

Stunned, she turns back to Penny as she aims her swords at the remaining Bullheads holding the crate of Dust and pulls back on their wires, tugging the aircraft with them.

Ruby: (watching in awe) "Whoa... How is she doing that?"

Seeing the Bullhead's flight fall under Penny's control, Roman grimaces and turns to run towards the last transport.

Penny, after her large green pupils dilate for a second, pulls with all her might on the strings, and the aircraft crashes into a stack of crates, causing an explosion as a result.

Roman: Those kids were getting weirder......I hope Daniel will make out of these alive.

*With Altair against Daniel*

On the other side, Altair finishing dealing with the Templar Agents by himself and suddenly Daniel performing air assassination on Altair with his Hidden Blade but he manages to dodge his assassination technique as he pulls out his sword and face him.

Daniel: "So....famous son of Nikolai, how does it feel that your mother's family member had turned against you..."

Altair: "I will find them and I will kill them betrayed the Brotherhood why?!!"

Daniel: "I have my own way brother, I have my own redemption and path that I lost my faith in humanity.."

Altair: "Your redemption is nothing but corruption and ruthlessness. You murder Innocent and you must pay your price."

Daniel: "As you wish..."

Daniel rushes toward Altair and swings his sword at him as he manages to dodge his attack and strike him back as Daniel blocking his attack, both Master Assassin and Master Templar were fighting each other with their amazing skills. Blake however sees Altair who is having a battle against Daniel to see the truth of them.

Altair striking his Katana at Daniel with his skills as Daniel manages to counter his attack and he strikes him back with his Sword as Altair is blocking it with his Tanto. Both of them show their amazing skills as Altair is far more skills than Daniel as Altair performing his Assassin skills technique and damaging his armor. 

Daniel: "He trained you well...Son of Nikolai and Grandson of Ezio Phoenix...."

Altair: " will payed for your betrayal.."

Daniel: "hehehe... we will see about that Assassin...we will meet again.."

Daniel sees Roman with Neo riding bullhead as he climbs the ladder and flying away. Altair sees this and sighs softly and puts his katana away. Blake however walks toward Altair and asking him.

Blake: "Who is that guy and why did he call you Assassin?"

Altair: "I will explain later Blake, but right now we have to get back with others."

Later, Altair reunited with fellow team RWBY and some of the police were arriving with their cars, and Altair notice Weiss is approaching Blake and Ruby trying to calm her down.

Ruby: (speaking quickly to explain the situation) "Look Weiss, it's not what you think, she explained the whole thing. See, she doesn't actually have a bow, she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute..." (Weiss ignores her and squares off with Blake)

Blake: (calmly looking her down) "Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with the-"

Weiss: "Stop! Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you?" (she pauses) "Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in those twelve hours, I've decided..."

Yang, Sun, and Ruby look on, worried. While Altair crossed his arms and looking at her

Weiss: "I don't care."

Blake: (surprised) "You don't care?"

Weiss: "You said you're not one of them anymore, right?"

Blake: "No, I-I haven't been since I was younger-"

Weiss: (silencing her) "Ah-bah-bah-bah-bah! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up... you'll come to your teammates. And not some..." (looking at Sun behind her as she catches herself) "Someone else."

Blake: (looking at Ruby and Yang grinning at her, she wipes a tear from her eye, nodding) "Of course."

Weiss smiles and nods. The moment is serious for a second more until Ruby screams:

Ruby: (waving her arms wildly) "Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!"

Weiss: (as the five gather with each other, she points accusingly at Sun) "I'm still not quite sure about how I feel about you!" (Sun laughs nervously)

Ruby: (looking around) "Hey, wait a minute... Where's Penny?"

Altair: "Don't worry Ruby, we will meet her later. But right now I will invite you four into a date."

Ruby, Weiss, and Blake were blushes at what Altair said as he's promised by Yang as she is smirked at him and winks at him, He knew that he never had a date in his life so he decides to date team RWBY.


Somewhere in Mistral, at the underneath of Haven Academy. The Templars had gathered everyone as the councils were gathered. Samuel Strike alongside his families: William and Michael Strike, Also with Amanda, Alex and Maria Strike were also gathered as well. Adam Taurus, Cinder fall, Emerald, and Mercury were also gathered. As they were waiting and suddenly they see Daniel with Roman and Neo enter the room.

Samuel: "What happened to you three?"

Daniel: "Forgive me, Grand Master. It seems that your Grandson alongside his friends destroy our plans"

Samuel: "Not to worry my favorite student, we will deal with that later. but right let's discuss the situation in Menagerie."

Michael: "Yes Grandfather. I and Adam were able to high price and make the Faunus poor due of the taxes high."

Samuel: "Good, report that Adam has new followers to join him and our cause."

Michael: "But what about that Bastard Ghira Belladonna? Sure he will try to stop us."

Samuel: "Well for Mister Belladonna is already done for. Don't worry some of Adam's agents will deal with that."

Alex: "What about our cousin grandpa? Sure he will kill one of us."

Amanda: "He's right grandpa, we should find him and kill him."

Samuel: "Patience my child,  We will have him soon but not the time. But if you meet him in person speak to him and asking him to join us if he can. But if not we will kill him."

Amanda and Alex nod each other well Maria was also agreed to this matter. no matter the cost, As Michael leaves for Menagerie to make a plan with Adam about the strategy.

*Meanwhile back at Beacon*

After having a date with Team RWBY, Altair alongside Team RWBY head back to their dorm, but he receives a message from Ozpin and he needs to him right now. The girls were looking at him and Ruby starting to ask him.

Ruby: "What's wrong Altair?"

Altair: "Professor Ozpin wants to meet at his office and it seems very important."

Yang: "Alright, we will head back to our dorm then. Take care Altair!"

Yang said to him and winks at him, Altair chuckles and smiles at them behind his Assassin hood as they head back to their room, but Blake needs to know about Altair's secret work. But she will meet him later when he back to his dorm.

At Ozpin's office, he's sitting down on his chair with his desk while he drinks his cup of coffee. Once Altair arrived at his office by using an elevator and walks towards him.

Ozpin: "Good Evening Mr. Phoenix, how are you doing?"

Altair: "Very good and well, helping Team RWBY in their messed."

Ozpin: "Yes I heard what's happening at the dock, but you did well. I also receive a message from your mentor."

Altair: "What does he say?"

Ozpin: "You will heading to Menagerie home of the island for Faunus. Ghira Belladonna the Chieftain of Menagerie, former High leader of White Fang, and also he's a friend to your brotherhood. Also, send my regard to Chieftain Belladonna from me okay? And your mentor has another message for you."

Ozpin put his scroll on his desk and activate it as it reveals a hologram message from Altair's Mentor, Achilles.

Achilles: Altair, I have some important mission for you during your visit to Menagerie you not only to supporting Ghira Belladonna. Your mission is to assassinate your own Uncle, Michael Strike. I know this will be difficult for you but it had to be right. Michael and Adam were not alone, they have each lieutenant that supports both Adam and Michael, but there is one young lady you must not kill and you must support her for telling her the truth."

Achilles shows a picture file of a young lady with a long brown ponytail and her skin is tan. Altair knows that she is a Comellion Faunus that can change color and invisible.

Achilles: her name is Ilia Amitola, she is a member of the white fang and she is an agent for Adam Taurus itself, but for your uncle, he has six lieutenants and it's gonna be a challenge for you to assassinate them first. I will show you what are they look like."

Achilles shows him a picture of six lieutenants who are working under Michael Strike himself, he looking at the picture of his targets and this is gonna be his challenge.

Achilles: Your mission is to assassinate these Michael's Agents and you must assassinate your uncle at all cause. Good luck and May the Creed guide you.

Altair nods to his mentor and understands what he said. Ozpin turns off his scroll and looking at Altair with worried.

Ozpin: I know your father and you great-great-grandfather Altair, they are the great Huntsmen and an Assassin as well. Tomorrow you will leave for Menagerie in the Morning. Get some rest now.

Altair nods to Ozpin and bows as he leaves his office and heads back to his room. But he knows that Blake wants to know who Altair is. He follows the rules that he must never compromise the brotherhood as he following the creed.

*Meanwhile at Altair's room*

Altair returns to his room and sitting down on his chair at his study. He sighs softly as he starting to writing his journal about he encountered Daniel William former assassin turned into rogue.

"The battle between me and Daniel is a tie, but he will come back to finish me as I already know his skills. My mentor asked me to visit Menagerie to meet Belladonnas family-like Ghira Belladonna the father of  Blake Belladonna from Team RWBY and friend to the Brotherhood. I know that my Uncle will be there and he will slaughter many Faunus. That will never happen as I will be there and stop him. I will set sail from the Vale dock to Menagerie and hoping to find something that is left behind by the Assassin Bureau a long time ago. My enemy is getting stronger as I know this would come. We must be working in the shadow and we are the seeker of guardian of mankind and Faunus, But now we will help and make a white fang for a better future."

After he finishes his writing. Suddenly Blake appeared behind him as she approaching him and tapping his shoulder and he suddenly sees her

Altair: "Oh geez Blake, I thought I was alone. What are you doing here?"

Blake: "I need some answer and I wanted now. Who are those people who work with the White Fang and what are you working for?"

Altair already knows that she wanted to know who he is and he had no choice but only reveal a secret to herself.

Altair: "Alright, But remember this. You must not tell your teammates to cause their time is not ready yet who I am and I will tell you who we are."

Blake nods to him as he walks toward to door and locking the door. He sees Blake is sitting on his bed as Altair sitting down on his chair and started to explain to her.

Altair: "Before we begin, I wanna asked you do you know my father and my grandfather?"

Blake: "Yes I heard about them, Nikolai Phoenix and Ezio Phoenix the world's greatest legendary Huntsmen, why?"

Altair: "Well the truth, Nikolai Phoenix is my father and Ezio Phoenix is my Grandfather."

Blake shocked by what Altair just said that he's the legendary son of Nikolai Phoenix and Grandson of Ezio Phoenix. Blake has so many questions for him

Blake: "Why you never told us that you are the legendary son of Nikolai and Grandson of Ezio Phoenix?!"

Altair: "Because I don't want to tell them who I am and what I am,  But I will tell you all later when their time comes and I know you had so many questions."

Blake: "Yes I do, who are those men who are the men with the red cross symbol, and why are they working with the White Fang?"

Altair: "They been working with the secret of the organization who wish to dominate the world of Remnant with chaos and destruction, they didn't care about Humanity, Faunus, and more. They only to serve to their goddess of darkness or should I called her the witch."

Blake: "And if you are not a Huntsman, then who are you exactly?"

Altair had worried if he telling her about his order, it will compromise the Brotherhood and broke the tenets. He had no choice but to tell her.

Altair: "I am from the Secret Order of Guardian Mankind and Faunus, we are the seeker of justice, liberty, freedom, and peace. We are the Remnant Brotherhood of Assassins Order."

Blake is more shocked by what Altair just said that he's from the Remnant Brotherhood of Assassins, she thought that those orders were already extinct and destroyed a long time ago.

Blake: "I thought the Assassins were disappeared and gone?"

Altair: "Well we rise now from the shadow, we fighting within our Creed and we strike our enemy from the shadow. You didn't know what Assassins mean do you, Blake?"

Blake shakes her head no as she didn't understand what it means of an Assassins. Altair is starting to prepare to tell her a story.

Altair: "Well now settle down, I have a story to tell and this is gonna take a while."

Altair started to explain the history of a secret war between the Hidden Ones turned into Assassins and the Order of Ancients turned into Templars. He told her about their goal and achievements as he almost finishes the story.

Altair: "...and so this is why the Assassins have dedicated themselves to the pursuit of the Templars. Because if they succeed - Remnant will be doom forever and the Dark Queen will rule everything."

Blake had no words of what Altair story about the war between Assassins and Templars. But she will do everything to help Altair but she asked him again.

Blake: "Altair, I know there are so many questions for me to ask but will you help me to remove the pain from my past?"

Altair: "In time Blake, when your faith will have redemption on it. Tomorrow I will visit your parent's home in Menagerie."

Blake: "What?! Are you sure?! That place is forbidden for human activities."

Altair: "Not to worry, some faunus were also part of the member of my father's order. Tomorrow I will tell your team that tomorrow I will leave."

Blake nods to him as she heads back to her team as Altair is closed the door, he sitting down on his chair with his studies as he starting writing his codex.

"Menagerie is where my next destination, My uncle will be there with his agents. My father was built the Bureau in Menagerie for the Brothers and Sisters Faunus who become Assassins. The target is on the move for tomorrow as I must meet the Belladonnas family. I know my Uncle and Adam working together, if Adam isn't there and I will kill my uncle. I will prepare to kill my Uncle and My battle is now to begin."

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