From 6ft Under | Hajeongwoo

By itsbaejinjja

57.7K 4.4K 3.1K

T R E A S U R E Watanabe Haruto - Park Jeongwoo Park Jeongwoo, A divine being was sent to the human realm a... More

[II] Hell is who you are
[III] The fall of light
[IV] Gang Berry
[V] Great Pretender
[VI] Chasing chaos
[VII] Books, Memories, & Immortals
[VIII] Good boys go bad
[IX] Kiss me
[X] Greed and Healing
[XI] Payback Time
[XII] Spontaneous compensation
[XIII] Compensation
[XIV] Graveyard of the Unburied
[XV] Lifting the veil
[XVI] Chain of Custody
[XVII] Memory Chip
[XVIII] War of Miscreants
[XIX] Calm and Chaos
[XX] Devil's Prayer
[XXI] Kinds of Brave
[XXII] Alone Together
[XXIII] Lingering Doubts
[XXIV] Embodiment of Lust
[XXV] Puppy Love
[XXVI] An Archangel's Equivalent
[XXVII] Gift of Choice
[XXVIII] Waiting Game
[XXIX] Burning Bridges
[XXX] The Final Judgement

[I] Tainted Angel

3.3K 227 160
By itsbaejinjja

Third Person

As the scripture of order says, the five angels was sent to the human realm at the break of the dawn. Their divine characteristics temporarily disappearing as they landed to the palace.

"Okay where am i? Who am i?" The angel of hope muttered nervously while gently groping his body just to check if he's alright.

"Ramiel- i mean Jeongwoo, where are you?!" he heard a familiar voice yelled not too far from where he landed.

Jeongwoo started walking towards where the voice is only to see Gabriel- Mashiho, struggling to get himself off of the plant box.

"I can't believe they just randomly throw us here, what if i landed to a mud or something?" the messenger of heaven complained while his eyebrows knitting close to one another.

The angel of purity or Junghwan in the human form, halt as he seriously glance at the older angel. He slowly put his finger up and point directly at Mashiho. "You are annoyed for the first time in 104 years"

"What?! No way! I'm not annoyed!"

Doyoung or Uriel, the angel of wisdom, gently wipe the dust off of his shirt before looking up to the others. "Gab- Mashiho hyung, it's fine. We are temporarily humans so it's normal. The angel superior informed me that we will start having human feelings like how we used to."

"Where are we going now by the way?" Raphael, the angel of healing who is now Asahi, intervened while boredly looking at them.

"We should go inside the palace, i have the elixir with me." Mashiho said and lead the way inside.

The palace is an exclusive university created for all beings. The divine from heaven, the immortals from hell, and the chosen people from the human realm.

It allows the students or beings to learn more about themselves. Including their history, abilities, and preparation for them to be able to cope up with the real world.

The palace teaches every student the importance of maintaining the balance between all kinds.

While the Elixir of Life serves as the key to cross all barriers separating the human realm from both heaven and hell. Only the divine and immortal guardians can have it as well as those who are righteous.

Although classes and courses are taught like in normal universities, there are special classes available for different kinds. Thus having divided dormitories.

Lunar - for the Immortals
Solar - for the divines
Stellar - for the chosen humans

The three factions can share classes together except the special ones and those who already graduated can return to the palace to pursue masterals and doctorate. However, after studying everything about their kind and learning about their own history, they have to go back to where they originally came from.

"So who wants to share a room with me?" Jeongwoo asked as soon as they arrived at their assigned unit.

Without uttering a word, Mashiho went inside the room and throw himself on the bed next to Jeongwoo's while stretching his limbs.

There are three rooms inside the unit. Two rooms with twin beds and a solo room that ends up being use by the youngest angel. They all decided to take the whole day as their free time since the next day is the first day of school in the university.

Park Jeongwoo who can't get himself to sleep, keep tossing and turning around while starring at the white box placed on the side table. He slowly get up and opened the box only to see a rectangular thing.

"I heard that's a smartphone." he heard Mashiho muttered from behind.

"Is this smarter than Doyoung?"

"Are you damn serious?"

The younger quickly turned around. "Hey that's a bad word! Goodluck to your wings, your feather will start falling off!"

Mashiho shake his head in disbelief before proceeding to sleep while the angel of healing tried to familiarize himself with the smartphone.

On the other hand, Doyoung and Asahi whose sharing a room together lazily lay down on their own beds but they're definitely wide awake.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd?" The angel of wisdom asked while blankly starring at the ceiling.

"What do you mean?" Asahi replied and momentarily glance at the younger.

"Why do we have to chase over the immortals all by ourselves when the eternal guardians can do that? To think that there are seven of them and we are only five. It doesn't make sense to me at all."

The angel of healing chuckles while shaking his head. He then took a deep breath before sitting up straight on his bed and glance at Doyoung. "I've always thought you're too smart for your own good but i have to admit you do have a point."

"When we landed earlier, do you remember anything from your past life?"

That simple question made Asahi pause and think but no matter how hard he tried, he doesn't seem to remember anything aside from the basics which is the degree they finished a hundred years ago, their human name and age. "I can't remember anything. I don't remember who i was as a human."

Doyoung slowly nods. "Aside from chasing the deadly sins, maybe we can use this chance to remember our past lives."


Park Jeongwoo

It was exactly eight in the morning when i arrived in my first class with Doyoung. We settled down in the front row even though i don't really like being in front but it's not like i have a choice especially that I'm literally with the angel of wisdom. Heaven knows how attentive and eager he is when it comes to studying and stuffs.

I can't relate.

"When is the professor coming? He's almost 20 minutes late." I heard Doyoung complained.

I slowly shake my head and picked my notepad. "Maybe we should go. I heard the other students talking earlier, they said if a professor is 15 minutes late then we can go."

Doyoung raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "Are you sure?"


"Good morning, I'm sorry for running a bit late. I am Atty. Bang Yedam, I only teach major classes in this university. Welcome to my class!" The professor who just arrived said before i could finish what i was saying. Some of the students started whispering to one another because of his visuals.

I must admit, the professor looks way younger than other professors we happen to passed by earlier. Well, it doesn't really matter.

He started browsing his list of enrollees and soon look at Doyoung and i, making both of us confused. Nevertheless, we just ignored it and carefully listen to his lecture introduction.

I noticed that he keep glancing in our direction especially to Doyoung whose busy jotting down notes like a good student he is. Atty. Yedam did not use his scheduled two hours of lecture and immediately dismissed the class early.

"See you guys around. Don't hesitate to visit me in my office if you have a concern." He said smiling before waving his hands to everyone as he leave the room.

Doyoung and i walk out of the room and walk side by side towards the Solar library, we need to research as to how the seven deadly sins manage to cross the barriers without the Elixir.

"Atty. Yedam is pretty cool." i blurted out while we're walking. Doyoung quietly look at me before he heave a deep sigh with confusion written all over his face.

"He reminds me of someone I can't remember"

"What do you mean by that?"


"I may or may not have a lead about Ramiel" Yedam announced before tossing a can of soda to Haruto whose seated across him.

They are currently gathered in Yedam's office after the attorney sent a message to their groupchat. Everyone came except Yoshi who has a magazine photoshoot and Jihoon whose still lecturing a Lunar class.

Greed or Yoon Jaehyuk in the human form, had his lips curve into a sly grin before leaning back to the couch. "Not only Ramiel. I saw a very interesting person in the medical department lobby earlier."

They all look at him in confusion but Haruto didn't show much interest. He's more interested in whatever Yedam has in store for him.

"So about Ramiel or Jeongwoo whatever..." Haruto intervened.

The attorney smiled knowingly. "He's my student and he's not alone." Yedam answered. "He's with Uriel"

"You mean Doyoung your-"

And before Hyunsuk could finish his words, Yedam immediately cut him off. "Yeah, he's here too. Both of them are my students."

Jaehyuk who have been listening attentively suddenly stand up and walk back and forth, getting the attention of everyone in the room. "It's not just the two of them" he said and look at Junkyu whose busy fiddling on his phone. "I saw Junkyu's love interest"

The tall Korean quickly dropped his phone and look up to Jaehyuk. "Mashiho is here?!"

All of them turn to him while laughing. Hyunsuk shake his head and gave Junkyu a teasing smile. "Hundred years passed and he still have an effect on you."

"How can i ever forget someone like Gabriel?" he replied and look outside the wide window behind Yedam's table as if reminiscing his memories.

"So there's four of them in total." Haruto concluded that made Jaehyuk shake his head in disagreement. "There's five actually, even Zaqiel is here."

The room fell in silence. All of them thinking of possibilities even though it's something that shouldn't surprise them anymore.

"They are after us." The attorney muttered. He paused for a second before tapping his fingers against the table and exhaling deeply. "But we've been here for awhile now, they should've chase after us long time ago."he continued.

Haruto glance at him. "They are probably informed late that we already escaped or else they would be here as soon as we landed."

"And the thing is they don't seem to remember us, I was expecting them to recognize me as soon as i entered the room but Doyoung showed no sign of recognition." Yedam explained that got them thinking.

They exchange confused and curious glances but none of them can't grasp the situation not until Hyunsuk snap his fingers. A surge of flashbacks running inside his head like a movie on repeat. "Their memories are probably erased."

The tall Japanese furrow his eyebrows. "What for?"

Hyunsuk playfully smirked and point the pen pricker he got from his pocket to the latter. "To maintain purity"

As confused as the others, Jaehyuk was about to ask for clarification when the older sighed followed by an amused chuckle upon remembering an important memory.

All eyes are on him as if they are all waiting for whatever he's about to say while Haruto whose calmly leaning back on his seat earlier is now sitting straight and darting his eyes on Hyunsuk.

"because Jeongwoo is a tainted angel of an old prophecy"

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