Jungkook One-Shots

De Aichan11

179 10 0

A collection of my Jungkook one-shot stories of various genres. Not all stories are 18+, but as most of them... Mais

Now to Forever [M]
Better than Nostalgia
Bad Day (M)

Clueless (M)

43 3 0
De Aichan11

A one-shot based on a request from Tumblr!

Jungkook x Reader

Genre: Roommate! Jungkook, smut and fluff

Word count: 7,469 words


You were greeted with the sound of the TV blaring from the living room when you opened the front door of your house. Although he couldn't see or hear you, it didn't stop you from letting out a small sigh accompanied with a smile to yourself as you untied your sneakers and put them away neatly on the shoe rack. The thick white socks you wore made your steps quiet.

As you padded into the house, you weren't surprised to find your roommate sprawled on the floor with his back leaning against the lower half of the couch and his long legs stretched carelessly under the coffee table. He was staring at the show playing on his laptop on the table but you weren't sure if he was really paying attention to it. At first you opened your mouth to check if he needed a call back to Earth, then you saw the gaggle of men and women sprinting across the screen and gasped.

"JUNGKOOK! How could you?!"

Your shriek of righteous indignation caused him to jump in surprise, knocking his leg against the table. He turned around, scowling at you while rubbing his palm over the injured spot. "Ow! What the hell?"

"You're watching Survivor without me!" The accident didn't matter to you, actually it was well deserved in your opinion for jumping the gun instead of waiting for you to come home.

"Oh," he said, glancing at the computer screen for a split second before turning back to you. At least he had the decency to look and sound sheepish. "Sorry. I was trying to distract myself and I didn't know what else to do."

"How come you're home so early, anyway?" You asked as you sat down on the couch next to where he was sitting on the floor. It wasn't unusual, but you wanted to know what happened, as usual. Jungkook and you told each other pretty much everything. "Did she kick your loser ass out of her house?"

Jungkook snorted derisively, then paused to look up at you. "Maybe."

You raised a skeptical eyebrow at his cryptic answer. Taking in the sight of him, long, muscly and handsome, one of his forearms propped up on a bent knee, looking cool as cucumber, you had a hard time believing any girl would kick him out of her house. Opening your mouth, you started to question this unlikely story but he cut you off before you could even utter a single syllable.

"Come on, let's get ice-cream and pick up some snacks to munch on while we watch this," he paused the show, stood up and offered a hand to you. The mention of ice-cream immediately distracted you from further interrogation and you placed your hand in his to allow him to pull you up.

"I still can't believe you watched without me," you muttered as you snatched your purse and followed him out the door.

A bark of laughter escaped from him and he clapped his arm around your shoulder. His knuckle grinding against the side of your head was teasing but it made you huff and squirm out of his grasp irritatedly. "I thought you've watched season twenty before."

"Just because we're rewatching them doesn't mean that I appreciate you playing it without me," you retorted. "We were supposed to see the whole thing together!"

"Relax, we can just replay that episode from the beginning," he assured you. "I couldn't pay attention to any of it anyway."

After grabbing some chips from the convenience store and an ice-cream cone each from the ice-cream shop, the two of you took a relaxed stroll home. Your raspberry ice-cream was almost gone and you were eyeing Jungkook's half-eaten one. He was quick to notice the longing look on your face and put on a show of slurping his dessert extra loudly with a smirk, just to annoy you. Catching yourself, you threw him a dirty look and fished for a topic to distract yourself from your sweet tooth impulses.

"So, what happened on the date? I thought you wouldn't come home tonight. Either that or I have to put my headphones on full blast," you grinned and elbowed him in attempt to make light on the situation. An eye roll told you that it failed to amuse him.

"The date was okay," he shrugged. "I'd just rather spend the night finishing of this season is all."

You wondered if the date really went well or if he got rejected and was too embarrassed to admit it. There was no reason for a young man like Jungkook to turn down the prospect of sex for a rerun of Survivor, no matter how good the show was. "Did she... not enjoy the date?" The question was far from tactful but sensitivity had never been your forte. It was a mark of impressive self-restraint on your part not to have asked him this before. The sad truth was Jungkook had never returned home late from a date. You never had to turn your headphones on full volume either.

Jungkook popped the last bite of the ice-cream cone into his mouth, munching slowly as he thought of an answer. "Maybe." Another obscure response. You concluded that the date, like his previous dates with scores of other girls, was a failure and that he didn't want to talk about it so you decided not to press the matter. When you brought around a change of topic, he seemed glad for the respite and participated in the new discussion with more vigour.

However, as you watched the contestants jumping in each others' throats at the Tribal Council later, you found yourself unable to stop thinking about Jungkook's dating life. It was incomprehensible that such a handsome, smart guy like your roommate to never have a successful date. At first you thought it was because Jungkook was picky, but when you asked him about the girls he went out with, he had nothing but good things to say about them. It couldn't be that he had a bad personality either. You knew there were girls who would put up with class A jerks just because they were as good-looking and popular as Jungkook was.

On the contrary, Jungkook is a great guy. He was thoughtful, well-mannered and funny. You always found him to be good company. So why was it that for the time that you'd known him, he had never been a relationship or even went out with the same girl more than once?

"Do you pay for the girl's share of the meal when you go out?" You asked suddenly.

Instead of answering, he tapped your shoulder gently with the hand that was resting on you, acknowledging that he'd heard you say something but was too preoccupied to answer. You forced yourself to focus on the screen. One of the contestants just dropped an unexpected bomb and Jeff, the host was expressing his surprise. When a man stood to cast the first vote, Jungkook used the arm that he had wrapped around your shoulders to squeeze you in apology and shifted his attention to you. "Sorry. What did you say?"

The brief window had given you the opportunity to second guess your decision to bring up the subject again, but you forged ahead anyway. "When you go on a date, do you pay for the girl's meal?" You repeated.

"Mm-hmm," he answered noncommittally.

"Did things get... awkward?" You continued, trying to pinpoint the problem.

"Not as awkward as you're being right now." His teasing earned him an elbow in the ribs.

"I'm serious, Jeon," you admonished him.

Sighing softly, he returned, "Why do you care, anyway? It's not as if you have a boyfriend. Shouldn't you worry about yourself first?"

Had the statement come from anyone else, it might have been offensive, but this was Jungkook. His gentle tone and impassive face told you that there was no vicious intent behind them. You couldn't tell him the real reason why you were concerned though. Not when you couldn't even admit it to yourself. You'd had a crush on him ever since you moved in. However, you were too cowardly to voice it out loud, afraid that it would make things awkward between you. The thought of rejection was too scary and you didn't want to ruin the friendship you had with him, afraid to lose the comfort that he provided, the confidant you trusted and the companion you had when you were at here at home.

"You know I'm too busy to date." That much was true. Juggling studies with a job was tough and tiring. All you wanted to do when you had any free time was just relax at home, so it didn't give you many opportunities to meet new people. Besides, you had all the companion that you wanted in Jungkook, although that might change if he actually got a girlfriend. Even though the prospect of him dating someone else was daunting, you wanted it to happen, partly because you wanted him to be happy, but mostly because you hoped that if he was unavailable you would stop pining over him and move on. "I just care about you, that's all."

His expression remained inscrutable and no words came out of his mouth, so you went on, "Do you think you might have said or talked about something inappropriate or upset them in some way?"

Apparently he thought that the reading of the votes was more interesting than the subject at hand, because he turned his attention back to the screen. "They never said anything, so how would I know if I'd offended them?"

"True..." you said softly, prepared to digress and enjoy the rest of the show.

"Maybe you should teach me how to date properly," the words came out in a mumble but you caught them. Thinking that it was a joke, you giggled and agreed. "Maybe I should, you hopeless boy!"

Suddenly he leaned forward to tap the space bar on the laptop to pause the video, jostling you out of the comfortable cuddle you two were in. "Will you let me take you out on a date, then?"

"What?" Eyes wide at the abrupt turn of events, you sputtered. "I - ah -"

"You're free this weekend, aren't you?"

You nodded mutely. Your weekends were always free, reserved for completing assignments and getting some highly-necessary resting time, and Jungkook knew this so there was no use pretending you had something better to do.

"Saturday it is, then," he said. Satisfied that he had settled the matter, he put the video on play and gathered you back into his arms. The next few episodes you watched were a blur. You couldn't believe what had just happened - Jungkook had asked you out on a date. A practice date, but still. Tilting your head up ever so slightly, you cast a glance at him. His eyes were trained on the moving images in front of him and you sincerely hoped that he didn't notice your heart threatening to beat right out of your chest.

It was funny how time flew when you were anxious about something. In no time at all, the entire week passed by and it was almost Saturday noon. You had woken up at the crack of dawn and was too nervous to go back to sleep, so you had lain on your bed for hours until you heard Jungkook moving about his room. The sounds stirred you to traipse into the bathroom and take a shower before fixing some sandwiches to tide both of you over since he said he would be taking you out to dinner after your day out.

The destination of your date had been kept a secret from you so you were now standing in front of your mirror holding up clothes to your body, wondering what to wear. The entire contents of your wardrobe covered your bed but you still couldn't decide on an outfit. He had said that it was casual, but you were unsure of how much effort you should put into this. It wasn't a real date after all, you were just going out to see what he had been doing wrong during his numerous dates and perhaps offer him some advice. You didn't want to look too eager. Still, a part of you wanted to look nice. It had been a long time since you went out on a date, and even though it was a pretend one, it couldn't hurt to look the part.

Stepping out of your room, you found that Jungkook was already waiting for you. He was sitting on the couch, facing away but when he heard your door open, he turned around and the way the beautiful features of his face rearranged themselves told you that the effort you had put in was worth it.

You had slipped on a simple white dress with flowery lace lining the edges. Your hair wasn't worn in the serviceable ponytail or the comfortable bun he was used to seeing, but was free, curling loosely down your back. The makeup you had put on was simple and minimal, but considering that you rarely wore any, you knew that it made a marked difference to your usual simple getup. Jungkook's eyes traveled up and down, taking in your appearance in silent awe.

"Too much?" You asked, nervously fingering the bottom of your dress. He quickly shook his head.

"You look beautiful," he said softly. His smile was returned with a tentative one of your own as you breathed more easily.

The moment was almost magical, both you and Jungkook were too absorbed in it to speak. He looked good, but he always did. He was wearing one of his nicer shirts paired with a pair of dark blue jeans, and his brown hair was combed neatly, his fringe covering most of his forehead. Then he spoke and broke the spell. "Shall we go then?"

For the first time, an awkward silence loomed over you and Jungkook as he drove his car towards the mysterious destination. Conversations, both silly and serious had never failed to flow between the two of you, but that was when you were friends and roommates just hanging out. It was funny how a different mindset changed all that.

Your fears soon proved to be unfounded though. Jungkook asked about the professor teaching one of your classes that he had taken the previous year and it broke the ice. The strict and boring professor had been thoroughly abused by the time Jungkook slid his hands along the steering wheel to park the car in reverse. In fact, you enjoyed gossiping about him so much that you didn't notice that he had brought you to the aquarium that you had been dying to go to. Your head swiveled to look excitedly at him only to find that he was already grinning at you, happy to see your reaction.

"You remembered!" You exclaimed, impressed. Your desire to visit was only mentioned once in passing so you never expected him to remember.

He chuckled triumphantly. "Come on."

You were surprised to find out that he had already purchased the tickets beforehand. A short argument broke out because he refused to accept your offer to pay for your ticket but he insisted, and you decided to let him have this one.

The aquarium was absolutely amazing. You couldn't help ooh-ing and aah-ing over the sharks and stingrays swimming in the water underneath your white wedges, marveling at the stunning display of colourful corals between which smaller fishes darted. Jungkook pointed out Nemo and Dory, making the two of you giggle as you watched the bright fishes move among the coral reefs.

"Isn't it mind-boggling to see a whole ecosystem in here?" he whispered almost reverently, staring at the brilliant array of underwater creatures in various sizes that gave the impression of colourful moving stars on a backdrop of a beautiful deep blue sky. You nodded, your head angled upwards to drink in the display of the underwater walk-through tunnel. No further words were needed to complete the moment. It felt like time stood still, neither of you moving until you finally pulled yourself out of your reverie to turn sideways to look at Jungkook.

He had an amused smile on his face when you caught him staring at you. Apparently he had been watching you enjoy the exhibit and was waiting for you to decide to move on. You flushed at the thought of him inwardly laughing at your open-mouthed gawking at the show. Clearing your throat, you said, "Ahem - should we move on?"

Turning around the corner to the next part of the exhibit had you squealing in delight when you laid your eyes upon black and white penguins. Rushing forward, you realised that you were dragging Jungkook by the hand and looked down in surprise. Since when did you start holding hands? You would never have had the guts to reach out for his hand, yet you couldn't recall him taking yours either. It felt so natural that you didn't notice it.

Following your gaze down to your joined limbs, Jungkook said casually, "What? Isn't it normal to be holding hands on a date?"

"Yeah..." You agreed, but your voice trailed off. You could hardly believe that you were holding hands with Jungkook. Sure, you had cuddled with him lounging on the couch while you watched the tube, but that was more of a good friends-roommate thing. Somehow this was more intimate. Sensing your hesitation, he interlaced his fingers with yours, engulfing your hand in his big one in a more secure hold, as if unwilling to let you take it back.

Before you could comment on it, he had pulled you forward to gush at the African penguins. The waddling penguins thrilled you enough to allow you to recover from the shock, but his skin felt a little too warm against your palm. You suddenly were much too worried that he could feel it getting sweaty from nervousness to fully appreciate the effort that had been put into the tank to mimic the penguins' natural environment. It got even worse when Jungkook leaned down to point out a pair of birds grooming each other in a nest box. His breathy laughter blowing in your ear sent electrifying chills down your spine but you pretended that nothing was wrong, that you weren't having heart palpitations from close contact with your roommate in a middle of a public place.

The rest of the visit passed by in a blur. All you could think about was the way he made your heart beat fast and that you never wanted this day to end. When you got back from went for a bathroom break, he even bought a beautiful blue dolphin key chain for you, one to match the red one he got for himself. Upon closer inspection, a grain of rice floated in the blue liquid. The small white grain bore your name. "This is cool!" You exclaimed.

"Isn't it?" He gushed, pleased that you were happy with the souvenir. You'd never seen him beam with such happiness that it flustered you. When he led you to the gorgeous aquarium restaurant, you barely took notice of the beautiful setting of the pristine white tables surrounded by an enormous tank teeming with aquatic life. The food was delicious but completely wasted on you as you tried to marshal all the concentration you could muster to keep up with the conversation. You must have done a good job because he seemed none the wiser, chatting about everything from studies to work to the great exhibits at the aquarium.

Any semblance of normalcy only returned to you when Jungkook called for the check. You had graciously let him pay for the entrance fee, so you absolutely refused to allow him to pay for dinner as well. A place such as this was undoubtedly expensive. Unfortunately, when the waiter returned, the check was given to Jungkook, who resolutely kept the slim black checkbook away from you. The aggravating man quickly slipped in his card into the fold and handed it back to the waiter before you could even say a word, grinning at to himself over his success at paying for the whole thing.

"Why didn't you let me pay?" You fumed. "I should've gotten that, you already paid for our tickets!"

"Weren't you the one who told me that the guy should pay on a date?" He sniggered.

"Well, yes, either that or go dutch if the girl is uncomfortable with you paying," you grudgingly agreed. "But this isn't a real date!"

His laughter died at once, sunny expression giving way to hurt marring his gorgeous face. "Not a real date?"

Your hands toyed with the napkin in your lap, nervousness amped back up at his reaction. "Isn't this supposed to be a practice date so we can figure out what you're doing wrong?"

"Right," he mumbled, accepting the receipt when the waiter came back with it.

The abrupt change in his demeanour was befuddling to you. The air became so thick with confusing tension that you felt guilty for an unknown reason, enough so that your intention of paying for the meal completely disappeared from your mind. Desperate to make things right, you fumbled for something to talk about and luckily Jungkook followed your cue. Easy conversation revolving around unimportant topics filled the drive home and at the end of the ride, the atmosphere was as light as it was before you committed that faux pas.

You'd never gone out on a date and return home with said date without having sex though. When you saw him pause after taking off his shoes, you knew that he was thinking of the same thing. The two of you stood near the entryway of your home, both unsure of what to do or say. Then the absurdity of the situation hit you.

"I know I'm supposed to be the one giving pointers today, but... what do people usually do at the end of a date?" You chuckled, completely forgetting that it was you who said that it wasn't a date earlier.

Jungkook flashed you his signature shy smile that never failed to cause your heart to do a backflip. "I guess they say goodnight," he shrugged.

"So..." You started, but you didn't want to finish. Truthfully, you never wanted this to end. Even though you had said otherwise, it was the only date you'd have with Jungkook, and you wanted to prolong it for as long as you could.

"So..." He continued, moving forward and placing a hand on your shoulder. "Goodnight." But neither of you moved.

Taking a deep breath as if steeling himself, he closed the remaining distance. The hand that was on your shoulder slid against your skin up your neck to cup the side of your face as he leaned down to kiss you.

The kiss was hesitant, just a gentle pressure applied behind his lips, giving you the choice of pulling away if the advance was unwanted. Contrary to his belief, you never wanted anything more. The shock at him finally kissing you, something that you'd only daydreamed about wore off extremely quickly. Resting your palms on his hard chest for balance, you tiptoed on the balls of your feet to kiss him back.

Upon sensing your reciprocation, Jungkook immediately deepened the kiss. His other hand cradled the back of your neck to tilt your head so he could crush his lips against yours roughly. His tongue traveled the line between your lips, a silent request for access, and it darted into your mouth the moment you acquiesced. Leisurely he explored your mouth, his tongue twirling with yours in a sloppy dance. A moan formed in the back of your throat as you felt heat starting to pool between your legs.

Then your eyes flew open. You couldn't do this. If this continued, you knew you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from jumping his bones. Where would you hide your face after he rejects you? For all you knew, you could have already made things awkward between you, and you didn't want to incur further damage, so with great effort, you pulled away from him.

"Good - goodnight," you panted, extricating yourself from him and running into your bedroom, closing the door behind you before he could say another word.

You leaned against the back of the door, still breathing heavily, and tried to regain your bearings. What had just happened? That was the best kiss you'd ever had your entire life. It was unbelievable that one kiss had managed to arouse you so much that you knew your panties were soaked through without even checking. You pushed yourself off the support of the door and sat on the bed, burying your face in your hands and groaning.

Jungkook was just casually kissing you goodnight, wasn't he? Why did you have to go and make it all hot and bothered? Now things were going to be so weird with him. Even if by some miracle, your friendship wasn't ruined, how would you be able to handle him having a girlfriend? Just the thought of another girl being the recipient of that burning, passionate kiss, having him hold her hand, even being the reason for his small smile was already making your gut twist into a painful knot.

That can be dealt with later, you thought. The most important thing was to salvage your friendship. You couldn't let him know that you were nursing a crush on him, although now you were sure that it had progressed far past that stage. He might distance himself from you because he didn't want to hurt your feelings by not returning them. You'd rather be hurt than be deprived of his company, even as a friend.

Making up your mind, you reached for your phone and scrolled through the contacts. You found the phone number of your classmate who had been begging for you to set her up with Jungkook. Before this, you were reluctant because you were secretly afraid that she and Jungkook would hit it off, but there was no help for it now. This was the best way to prove to him that the whole thing meant nothing to you.

The next morning found you grumpy but resolute. Jungkook has risen earlier than you did, as he usually did on Sundays so he could go on his morning run. He had already taken a shower and was munching on cereal at the dining table when you emerged from your room.

"Good morning," you said, relieved that your voice came out sounding normal.

"Morning," he returned, but his attention was still on the phone in his left hand. It didn't deter you though.

"Listen," you began, sitting on the chair opposite him, "There's a friend of mine from class, Elly, she's cute and really nice, and she's been asking me to introduce her to you. What do you think?"

Finally, he looked up at you, his eyebrows raised. A moment later, his expression had become inscrutable and his eyes were trained on his phone again as he said, "Sure. Just give her my number, if you want."

"Great," you exclaimed with false enthusiasm. While you sent his number to your friend, he shoveled the rest of his breakfast into his mouth, got up to wash the dishes and walked out without saying another word. You didn't think too much of it until he turned up just before noon to announce that he was going out on a date with Elly.

"That was quick," you commented, trying to hide your surprise even as you felt your heart grow heavy as if it was filled with lead.

"No sense in waiting," he shrugged. He was in and out of his bedroom in less than thirty minutes, but you noticed that he looked and smelled as nice as he did when he went out with you yesterday. It made you bite the inside of your cheeks to stop yourself from frowning.

You desperately wanted not to care about his date, but here you were, still sitting in front of the TV watching a drama that you had never seen before. Since you hadn't watched the previous episodes, nothing made sense but you couldn't bring yourself to go into your room to do something that was probably more productive. You needed to know how the date turned out, even if you had to wait until tomorrow morning, although you prayed that it would not take that long.

Your prayers were answered when he returned not long after sunset. Although your heart lightened at the possibility that nothing too intimate had happened, you couldn't help calling out to him, "Back so soon?" Right after you heard the front door bang shut.

"Yeah." He was lingering near the doorway, presumably taking off his shoes.

"How did it go?"

"Okay," he answered shortly as he marched into his room. The door closed with a final click.

You pouted, even though there was no one around to see it. Why was he in such a foul mood? He had never disregarded you like that before. Did the date turn out badly? It couldn't have been his doing. If yesterday was any indication, Jungkook knew how to treat a girl well. Was it your friend who was at fault, then?

For the first time after hours of sitting on the couch, you got up to your bedroom to call her. She picked up within the first three rings.

"Hi Elly," you said, wondering how you could go about this without being suspicious. "Jungkook just got back. Did everything go well? I didn't expect him back so early."

"It was okay, I guess," she said in a similar manner to Jungkook's. Then she sighed heavily. "Actually I asked him if he wanted to go back to my place but he said no. To be honest, the whole time he didn't seem to be interested at all. Maybe he's just not ready for a relationship. Or anything casual, even. I did make it clear that I didn't mind not being exclusive or anything. Do you think it was me?"

After reassuring her that she wasn't at fault, you headed to Jungkook's bedroom. Your head was spinning but you needed to get to the bottom of this. The door opened to a very astonished Jungkook. The two of you spent most of your waking hours in the house in the living room together, but you rarely bothered each other once you were in your bedrooms. It was an unspoken agreement that your own rooms were your sanctuary; your private space.

"Can we talk?" You asked nicely, not wanting to sound confrontational right off the bat.

"Of course," he said, stepping aside so you could enter. He gestured you to sit on the chair by his desk whereas he sat on the edge of his bed.

"I just talked to Elly," you decided to dive right in. "She said that you didn't seem to be interested in her, or any part of the date. Was there something wrong with her?"

"She said that, huh," he chortled, but there was no humour behind it. "I didn't realise that I had been so obvious all this time."

"What do you mean?"

"The reason I didn't seem interested was probably because I wasn't."

You were confused. If he didn't want to date, why did he go on so many? "You're not interested in dating, or is it Elly? She's a great girl."

"There's nothing wrong with Elly," he dismissed with a wave of his hand. "I am interested in dating."

He was still being as cryptic as ever and your patience was wearing thin. "Jungkook, can you just cut the bullshit and tell me what the problem is? It's clearly not your dating skills, or the girls you've been going out with."

"You want me to be clear? Fine, I'll be clear with you." His expression had turned dark and moody. "I want to date, but the only person I'm interested in dating is you, okay?"

He couldn't have been more clearer than that, but his statement had you dumbfounded. "Me? But - I thought - why didn't you tell me before?"

His sigh was heartfelt. "You don't seem interested in me, and I was afraid of jeopardising our friendship. Do you know how hard it was for me to finally ask you out that night? I used a stupid excuse to ask, but I did. It really hurt when you said that it wasn't a real date."

"I'm sorry," you said remorsefully. How were you to explain that you did it to protect yourself? Even now when he was pouring his heart out, you were scared. It seemed too good to be true.

He continued as if you hadn't said anything. "Then there was that kiss... it was amazing. You kissed me back, and I wanted it to be more, so much more, but you practically ran away from me. Then this morning you were so quick to set me up with your friend. If that wasn't a clear rejection, what was?" Again, he emitted that hollow laugh. "Look, just forget that I said all this okay? I don't want things to be weird between us."

"Jungkook, you got it all wrong." He had been honest with you. It was your turn to be forthcoming with your own feelings, especially now that you know that he felt the same way. "I've had a crush on you since the first day I met you. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to lose you as a friend. I had no idea that you like me. Come on, a guy like you with someone like me?" You snorted.

The genuinely bewildered look on Jungkook's face was absolutely adorable. "What do you mean, someone like you? You're perfect." Before you could argue, he asked, "If you like me, then why do you push me to go on dates? Why are you so determined for them to be successful?"

"Because I hoped that if you're with someone else I could forget about you," you admitted in a small voice.

"So all this time, we've liked each other but both of us were too stupid to say anything?" He asked incredulously.

"We're idiots, aren't we?" You laughed. You had never felt so light and giddy. The person you had a crush on, who had become such an important person to you, actually felt the same way you did!

"Come here," he commanded, and you walked the few steps towards him. When you got close enough, he grabbed your hand and pulled you downwards so that you fell into his lap with a squeal. His face was so close to yours that you could feel puffs of warm air hit your face as his breathing accelerated. You could feel your own pulse beat irregularly from the anticipation. "Let's promise never to keep things from each other again, okay?"

You grinned and nodded your agreement. If only you'd known how he felt... you wanted to lament over lost time, but that was pointless and the important thing was you knew now. Did he ever look at me so lovingly before? You wondered, gazing back at him as he tenderly brushed away a strand of stray hair, tucking it behind your ear. The same hand rested on the back of your head to push you to meet his lips. The kiss was not hesitant as the previous one was. It was hungry, passionate, his arms circling around you to hold you tightly in his arms as he bruised your lips.

You'd never known that he was this assertive and rough before. The Jungkook you knew was considerate, soft and very gentle. It was as though you were discovering a whole new side of him; the Jungkook who had kept his feelings from you for almost a year for the sake of your friendship. Along with this revelation, you also found out something about yourself: you had always loved the roommate you'd known for months, but this Jungkook drove you crazy. You returned the kiss with equal fervor, and the more you moaned, the more insistent he became.

However, you wanted more of him. You wanted all of him. So you broke the kiss, ignoring his protests and pulled his shirt off. Sinking to your knees, you tugged on his grey sweatpants and he raised his hips obligingly to let you pull it down with his boxers, having caught on. His painfully hard erection almost hit your face as it burst free of its confines. It had been a while since you had sex and the sight intimidated you at first, but you grabbed the root with your fist. Your hand looked small wrapped around the throbbing shaft, the end of which oozed with precum, and your tongue darted out to flick it into your mouth. Above you, Jungkook hissed and raked his fingers through your hair. Taking the hint, you ran your tongue along the underside of his cock until you reached the head, swirling all over the reddened tip.

The fingers in your hair tensed. You looked up at him and smirked at the mess that you'd reduced him to. Under his hooded lids, his brown eyes had blown dark with lust. He was looking at you like a starved hyena, and it shot arrows of hunger right down to your lower region. Never taking your eyes off of his, you took him into your mouth, slowly descending upon his length until you'd swallowed all of him. Tears prickled at the corners of your eyes as you fought the gag reflex but you held your ground. You kept still but you swallowed several times around him, making him groan at the sensation before you pulled yourself back, gasping for air.

After recovering a little, you started to bob your head up and down his cock. Your hand pumped from the base to meet your lips. Humming against his length, you enjoyed his moans as the vibrations heightened the sensation. Every once in a while you broke the rhythm by taking him whole inside your mouth like you did at first. Then you retreated to suck hard on the head, allowing your fist to twist lightly as you pumped his cock. You could hear him snarl just before he tugged you off of him completely.

"Don't you think you're being unfair, you little tease?" His voice had grown coarse and gravelly with the prolonged stimulation, but it only served to arouse you more. He yanked you off the floor, throwing you onto the bed and made quick work of the little clothes you wore. In no time, your nightshirt, bra and panties had joined his clothes on the floor and you were completely bare before him. His lips met yours briefly before it trailed down your neck to your chest. You could feel his wet tongue circling your nipple while his fingers toyed with the other one, teasing them into hardened peaks. Satisfied with his work, he blew lightly on the sensitive tips, making you mewl before he moved further down.

Your legs were pressed tightly together, reluctant to show him just how wet he had gotten you, but he was having none of it. He pried them open to stare at your soaked core. "You're dripping onto the sheets," he commented with satisfaction, his strong hands keeping your legs spread when you tried to close them in mortification. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help you clean this up, hmm?"

Boyfriend? You didn't get a chance to question him because he dipped his head between your legs and robbed you of any coherent speech. His tongue licked strips up your slit, lapping up your juices, and it was your turn to tug on his dark brown hair as he explored your folds with his tongue. The rough pads of his thumb flicked over your clit repeatedly, bringing you towards an orgasm with every lightning speed movement. All thoughts of dignity completely forgotten, you pressed him into your mound with your hands even as your hips angled upwards to ride his face. He didn't complain, simply groaning with gratification at hearing his name fall from your lips as you came undone, a rush of liquid gushing out into his mouth.

You were still dazed when he picked you up to move you with him further up the bed. Depositing you onto the pillows, he hovered over you, enjoying your frazzled, contented appearance. He kissed you again, pulling at your swollen bottom lip between his teeth as his fingers made their way back to your pussy. You squirmed from over sensitivity but he was relentless. Two long fingers slipped into your slick heat and he started finger fucking you roughly. The discomfort from being overstimulated soon gave way to mounting pressure and you felt another coil of pleasure tightening in your belly. You couldn't pull away, not from his kiss, not from his hands, in fact, you clutched onto his muscled arms and your legs wrapped around his back, bringing him even closer to you.

Any call for him was swallowed by his mouth as you burst for the second time around his fingers. He kept them moving, helping you ride your orgasm to completion, letting you hold onto him for support as you shook beneath him. Breaking the kiss, he looked into your bleary eyes, and you felt the hard, engorged tip of his cock pushing against your entrance. "You're so mean," You whispered, but lifted your head up to engage him in another kiss, giving him permission to slowly enter you.

"Fuck, you feel amazing," he breathed against your lips when he'd bottomed out inside you. Incapable of any words, you moaned in agreement. You had never felt so good, and it only got better once he started moving. Gradually, he built up the pace until he was plowing into you hard, the sound of his hips slapping against yours accompanied the moans and groans that filled his bedroom. His thrusts grew so forceful that he had to hold onto your waist to keep you in place.

"Look at me," he whispered, and your eyes opened to see him looking down at you. His gaze was so intense that you turned your head to the side to avoid the burning eyes that were piercing into your soul, but he grabbed your chin to make you face him again. "No, don't you dare look away. I want you to look at me as I fuck you to oblivion." You squealed as his dirty words were punctuated with a sharp snap of his hips into you, making you close your eyes before a growl reminded you of his command and you opened them again.

He was pushing you towards the edge again embarrassingly quickly, but you didn't care. His pink lips muttered your name over and over again as his thrusts became more sporadic, telling you that he was getting close himself. "Jungkook," you whimpered, the impending orgasm overwhelming your whole being.

"Come for me," he implored, his dark eyes still locked onto yours. Sweat dripped from the ends of his hair onto your cheeks from the exertion. He had never looked so beautiful. The plea caused you to topple off the cliff, screaming his name and arching your back, pressing your sensitive nipples against his broad chest, heightening the sensation of your walls clamping down on his cock as you writhed and shook violently beneath him.

Your tightening channel on his throbbing cock proved too much for him to withstand, and with several hard thrusts, he groaned loudly and slowed down. You could feel the warmth of his seed filling you up inside as he pounded a few more times into you, letting it all out before stopping completely. Short kisses followed, none too long for both of you needed to fill your lungs with air, but the thought of not kissing him was repugnant.

"Looks like you don't have to ask me how my dates go anymore," Jungkook said shortly afterwards as you cuddled contentedly on his bed.

"Why not?"

"Because you'll be there to see how they go yourself, silly," he chortled and pinched your cheek. "Y/n, you'll be my girlfriend, won't you?" He asked, suddenly unsure of himself.

"Of course," you answered, tilting your head up to kiss him so he wouldn't see your blushing face.

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