polaroid ; lrh

By tiptoesluke

251K 8.9K 4.9K

❝are you taking a picture of me?❞ More

pinky promise
little j
after midnight
yours and mine
new years
8128 miles
graduation party
hi hi is this thing on??

car radio

6.4K 224 184
By tiptoesluke

6:00 am ; saturday (friday continued)

luke and I had been walking around for about and hour when we finally decided to go back to our spot. we came back to find claudia and calum gone, probably off talking, or even something else.

Luke and I were alone for partially the rest of the night, actually. we ended up sitting and talking, looking at the night sky for the rest of the time being.

it ended up with luke falling asleep by my side. and I watched as his droopy eyes closed.

he missed the sunset, and I had two right in front of me.

he slept with his arms crossed over his chest, sleepy little snores, and legs tucked inwards.

and this got my mind thinking as I laid there looking down at him, how did the world come up with him? it must of been a miracle that we ran into each other. and I'm so happy he is now in my life.

if claudia and I never went into that record shop on that one day after school, we would have not been here tonight.

all the stars were up in the sky, but he was the universe and I wanted to be apart of it.

it was now the morning and we had grouped up with claudia and calum, god only knows what they have been up to.

luke found himself waking up, calum having to link their arms together and walk him to the car because he was so tired and drowsy to walk himself, he was a mess.

we had a long drive back to our city and I could tell the car ride was going to be full of silence and wind blaring through the windows.

luke and I sat in the back seat, opposite sides of the window. I watched as claudia and calum nervously linked their hands together in the front, claudia playing around with calums fingertips as he drove.

luke had his red headphones stuffed in his ears, per usual, leaving me to sit alone shifting awkwardly.

I gazed out the window as calum pulled out of the beaches parking lot.

calum reached for the radio to ease the tension,

'This is your heart, it's alive
It's pumping blood
It's your heart, it's alive
It's pumping blood
and the whole wide world is whistling'

memorizable lyrics filled the car as claudia tapped the beat onto her thigh.,

claudia and calum began mindlessly speaking of last night to each other. I wanted to hear all about it, but I'm positive that claudia would find the time to tell me later.

once we stopped at a red light I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and slid over to the middle, so that I was now sitting right next to luke.

luke flinched at our shoulders touching and tugged out a earphone to speak to me.

"hi, little j." his scratchy morning voice appeared.

I gazed up into his pretty blue eyes and gave him a faint smile, the bright morning sun lighting up his face.

"im bored." I whispered over the music.

he chuckled a deep laugh, "we just started driving, though."

I shrugged causing some hair to fall over my shoulders, "occupy me, keep me company."

luke searched my eyes for a moment, he looked in them as if he was trying to figure out what they've seen. he then tore his gaze out the window. we passed many cars and scenery.

he looked back at me, "your bruises are gone." he reached his fingertips out towards me and traced the crook of my neck softly.

I tilted my head to the side, allowing him to get a better glance at the faded marks.

"thank goodness, some how ive managed to kept those hidden from my parents." i said with a smile still on my face, speaking very faintly.

he kept his eyes on my neck for quite some time and then back at me, "you never told me who gave you those."

I looked down at my lap, playing with my fingers nervously. I knew that if I told him that is was ashton he would be disappointed in me. for what I know he already disliked ashton for what he did to olivia.

I didn't look up for my lap, "it was ashton." my voice spoke, it was so naturally quiet I didn't have to worry about the two in the front listening in on us.

luke pondered after I told him this, "you let him do that?"

I shrugged it off, "I mean, I didn't tell him to. it kind of just happened."

luke ignored my comment and kept his silence. he tapped his foot back and forth to the music coming from his headphones.

I gazed at his long fingers, beginning to wonder about the small ring on the pinky finger.

I latched onto his hand quickly, bringing it closer to my face, "what's this?"

he kept his focus on me, "a purity ring."

"what?" I almost choked on my own words.

he couldn't help but snicker into his other hand, "only joking, little j. its just a ring I found in a fountain in Paris." he said as if that was no big deal.

I put his hand back down on his lap, "well that's not something you hear everyday."

he laughed slightly, his tongue in between his teeth, which I noticed he did that whenever he smiled or laugh.

"I haven't been to paris in quite some time, though." he bluntly responded.

I let out a small scoff, "luke, I've never even been out of the united states."

his petty eyes widened at me, turning down the volume of his phone, "are you serious?"

I nodded at him, our shoulders brushing slightly as we went over a bump.

he brought his pinky finger up to his nose and gave it a scratch, I also noticed he did this a lot.

"everyday is a new journey, little j."

my mind processed his words. that was deep coming from an eighteen year old.

"I wouldn't really recall getting up early and going to school each day a journey." I slightly joked around, causing the boy to smirk down at me.,

"I cannot believe im friends with a highschool girl." he teased at me.

I playfully hit his shoulder, "heeeyy, watch it."

he shot me a grin, "I guess you're cool and whatever." he spoke in a teenage girl voice, mocking me almost.

I rolled my tired eyes at him, "says the boy dating a highschool girl."

he changed his tone of voice, "you got me there."

"its our last year, though." I remarked.

"and I'll be front row at your graduation ceremony, embarrassing you in front of all your high school friends."

I chuckled at how stupid he actually sounded, "sounds good, luke."

"and," he paused for some suspense, "once you graduate I promise you I will take you out of the united states."

I couldn't help but give the boy a funny look. he sounded so serious about this, and I didn't think understood what he was truly getting himself into.

I linked my arm with his, leaning my head onto his broad shoulder, "that's a pretty big offer there, bud, im going to have to take you up on that."

he looked down at me, "you pick the place and we will go away."

as he spoke I felt his chest vibrate with his words. it was nice.

I swallowed, "australia."

"really? out of everywhere and anywhere in the world you pick where I come from." he chuckled deeply, causing me to smile as I felt it in his chest.

"mhm," i responded still smiling, "I want you to show me where you're from."

I felt his head shake, "alright, it's a deal."

I tore my head off his chest and looked up at him in all seriousness. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"really?" I batted my eyelashes at the tall boy.

he nodded, "of course."

I looked down and began to chew on my lip, "what about olivia?"

"she's been to australia many times, Jade."

I shook my head, he was obviously missing the point, "no luke, you can't just leave her here."

he then nodded now understanding, "I know, I couldn't do that."

my eyes flashed up to him, "she'll just have to deal with it, because I want to go to australia." I giggled slightly.

the sun was getting brighter and peaked in through the windows. it hurt my eyes looking at luke back forth. i went back to my position of practically laying on him.

"she'll understand." he said under his breath.

"will she?" I responded.

"she will."

"then it's a deal." I stuck my hand out in front of him for him to shake.

without hesitation he laced his hand with mine and firmly shook it. our hands stayed like that for some time before his grasp let go, causing my hand to fall into his lap. I rested my hand on his thigh, being too tired and slow to retrieve it back to my own lap.

I felt my heavy eyes falling slightly, which was understandable since I got no sleep.

"what are you listening to?" I spoke trying to keep me awake and occupied.

luke gazed down at his phone to look at the album artwork, "greenday."

I smiled, "how cute."

he placed a headphone into my hand that rested on his thigh. I grasped my fingertips around the headphone and placed it into my ear.

I sat up now so that our heads leaned against each other so that the headphones wouldn't fall out.

I listened to the lyrics playing,

'Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside, you're in ruins'

the song was slow and meaningful. we both looked out the sunny window as we made our way along the empty road.

"let me guess, you've seen greenday in concert?" I wondered and assumed since this boy has basically been everywhere and seen it all.

he chuckled at me, "actually, no. but I would love to."

"let's go, one day." I spoke bluntly, not even being serious.

but he took it serious, "another promise we can make to eachother, let's do it."

I lifted an eyebrow at him, "alright, luke, alright." I said between small laughter.

silence came between us some more as we just sat there side by side and listened to the lyrics.

I felt my eyes become heavy again and my head slowly lean down on lukes wide shoulder. I needed sleep. we still had miles and miles to go and it wouldn't hurt taking a nap.

"stay the night." I smiled with my eyes now closed.

"hm?" luke questioned.

"my favorite greenday song." I replied.

luke patted the top of my head slightly, "when I come around, that's my favorite."

and with that i faintly fell asleep.

au ;

this update is super short and probably boring I am sorry fam. ok but I just wanted to tell u guys that im thinking about making an 8tracks playlist for this fanfic so would u guys listen?? my acc on 8tracks is natalie.lrh and I have other playlists too (mostly about Luke to be honest), but stay tuned for that!!! luv u bunnies

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[COMPLETED ] ❝People are like puzzles.❞ I say to my friend. ❝You can't really see the full picture until you fit all the pieces together.❞