Imagine Us

By gabss_here

214K 5.3K 3.3K

Harry Potter and Hermione a Granger have always been best friends, but will that change now they head back to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
The Proposal:
Chapter 12
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17: IT ISNT OVER HA
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30: Ending!

Chapter 7:

8.8K 222 150
By gabss_here

Ron's POV:
I was walking down the Great Hall, thinking about how to get my revenge on Harry, when I was stopped by seeing a beautiful girl, and she was talking to her friend.
She actually came over to me and started talking.
"Hey cutie," she said. "What's your name?"
"Ron, Ron Weasley," I said hopefully.'"What's your name?"
"Rain, Rain Lavender," She smiled at me.
"Well, Ron Weasley, why don't we go and have lunch together?"
"Sure!" I replied eagerly.
"So, are you from Hogwarts?" I asked.
"No, I actually just transferred from Beauxbatons," she said smilingly.
"I bet you have all the boys fawning over you-," she quickly cut me off.
"Just one," she said.
"Whom?" I asked, trying to act all smart.
"Harry Potter," she said maliciously.
"Oh, really?" I said angrily.
"D'you know him?" She asked.
"He is-I mean was-my best mate, actually."
"Oh," she sounded dangerous, ignoring that, we talked until we reached the Dining Hall.
"So," she started stroking my hand, "I like you."
"And I, you," I said as I leaned in and she crashed our lips together, I felt a swooping sensation in my stomach. She was a veela. Did I care? No.
She pulled away, "Boys' dormitories?"
"Yeah," I said eagerly and ran with her to the dormitories.

Harry's POV:
I felt like I've been kept in ice, completely blank mind, I haven't been in this body, that this all wasn't real... I felt my fingertips tingle as I sat up, everything also appeared blurry. I woke up, and I was alive, but who was I?I saw a girl asleep or dead, I didn't know, in a bed across from me, and I had no idea who she was.

"Potter, you're awake!" Said someone who appeared to be a lady, but I didn't know, I couldn't see her, and who was she talking to? The girl?
I looked at the girl again, and saw she was beautiful, I looked back at the lady.
She seemed to know the technology to make everything not blurry, because she put some sort of machine on my face, making me able to see the beauty of the girl and the prison I felt I was in.

"So, who am I, and who is she?" I asked, pointing to the girl on the bed next to mine.
"That is Hermione Granger, you, you're Harry Potter!" She said.
"Oh," I said.
Odd last name, I have an odd name as well, Potter? I'll take it.Qg
I saw Hermon-I think her name is-stir. I looked intently over at her, and her eyes fluttered open, and she sat up weakly and groggily.
"Harry!" She said, I turned but then remembered, I'm Harry!
"I thought we were goners!" She said,
"What?" I asked.
"Don't you remember-"
"I don't know who you are."
"Harry, stop playing jokes-"
"I'm serious," I sighed.

She looked upset, and tears were now falling out of her beautiful eyes.
"Hermon, please don't cry, you're to beautiful too cry." I smiled at her.
She smiled back up at me.
"Mandan Pomfrey, hurry here." Hermon looked alarmed.
"Yes dear?"
"Harry, he doesn't remember anything!" She cried.
"We'll test him Ms. Granger," she informed.
"Thanks," Hermioninny wiped tears out of her eyes.

A couple minutes later, Hermonie was lying her head on my lap, for some reason, I was used to the feeling.
"We'll take him in now," said Madam Pom Pom said.
"Okay, good luck," Herman whispered under her breath to me.
Madam Pomfrette took me into the other side of the Hospital and sat me down where there were a bunch of people.
"Hello," a lady said.
"What are you going to do to me?" I asked.
"Nothing you need to know, just relax," a man said.
"Fine," and they scanned my head, brain, or whatever you call it.
They scanned for a while, and I was just completely zoned out trying to remember everything, but nothing came to me.
"Alright, we've got most of our results," said a lady from behind a big man.
"Well, what is it?" Madam Pomfrietii asked.
"Harry, has a case of short-term memory loss, and amnesia." Said the doctor.
He did something with that stick he took out of his pocket.
"Woah, what is that?" I said amazed.
"You-you don't remember magic?"
"What? Magic is real?" I said, most confused.
"We'll explain to him later," said someone who I couldn't see from the corner.
"This is terrible," said Madam Maria.
A/N: k, so now that Harry has short-term memory loss, he's going to be a little off. He won't remember names that well, that's why he kept changing Hermione and Madam Pomfrey's names in his mind, just thought you should know! Ily💖
I stared at the wall. What was going on? I had no idea.
They also said they had found a cracked skull, which hurt pretty badly to mend.
"How is it possible he was hurt worse than the girl?" Said a lady who looked frustrated.
"Must've hit something hard on his way down," shrugged a male in front of loads of parchment.
"Potter, you may leave, come with me," Madam Pom bustled, and I followed.
We walked back to the other side of the Hospital, and saw Hermone playing with her sheets.
"Oh dear, let me get you fixed up," the Hospital lady bustled once again, and she cleaned Hermione.
She whispered something in Hermane's ear that sounded like,
"-Need to remind Potter slowly, but casually, what's going on, you need to tell him about our world, don't go into your relationship standards yet, and he'll eventually remember, he always did and will do."
I smiled at the thought that someone believed in me, I just didn't know what happened, and I wish I did, I really do. When the Hospital lady left, I sat next to Mione.
"Hey," she said miserably.
"What's up?"
"You're Harry Potter is what's up," she said.
"What's the big deal, I am normal, aren't I?"
"No, not at all, actually," she said dismally.
She told me everything, and it was too much for my brain to process all at once.
I'm famous, that's cool. "Alright, so, why don't we get out of here?" I asked.
"Um-yeah, sure," she said. I grabbed her hand, and we walked out into this hall, where all the students were carrying sticks, and I was astounded. I looked around the hall,
"What is this place?"
"Oh, it's Hogwarts! You don't even remember Hogwarts?"
"Pfft, Hogwarts? What an odd name for a school-,"
"It's no ordinary school," she said
"Then what kind of school is it?" I asked sarcastically.
"It's a magic school, you're a wizard, Harry," she said, ringing a tiny bell in my head.
"I'm a what?"
"A wizard of course!" She smiled.
"Really, sounds fascinating," I said astounded still.
"You're also in Gryffindor house," she pointed out after telling me all about the four houses, Slytherin, whom I seemed to hate already, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor. I smiled proudly as I knew I was a Gryffindor, but why? I wasn't brave, nor daring...
"You were," Hermione said depressingly.
"Oh, why don't we go to that Gryffindor common department you were telling me about." She laughed at my words.
"Common room," she said.

I grinned at the thought I was making her a little bit happier.I saw a bunch of people with bags on their backs, and what looked like robes on, they should be wearing school uniforms, not robes? I ignored that and walked with the girl, she was so pretty, I feel like she was something to me before all of this happened.

There was a lady hanging in the Portrait, the girl said a word that was probably the password, and now opened up to this odd hole that lead us to a room.I looked into her eyes, "What's your name again?"
"Hermione, nice to meet you," she said slowly. We were starting over again, she was doing this for me.
"I'm Barry, I mean Harry, nice to meet you as well," I smiled and took her hand.
She is my missing piece,
And I'd have to get her back.
It might have to be slow, and it could be fast, but we'll get there. Eventually.
A/N: was the last chapter not good? Pls read it and I hope you enjoyed this one. Cri Harry doesn't have his memory, but this is gonna get good😵.
Thx for reading ily💞

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