I Can't Find The Words(Maddie...

By RoyalDarkness_

4.4K 89 20

Christmas, Madison's favorite holiday is coming up and Madison and Gino have some chemistry between them, we... More



172 4 2
By RoyalDarkness_

NOTE: this story use to be called "All I want from Christmas is you" but now it's called I can't find the words and I kind of changed the bio but it's similar of what you've been reading so... Just continue on like nothing happened.


I felt my soft bed up and under me; but something felt different. The shape of it and how soft it was. I felt a muscular person's arms around me. Gino.
"Gino?" I said. "What are you doing here? Is there something wrong?"

"No, no not at all. I just thought I should stay with you since you pass out on the couch. Sophia and Kalani are here, what happened?"

"I did?"

"Yes, you were out of it. I saw you like pass out on the couch and so decided that you might need help. So I helped you." He explained.


"I'm going to be late for dance!" I yelled jumping out of bed. I grabbed my dance bag and ran out the door. "I'll change at dance!"

"Wait! Maddie!"

"Yes Gino?" I answered getting in his car.

"You don't have dance today! It's Christmas!"

"Of course I do! Right?"

"No you don't. But if you do, can't you just skip dance?"

"Uh no! I've already lied to Abby about being on a professional job to skip class. She's going to know something's up."


"Gino, you cant skip dance either! We have a competition this week and you and Kendall K have a duet together."

"Okay well... We don't have dance today, why would we have it on Christmas."

"I-I don't know."

I finally got Gino alone and to myself. This is my chance to finally get what wanted to finally ask Gino if we're actually "officially dating" but I just cant find the words.

"Something looks like it's bothering you. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, my brain is just thinking. It's wandering today."

"Well, it's not like it's the law says not to tell me."

"Are we officially dating now?"

"Well I don't know, I haven't really thought about it nor did I ask you what you wanted. But now since you brought it up do you want us to become an official couple in public don't you?"

"Maybe, I don't know either."

Yes I do. I DO know! I want to become an official couple, I want it more than anything in the world.

"Madison, are you sure you don't know?"

"Uh, well..."

"Come on just say it, if you do I will make it happen."

"Then yes. For sure I do. More than anything in the world right beside to dance forever."

"Maddie! Gino! Maddie how was your professional job? You know working with Sia and all."

"It was fun." I lied, knowing I've been with Mackenzie and Gino for the past three days. "You know Sia is like my family and I just love working with her. Although it took a bit longer to shoot because of working with a partner, someone who's like twice my age."

"I'm glad you had that experience and to work with Sia again."

"I also shot a guest staring on pretty little liars."

"Madison." Gino whispered.

"Yes Gino?" I looked him in the eyes.

"Let me kiss you." He said As he passionately leaned forward. I loved the way his lips felt on mine and how he kissed me.

His lips placed onto mine, our lips were fully in sync. I blushed lightly as I taste his lips.

Strawberries. I thought. I heard a voice come behind me.

Ugh. It's Kalani

"Hey Gino, come in the house. I need to talk to you."

"Got it! I'm coming." Gino nodded, dashing in the house. My face was turning red. Not because I was blushing but because I was heated, I was mad. I ran onto the porch, but before I could, the door slammed in front of me.

"Ugh! Kalani open the door!" I yelled, peaking in the window. And that was the biggest mistake I've ever made. I saw Kalani and Gino kissing. Tears strolled down my cheeks. They were both red and puff . I slid down the brick wall of my house. I burst in tears, not caring about my lack of confidence. Questions were crossing through my mind.

Why would he this? What was he thinking? Does he like me? Does he ACTUALLY like me? Does he even care about me? Does he like Kalani? Does he like Sophia? Is he using me?

This is not fair! He was mine! All mine! Why did Sophia and Kalani have to steal him away from me? I hate them! Everything that was mine they have to take!

This was it.

I officially hated Gino.


Hey lovelies! I'm going to try and upload more before school starts again! But this is chapter 8(I think. Lemme check :3) yes! I was right! But yea thanks!

Xoxo, RoyalDarkness_

Xoxo, RoyalDarkness_

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