Orange Candy |MYG| 2 ✔

By hana_imagines

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"I have started falling for you" "Why couldn't you just tell me?" "Because I know you would never catch me" L... More



38 11 3
By hana_imagines

Author's note:
Hola peeps! I am back with the next part. Hope you like it!!!


I smiled in victory when he agreed that he will tag me along for the shopping of groceries. We finished our lunch and dispersed to our rooms. I still have time to go to the café so I just thought of taking a nap for some time.

Crashing myself on the bed, I stared at the roof as sleep didn't hit me. That lil meow meow is really something. He stayed beside me because I had a nightmare and even made sure to order lunch. I serve him food whenever I make but he makes sure to order whenever I can't.

That's the best part of him. He really cares and I can confirm it. I know he had some bad past as he had mentioned about the betrayal. It must be really hard to sustain it and move on from that. Perhaps that's the reason he is cold towards me at first.

And as days passed by, he is a nicer person than my expectations. And I felt somewhat relieved when he told that his habit of smoking is just to forget about it. It can be easy then, to help him quit smoking. I don't know why I am doing this but I want to help him.

He looks lifeless at times and behaves like a rock wondering why he is born on the earth. Every man needs a spark to ignite their spirits. I guess there is no spark at all in his life. Despite his over excessive sleeping habits, he makes sure to eat his meals, thankfully.

I felt happy when he woke up just to wake me up. It made me feel excited for no reason. Yesterday, that idiot shouted that he doesn't like to be my friend and all stupid stuff. And now, he claimed himself as my boyfriend to save my job. Color changing lil meow meow.

I looked up my phone to see the time and I need to go now. I changed myself into good clothes and didn't forget to take the pain killers.

"Yah lil meow meow", I knocked his door and opened the door immediately.

"What is it now?", he spoke in his sloppy showing his disinterest clearly. This man should learn to live a life seriously.

"I am going now. Lock the door if you leave the house", I informed him and he nodded.

"Wait! You said we will go the grocery shopping. When is that?", he asked straightening himself.

"So, are you interested in that?", I asked with a tone of teasing and he shook his head in negation.

"I just want to know because I will sleep until that time", he stated and I mentally facepalmed myself for asking such question when I know he would choose sleep over anything, even over his life I guess. Such a weird cat.

"Do you remember the convenience store where you smoked?", I asked and he displayed an unreadable expression, and then nodded.

"Come there at 10:30. We will buy the necessary items", I told him and he nodded. He closed the door immediately when I didn't speak anything. He should be good when he is trying to become friend. At least, a bye would be nice.

I walked to the café and greeted the boss who was busy with something in his hand. I greeted the colleagues and started working. I just kept billing and checked if they were matching or not. I was so concentrated that I couldn't notice someone staring at me.

"Omo, Sir. What are you doing here?", I gasped noticing his presence.

"Just wondering how you are so into the work forgetting to notice a handsome man beside you", he mouthed and I just smiled sheepishly. The boss is really handsome, I couldn't disagree with that fact. But, is he trying to flirt with me now?

"Just kidding. How are you feeling now?", he asked with a stern voice and I smiled.

"I am alright now. Thanks for the concern sir", I mouthed and he patted my head.

"First of all stop with that sir thing. And second of all, you don't need to thank me for being concerned as you are my friend", he spoke with a broad smile which made my heart flutter, I guess. Because it's rare to see a handsome man smiling at you

"Friend?", I asked in confusion.

"Aren't we calling each with our names? Why? Don't you like to be friends with me?", he frowned a bit and I chuckled at that. I immediately shook my head in negation.

"No sir, I mean No Sanghyun. I am glad that we could be referred as friends", I mouthed and he patted my head again.

"See, that isn't actually tough to call me by my name", he stated and left form the counter. I just stared at the retreating figure. Why is he giving me a different vibe? I shrugged of those thoughts and got back to my work.

I completed my shift and waved my hand to the boss who bid me a bye with his broad smile. I walked to the company ignoring boss or say Sanghyun's behaviour. Today the workload was more because two ajhummas were on leave.

I am sure I will reach the convenience store late and the manager will screw me for my regular irregularity. I tried my best to complete the work fast but I guess I have so much more. My spine is half broken I guess. I don't think I will be able to stand.

I finally completed the cleaning and I think my back is broken. It is really paining and my head started aching lightly. I immediately took the pills as I know it will be dreadful if I just ignore and let it be. I took my wage and started running to the convenience store.

I was shocked as the manager was standing outside looking at me with anger. I am dead today. I walked to him slowly and he pulled my ears.

"This girl", he mouthed walking inside

"Ahh it's paining", I yelped and he let me free. I rubbed my ears in pain as they were red.

"What made you so late?", he asked and I explained it all. He gave one stare and asked me to get back to my work.

"I thought you were kidnapped for a second", he uttered and walked to the other side. Are my ears alright? Did he just say that? I thought he would be scolding that I was late, rather he was being concerned. I just smiled and continued organizing the things.

I chuckled at the thought of having people like him in my life. They show as if they don't care, but in reality they do just like lil meow meow and this manager. I am not that dumb person whom they can fool with their acting.

It was 10:30 and I am waiting for lil meow meow. And suddenly I felt a sharp pang of pain in my head. I searched for the pain killers in the bag and the bottle was empty. Shit! The medicines are over. What do I do now?

The door opened and lil meow meow appeared. The pain is not that terrible and I think I can manage it till we go home. I smiled at him and he looked similar to someone. He wore his hoodie that covered his head.

"Did you come here before?", I asked him and he nodded.

"I was the Min Suga whom you called rude that day", he spoke and I was shocked at the new piece of information I have got. I remember him because of his weird name. I chuckled at the coincidence and he just walked in.

"Who is this guy?", the manager asked as we were talking.

"He's my tenant", I answered and he gave me a confused stare.

"Do you have a tenant like seriously and a guy?", he asked and I just nodded my head. He scanned Yoongi from top to bottom and Yoongi just stayed calm in front of the old man. I grabbed lil meow meow with me before they speak anything.

Those two don't really suit together, I thought and walked through the aisles. I picked some vegetables for cooking and he just put some ramen packets.

"Will you eat only ramen?", I asked him.

"You cook the meat and vegetables. I know how to cook ramen only. We order if it isn't possible for you to cook. What else do you need? ", he stated and I just nodded. He is right to one extent.

I put some snacks and he put them back stating that I am just wasting money. He told that there is not time for me to munch on snacks as I will be working all day. I was actually buying them for him. He might get hungry while he is in home.

I put them secretly in the cart and the manager billed the payment. He looked at us weirdly and then looked at me. I felt sudden dizziness and stumbled upon my leg.

"Are you alright?", lil meow meow asked and I nodded. And I realised his hand is over my shoulder and the manager is eyeing us. My head started swirling more and I didn't hesitate to take support.

"Yah! Why did you put the snacks in there? I told you not to", he complained as the snacks were being billed.

"You don't have anything to eat in the house", I retorted still in his support. I held his hand and he didn't leave my shoulder.

"I will pay then. Since you bought those for me", he forwarded the cash but I shoved his hand. My vision started to get blurry. I held his hand tightly and blinked my eyes. I could see them but not clearly.

"I will", I spoke but he already paid for them and I felt like having no energy to argue with him.

"Are you guys living together?", the manager asked and we both shook our heads in negation. Could we please go now? I could crash down anytime now.

"I need to talk to you young man. You can go outside Jin Ae", the manager spoke and I was confused what he was speaking. Why does he want to speak to lil meow meow. He left me and I slowly walked outside and crashed on the nearby bench.

I held my head as it was aching so much. I already had the pain killer, then why is it hitting again. Tears escaped my eyes as the pain increased. I could see nothing except the street lights in blur. I feel like dying now.

"Sun Bear, are you okay?", I recognised the voice. It was lil meow meow.

"Yoongi, take me home. It's paining a lot", I waved my hands in air to reach him and he caught them.

"Jin Ae, could you see me?", he asked and I shook my head in negation.

"I can't see anything Yoongi, it's a bit black and there's some light", I spoke and I could feel being lifted by my shoulders.

"I will leave these in the store and come in a second. Just stay", he spoke and I could hear the retreating footsteps. For the first time, I felt so scared. Scared because I could see nothing and don't even have the energy to walk.

After a minute, I could feel a hand on me and in a second, I was in air.

"Jin Ae, it's me. I will carry you home. Don't cry okay. Everything will be fine. Please don't cry", he spoke and I just nodded but the pain is really unbearable. It felt like someone hitting me with a hammer and pulling my head from its place.

"Jin Ae, we are almost there", he spoke and I just nodded very lightly. I don't have the medicines. All I have to do is to bear the pain and sleep. I could hear the door being opened and I guess I am being carried to my room. I could feel the bed on my back.

"Jin Ae, I will get some water for you", he spoke and I could hear his footsteps. In a second, he got me water and made me drink it.

"Do you have medicines?", he asked and I shook my head in negation.

"Just sleep, I will get the pain killers for you", he spoke and I could feel no one's presence next. I guess death would be more peaceful than this. The top of my skull feels like being pressed down as if it is being compressed and I couldn't help but cry. I just can't do anything but cry

"Here", I could hear Yoongi heavily breathing as if he ran a marathon. He made me sit down and placed the pill in my hand. I took it in and he made me drink water. I gulped in the water slowly and lay on the bed again. I closed my eyes and slowly sleep took over me.

I woke up and saw the time. It is 12:30 and I just looked around. I noticed Yoongi sitting beside my bed and was asleep with his head on my bed. The pain was gone and I looked at his face. I remember how he treated me the last hour. I was on the verge of death a moment ago.

He suddenly moved and opened his eyes.

"Are you alright now? Is it paining now?", he asked with concern and I shook my head.

"I will go to my room then. Call me if you need anything", he got up and I held his hand.

"Yoongi", I called and he looked at me.

"Stay with me, Please"


Yoongi half awake when you call him

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