Alice's Future

By HarliLawson3

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(Alice / Female OC fan fiction) Pre-Twikight - Breaking Dawn part 2 Start date: August 26, 2020 End date: A... More

Chapter 1: Four years ago
Chapter 2: Goodbye Seattle.
Chapter 3: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 4: First Day of School
Chapter 5: Introductions
Chapter 6: Meet Thy Neighbor
Chapter 7: Truths
Chapter 8: Answers & Laws
Chapter 9: Accidents Happen
Chapter 10: First Date
Chapter 11: Field Trip
Chapter 13: Sunny Day
Chapter 14: A Jones/Black wedding
Chapter 15: Italiano for Bella
Chapter 16: Baseball & Nomads
Chapter 17: Prom
Chapter 18: Bella's Birthday
Chapter 19: Life Changes
Chapter 20: The Volturi
Chapter 21: Halloween Birthday
Chapter 22: Operation make Marcus smile
Chapter 23: Snow day in Italy
Chapter 24: SOS email
Chapter 25: Unexpected Offer
Chapter 26: Acceptance
Chapter 27: Rayna meets the Denali
Chapter 28: Positive
Chapter 29: Highway Don't Care
Chapter 30: Returning to Volterra
Chapter 31: Reunions
Chapter 32: Promise Rings ❤️
Chapter 33: Another party?
Chapter 34: The Chase
Chapter 35: Bella in La Push
Chapter 36: Passer-by
Chapter 37: Newborns
Chapter 38: Grad party
Chapter 39: Cullen / Swan wedding
Chapter 40: Goodbye, for now
Chapter 41: Henry McCarty Cullen
Chapter 42: Irina
Chapter 43: Epilogue
Ending Cast Roll!

Chapter 12: La Push

2K 75 6
By HarliLawson3

The weather man was wrong and Rosalie changed plans to another day, soon. When Raelynn woke up, she saw on the weather on her phone that it would be in the high forties to early fifties in Fahrenheit for the high today. Rae is fine with that, it means she can see Alice at school.

Rae is A-ok with Rosalie post poning their shopping trip. Because she knows that they will, because she knows they both need prom dresses.

Once dressed for school, Raelynn heads out of her bedroom and goes downstairs. Mary has made some scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. Rae eats with her mom and siblings before heading to school with Carla.

Raelynn parks beside Emmett's Jeep and Carla jumps out, and jogs around to Rae's side n

"Guys, this is my little sister, Carla," Raelynn says as she gets out. "Carla, this is Alice."

"You're Alice?" Carla beams, Edward smirks slightly. "You really are pretty."

"Thank you," Alice coos. "You're pretty, too, Carla."

"This is Emmett, he might look scary but don't let his outer shell scare you. He's a bit softie," Rae says.

"Rae!" Emmett pouts. "Hey, Carla."

"Hi!" Carla greets. "Rae, which one of your friends is the psychic?"

"This bozo," Rae says as she pouts out Edward. "This is Edward."

'Hi,' Carla greets mentally.

"Hi," Edward replies, earning an excited squeal.

"This is Rosalie, and Marianna," Rae introduces next, pointing to each blonde.

"Hey!" Carla greets, Caleb is watching with a smile from across the lot.

"Hi, Carla," Rosalie greets.

"Hey, girl!" Marianna geeets enthusiastically.

"And this one's Jasper," Rae says. "He's a softie, too... Once he warms up to you."

"Hello," Jasper greets.

Carla giggles a little, blushing. "Hi."

Edward snorts as Carla thinks about how cute Jasper is, he covers it up with a cough. He smirks when Carla glares at him.

"I'll see you after school, Rae!" Carla chants before she runs off.

"She's got a bright aura," Marianna smiles. "I like her."

"I do, too, and she's a human," Rosalie claims. "Thanks for introducing us, Raelynn."

"You're welcome," Rae says. "We need to hit Port Angeles soon for our prom dresses, Rose."

"I know, and we will!" Rosalie says. "Especially since Alice and Marianna are going today."

"We will soon," Raelynn says. "The day and time are both up to you, Rose bud."

Rosalie nods. Alice grabs Rae's gloved hand before they head into the school. Rosalie looks across the lot and she meets Caleb's eyes.

"You want your blood singer?" Emmett muses.

Rosalie scoffs and shoves him. "No. But I want him safe."

"And he will be, babe," Emmett says. "Caleb is as safe as Rae is."

Rosalie nods. "Thanks, Em. I love you," she says as she turns to face Emmett, looking up into his eyes.

"I love you, too, Rose," Emmett replies and he kisses her gently. "Let's get to class."

Raelynn finds herself sitting with Jessica, Bella, Mike, Tyler, Angela, and Eric without Caleb at lunch today. Caleb is sitting with a few other jocks from his grade.

"Wanna come down to La Push with us after school?" Eric asks Rae. "We're catching waves and there's whale watching."

"I'd love to," Rae replies. "I haven't had a chance to go down to the reservation yet."

"Great!" Eric enthuses.

Bella enters the cafeteria, she glances at Edward - who completely ignores her existence. She sighs and she goes to her table. She puts her bag down in the chair beside Rae's, surprised to see Raelynn sitting there without Caleb.

"La Push, baby, you in?" Eric asks Bella.

"Am I supposed to know what that means?" Bella asks.

"La Push beach down on the Quiluete reservation," Mike explains from where he's sitting, on top of a table beside Tyler. "We're all going down after school. There's a major swell coming in."

"And I don't just surf the internet," Eric musics as he stands up to pretend to side; Mike does, too, but Tyler pulls him down.

"Eric, you stood up once... on a foam board," Jessica says with a small laugh.

"La Push," Eric repeats as he sits down and he does a funny hand motion. "It's La Push."

"Okay, I'll go if you stop saying that," Bella says before she walks over to the salad bar.

"I'm so excited," Rae muses.

"Yay, some time with Rae!" Jessica cheers sarcastically, making Rae roll her eyes before she moves to sit beside Tyler and they talk about surfing, which she plans to do.

"Told you I had an extra board," Tyler muses as he hands Raelynn a brown surfboard with some blue floral design on it.

"And I have an extra wetsuit," Jessica adds, walking behind Rae and zips her up. "Do me up?"

Raelynn nods in agreement before Jessica turns around. Rae zips her up.


Rae sees a boy walking up with three more.

"Caleb!" Rae calls and she wokf whisktes.

"Oh, don't start," Caleb muses and he hugs his sister, making the three others to look at them oddly. "This is my sister, Raelynn. Rae, this is Sam, Jacob, and Embry. Mom's dating Jacob's dad."

"Hey," Jacob greets.

"Guys, this is Jacob," Bella says to her friends.

"Maybe you can keep her company," Jessica says to Jacob. "Her date bailed."

"What date?" Eric asks as he faces everyone in his wet suit, confusion clear in his brown eyes.

"She invited Edward," Jessica says teasingly, Rae smiles to herself slightly.

"To be polite," Bella claims, embarrassed.

"I think it's nice she invited him," Angela claims, she's doing some whale watching today. "No one ever does."

"Because Cullen's a freak," Mike comments.

"Hey, wtzch it," Rae demands.

"You got that right," Sam agrees with mike.

"Caleb, I hate your friend," Rae says and she walks over to the water.

"Raelynn!" Caleb calls and Sam chuckles.

"Sorry about that," Sam claims. "Didn't mean to upset your sister, man."

"No worries," Caleb replies as he watches Rae and Tyler start to mess around in the water.

"You know the Cullens?" Bella asks Sam.

"The Cullens don't come here," Sam says sharply.

Raelynn and Tyler are laughing as he drives her home, she had alive drive her car to her house for that dinner.

"Here ya are, Rae," Tyler states. "See ya Monday?"

"Text me if y'all want me to hang out again," Raelynn says as she opens the passenger's side door.

"I'll do just that," Tyler replies.

Raelynn smiles and she heads inside, just as Billy and Jacob are arriving.

"Hey, Raelynn," Jacob greets. "This is my dad."

"Hey, Raelynn," Billy greets as he rolls himself over to her.

"Hello, Billy," Raelynn greets. "It's a pleasure."

Raelynn walks into the house, she lets Billy and Jacob in once inside. She skips to her room and finds Alice waiting patiently on her bed.

"Your mother said I could wait up here," Alice claims. "She is a very pleasant woman."

"She is," Raelynn says as she changes into something a bid more casual comfy for dinner.

"Your body is amazing," Alice says. "Sorry," she says when she motives Rae's blush. "You changed in front of me, Rae, I couldn't help but notice."

Raelynn walks over and she kisses alice on the lips. Alice pulls Rae to lay beside her, earning a sheik and a giggle. Alice connects their lips again and her ice, cold hand moves down Raelynn's toro so that's in a black long sleeved shirt.

"Girls!" Mary calls from downstairs. "Food's ready!"

"Don't worry, I'm going to eat and pretend to like it," Alice says to her girlfriend as Rae opens the door. "I'll just throw up half way home."

Raelynn smiles before they head downstairs. Billy smiles at Alice, being nice to the vampire. He and Mary have been taking about the cold ones, and he believes that she's beginning to piece things together about the Cullens.

Carla and Caleb are sitting together at the table. Rae is sitting in between Jacob and Alice. Billy and Mary are at each head of the dining table.

"So, Alice..." Billy begins, and Alice gives him a soft smile, radio ignoring the wet dog smell. "How are Carlisle and the others doing?"

"They're all doing good," Alice replies. "How is everyone on te reservation?"

"Good, as well," Billy replies and he takes a bite of the meatloaf. "Mm, Mary, this is delicious."

"Thank you, sweetie," Mary coos.

"Gross!" Caleb groans, making Jacob chuckle.

"Oh, hush," Mary instructs. "You and Jessica were like that before you two broke up."

"I know, but you're my parent," Caleb says. "It's different and nastier."

"Tell me about it," Jacob claims. "But dad, I'm glad you're moving on and happy."

"And that you'll probably have two more sisters?" Billy asks with a smug smirk.

Jacob glances between Clara and Rae with a look of indifference.

"What's two more?" Jacob shrugs. "Rach is always away at college, and Becca lives in Hawaii. These two live here."

Billy smiles, so does Mary. Rae and Caleb share a look, both smiling.

"More sisters!?" Clara squeals, making Alice grin. "Yay!"

Mary chuckles a little bit. "Alice, could you go up to Rae's room for a moment? I need to tell the kids something."

"I have to get home anyway," Alice replies. "Thank you so much for having me and it was nice meeting you, miss Jones."

"Alice, sweetie, I told you when you got here to call me Mary," Mary coos. "I meant it."

Alice kisses Rae on the cheek before she leaves.

"Alright, guys, Mary and I need to tell you something and you all might be upset," Billy says as he rolls around the table to park his wheelchair beside Mary's dining chair.

"What's going on, guys?" Rae asks, speaking everyone's thoughts.

"Billy and I have been together since January 5, 2001," Mary days.

"That's four years," Rae claims, this was seven days before she was locked away.

"Mom..." Carla begins. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"We were trying to keep it on the down-low," Mary says. "But..."

"Then I proposed Friday night," Billy says and Jacob's eyes widen. "I went to Sarah's grave that morning and told her. Im ready."

"Mom, what did you say?" Caleb asks.

"I said yes," Mary says. "Caleb, you can keep the house. But under eighteen is coming with me to the reservation."

Carla lets out a shriek before she runs to begin packing.

"When's the wedding?" Rae asks. "Alice can help organize it. She's got at weddings."

"Call her back here," Mary says. "It'll me on the twelvth, on a Saturday."

Raelynn nods and she goes upstairs to call Alice.

"Hello, my beautiful mate," Alice chirps into the phone, making Rosalie smile.

"Mom wants you back here," Raelynn says. "You're planning a wedding that's nine days away."

Alice lets out a deafening shriek. "I'm on my way!"

Rae heads back downstairs. "Alice is on her way."

"Thank you, Raelynn," Billy says.

"I... better go back for La Push," she whispers before going upstairs.

"You'll be coming to Forks daily," Alice coos. "It's okay," she adds as she lays in Raelynn's bed with her. "Okay?"

"Okay," Rae replies. "I'll see you everyday?"

"Yes, you will," Alice says and she kisses Raelynn on the lips. "Every day."

"Can you stay until I fall asleep?" Raelynn asks.

"Of course," Alice coos. "And then I have a wedding to plan."
Mary leans against the door when Rae falls asleep. "Alice?"

"Yes, Mary?" Alice asks as she turns to face her mate's mother.

"The Quiluete stories... about cold ones and wolves..." Mary starts. "Is there any... truth to that?"

"You want the honest truth?" Alice asks.

"That'd be nice," Mary asks. "I went to a bonfire with Billy and he told those stories. Since Rae has become involved with you and your family, I've been piecing things together. But I'm still not sure."

"The stories are true," Alice says. "But Raelynn is my mate, ms. Jones. You don't have to worry about her with me."

"I believe you," Mary breathes. "How are you going to plan my wedding in nine days with a treaty in tact?"

"Don't you worry your head about that, Mary," Alice says as she stands. "My sisters, mother, and I have got this. All right? You relax."

"Thank you, Alice," Mary says. "For the wedding, and for accepting my daughter for who she is."

"Has she... always seem her ability as a curse?" Alice asks.

"She's felt that way since her father locked her away," Mary replies as she walks alive to the door. "Tell Carlisle I said hello."

"I will."

And with that, Alice is gone into the night.

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