Clueless [h.s]

By peanutgrande

53.2K 2.7K 2.8K

"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are strong at the broken places." - Ernest Hemmingway. More

[1] Cigarettes and an Elevator
[2] Stuck
[3] Dare
[4] Now
[5] A Coffee Shop and a Date
[6] Deal
[7] Relax
[8] Tension
[9] Trouble
[10] Touch
[11] Denial
[12] This Is Wrong
[13] Care
[14] Comfort
[15] Emotion
[16] Happiness
[17] Control
[18] Worry
[19] No Control
[20] Iceskating
[21] Christmas Eve
[22] Hoping and Care
[23] Lights
[24] Christmas Kisses
[25] Beauty
[26] New Years Eve
[27] Fear
[28] Tantalize
[30] Passion
[31] Betrayal
[32] Trust
[33] Agony
[34] Numb
[35] Home
[36] You
[37] Love
[38] Strong
[39] Promise
[40] Gentle
[41] Disconnected
[42] Views
[43] Fair
[44] Fix You
[45] Delicate
[46] Electric
not an update - important
[47] Adore
[48] Battles
[49] Distance
[50] Need
[51] Warmth
[52] Broken
[53] Dark
[54] Empty
[55] Memories
[56] Expunge
[57] Cold
[58] Loud
[59] Hope
[60] Remember
[61] Veins
[62] Try
[63] Longing
[64] Me
Clueless - Epilogue
authors note
important opinions

[29] Shock

754 52 118
By peanutgrande

you all did an amazing job on voting and commenting on the last chapter, please surprise me again with this chapter it would mean the world to me!!

as always, enjoy ;)


Before our actions could proceeded further, though, there was a noise. And not the sounds of Harry and I, but something else. Harry must have heard it too because he broke away and turned towards the door of the room. And we both saw him.


My breath seemed to be caught in my throat and I felt my heart stop briefly. Harry's breathing was shallow as mine had completely stopped. The realization of Jai catching us kissing finally hit me, regret and pain hitting me in a whiplash. I felt my whole body freeze and my words caught in my throat as I finally met Jai's eyes, pain and anger mixed into them. I knew what was about to come. And I had no way to stop what was about to happen.

"What.... what the fuck, Ariana?" Jai broke out, his word calm as if he is still processing what is happening. His eyes were full of pain and were extremely dark, the bags under his eyes barely visible as the dark in his eyes masked his exhaustion.

"Jai- I, I am-" I spit out, my words being caught in my throat.

"Don't fucking apologize!" Jai shouts, pulling onto his hair as he paces back and forth in the large room. "What, what the fuck was that!" He shouts even louder and I feel myself shrink back into a corner.

"Jai, I-I don't know what to say." my voice is soft and my eyes are completely blown out of their sockets.

"Of course you fucking don't! Did I seriously catch you fucking around with your own fucking neighbor?!" Jai shouts, his voice coming out as a whimper in the end as if he is about to cry.

"I have a fucking name!" Harry barges in at the worst time ever. Jai tears his eyes away from me only to look at Harry in disgust, I feel my stomach churn harshly as Jai takes a few intimidating steps towards Harry.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jai's deep, loud voice is more intimidating than ever, his accent just adding to my fear. "Don't get in it you fucking prick!" Jai shoves Harry's shoulders and Harry stumbles back a bit but regains strength as he walks back over to Jai and shoves him back twice as hard.

My heart is racing, my hands are sweaty, I no longer feel intoxicated, all I feel is the fear of these men fighting and I won't be able to stop them. "Stop!" I shout and stand to my feet, standing in between these two men to prevent them from fighting any further.

Jai stares at Harry square in the eye, and so does Harry. I feel the tension rising so high it feels like I can suffocate. "You fucked her didn't you!" Jai shouts and Harry winces.

"What? Of course I didn't fuck her!" Harry shouts back just as loud. Luckily no body can hear us from the thumping music from downstairs.

"Wow," Jai runs his hands over his face in disbelief. "So, I took a two day flight with no sleep, I ditched my family, I spent nearly all of my damn money on the ride back here just to walk in on you and your neighbor getting it on?"

"Nothing was happening!" I fight back, my voice coming out as a whimper.

"I knew exactly what I was walking into when Mark told me you came upstairs with Harry! One minute I am happily searching for my best friend who I have an unbelievable amount of feelings for, and the next I walk in on her undressing her own damn neighbor!" Jai paces around the room, pulling on the roots of his hair in frustration. "You had me fooled that you had feelings for me this whole time but only if I knew that the second I left, meant that you would be fucking around with your neighbor the whole damn time! Why would you do that to me, Ariana?"

"Jai, I didn't mean to do that with Harry!"

"Don't come to me with that 'I didn't mean to kiss him' bullshit, because I do not believe a word coming out of your mouth! You're unbelievable!" Jai pounds his fist on the wall behind him, anger stirring in his features.

Why don't you just tell him the truth? Why don't you tell him that you have feelings for Harry even though he is going to be awfully hurt.

"I thought what we had was special! You had me fooled this whole time that you felt the same way about me. Why couldn't you just tell me you were seeing somebody else!" Jai raises his voice a few octaves higher and I feel myself shrink back into Harry, my back colliding with his chest as if he can protect me from Jai. I know I shouldn't be this afraid but I have never seen Jai this angry before, he is practically seething with anger. The selfish side of me feels like this is all Harry's fault, he was the first one who kissed me first. But I know I had a major role into it too. We promised one another that we would not kiss until Jai is out of the picture, and now that Jai caught us, I can't help but blame Harry for my mistakes. "Instead you had to be hooking up with your neighbor behind my back like a slut!" Jai shouts and I wince. I don't wince because of his loud voice, I winced at the name he just called me.

"What did you just fucking call her?" Harry growls, his voice deep and husky.

"A slut. Its not offensive if it's true." Jai smirks. He knows exactly what he is doing, he is trying to make Harry angry so Harry can freak out and do something that I will never forgive to Jai; but that's just not going to happen.

"First of all, whatever you thought we had, is complete bullshit. Open your eyes, Jai! Don't you see that we have never had anything special between us! Yeah we have messed around with one another but that meant nothing! I did not fool you into thinking that I had feelings for you, you fooled yourself into thinking I did, and that is just not my fault. So stop blaming me for your own damn mistakes because last time I fucking checked we were never a couple."

"You're disgusting." Jai spits, disgust evident in his eyes.

"I'm disgusting? You're the one who thought I had feelings for you this whole time, I have never admitted my feelings for you in my life!"

"I get that. But how do you think I would think you never had feelings for me by the way you would hold me, kiss me, speak to me, we have been friends for years after all!" Jai locks his jaw and flares his nostrils, usually what he does when he is angry. "Just tell me you have never had feelings for me, Ariana! Tell me that after all these years, before he came into your life you have never had feelings for me!"

"Actually, yes! I did have feelings for you a while ago but now that is all gone!"

"It's him, huh?" Jai nods towards Harry and I hear Harry scoff from behind me in disbelief. "Ever since you met him you've been so distant with us, not just me but Jason and Elizabeth too! He is the man that you've been with this whole time I was gone, huh?"

"This has nothing to do with Harry! And actually, I did have somewhat feelings for you even when I met Harry but in the end I found out that I did not like you, I fell in love with the kisses we shared and all the memories but I never fell in love with the person who shared all those beautiful memories with me!" As cruel as it sounds, it's all true.

"Oh, so now you're in love with him?" Jai gasps, taking three steps closer to me. I stay silent, not knowing what to say. I have no idea what I feel for Harry, I don't want to say the wrong thing because I know if I do this will be taken a whole different way. I feel Harry eyes on me but I don't look at him, I keep my eyes glued to the man I lost all respect for; Jai. "So you're telling me that you fell in love with a man you barely even know." Jai wickedly smiles, his eyes darkening.

"I know Harry!" I defend myself, not denying my feelings for Harry.

"Bullshit." Jai directs his attention towards Harry and he pushes me aside, he is now walking towards Harry and stands right in front of him. "I don't know what the fuck you did to her and I know we fucking despise each other but trust me when I say this, once you know the real her, once you're in this thing you call 'love', she will destroy you. Right when you think you can trust her, she will give you another reason to hate her. She will fucking leave you, Harry." Jai jabs a finger into Harry's chest and Harry scowls, wrapping his fingers around Jai's wrist and shoving his hands off him.

"You don't know her like I do." Harry says and Jai laughs.

"You're an idiot if you think you know her! Trust me, you probably know a few things about her but soon you'll realize that you know absolutely nothing about her!" Jai raises his voice again. I don't even know how Jai and Harry are speaking, I thought things would be worse.

"I know a lot more about her than you!"


"Well I'm fucking sorry for actually taking the time to fucking talk to her!" Harry fires back, his eyes dark and his jaw locked. "If you liked her so damn much, why did you call her only two fucking times you were gone?"

"That's not the point!" Jai shouts even louder, his chest huffed up and his fist clenched. I know what is coming and I have to stop it.

"Both of you, shut the hell up!" I stand between them and press both of my hands to both of his huffing chests, giving them a few feet of space.

"Enough! Jai, I know you are probably hurt and I am sorry, I am sorry for making you think that I had feelings for you but it's not my damn fault! I know you are upset and angry and you probably hate me but it's just not my fault, I know I should have told you earlier that I was seeing Harry but I couldn't bring myself to it. I know I am a bitch for hurting you after so many years of being best friends but we were never a couple, and you just need to understand that! I fucked up, I really did, and I don't expect you to forgive me but I don't want to fight anymore! I am literally admitting that I really did mess up this time and I am willing to fix it, so bare with me and stop being such an ass to Harry when he has done nothing to you!" I breathlessly say, inhaling large breathes after my speech. I hope he doesn't start a bigger problem after this, he needs to understand that I do not have feelings for him and that is not Harry's fault. It is all mostly my fault for never telling Jai how I felt.

"Are you serious? Do you actually think you can fix this?" Jai shouts. I feel my palms moisture and my heart beat way too fast in my chest as he shoves me aside and walks towards Harry. Shit.

Before I can process what is happening, Jai wraps Harry's shirt in his hand and shoves him against the wall. A loud thud is heard as Harry's back collides with the wall. "You fucking prick!" Jai shouts in Harry's face, a vein straining beneath the skin of his neck. "This is all your fault!!" He loosens his grip on Harry's shirt only to pull him off the wall and slam him back into it. Although Harry is much taller and more muscular than Jai, the way Jai is shouting at Harry makes him look a lot more tougher.

"Get the hell of me, man!" Harry shoves Jai and Jai doesn't bulge. Jai's balls his hand into a fist in by his side and flexes his arm by his side, his veins popping out from his biceps.

"It's all your fault she fucking hates me!" Jai's voice cracks at the end he uses his free hand to slam it against the wall beside Harry's head to shake him up a bit but Harry doesn't even flinch.

"Hit me, Jai." Harry says, I can basically hear the fresh adrenaline rushing through his system and his plan to anger Jai. "Punch me, Jai! If you're so damn tough why don't you hit me like a fucking man!" Harry pushes him further, a wicked smile spreading across Harry's face.

"I will!" Jai shouts back, raising his fist.

"Do it." Harry whispers and Jai tightens his fist around Harry's shirt scrunched up at his chest. "I dare you to."

Jai glances at me from behind his shoulder and I take a deep breath, preparing for what is about to happen. I need to stop him, I won't be able to control him after the first punch. My breathing hitches and a million of thoughts are racing through my head all at once. This cannot be happening.

Jai raises his fist once again and debates whether he should hit Harry or not. As his fist almost collides with Harry's jaw, I step in between them and Jai immediately stops his actions.

"Stop!!" I yell and shove his arm down to his side.

"Get the fuck away, Ariana!" Jai releases Harry's shirt and from the corner of my eye I see Harry's shoulders relax and the smile on his face disappear as Jai gets in my face, his hot breath hitting me.

"Don't hit him, Jai!" I shout back. I raise my hand up and shove his shoulder but he doesn't move.

Jai breaks eye contact from me and directs his attention back to Harry. "Shut up, Ariana!" Jai raises his fist again and prepares to do what I interrupted.

"Jai!" I cried out, grabbing onto Jai's arm as his fist collided with Harry's jaw. My heart shattered into pieces as Harry winced at the sudden pain of Jai's fist colliding with his jaw. Harry showed no sign of weakness though, he held himself up and lowered his eyes at Jai. A shock was sent through my whole body as Jai's first collided with Harry's stomach, a wisp of a gasp escaping his throat as the air was sucked out of him. "Jai stop!" I felt the tears brimming in my eyes at the sight of Harry being psychically hurt by whom I thought was my best friend.

"I said shut the fuck up!!" Before I could even process what was happening, Jai somehow managed to loosen my grip on his arm and use his free hand to harshly slap across my face, my body falling onto the floor seconds after. I felt every memory, every kiss, every hug, every secret, every late night chat, fade off and be replaced with nothing but complete hate for Jai as my weak body comes in contact with the ground. The slap itself did not hurt in the slightest, but the fact that my own best friend just slapped me made me feel like breaking into tears.

"What the fuck did you just do!" Harry shouted.

I looked up at Jai through my tear-brimmed eyes. He had a confused look on his face as if he were still trying to process what he just did to me.

"Ari, babe- Oh my gosh, I am so fucking sorry!" Jai rushed to my side in panic but before he could even kneel down to reach my height, he was yanked away from me. My eyes flickered up to see Harry pushing Jai against the wall, his hand crumbling Jai's shirt in one hand.

"What the fuck did you just do!" Harry shouted loudly, his voice raspy and the veins from his neck popping out. His forehead is damp with sweat and even though I can only see the side of him, his eyes are so dark they look black in complete anger. I felt a shock through my whole body as Harry swung his arm back and punched Jai straight in the nose, a small whimper escaping his lips in pain. Seconds later Harry's fist collided with Jai's ribcage and Jai let out a throaty groan as the air knocked out of his lungs. I would normally feel terrible if anyone did that to Jai, but right now I feel like he deserved that. A trail of blood spills out of Jai's nose as he holds his nose with his hand and places his other hand over his stomach. I knew Harry was strong, but never this strong to the point where Jai is wheezing for air. Jai is definitely nowhere as near as strong as Harry. "Don't ever call her babe again." Harry warns him in a deep whisper before releasing him and rushing over to my side.

My heart beats erratically in my chest as he kneels down, his hands immediately cupping both sides of my face. His thumb gently runs over the stinging skin on my cheek and I am sure there is already a red mark on it. I feel a knot in my throat and it takes everything in me to swallow it back but my eyes are still full with tears. I never knew what would've happened right after we stepped out of Harry's apartment. Only if I knew this would happen, I would've refused to come here in the first place and stayed in all day with Harry while we watched television.

His green eyes meet mine and they are no longer dark, they are so bright and a beautiful electrifying color of green. He wipes away a tear strolling down my cheek with his thumb and inches hi face closer to mine, pressing a delicate kiss to my forehead. "Baby," Harry takes my hands in his and helps me back up to my feet. "Are you okay?" He whispers into my hair as he pulls me into a tight embrace. My arms wrap around his waist and his wrap around my back perfectly, like if we were meant to fit perfectly into one another.

I only nod and bite back any words because I know if I say something, I will cry. "Let's get out of here?" Harry whispers as he pulls me away from him, our foreheads touching.

"Please," my voice cracks and I already feel the wetness return to my eyes. Harry swings an arm over my shoulders and collects all of our things before we dodge past Jai.

Harry leads me down the stairs quickly and out of the house. He puts his coat over my shoulders and we walk down the lit up pathway in complete silence, my heart aching and my head spinning. I was crying now, overwhelmed with what happened only minutes ago. Harry kept his arm draped over my shoulders and he let me lean into him as I sobbed into his chest. As we were walking back to his car, he noticed I was practically shaking as I broke down into full sobs. We stopped in the middle of the street as he wrapped me into his arms once again and rubbed circles into my back as he whispered small things into my ear to calm down. I don't know what I would do without Harry, he is my everything.

"Calm down, Ari." Harry whispered a little louder this time. "It's all going to be alright, you're alright." He said but only made cry even more. I felt my heart ache and my stomach tighten, I have so many feelings for this beautiful man.

After a few more minutes, we continue to walk back to his car but before we hop into his car, he wraps me in his arms again and says.

"Let's go home, baby."







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