Becoming Something Amazing (D...

By Luzius1

19.2K 400 335

(Y/n) (L/n) is a highly intelligent boy and the bastard child of Lex Luthor, something the villain doesn't kn... More

Part 1: Discovering Powers and Revenge
Part 2: Beating up Bad Guys and Interverence
Part 3: Meeting The Second Gen

Prolouge: Danger Falling from the Sky

7.2K 107 97
By Luzius1

Hi. I'm (Y/n) (L/n), 17 year, and one of the smartest kids in my school or even in the world. Also, I'm the bastard child of the famous super villain Lex Luthor. But he doesn't know this. No one, except my mom does. My mother was just a one night stand to him and accidentally got pregnant. Instead of abortion, she decided to raise me. She works 4 different jobs in the week. She's a strong woman and a good mother.

But with all of these things being something amazing, there has to be something bad.

I have a rare decease called Necroticing fasciites.

(That's a real decease. By the way, I only Googled the name and a bit on what it is, so don't wonder if it isn't accurate.)

Basically it's a sickness, where my skin starts to rott. Red and purple skin is seen on me. It causes me severe pain, fever and vomiting.

The only reason I lived till now is, that  science is luckily so advanced, that there is a medicine which slows it down. But it's effects start to let down...

That's why me and a few friends from school in metropolis, try to look for a way to cure me. Even if we're only teenagers, we have to at least try.

*At School, (Y/n)s pov.:*

" Can anyone tell me the answer to this question?" our teacher asked.

No one raised his hand, except for me.

"Ah yes. Mister (L/n), please write it on the board."

So I did. I stood up, went to the board and wrote down the answer.

"Good job mister (L/n), but next time please write down how you calculated it." he said.

"... Alright." I said.

While walking to my chair, a foot went into my path, making me fall down on my left arm.

"Ghhh!" a sharp pain shoot through my body.

"Brad!" the teacher yelled at the student.

Brad was the school bully. With his big figure and muscles, he always bullied the weak. Mostly me to be honest. I was the perfect victim for him.

"Oops." he simply said and the teacher glared at him.

"Are you alright?" the teacher asked me, leaning down.

"It's alright. I'll just have to go to the infarmity." I stood up and went outside the room.

Once I arrived there, I took of my shirt, revealing my sickness.

My whole left arm was purple. It wasn't because of Brad, it was so before already. It'll probably fall of some day......

The rotting even went to the left part of my face, where it's already red and seeing with my left eye became difficult too. I didn't tell anyone about the eye through.

"*sigh*" I put my shirt back on and laid on the bed.

The door suddenly opened and revealed a girl. My crush, to put it precisely.

(She has her skin color changed and crystal hidden with magic)

"Hmm? Oh hey (Y/n). You're here too?"

"Y-yeah. Fell down 'accidentally'. But it's nothing serious." I said, hiding my blush.

Rachel Roth. She's 17 years old. She's a smart girl, who's always reading and also my crush since the first time I saw her.

"If you say so. The class is too annoying, so I simply said to the teacher, that I had a fever." she said, pulled out a book and sat beside me on the other bed.

Minutes went past, where we just sat in silence. The flipping of book pages and the ticking of the clock were the only thing making a sound.

I so wanted to talk to her, I really did.

'God dammit (Y/n)! You're one of the smartest kids on earth, have destroyed people in multiple arguments and yet you can't even talk to a girl?! A beautiful, smart and simply amazing girl.... No! Focus! What does mom tell you everytime? 'You have to play that Luthor charm on the ladies.' '

With a bit of resolve, I turned to Rachel.

"H-hey Rachel. Would you be interested in visiting my club today? " I asked, screaming on the inside on why I had said that.

She looked up from her book.

"Hm.. Sure. I don't have anything better to do this evening anyway. And I heard that your little 'science club' makes a few interesting things." she said.

'Yes! Thanks dad. Even if you're a bastard.'

"Great! Then I'll come to your class after school and we can go there." I said.

Just then, bell rung.

"I think I should go to class again. It was nice meeting you (Y/n). Later." she winked and left the room.

I laid back into the bed, staring at the cealing.

With a smile I closed my eyes.


After I was done recovering, I went back to class. I arrived for the last period.

We had to go to the track field, to run. Of course I didn't had to do it.

Once I arrived, I spotted my friends sitting on a nearby bench, exhausted from running.

"Hey guys, finished already? You are so lazy~." I said with a smug smile on my face.

"huff, huff. You can say that so easy, because you don't have to run!" Henry, the chemistry guy in our group said.

He was the same height as me, with brown short hair. He is my friend since highschool.

"Now, now. Don't be too harsh on him. Brad made him fall down after all." Jacob said.

Jacob isn't really a science guy, but he's interested in it. He helps us out with the heavy stuff and stops us everytime we argue about something. He originally came from New York. He and his parents are black, so he had to deal with racist jokes once he got here. We were the only people who accepted him instantly and became friends with him that way.

"Hmpf! If Brad decides to do that again, I'll snap his neck!" Stacy, the geeky girl in our group said.

She's a little shorter, then we all, but counters that with her quirky nature. She has black hair and always wears a hoodie. Also she may have an anger problem, but we don't tell that to her, because we want to keep our heads.

"Well, (Y/n)'s looking well enough. He probably just relaxed the whole time, while we were sweating like crazy." the last member of our group said.

Barbara Gordon. A smart girl, who comes from Gotham. She lives there with her father, but he decided that she should rather study in Metropolis. We are actually childhood friends and met, when me and my mom still lived in gotham.

"Well excuuusseee me, princess. Oh yeah, almost forgot. Rachel's gonna come over to the club for a look around. Hope you guys won't mind" I said.

"Is it THE Rachel we're talking about?" Stacy asked with a smug grin as the others began to snicker.

"Urgh, guys~. Please."

"Haha. Come on Stacy. Enough tormenting the loverboy." Henry said.

While we were talking, I saw in the corner of my eyes, how Brad and his friends approached us.

"Hey Barbara. How about instead of standing around these nerds, how about you hang out with real man?" Brad said, not even hiding the fact, that he was staring at her breast.

"Urgh, Brad. How many time do I have to tell you to piss off? I'm not interested in your group, the things you do and certainly not you." She said.

"Now come on. I'm not that bad." he tried to defend himself.

"Yeah. You're worse than that." I said.

He glared at me.

"You better shut up you rotting corpse, or I'll put you in the grave sooner than you should." he said and walked over to me.

But before he could do anything, Jackob stood infront of him. He easily towered over the bully.

"You better go now before things get ugly." 

"...Tsk. Come on guys. Let's leave those losers alone."

"......" We sat there in silence.

"Heh. He probably went away to get a BJ from his friend. Those poor guys. Sucking on a tic tac." I broke the silence.

The others began to laugh at that.

"Damn. If I didn't knew you personally, I would never guess that a smart guy such as you had such a personality." Henry said.

"Welp. The more you know. Anyway. I'll meet you at the club. I'll go get Rachel." I said and walked to her class.

As I arrived, Rachels classmates looked at me in surprise, not expecting the smart kid to show up to their class. But Rachel just smiled and stood up from her chair, before walking over to me.

"Hey (Y/n). Wanna go?" she asked.

"Yup. Come. I'll show you our science club."

With that, we walked behind the school, where a old shack was located.

"This...Is the science club?" she asked.

"Yeah. The outside is a bit deceiving." I said and opened the door for her.

As we stepped in, we were greeted by a neat looking room, full of robot parts, all kinds of chemicals, safely stored in a closet, multiple whiteboards with all kind of calculations skribbled on them, Five computers and even more tools, which helps us to examine our creations.

"Woah! This really lookes like something a science club should have or rather, shouldn't these things be in an actual lab?" she asked

"Well. Barbara said that she had a friend, who could give us some things." I said.


"Huh? Yeah. Do you know her?"

"Yes. We once worked together...... At a part-time job."

Speaking of the devil, Barbara came in with the others.

"Oh, you're already here."

She went over to Rachel and hugged her.

"Long time no seen Rachel." she said and Rachel hugged her back.

"It really has been a while."

The others began to introduce themself too and we showed her all the things we worked on till now.

"........ And this here is a selfmade laser cutter. This baby can even cut through bones easily." I showed her the Maschine, while the others were sitting on a couch playing games.

"Finally we have our current project. Nanobots." I said and walked over to a container, which looked like he had a metal like liquid in it.


"Yup. Their job is to get into a humans system, spread into each corner and start aiding the immune system and natural healing or even enhance it."

"Woah. And how good is it working?"

"Hehe, well... Even with the stuff we get, it's a difficult job. We hadn't had any success yet." I said and stared at the project.

It's the most important one to me, because it could heal me from my sickness.

"Anyway. Up for a round?" I asked and held up a controller.

"Heh. You're going down." she said.

A few matches later, I had enough and was working on my nanobots.

After 2 hours, we decided it was enough for today and packed our things, before we stepped out the club.

Barbara suddenly got a call and had to say goodbye to us. Apparently she had to help out at work,even through she had a bit of a panicked face and was fastly walking away. No one but me noticed that through.

We arrived on the school gate, when suddenly the ground began to shook.

Something came crashing down from the sky and made a crater.

Looking closely it was a man.

Or rather a robot!

"What the-"

He then stood up and looked into the sky, but before he could do anything, he was blasted by a red beam,making him crash into a nearby wall, creating a huge dust cloud.

Once the dust settled, we saw who was fighting against him.

The Justice League.

They then started to fight the robot in a group.

Flash would run around it, sometimes punching at the robot. Batman threw a few of his batarangs at it and Green lantern fired at him with his green beam.

Meanwhile, superman, wonder woman and the Manhunter fought yet another enemy..... Lex luthor

(In a robot suit)

"What were you thinking Lex?! You know how dangerous that robot is!" Superman yelled, while fighting with him.

"Dangerous? That's why the robot is perfect against you!" he yelled and blasted superman with a kryptonite beam.

Going back to the other fight, the robot uses the ability of the heroes against them.

"W-whoah! That's crazy! That robot can use multiple powers?" Henry asked.

"Looks that way. He can copy them just by a glance, but apparently can only use one at the time." I said.

Suddenly the robot spotted us, he grabbed a big rock and threw it at us, probably trying to get a few of his attackers off of him.


But then, a few batarangs flew into the rock and exploded. The debris fell to the ground.

"Is everyone alright?" the person, who threw the batarangs, yelled.

"Yeah. Thank you." jackob said.

"Good. Do you know somewhere, where you could hide?" she asked.

We looked at each other and nodded.

"Don't worry. We got this!" Stacy said and we quickly ran back to the club.

When we were almost there, Batgirls communicator suddenly spoke up.

"Batgirl! Get away there quickly! Amazo is heading your wa-" the voice was interrupted, when the robot landed behind us and punched badgirl away.

He proceeded to swat everyone uf us away, till he got to me and grabbed me by the neck. But somehow he didn't crush my neck.

*Orders: Don't hurt Luthor, recognized* The robot said.

'Is... He programmed not to hurt anyone with my dad's DNA?'

But that didn't last long, because Rachel suddenly stood up, but now her skin became a bit grey and a crystal appeared on her head.

Her eyes were glowing red and rage was seen on her face.

Black orbs of some kind, appeared in her hand and she fired a beam at the robot.

Seconds before it hit us, she regained her senses.

"Huh? (Y/n)?"

But it was too late and the beam hit us, launching us into the shack, against the small container with the nanobots.


The container shattered, spilling the liquid with the nanobots onto me, while I was still getting shocked by the robots malfunction.

After it finally let down, me and the robot fell flat to the ground.

Moments later my friends, who woke up again, came running towards me, with Raven up front, looking normal again.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" they yelled, and shoved the robot at the side, before Raven kneeled down and held me in her hand.

"You must stay awake! Please!" she yelled.

But my eyes felt heavy and my vision became more and more dimm, till my conciousness fully left me.

What I didn't knew at the time was, that the nanobots got into my body. And you could say, thanks to the robot, they got an 'upgrade.'


Hey there, Luzius1 here.

So I decided to make a DC story, because I'm watching many dc series at the moment.

Hope you enjoyed.

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