Summer Love (Lauren Jauregui)

By betterleftunsaidd

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Gio is spending the summer in Miami with her father. She gets a job and meet some new friends. What will happ... More

Summer Love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

612 17 0
By betterleftunsaidd

Hours and hours later we hit Miami. We all stood in a group till we seen our dad with his oldest son from Andrea. Martin. 

"Hey guys" my dad said trying his best to do a group hug. "I missed you all" he chuckled. 

"Us to!" Riley yelled. I nodded in agreement with everyone else. 

The drive to dads was just LOUD. Everyone was talking left and right telling my dad what has been happening since the last time we seen him. 

I just love how my parents still are close like best friends, that they share us. They don't fight like other divorce couples are.

"Guys!" Dad chuckled. "Wait till we make it home to talk" he laughed. 

Hitting his drive way, I found myself smiling at his house. Not at how big it was, or how it was structured, it was just how it felt, like home. 

I climbed out the van, grabbing my backpack. I swung it on a shoulder and helped my brothers with the bags and stuff.

Andrea, mydads wife, gracefully ran out the house and in front of us. She was like a second mom that anybody wanted. She was nice, beautiful, caring. I mean she loves us and we're not even her kids. 

"Andrea" I said happily opening my arms. She walked in them and hugged me tightly. 

"Giovanna, your getting taller" she laughed. I nodded grabbing my bag. 

We went inside and we all went into our rooms to settle in. Dad still had my room the same, so I laughed at my collection of Dolls and stuff animals. 

"Emily" I called. Her little footsteps ran into my room and over to me. "Do want all this?" I asked. Her eyes widen with happiness and excitement. I laughed. 

"Really?!" I nodded. "Yes please" 

"Alright, let's go find a box to put them all in" she nodded and followed as we went into the kitchen. 

"Hey dad? Is there an empty box" I asked as he was making dinner. 

"Sure bud, check the garage" Emily and I ran into the grange and found a pretty size box to fit the dolls. 

I placed all dolls and some stuff animals that didn't have any meaning to them into the box. I handed the small little girl the box and seen her speed walk out of my room. 

I seriously need to change my room around. Or something. It looked like a 10 year old sleeps in here. 

"Wanna go shopping, and from the looks of it, You do" Des said looking around my room. 

"I'm guessing your rooms the same?" 

"Yup, so come on. Riley's driving" I smiled walking out of my room. 

Meeting my siblings downstairs, I notice we all where going. Except the younger kids. I guess my dad didn't want to change our rooms. 

We went to the outlet mall and decided to separate when getting there. I was totally fine with it considering I was nothing like my sisters. Maybe like Jennel, but that was it. 

Before doing my shopping, I went over to the cold stone place. I really missed the amazingly good taste of it. 

There, before entering, was a help wanted sign, taped to the door. I thought why not and apply. I was going to stay here for a couple months and I want something to do over the summer. 

"Hello! Welcome to coldstone, how may I help you" asked the only worker that was behind the counter. 

"Uhh, yes can I have a peanut butter cup perfection with extra Reese's" he nodded and started with my order. "Oh, do you have an application?" I asked. 

"Sure. Would you like to fill it out while you wait" I nodded politely. He went to the back and came out minutes later with an application and black pen. 

"'Your full name' Giovanna Rebecca Garcia" I said to myself. I guess I think more when I read questions out loud. Is that weird? "'Date of birth' 1-15-96. 'State' Florida. 'City' Miami." The list of questions went on and on. 

"Here you go" said the coldstone guy. As I walked over to him. 

"Thanks, here you go" I handed him the application and pen. I handed him the money as well and motioned him to keep the change.

The first store on my list was the furniture store. I had to get a desk, book shelf, and some pillows for my window seats. I asked the girl who helped me decided on my things if she can get anybody to send them to my dads house. 

"Of course just write your address and it should there in two hours." I smiled and wrote down my address. 

My next stop was my favorite store ever. Barnes and Noble. Now that for me was home. I went isle to isle looking for  books for my new shelf, and posters to hang around.

Then it was paint shopping which literally took a minute. I got black and white paint, brushes, and tape. I was going to paint my walls with black and white strips and probably with different design. 

"Yelli" I looked up to be face with a close friend of mine as I stepped out of the paint store. It's been years since I've seen her, but I was really happy. 

"Hey, Makayla!" 

"What's up, Yell" I shrugged meaning I was still the same and had nothing interesting to say. 

"Nothing really. Just came for the summer. And you?" I asked as we walked over to the fountain to continue our chat. 

"That's cool. And nothing as well just working and such" she shrugged. She sipped on her Starbucks drink and smiled biting the straw. 

"Where do you work" 

"Life guard for the beach. It's actually better then I though" she laughed. " you should come tomorrow. Bring your family" she suggested. 

"Yeah, I'll ask. It's been awhile since I just went to the beach and relax" I laughed. 

Des- we have to go Chicka!!

My phone beeped indicating I had message. I pulled my phone from my pocket to see the text was from Destiny. 

"I have to go. Nice seeing you again. We should hang out" she nodded with an of course face expression. 

"Yeah you have my number, right" I nodded and hugged her goodbye.

A/n: Lauren is coming soon :) comment and vote! ♥

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