His Howl

By divxne_dixmond

25.7K 336 11

Billy Black's daughter, (Y/n) Black, sets off towards the mountains in hopes of forming her own pack, or poss... More

Please Read!! Author's Note
The Pack
Trouble Arising
Trouble Arriving
The Duel
Unexpected Events
Sam's House
The Redhead
Bella's Protection
The Bonfire
The Cullen's Party

Doctor Carlisle

1.2K 19 0
By divxne_dixmond

(Y/n)'s POV:

Sonya found Clarke before we arrived. By the time I got to them, Sonya had already called for help. Hugo and Hunter lifted Clarke up gently and brought him to Sam's house. Guilt and worry ate away at my conscience as I watched Sam examine Clarke's leg. Emily placed a cool rag over his forehead and a pillow under his head. Unable to handle my nerves, I began chewing on my nails, pacing back and forth.

"This is beyond what a patch or bandage could heal, and I'm no medicine man. His bone is shifted in the wrong place. When he wakes up, he's going to be in horrendous pain." He looked at me with serious eyes. "He needs a doctor, and fast."

Dread swept into my bones. "But... I don't know any doctors!" My hands pulled at my hair. "I just got back, where am I going to find a doctor? It's pitch black outside!"

Hunter tried to calm me down, which only annoyed me even more. I didn't have time to calm down. I had to go outside and hope a doctor would magically appear and help me. The rest of my pack sat huddled around Clarke with solemn faces. They were not only burdened with their own emotions but mine as well. They knew they couldn't help neither me or Clarke.

Embry walked over to me, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Stressing out won't help you." He held me still, forcing me to look at him. I frowned at him.

"Jacob... knowns someone who can help," he looked at my brother with somewhat of a grimace. They seemed to be communicating telepathically, hiding their thoughts from everyone else. Jacob's face twists with disgust while Embry's eye's pleaded with him.

My brother sighed and rolled his eyes. He looked down and slowly nodded his head. "Yeah, I do know someone."

"Well, call them!" I raised my voice.

My brother looked uncertain. "They need to get here now, please!"

"(Y/n), they're not exactly... someone you might want to see right now."

My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"He talking about Carlisle," Jared spoke up, rolling his eyes.

"Carlisle?" I questioned having not a clue as to who they were talking about.

"It's one of the Cullen's, (Y/n)." Paul explained. "He's a doctor with years of experience."

I looked away from him, eyes wide.

Did I really want to see another one of those leeches after what one of them did to my youngest pack member? Did Clarke want to see one?

"He's our only best option right now," Jake spoke up.

I pursed my lips together and nodded. "Okay." I shoved away my hatred for the vampires, for Clarke's sake. If a vampire is the only thing that can help me heal Clarke, so be it. It wasn't an ideal decision I wanted to make, but I had to make sure that Clark was going to be okay. He was my top priority at the moment.

Jacob nodded his head and walked over towards Sam's house phone.

I let out a heavy sigh and used one hand to ruble my temple. Embry's hand trailed down to my other hand and squeezed it. I looked at him gratefully with a smile. "Thank you," I whispered. He nodded back with a smile of his own.

Everyone in the house froze when Clarke started stirring around.

Clarke groaned and tried to sit up but winced in pain. Sonya pushed him back down and tried comforting him before he could start to panic. "What... happened?" He questioned while moving his hands to his head. Sonya looked towards me for help. I stared back scared. I didn't know how he would react to seeing me again after I let that vampire do harm to him. 

Thomas, being the idiot he is, blurted everything out. "Well, your bone popped out after you were thrown into a tree, by what I now know is, a vampire?" He exhaled and rested his chin in his hand. "I can't believe those things exist, which is both terrifying and awesome at the same time."

"Thomas!" Timothy exclaimed and whacked Thomas across the head. "What! He asked, so I told him!" Thomas whined, rubbing the back of his head in attempt to soothe the stinging.

Clarke's eyes widened as he looked down at his leg. I was surprised he wasn't squirming in pain. He was probably still in shock.


My guilt crept its way back towards me and I frowned. Had I done something sooner, he wouldn't be in this situation. None of us would be. It's the middle of the night and I've kept everyone up.  The Uley's should be at their houses right now, resting. My father is probably worried about Jacob and Emily is most likely drained from everything that's happened. Not to mention Teresa as well.

I let go of Embry and walked towards Clarke cautiously. I didn't want to trigger him if he really did end up hating me.

"Hey, Clarke?"

"Hm?" He mumbled, staring forward in a daze. He didn't look sad, nor angry. He just looked helpless.

"I, um..." I breathed out. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I couldn't help you in time." Tears threatened to prick through my eyes. I cleared my throat and swallowed thickly, trying to fight the tears away. "I should've done something sooner instead of just standing there." I lowered my gaze to the floor, not being able to handle the embarrassment I felt. "If I did something sooner than you wouldn't be in situation." My gaze lingered at the ground, not daring to making eye contact with anybody. "I...I'm sorry." Shame consumed me whole and I felt worthless.

What kind of leader was I? How could I let something this bad happen to Clarke — a young boy who was willing to put his life on the line for someone he didn't even know.

I heard him shift on the couch slightly, groaning in pain as he did so. My head flew up and tried to stop his movements. He put his hand on top of mine and squeezed. "There's no need for you to feel guilty." He smiled. How could this sweet boy be smiling at me right now? "I don't blame you. I was scared to move when I first saw her too. She was following me around and I hid. I followed your howl and even when I saw you, I was still scared to come out. I didn't know what the hell she was." He chuckled softly, but winced when the vibrations traveled to his leg. "I'll survive this." His smiled faltered slightly. "I've been through worse."

My frown deepened and a single tear slid down my face. I held onto his hand, tracing little circles around it. I vowed I wasn't going to leave him helpless anymore. I wasn't going to leave anyone who needed me, helpless anymore.

"We have a doctor coming right now." I tried to lighten the mood. 

"Here, take these. They're pain killers." Emily handed the pills and a cup of water to Clarke. He took them and relaxed into the coach, trying to ignore his pain. 

Eventually, Clarke fell asleep to escape his pain. I readjusted the rag on his forehead, wondering where the hell this doctor was.

Every cell in my body was hurting. I wanted to sleep, even if it was just for a short 5 minutes.

'Imagine what Clarke's going through. Don't be selfish.'

"Hey, how you holding up?" I looked to my side to see Embry. 

'You should be asking about Clarke, not me.'

I held my tongue and gave him a faint smile. "I'm fine. Just a little tired."

"Do you need-" Jacob cut him off and announced that Carlisle was here. I nodded my head, my entire body feeling relieved.

I turned my attention back towards Embry. "Sorry, what we're you saying?"

"Oh, um, nothing. Never mind." I frowned before nodding my head. I understood he was trying to a make conversation to get to know me or to keep me distracted, but I wasn't in the mood.

I heard the front door open and immediately turned my head to see, who I assumed to be Carlisle, walking in. He was tall, pale, had golden, blonde hair and unlike the other vampire woman, his eyes were yellow. I got up slowly when he started walking towards us.

"How is he?"

"He's doing good for now, but his pain killers are starting to wear off." I paused. "Can you help him, please?" He looked at me with a small smile, "I'll do the best I can." I nodded and moved out of his way.

Carlisle examined Clarke's leg, who whimpered in pain in his sleep. "His ligament was snapped... it's started to heal in the wrong place." He frowned. "I'm going to have to pop it out again." He turned to Paul and Jacob. "Will you hold him down please? If he moves he could shift his bone farther away from where it needs to reattach." Both boys nodded swiftly and walked towards Clarke, who was still sleeping. "Wait, let me wake him up!" Sonya intervened. She shook him awake slightly and explained to him what Carlisle needed to do. Clarke looked scared and unsure of the vampire in front of him. 

"It's okay, Clarke. He isn't going to hurt you." I tried to reassure him. He looked at me and nodded, trusting me. He leaned back and waited for Carlisle to begin the painful process. 

After a minute, a sickening pop rang throughout the air, followed along by a shattering cry. Clarke squirmed in pain, trying to get both boys off him. "Clarke, stop moving!" I ran towards him and tried to hold him down. Once my hands touched Clarke's shoulders, he almost immediately calmed down, as if he wasn't in pain anymore. Carlisle furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but continued to finish whatever else he had to do.

"That should be about it." Carlisle announced as he finished bandaging Clarke's leg. "Stay off it for about 6 weeks and don't do anything rash." 

"Thank you so much, Carlisle." I smiled weakly. "I owe you one."

A glint of amusement shone through his eyes as he shook his head. "It's fine. It's what I do."

He looked towards Teresa, staring at the wound on her neck. "May I?" She looked at him wearily, almost wanting to say no, but it was too painful to do so. She looked towards Sonya and appeared to be speaking with her telepathically.

"She said yes." Sonya voiced Teresa's consent. The vampire nodded and walked over towards her, examining her wound. "You're going to need stitches. It isn't big, thankfully."

Once he was done patching Teresa up, he turned to me. "Give him some painkillers whenever the pain gets worse and make sure he's hydrated." He pointed towards Teresa. "Keep her stitches covered for the next 2 days, and wash around the wound. Clean it twice a day." I nodded my head. "Thank you."

He turned to everyone in the room before he left Sam's house. "Have a good night."

Emily brought Clarke and Teresa some more water and painkillers. She offered them something to eat as well, but they declined.

I walked over to one of the couches to sit down and gather my thoughts. Hunter sat beside me and held my hand in his. He knew I was flat out exhausted, too tired to even speak.

It was at times like this where he had to take charge. He looked towards Timothy, who nodded and walked outside. I tensed up slightly. I didn't want the same thing that happened to Clarke, to happen to him.

• He'll be okay. • Hunter hugged me.

"Wait, where is he going?" Seth asked while he uncrossed his arms, sitting up from the couch he was sitting on.

"To find somewhere to set up camp," Thomas answered. Seth nodded and turned to look back at Clarke. He seemed pretty worried for him.

Hunter stood up from his seat and walked towards Sam. "Do you mind if Clarke and Teresa could stay the night? We don't want them to do any more damage to their wounds."

Sam agreed and left to get some more blankets to hand to Clarke and Teresa.

"You guys could sleep here if you want, I don't want to have you guys sleep outside." Emily looked at me with worry, hoping I'd accept her offer.

"I appreciate the offer," I hugged her. "But I don't think there's enough room for everyone in here." I held her at arms length. "Plus, we're used to it. It doesn't bother us."

"Speak for yourself," Thomas rolled his eyes. He cowered in fear once Hunter gave him a death glare.

Emily frowned but nodded.

"Are you sure you will be okay?" Embry asked, looking me in my eyes. I smiled at him and nodded my head.

Hunter rolled his eyes. • Please, you're gonna make me gag. •

• Oh, shut up. •

*Time skip*

Timothy found a good spot to set up camp. It was close enough but also far enough from Sam's house, so we could have our own privacy. He set up mine and Hunter's tents first and was working on setting up his and Thomas'. Luckily for our new members, they had their own sleeping bag/tents.

"Who will keep watch?" I looked towards Thomas, Hunter, and Timothy. 

"Not it!"

"Not it!" Thomas and Timothy shouted in unison. I rolled my eyes at both boys.

"I made camp and set up your tents," Timothy pointed towards me and Hunter. "And I'm working on yours." He pointed at Thomas, who made a face.

"I'll take watch." A new voice spoke up.

I turned to look at who had spoken. It was Newt.

"Perfect! Have a good night!" Thomas walked away.

Hunter sighed at Thomas' behavior. He glanced at me and walked over to Newt. "Are you sure?" 

"Yeah, I'm not even tired. I'm used to nights like these. Just go and get some rest. I know you're both exhausted." Before he turned to walk away, he looked back. "You can trust me, I promise."

I sighed in relief and walked up to him. "Okay. If you see anyone or anything, don't hesitate to wake me or Hunter up." He replied with a simple "okay." The rest of us all retreated to our tents/sleeping bags and fell asleep.

As I laid in my sleeping bag in my tent, I thought of my father. I wanted to see him, but I couldn't right now. Not after everything has happened. Things needed to calm down before I see him. 

The last thing I saw was the sun creeping up into the sky before I passed out.

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