Taga Long

By TwilaJames

169K 5.5K 563

Tabitha Long has always been shy. Past experiences in her childhood left her this way. There was only one per... More

Through the years
Welcome back
The Park
Taga Long
All for fun, not fun for all
Sleep Over
Our Place
Day Out
First Day
Who would have thought
Suprise suprise
Road Trip
Morning After
Not meant to be
Things we did, and probably shouldn't have
Because I'm a girl
Three can play
Hannah and Caleb
Quick Stop
Date night.
To the moon and back.
Picture Perfect
Too perfect
On the clock
Josh Returns
Day out with Daddy
Turning tables
One big mistake
Six Months Later

Starry eyed

3.6K 145 13
By TwilaJames

"I feel like I could stay right here forever." I said against the damp breeze quietly.

Josh had driven to the lake, and we watched the sun set and the stars come out on the hood of his car.

He made a little noise in the back of his throat. "Me to." A moment of calm silence enveloped us. This environment was comfortable, carefree even, and it was a place I had come to love.

"Ever wonder what it would be like to hold a star?" He asked absentmindedly.

I giggled. "Hot?"

He rolled his eyes a nudged me playfully. "But, if you could have any star in the sky as a gift, would you take it?"

I breathed deeply, actually giving my answer some thought.

"No." I said finally. "The stars are too precious for anyone to ever hold, and too powerful for any human being to ever claim as their own. They are right where they need to be; in a place for us to admire them."

He watched me for a moment before breaking into a smirk. "A yes is more of what I was looking for, but, I can see where you're coming from, seeming that there are always stars in your eyes anyway."

I laughed, smacking him on the arm in the process. "That was so cheesey."

He smirked. "I know, but it's true."

I could tell he was being serious by the way he was looking at me. He took his hand and stroked the side of my face. I wrapped my hand around his and shut my eyes.

Every time we touched, even in the slightest of ways, I felt this knot in my stomach, like, if I moved to fast I would puke. It made me too excited.

I couldn't see him, but I could feel his body hovering slightly over me.

"Tabitha," I peeked at him through one eye. "Look at me." He said softly.

When I opened my eyes, I could still see his blue eyes in the light of the moon. I already knew that look in them, he was eager.

In the same moment, his lips crashed against mine. Already I could feel the knotting in my stomach. My throat burned in pain almost, but in a good way. I loved the feeling I was feeling, I couldn't tell you exactly what it was, but I liked it.

When we were both breathless, he pulled back and rested his head on mine. My heart slowly fell back to its normal pace, and I was almost able to speak again.

"You're really...good at that." I said shakily.

He laughed. "You should thank my pillow."

"Remind me to do so." I smirked.

With a small peck on the lips, he pulled us both into standing position.

"I think I should get you home now. It's getting late, and besides, Caleb has already blown up my phone half a billion times."

I felt my eyes roll. "Don't mind him, he's just being a party pooper."

He laughed. Of course I was a little behind on the lango of my peers.

"This is a party?" He smirked.

I shrugged, hoping that the darkness concealed the red that was creeping onto my face.

Before I could answer, I found our lips back on each other. This time, the kiss was gentle, and sweet. His hand rested on my waist and the small of my back, while mine laced around his neck.

When our lips detached, he kissed me on my forehead. "I had fun tonight."

I nodded. "So did I."


When I got home, no one was there. Andrew was next door and my dad was back at work.

I plopped against the couch, letting my eyes droop close. I hadn't even realized how tired I was. I had been getting little sleep all week. My mind had been pretty preoccupied. All I could think about was everything but my schoolwork.

I sighed deeply, letting it out slowly through my nostrils. What was going on with me? I felt like I was beginning to lose who I was? But, who was I before anyway? This time last week I had been unpacking boxes. This time last month, I had been mourning the death of my mother. This time last year, I had been hiding in my room away from everyone else. But now, here I was, in a skirt, going places with a guy, actually socializing with people my age. This was not who I was. But, was it really such a bad thing? Was becoming an actual teenage girl that bad? It was my senior year in high school, wasn't it time for me to join the outside world? But the real question was, was I actually ready to accept the changes I could feel coming on, or would I be a coward like I was a year ago and ignore it all?


I woke up to a knock on the door. I hadn't even realized that I'd fallen asleep on the couch. The cable box read just after eleven at night.

Groggily, I made my way towards the door to only find Caleb holding a sleeping Andrew in his arms.

I smacked my forehead. "Crap! I was suppose to pick him up at eight. In sorry, I feel asleep."

He shrugged walking passed me towards Andrews bedroom. "It's fine. My parents love having him over. Gives Bella someone to play with."

He cut the room light out and shut the door behind him quietly.

I felt my eyes roll. I could already see it burning in his eyes, I just knew him that well. "Go on,ask."

He crossed his arms. "Well, how was it? Did you have fun?" He followed me towards my room.

"It's was fine, and yes, I did have fun." I said shortly. The way he was always so interested in what I did with Josh was starting to become slightly irritating.

"What did you do?"

I have him a look. "I don't know Caleb. What did you do tonight?" I instantly regretted the question when his cheeks turned the slightest color of pink. I could feel my own warning as u tried not to think about him and Amber together

He sobered out with a shrug. "Nothing just...hung out with Amber."

I cocked a brow. "Sure."

He rolled his eyes. "Nice try. But we're not changing the subject." He sat down and patted the spot next to him.

I shook my head stubbornly. He was not about to get anything out of me. It was none of his business. Truth was, I just didn't want to tell him the he took us to our place, and...the fact that I'd kissed him. For some reason, I got the feeling that Caleb didn't n want to hear that. It was like he really was my older brother.

"Tabitha seriously..."

"What?" I said indifferently.

He shook his head. "Honestly, when did you get so stubborn?"

I shrugged. "It's been a while since we were little kids."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You clearly don't want to talk to your best friend right now." He looked away sadly.

"Caleb!" I punched him in the arm.


"Don't you dare try to guilt trip me!" It was something he knew I hated since we were little kids. I had always been a big pushover and he would always take advantage of it.

He laughed, tackling me onto the bed. He began tickling me feverently.

"St-stop! You stop...right now...Caleb!" I said between burst of laughter.

"Not until you spill the deets!"

I did my darnedest to shove him off, but he was a lot stronger then I was. "Tell you what!" I laughed, almost unable to breath.

"How your night went." He said devilishly.

"I will...when you will."

He laughed. Collapsing on the pillow beside me. When I could breath again, I smacked him across the chest.

"Okay!" He laughed. "I give."

I watched him sideways with a smile. "Now it's my turn to harass you about your night."

His face softened into a playful smile. "You can try, but I guarantee you you won't get it out of me."

I smirked, trying not to blush. "I'm sure I have an idea.

He propped himself up on his elbow and smirked, taunting me. "Alright miss know it all, shoot."

I shook my head. "That's not you telling me, that's me telling you."

"Touché." He laughed. He rested his head on my chest, just about crushing me for a moment.

I laughed and began messing with his hair. I sighed. Leave it to Caleb to make me feel like a kid again. This entire moment tool me back to the old Caleb and I.

"I love you Caleb Folk." I said against our matched heartbeats.

"I love you more Tabitha Long."


When I woke up, it was still pretty early, but dad still wouldn't be home for another hour of two. I found Andrew standing up in his crib. I never understood why he just didn't climb out. I mean he was three now, and I was more then positive that he knew how. The only reason why he still slept in a crib was because he refused to sleep in a bed, even if it was a racecar.

"Tab! Tab! Tab!" He yelled excitedly.

"Well good morning silly boy." He smiled big.

"Hungry Tab! I hungry!" I never understood why toddlers had to yell every word they uttered.

"Alright, come let's eat then! How does Fruit Loops sound?"

He made a face. "Yuck!"

"Yuck? I thought you liked Fruit Loops?"

He shook his head and waddled after me. "No! No nooooo!" He screamed.

"Andrew, what did sissy say about yelling?" I scolded.

"I sowwie Tab." He said politely.

I helped him into his seat at the table. I thought puting him in a high hair was babyish, although dad didn't. Instead, when he was with me he used a booster.

I was just taking the water for his oatmeal off the stove when Caleb walked in with Bella.

"Bell! Bell! Bell!" Andrew kicked his feet happily.

"Good morning Miss Bella." The two year old hid shyly in between her brother's shoulder.

"Say hi to Tab Bells." He coaxed. She shook her head and he laughed. "I don't think she likes you."

I stuck my tongue out and poked her in her side. "Alright, don't expect me to get you anything for your birthday next month."

She giggled. "Hiy."

"Hiy." I said sweetly.

Caleb sat her down next to Andrew as I placed a bowl in front of her too.

"You wanna know something kind of funny?" He asked as he helped me wash the dishes.


"If we were to get married, those two would become brother and sister in-laws. And then that means it would be kind of weird if they started to date."

I laughed. "I doubt that a bunch of three year olds are thinking about getting married any time soon."

He shrugged with a smirk on his face. "Hey, you never know." He came and wrapped his arms around me. "Couldn't you see it though?"

"See what?"

"Us. You know, one day getting married? It would be the perfect story to tell our kids: "Childhood Best Friends run off and Get Hitched!"

I laughed and nudged him in the abs. "You are such a weirdo."

"But...you still love me." He said cockily."

"Mmm. I wouldn't bet on it if I were you."

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