Wings of Fire One Shots

By Woshies

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Can't wait for the release of the next novel? Wishing your favorite characters had more screen time? Don't wo... More

~ Table of Contents - Please Vote for the Chapters You Enjoyed Reading! ~
Your Future ~ Clearsight
Answer my Question ~ Blicket (Part 1)
Set my Heart Ablaze ~ Blicket (Part 2)
The Story of Us ~ Blicket (Part 3)
A Starry Night ~ Glorybringer (Part 1)
The Night Beckons ~ Glorybringer (Part 2)
Playing with Fire ~ Cleril (Part 1)
My Wings ~ Cleril (Part 2)
Solace ~ Winterwatcher (Part 1)
Old friends, New love ~ Winterwatcher (Part 2)
Forgive, but Don't Forget ~ Winterwatcher (Part 3)
Kill or...Fall in Love? ~ Koala x Shard (Part 1)[OC Request]
Through the Blizzard ~ Koala x Shard (Part 2)[OC Request]
Thin Ice ~ Koala x Shard (Part 3)[OC Request]
Heartache Medication ~ Ripnami (Part 1)
Do or Die ~ Ripnami (Part 2)
Freedom Feels ~ Claynami [Request]
Heart of Ice ~ Qinter (Part 1)
My River ~ Qinter (Part 2)
{CONCEPT} Cliffet
The Fate in our Stars ~ Fatespeaker (Part 1)
Sung in Secret - Clifflet (Part 1)
Whispers of the Heart - Clifflet (Part 2)
Prologue ~ Moonbli
Blue Moon ~ Moonbli (Part 1)
Day and Night ~ Moonbli (Part 2)

Burn ~ Cleril (Part 3)

2.7K 59 182
By Woshies

This is my shot at a happy, light-spirited story with no crying, depressing parts, or angst. It's new to me, so let me know what you think!

Also, if you haven't read part 2, a lot of this will confuse you, and if you haven't read part 1, then a lot of part 2 will confuse you :)



What a month it had been.

She was dating Clay. CLAY! SHE was dating CLAY.

What was Peril doing? Well, you see, she was walking happily down a hallway at Jade Mountain, whistling a merry tune and thinking all was right with the world.

Was she overreacting? Not in the slightest. I mean, after all, it was HIM.

And what a coincidence that she just HAPPENED to be thinking of him at that moment.

Anyone who knew Peril well would have to disagree.

Except maybe Clay, because he's a big, sweet, doofus.

At any given point in the day, whether it be morning, afternoon, or night, it was highly likely that he's where her mind was. Even in her sleep, all she ever dreamed about was the kind MudWing.

Of course, it didn't help that they slept in the SAME BED, but that was aside from the point.

Also, did she mention that she was DATING him?

Okay, maybe I'm a LITTLE obsessed with him and maybe I'm overreacting a BIT, but he's my BOYFRIEND. Doesn't everybody get this excited about their significant other?

"Nope, I'm pretty sure that's just you." A voice called out from her left.

She whirled around to look into a sleeping cave, empty except for one puddle-looking SeaWing. Except, the puddle looked a bit less...puddly.

"Oh moons, did I say that out loud?" She crossed her claws and closed her eyes, tilting her head to the sky, except there was nothing but rock above her. "Please don't say I said that out loud. Please don't say I said that out loud."

Turtle laughed. "Yes, Peril, you said that out loud. But honestly, what's new? That's like the fifth time I've overheard you talking about him this week."

Her face grew hot. Yes, she could still feel heat in her face because it was INSIDE of her. Turns out, being fireproof was only on the outside. "Well," She sputtered. "I'm sorry YOU don't have a girlfriend to talk about." She thought for a second. "Or boyfriend."

Turtle wrinkled his snout. "Matter of fact, I DO have a GIRLFRIEND to talk about. I'm just not obsessed with her, like you are with Clay."

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah."

She narrowed her eyes and noticed that he was doing some weird, shuffling, stepping, thing with his talons, keeping them firmly rooted to the ground and strangely close together.


She caught a flash of something white as one of his claws slipped.

"Lift up your talons for me, then."

Turtle flushed red. "Uh-ermmm, I c-can't."

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And why is that?" She challenged.

"I ahhh...they're glued to the ground." He lied

"Really? They are?" She asked, playing along.

He seemed relieved she'd bought his horrible lie. "Yes! They are! Wow, this glue sure is sticky."

"I can melt it off for you." She offered, reaching a talon into her neck-pouch. She produced a red diamond, the color of fire, and pushed it into her bracelet with a click. Instantly, smoke started rising from her scales and she raised her talons, reaching them out. Slowly, she walked towards him, a wicked grin on her face.

"EEEEEE!" He promptly turned tail, LIFTING his talons. A paper sat calmly where they once were. "Oh, look! Hehe, they came off! No need to burn it away. I'm good, Peril! You can leave now." He speed-walked back to where he was sitting before.

She jumped in front of him, spreading her wings and blocking him. "Not so fast." She declared, glancing down at the paper. "Is that a RainWing? That's not ANY RainWing, that's KINKAJOU."

"Shut up!" He whispered loudly through his teeth. "Please?"

" about no? Here you are, calling ME obsessed with Clay, when you're PAINTING portraits of your secret RainWing girlfriend! HA!"

"Okay, okay. You got me. I'm sorry for making fun of you. Now can you please leave?" He reached his talons out to push her out, then seemed to think better of it.

"Wow, I'm offended. You sure are eager to get rid of me, are you?"

"No! It's just...I don't want you to tell everyone about me and Kinkajou. We're trying to keep it on the low, seeing as my sister's a princess, and Anemone, being Anemone, would 100% tell everyone. Since she's kinda gossip queen, once she knows something, the entire kingdom of sea knows, which also means Tsunami would know, and then my brothers would hear about it, and then my mother would find out. If she found out..." He shuddered. "I don't even want to think about it. Same with my brothers. It would get really ugly really fast."

She grinned. "Sounds entertaining. I wasn't sure whether or not to tell other dragons, but now I definitely will. Thanks for the recommendation."

He frowned and paused to think for a second, stroking his chin with two claws. "Fine then. If you tell ANYONE I don't let you tell, I'll make you regret it.

She laughed. "Not worried about it."

Turtle narrowed his eyes at her. "Good. Now can you leave?"

"Alright, fine. I'll leave you to your beautiful painting of your overly enthusiastic RainWing girlfriend. Hope it turns out well!" She snickered, then left the cave. As she sauntered out of the opening, she popped the shining gem back out of her bracelet and dropped it in her pouch.

"At least she didn't see the back." He muttered. She heard the rustling of the paper as it was flipped over.

Her head shot back around the corner. "What was that?"

He slammed his talons onto the floor, over the paper AGAIN. "NOTHING! Bye!"

She narrowed her eyes, then let it go. After all, she had more important things to think about.

Clay, Clay, Clay. Oh, wonderful Clay! I love you-

"CLAY! Ack! I mean-um-oh wait, hi Marsh."

Clay's BROTHER looked very confused. "Um, hi?"

"How's it going?"

Did you try to kill any more IceWings? Oh wait...that was your sister. She ALMOST, but didn't say. She had a feeling that wasn't exactly the right thing to do, nor one of the heroic, noble thoughts she wanted to have.

"Alright, I guess." He answered, shrugging. "How about you?"

"Oh, pfft. Y'know, just doing the normal thing...What would be the right thing to say here? Just chilling, except, I'm not, 'cause, y'know, firescales and all. I can't really be chilling if I'm always on fire, right? But I'm not right now. My firescales are off, see?" She lifted her talons, but Marsh just stared at her with wide eyes, blinking slowly. "You know what? Nevermind. You wouldn't happen to have you seen Clay anywhere by any chance, right? Also, did you know Turtle and Kinkajou are dating?"

"Okay? Cool, I guess. Why are you looking for my brother?"

Remind me why we're keeping this relationship a secret again?

"Um, no reason!"

"Okay? I did see him, like ten minutes ago. Surprise, surprise, he was in the Prey Center, AGAIN." He rolled his eyes, pointing down the hallway towards Clay's second home.

Should I go to see him? I want to see him, but does he want to see me? Probably, but what if he's busy? I don't want to interrupt him if he's doing something. I know I want to say hi, butttt I don't want him to think I'm a stalker.

Does he think I'm a stalker?

"Alright, thanks." She responded, already walking off. "I'll go say hi later. And maybe more."

"Okay? Good luck with whatever you're doing."

Which was really good for both her and him, because if he said "okay?" ONE MORE TIME, she definitely would've made sure he wasn't okay five seconds later.

So she started whistling again, strolling down the hallway AWAY from the prey center.

Suddenly, a brown dragon appeared in front of her and she ALMOST ran into them. "Ack! What are you-Marsh, what are you doing?! Get out the way!"

How annoying can one dragon get? First, he's nosy and dense, and now he wants to get himself killed? It's like he WANTS to get burnt. If he tries to get himself set on fire, then it wouldn't be my fault if he got turned to ashes, right?

The dragon turned around. Wait a minute...that's not Marsh, that's-

"Clay! Hey, hi, how are you doing? I thought you were in the Prey Center!"

"Oh! Hi Peril!" He leaned in, kissing her on the cheek, and she internally squealed. "I WAS in the Prey Center, but I left a few minutes ago."


"Arrgh. MARSH! I'm gonna MURDER that M-cow! Boy, am I hungry!"

"You are?" He asked, then smiled. "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go grab dinner together!"

She let out a relieved sigh, happy he hadn't questioned her slip-up. "That sounds great!"

He laughed and started back down the hallway, towards the one and only cave-of-chaos. As she sauntered slowly, smiling maniacally, he appeared on her left and grabbed her talon in his own. Well, I guess he wants to let the cat out the bag. I wouldn't necessarily call this discreet, but hey, I'm not complaining.

What would I know about being"discreet"?

Walking into the Prey Center, the students stopped and gawked at them, but she didn't care. The crowds, which had always parted for her, seeing as touching her was not very pleasant, became quiet. Instead of the usual hectic screaming, the only sounds were hushed whispers and the squeaking of terrified animals. In front of her, a small SandWing dropped her rabbit, staring at her and Clay with wide eyes, and she fought the urge to laugh.

As they strolled casually to wherever Clay was leading her, the hole in the mass of students merged back, following them nosily, but not close enough so that Peril could ACCIDENTALLY put the gem back in her bracelet and ACCIDENTALLY incinerate one of them.

He led her to a corner, looking mildly uncomfortable. Clay, being Clay, already had a feast prepared for them, waiting patiently to be eaten. A whole roasted cow, dangling from a spit over a fireplace, stood before them, the mouth-watering smell wafting into her snout and making her stomach growl. Holding her talon up, he guided her over to one end of the dying fire that had cooked their dinner and took a seat on the other.

Clay smiled warmly at her and she felt her heart flutter. Unsure of what to do, she just returned a sheepish grin. He leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

The students promptly freaked out.

The cavernous cave boomed with screaming, the deafening roar making her ears ring. She slammed her talons over her ears. "STOP THAT INFERNAL NOISE RIGHT NOW!"

But her demands barely made a dent in the chaos that ensued. Half of the students were screaming, running around like IDIOTS. Another portion was watching with amused expressions, impartial. And the OTHER group was passed out on the ground.

She made her way to Clay, who also had his talons clasped firmly around his ears. "Clay! What's going on?"

He shook his head. "CAN'T HEAR YOU. TOO LOUD."

She tried again, louder. "WHY ARE THEY FREAKING OUT?!"


She nodded and flew up, hovering at the top of the cave to check on him. He slung the cow over his shoulder and pointed to the exit, bolting towards it. With a heavy thump, they both landed outside the cave, safe at last. Letting out a collective sigh of relief, they took a seat.

A hush fell over the mob, and one by one, slowly but surely, all of them turned to stare at them.

She turned to Clay, eyes wide. "Run."

They bolted, sprinting away for their lives. Well, technically it wasn't HER life she was running for, seeing as she could literally kill all of them in seconds if she activated her firescales, but she was trying NOT to set other dragons on fire now. Despite her best efforts, it was getting harder and harder due to the growing population of idiots.

She heard screaming behind her and what sounded like the whole school running after them.

Peril let him take the lead as they weaved through endless hallways, the labyrinth losing some but not all of the students. It was his school, after all, so it was kind of his job to know where he was going.

"You DO know where we're going, right?" She asked, panting lightly from the exertion.

"Nope! I have NO idea."

So THAT was reassuring. After a bit more running-for-the-dragons-chasing-us's-lives, the number of talonsteps behind them dwindled dramatically, reduced to just a few squealing dragonets.

Something felt off. She got the sense that her and Clay were going...up?

A few more minutes of panicked fleeing later, Clay suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter? Tired already?" She teased.

He held up a claw, chest heaving as he gasped for breath. "Cow." He stated simply.

She stared at him disapprovingly. "You realize you could've come back for that at any time, right? There're always gonna be cows at the Prey Center, so you didn't have to waste all your energy carrying it all the way here."

"Yeah, well, I also didn't know we were gonna be chased by some psycho students."

"Good point. But those are your students! I thought the point of this school was to make dragons smart!"

"It is."

"Then why are those dragons so STUPID?"

"I don't know!" He exclaimed, throwing his talons in the air. "They're-"

"Shhhh." She urged quietly, placing a claw to his lips. "Listen."

Talonsteps, thudding heavily on rock floor, coming towards THEM. And from what she could tell, there were a LOT of them.

"Quick! Hide!" She ran forward desperately and tripped over a rock, smacking the ground with an "oof".

When she opened her eyes, she saw a small hole right in front of her, invisible from above by a ledge. Excited, she crawled over and peered down the gaping hollow. Her face lit up when she saw light on the other side.


She knew she could easily fit through it, but Clay, on the other talon, she wasn't so sure about. "Clay!" She whispered sharply. The MudWing twisted to face her. "Over here!"

He tried padding over quietly, but failed miserably, in Peril's opinion. Still, he looked satisfied with himself, and she wasn't going to be the one to tell him and ruin his mood.

He frowned when he saw the hole she was pointing at. "Am I supposed to fit through THAT?"


He squinted. "I don't think I can."

"Oh, come on, Clay! We're on the clock here, and if it gets too bad I'll just pull you out." She reassured, patting him on his smooth, muscled chest. "Just suck in a bit here."

He nodded slowly, then turned towards the hole. Taking a deep breath, he pushed himself in.

He crawled for a solid two seconds before getting stuck. "Uh, Peril? A little help?"

"On it!"

With all her might, she pushed his rear-end, trying to shove him through to the other end.

"Ouch! Ow! Peril, you're-ow-pushing me forward, not pulling me back!"

"That's the point!"

With one last mighty heave, he fell through with a "pop". Quickly, she clambered through it, much smoother than Clay had, and elegantly stepped out the exit. From the other side of the wall, she could hear the screeching students run into the cave they were just in.

Clay leaned against the wall in relief, breathing heavily. As he rested, Peril took the time to scan her surroundings. Where they had ended up was another cave, its opening yawning widely to the sky. Puffy, white clouds dotted the sky in front of them, shuffling happily along the light-blue sky. She stepped towards mouth, twisting her neck to take a careful peek upward, and saw that the peak of Jade Mountain wasn't too far up from where she stood. She turned back towards the cave.

One glance, one split second, was all it took. All it took for everything to come flying back in. This wasn't any normal cave, this was...

The cave where he said he loved me too. The cave where he gave me this. She lifted her right arm and examined the beautiful bracelet. The gift of not always having fire in her scales and the gift of friendship from other dragons. It was the second best best she ever could've asked for.

The best gift she had ever gotten, and ever would get, would always be Clay.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Clay asked, sidling up on her left.

"It is." She stared out at the distant horizon, where the edge of the rainforest was barely visible. "I never thought I'd see this place again with you. I thought it was lost forever."

He gently grabbed her chin with his talon and turned her neck to face him. "It's not the same as the other times. It's much, much prettier with you."

"Awww, thanks, Clay." Her face grew warm. "What do you mean, other times? I'm pretty sure we've only been here once, unless I'm being terribly forgetful."

"No, not with you."

Shock rushed through her, then dread, then...sadness? Although she tried, she couldn't bring herself to be angry at Clay. She never could, or ever would.

"Then who?" She tried to keep her calm, but smoke was pouring out of her ears at an alarming rate. He didn't seem to notice. "Who were you here with?"

He sighed deeply. "Myself. When you're not with me and I have free time, I come here. It helps me...remember, y'know? I think of the days and time we've spent together, and it just makes me happy. It's like I can be with you even when you're not here."

Her heart filled with guilt at ever being upset at him. Her gaze stayed riveted at the ground, ashamed. "Oh, Clay! I'm sorry for doubting you! Oh, moons, I'm a terrible dragon."

"Hey hey hey! Stop it!" He grabbed both of her talons. "It's okay to be worried! I know I would've been worried, too, if I were you. It's not your fault. I worded it wrong, so if anything, it's my fault. I'm sorry."

Peril couldn't meet his gaze, but she felt her heart flutter. Well, if Clay says so. He's never wrong...But still, I shouldn't have doubted him. He's always so sweet, and how do I repay him? Making assumptions and doubting him.

"No no no. I jumped to a conclusion without even bothering to hear everything you had to say. Furthermore, I assumed the worst of you."

Clay tilted her chin up so that she had to look him in the eye. "Peril, do you trust me?" She nodded. "Good. Then I'm telling you right now, or ever, you are NOT a horrible dragon. You never will be one. I promise you that. You're the most thoughtful, caring, funny, interesting dragon I know, and also, you're the dragon I love."

Her heart skipped a beat. "But-"

He placed a claw to her lips. "No buts. What you did was just a simple mistake, caused by something I did. Everybody makes them, especially me." He gave her a warm smile.

She loved that smile. A sweet, caring smile that he gave no one else, only her. It helped reassure her that he still loved her.

I love making him smile like that. I wish I could make his face light up like that every time I saw him.

He's too good for me.

But he was hers, and she realized that's what mattered.

She leapt into his wings, his warm scales sliding against hers. Closing her eyes, Clay hugged her tightly. "How do you forgive so easily, Clay? How do you smile even after I said that?"

He grinned. "It helps when you're around."

She craned her neck to return a grin at him. "You're so sweet."

He nuzzled the crook of her neck. "And you're so caring, protective, amazing, and beautiful."

Every time she was feeling down, he always managed to bring her back up. Every time she was feeling happy, he would find a way to make her happier.

Being with him was her cure. To what?

To everything.

As they stayed in each other's wings, motionless, the sun fell into the evening sky, dashes of orange streaking across the sky, casting a glow over the clouds that soared above them. They were like little boats, inching along a river at a minuscule pace. She watched them absentmindedly, her mind elsewhere.

Clay broke the spell. "You know, I know some other dragons that would like to apologize to you."


~Next evening~

To say Peril was uncomfortable was an understatement.

Her scales were itching and a weird sensation pumped through her.

It was a morbid feeling, like bugs had wriggled under her scales and were writhing around.

So what caused her predicament?

Something strange. Most strange indeed.

There was a group of dragons that she was all too familiar with seated in front of her. Worse, all of their eyes were on HER.

She was trying valiantly to keep her knees from shaking, not because she was nervous, but because she was scared she would snap and set all of the dragons in front of her on fire.

And she definitely, DEFINITELY didn't want to do that, so she had her firescales turned off in case any outbursts or unfortunate accidents would happen.

So who exactly would warrant Peril of all dragons' concern?

See, they went by the name the Dragonets of Destiny.

More specifically, four out of five of the Dragonets of Destiny: pompous Glory, nerdy, scrollworm Starflight, overenthusiastic Sunny, and stupid, frog-faced, fish-breathed Tsunami.

They were far from Peril's favorite dragons.

So why are they sitting in front of me with weird, not hating expressions on their face?

In fact, Tsunami almost looked...embarrassed? And like she was dreading something?

Weird. She always has an "I'm gonna kill you" expression on her face when I see her. Like, please, do you think you could?

At least Clay's here.

He walked up from behind her and brushed her wing, shooting her a reassuring smile. She took a deep breath and pushed her rage away surprisingly easily. Clay cleared his throat meaningfully.

Tsunami turned to Glory. "Who's going first?" She hissed.

Glory shook her head quickly. "Definitely not me."

The SeaWing turned to Starflight. "What? Why are you looking at me? Not m-me! I c-c-can't!" The stuttering scrollworm silently stammered.

So she turned to Sunny, who looked confused, but nodded.

"Hiya, Peril! Um, I don't really know why we're here, but it was something about saying sorry? SO! Ummm, I'm sorry for being too enthusiastic around you even when I could see you weren't happy. I was just trying to cheer you up and I didn't know how, so I acted insensitively. Or too sensitively. I should've seen you didn't want me to be so cheery but I felt bad for you! I promise I won't do it anymore!" She suddenly broke into tears. "I'M SO SORRY! I CAN'T BELIEVE I THREATENED CLERIL! I ALMOST SUNK MY OWN SHIP. HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO CRUEL?!" To Peril's surprise, at the end, she was a sobbing mess.

If she's crying, that means she cares, right?

"Uh, I forgive you? Now, now? It's okay? Don't worry?" Peril tried, except she doubted Sunny could hear her over her own sobs.

Glory stepped in and patted Sunny on the shoulder, pulling her back onto her talons. "Okay, okay, that's definitely enough. Starflight, do you mind going next? I'm a little preoccupied at the moment." She nodded at the small SandWing and let her cry into her shoulder.

Starflight sighed. "Okay, well here goes. Peril, I give you my dearest regrets for being reluctant to grant you a second chance and jumping to conclusions. In all fairness, I believed my concerns were justified, as the intention behind my uncertainty was to protect Clay, who has defended me for the duration of his life. Before, I solemnly swear that I suspected you were a threat, but now, after careful analysis and reconsideration, I concur with Clay that you are of no danger to us. After that, I examined your behavior for the duration of your year at Jade Mountain Academy and deduced that you are not only not a life-threatening hazard, but also a relatively kind and considerate dragon. Since Clay presented you with the fire-cancelling bracelet, I would be solicitous to restart and rework our relationship, if you would like, and maybe become acquaintances or even friends. I acted in-"

"Before you continue, Starflight, speak in Dragon, please." Clay interrupted.

"I AM speaking in Dragon!" Starflight protested.

"Dragon that I, and more importantly Peril, can understand. Say everything you just said, but just simpler." He urged. "Now go on."

"I'm sorry."

Peril waited, then waited, then waited for more, but the NightWing didn't say anything else. "Seriously? That's it? You spent a full minute explaining that you were sorry?"

"Umm...yes? You don't sound very pleased."

She huffed out a plume of smoke. "Well, the fact that you planned that speech out means something. I forgive you."

"I didn't p-wameeoww"

"What?" Confused, she looked at him and saw that Tsunami had a talon clapped over Starflight's mouth.

"Do yourself a favor and shut up, will ya?" The SeaWing hissed. "Hey Glory? You're up next. I'm a little preoccupied at the moment."

The RainWing queen narrowed her eyes at Tsunami. "I hate you." She muttered at her. "That is most undignified, especially for a princess. Oh, wait. Yeahhhh...forgot about that." She winked at the apoplectic SeaWing and faced Peril.

"I'm sorry."

Clay narrowed his eyes. "For what?"

"For hating you. I don't anymore, since Clay thinks you're okay."

Peril thought that was a half-mooned apology, so she wasn't planning on forgiving her, but Clay nudged her on the shoulder and nodded meaningfully at Glory.

She sighed. "Okay, fine. I excuse your behavior."

Glory held her chin up high as she sauntered imperiously back to the others. Peril heard her mutter, "You're up. Can't hide anymore, princess." to Tsunami.

That didn't make the fish-face's mood any better.

She stomped over to Peril and slammed her talons into the ground. "Okay, first off, I'm n-"

"TSUNAMI." Clay warned.

"I...I'm...I am...What I'm trying to say is that I'm...I'm so-....I'm s-o-orr-y."

Peril bit her tongue hard to stop herself from laughing. "What was that?"

Glory snickered.

"I-I'm so...rry."

At this point, Peril was trembling, trying to contain the bubbles of laughter that threatened to burst. "One more time? I didn't get that."

Tsunami narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath, closing her eyes to concentrate. "I'm sorry." She blurted quickly.

"Ohhhhh, you're sorry? Why didn't you just say so?"

Tsunami began shaking with what she assumed was rage. She balled her talons into fists and clenched her jaw, both of which made Peril more amused.

"Well, next time, just say it faster because I have things to do. I forgive you, though. Thanks for saying sorry, or whatever THAT was."

Glory, who was quivering before, burst into laughter. Peril stared at her for probably two seconds before her bubble popped, exploding into giggles. She collapsed to the floor with Glory, rolling around on her back and wheezing. Soon, the whole cave was booming with "HAHAHA"s. Everyone was giggling, snorting, and snickering, except for one, angry SeaWing.

"Okay, okay." Glory started, gasping as she tried to catch her breath. "I'll admit it. That was awesome." She reached a talon out and Peril smacked it.

"Wanna stop by the Rainforest Kingdom sometime?" She offered. "I'd love to show you around and introduce you to some dragons, as long as you have your firescales off, of course. Maybe if you spoke to everyone it would spark some aggressiveness in some RainWings, which we desperately need. Whaddaya say?"

Peril smiled. Maybe she didn't hate all of Clay's friends. Maybe she could actually be friends with Clay's friends. Maybe she only slightly disliked one.



Well, at long last, here it is! My first upbeat, happy chapter. (I think)

So, whaddaya think?

Personally, I think this kinda sucks, but as long as some of you like it then I'll be happy, since that's what matters.

Do you want to see more stories like this? I'm gonna do the style the requester wants, but it'd be nice to know what you guys want if the person requesting doesn't care. I like writing depressing, heartbreaking stories, but that's just me. I'm willing to do what you want.

Requested by Moonwatcherxqubli

Thank you Krazykitty5536 for helping me read over this once. Go give her a follow!

Anyways, that's all I have for now. 4988 words!

Hope you enjoyed and until next time, Peace.



Turtle: So, how'd you like my surprise?

Peril: What surprise?

Turtle: Uh, the one two days ago. DUH.

Peril: Honestly, I have zero idea what you're talking about.

Turtle: ...I enchanted something to make all the students love you and Clay and chase you two. I TOLD you not to tell anybody about me and Kinkajou, and you did, so I made you regret it. AHAHAHAHAHA!

Peril: *drops red diamond from bracelet* Come again?

Turtle: Uh-oh *runs away screaming*

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Joy Ride By You


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Joy is the rainforest princess. What could go wrong when she goes to JMA? A lot. The Jade Winglet hunt down ex-queen Scarlet and stops a vengeful Dar...