T̷̨͐͌h̴͍́͜e̶̼̩͊ ̷̯̬̏M̵͔̜̉u̵̺͈...

By mermaidgirl_11

1.2M 35.7K 13.8K

Spencer hates confrontation. It's one of the things that led her to becoming The Mute. Her life has never bee... More

Spencer Stark
P̵̢͂ȧ̴̹r̶̛̺ẗ̶̺́ ̵̺̑1̶͓̀
P̸̭͗ȃ̵̪r̶̜̈ṱ̷͌ ̸̢͆2̶̺͆
P̷̥̊á̵̼r̸̦͂t̴͍͒ ̶̝͊3̴̭́
P̴̱̆ạ̸͝ṛ̷̈t̷̛̪ ̸̖̃4̵̯͒
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P̵̣̐ȃ̸͙ȓ̷̼t̴̥͠ ̷̳̈́8̷̝̽
P̵̫̑a̵͓̚r̶̈́ͅt̵̼̒ ̶̫̅9̸̗͋
P̸̞͒á̵͕r̵̠̃t̸̩͝ ̶̫͠1̷̭͛0̵͙̊
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Ṕ̷͖â̷͈r̵̬̚t̷̔ͅ ̶͈͠1̶̹̇4̴̣̽
P̷̦̀a̶̲̋r̴̨̄t̸̯̒ ̶̤̆1̸̢̂5̷͉͌
Character Q&A
P̸̟̔a̶̜͛r̶̤̈t̵̻̄ ̷̡̄1̷̭̏6̴̬͑
P̶̯̈́a̴̠̓r̶̺͝t̸͈̆ ̴͉̋1̵̺̚7̶̗̽
P̶̛ͅa̵̧̱͂r̷̰͘ť̷͕ ̶̺̈́1̵̣͒̈́8̸̗̬̔
Ṗ̷͇ä̴̠́r̷͓͌t̸̟̑ ̵͝ͅ1̷̡̈́9̷̎͜
P̷̡̎à̶̖r̶͓̓t̸̞̿ ̵̺͗2̸̮̃0̵̱̓
P̶̢̽a̶̹̓r̴̻̈́t̴̓͜ ̷̭̿2̸̼̀1̴̱̏
P̴̥̀ȃ̴̯r̷͉͛t̸̲̀ ̷͎͝2̵̞͛2̶́ͅ
P̷̫̈́͐á̴̛̫r̶̫̖͐͗t̸̖̜̎ ̵̳͘2̸̳̝͐3̸͓̻͊̕
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P̸̟̯͠â̵̮ŗ̸̍t̵̡͕̓͂ ̸̻̻͋̒2̵̨̮͆8̴̛͖̬̑
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Author Q&A

P̴̡̪̏a̶̫͒͂ṟ̸̨̓̓t̷̳̜̽ ̷̝͐̚2̵͉̝̉̂4̵̞̤͒

17.6K 549 90
By mermaidgirl_11

      Spencer leans in the door of the medical room as Bucky tests out his arm. He can now move his fingers individually more than just his trigger finger. She smiles a bit as he and Steve laugh happily. Spencer phone dings and she looks at it. Her eyes widen and she runs out of the room. Bucky and Steve raise an eyebrow.

      Spencer runs through the communal room and Tony sees her. "Spencer?" She ignores him and continues to run to her room. Natasha raises an eyebrow. "When have we ever seen her running?" Tony shakes his head and scoffs. "Never." He creases his brows then sets down his drink, walking after Spencer. "Don't forget, we have the meeting with Fury today." Natasha shouts after him.


      Spencer couldn't believe this, because this couldn't be happening. It's not possible. How was someone breaking into her system? Spencer skids to a stop in her room and rips her laptop open. She pales seeing it's true. Someone was breaking past her defenses. How was this possible? It should have taken someone years to back track her systems, and even then they would have to find out her pattern of how she bounces off cell towers.

      She shakes her head and starts to knock them back, but they were good. Really good. They were nailing her with malware. All kinds of it. Even that annoying little duck that takes your mouse. Spencer growls as she removes it all, but more keeps coming. They're trying to distract her and it's working. Spencer finally has room to breathe after he starts breaking into her fire wall. She quickly downloads a virus she made a few years ago and sends it to her hacker. A few seconds later, the hacking stops.

      Tony enters the room. "Spencer?" She puts up a finger, signalling for him to wait. She recollects her system and boosts the firewall. She needs to hide her system while it reboots and she finds a new way of rerouting. Tony watches as she types and a smile grows across his lips. He's only seen her in action a few times and it never ceases to amaze him.

      Spencer finally finds an old data bank in the arctic to hide her systems. She smiles as she loads it in. Hiding in plain sight is the best tactic. Spencer leans back and lets out a breath of relief. Tony sits on the edge of her bed. "What happened?" Spencer points at her screen and shows the aftermath of all the malware. He raises an eyebrow. "Someone tried to hack you?" Spencer nods and runs a hand down her face.

      That was close. Too close. If they got into her systems, they'd have the whole world at their fingertips. Classified Government files, all the information on the Avengers, Peter's identity, Bucky's location, her identity. Everything. Who the hell was that?

      Tony watches his daughter's eyes dart back and forth in thought. He knows that look. She's thinking, and she's pissed. He pats her back and she looks at him. "C'mon kid. We've got that meeting with Fury." Spencer looks down and nods. First she has to deal with being hacked, and now she has to meet a crabby pirate. Yay.


      Spencer zones out as Fury rants about how the Avengers failed to report back to him after their mission in Siberia, and that the hacker he's been trying to nail down for years just so happens to be Stark's daughter. "She needs to sign the Accords. She is a threat to national security and needs to be stopped." Spencer looks up, now invested in the conversation.

      "With all due respect sir, Spencer has done nothing to meret--" Fury cuts Natasha off. "Nothing? Mind you she hacked into SHIELD, the Pentagon, and several secure government agencies." Fury glares at Spencer and she shrinks in her seat. "Not to mention she created a variation of the Super Soldier Serum and was later injected with it." Spencer's jaw drops. Is he being for real?

      Tony's face becomes red with anger. "She was being held captive. They tortured her. Was she just supposed to say no and die?" Fury glares at Stark and doesn't answer. Tony scoffs. "This is unbelievable." Wanda puts a hand on Spencer's shoulder. They all know how dangerous it would be for her to sign the accords. Her identity would be revealed to the world and everyone that she's ever hacked would be out to get her. There was also the possibility Ross would arrest her.

      "She needs to sign." Fury tosses a packet in front of Spencer. She stares at the paper and her eyes start to burn. Everyone sees her hitched breathing, and Tony can see the signs of an oncoming anxiety attack. "We have no idea how the Serum changed her, and--" The doors to the meeting room open and Helen Cho steps in. "No actually we do." Helen gives Spencer a small smile and she waves at the genius doctor.

      Fury crosses his arms. "How then?" Helen steps next to Spencer and puts a hand on her shoulder. "The serum repaired Spencer's hearing for one." Fury raises an eyebrow, and Helen nods. "She was deaf pre-serum." Fury narrows his eyes, gesturing for Helen to continue. "During her recovery I also discovered that Spencer needs a source of electricity to survive." Fury raises an eyebrow, and Spencer nods. She reveals her wrist where a watch like device sits.

      Spencer managed to create it a few weeks ago. It's a miniaturized version of the arc reactor. The power to the reactor occasionally shuts off so SPencer doesn't pull too much power from it, or overload it. That and her gloves hide her.... Abilities from everyone.

      Fury lifts his head. "How do we know if she doesn't have any other abilities?" Tony stands and walks over to Spencer. "Trust me," He gives Spencer a reassuring smile. "If she has any other abilities we'd know." Spencer looks down in shame. Now she knows that she can never tell anyone about her abilities. It would put everyone around her at risk.

      Natasha's eye twitches as she watches Spencer. That look in her eyes... she's hiding something, but Natasha can tell that it's for the best that she doesn't know. Fury shakes his head. "She still needs to sign." Steve shakes his head. "Why?" Fury looks at him.

      "Why does she need to sign?" Fury raises an eyebrow. "I think I've made that quite clear, Captain." Steve scoffs. "Yeah, sure she's hacked into things, but her ultimate motives were good." He points at Tony. "She hacked into Stark's networks to find a HYDRA base and immediately reported it to us." He glances at Bucky. "Spent two months searching for Bucky and brought him back to us." Spencer absentmindedly rubs her leg where she was shot.

      Tony nods at Steve and pulls his phone out. Holograms of news reports fill the room. Spencer looks down sheepishly as Fury reads about her work. "Not to mention the several dirty organizations that she's taken down. Tony pulls a dark expression and looks at Fury. "So tell me, how is she a threat?" Natasha leans forward. "The only thing she is a threat to is our enemies."

      Fury narrows his eyes and looks at the Avengers. They were all determined to protect Spencer, that much he could tell. And really, there was no arguing with all of them. He sighs and Tony smiles. "Fine, but the moment she shows any sign of being dangerous," He points to the packet. "She signs." Fury swiftly leaves the room. Tony laughs and pats Spencer's shoulder. "It's alright kid. You won't have to sign." Spencer looks down.






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