The Slump God (Stokeley Imagi...

By Sexy_Bih

5.9K 102 528

So mad I gotta start all over bruh and I can't even write the exact same chapters or imma hit fo cc so w.e ho... More

Burn the Hoods
Don't Leave me
Teach you how to F (protege pt.2)
Y'all trynna see me?
Daddy Voorhees
Lil ugly ina house
Use Me
Suicide Season

Blood on my jeans

528 10 148
By Sexy_Bih

A/n - I'd like to point out that even though the title is Blood on my Jeans the song for the chapter will be Syphilis! I wanted to put that before anybody decided to complain. Now you may read on.

"In the name of your precious son Jesus Christ - Amen"

I made sure my pistol was loaded before cocking it back. I opened the glove compartment and grabbed my extra clip along with my brother's Smith&Wesson.

"Snitches don't get stitches no more sis! Ha they end up in ditches" 

I remember the words from my first run with Jarad. I look into the back seat, my eyes land on Ally, Gabe and Leroi. I nodded at him "you sure you ready for this" I said. He nodded back at me. I looked at Gabe "Where's Lexi?" I asked. He huffed "Her and Jen would've been here but they have to watch the kids" He says

I groan and slam myself back into the chair, I rub my pistol against my temple.

Ally put her hand on top of mine. "You know they both would've been here if they could've" She says. I huff and nod.

I looked over at Ski, zoned out in the drivers seat. "Lets go" I say.

We all hop out the car lookin like we hit a lick already. Which I guess you could say we did but that's a story for a different time. If these niggas didn't die now well....they were definitely gonna die later. No homes to go back to lol.

Talk about a house fire.

Laroi hopped into the front seat. "This shouldn't take too long so keep the car running" I say. He nods. 

I look over at Ally

She looks back as me and then grabs my hand. I feel the ring on her widow finger and it makes me want to cry. But there's no crying tonight. 

I look over a ski. His face is stone cold, no emotion present what so ever, he puts on his glasses so nobody can see into his puppy brown eyes. I know though. They're red and a bit puffy, from too much weed and too many nights crying to sleep.

I looked over at Gabe

his face was cold and he looked straight ahead. The closer we got the more vibrations we could feel coming from inside the night club. The fuckers that owned this place had the audacity to be playing my brother.

"I like to rock out Im MISFIT my emo bitch like her WRISTS SLIT" 

That sadistic grin slid on my face as I slid my pistol into the waist band of my joggers. 

(almost forgot to put this is wat u wearin..continue)
Move like a snake (you'll get it in a minute 🐍 )

I palmed my fannypack and made sure my smith&wesson was in there. 

We walked ahead of the line toward the bouncer

(Denzel looking all daddyish- *clears throat* excuse me continue)

We did a secret handshake and he let us in. He held me back for a second. "Is this for X or for J" He asked. I lowered my glasses at him. 


He nods and lets me go. I catch up with them in the club. It was like the people in the club cleared a path for us the moment we walked in. Eyes straight ahead, we didn't make eye contact with anybody. 

We sat in a back booth, dark and very private. I took out my phone. And I showed the picture of the two men we were after. 

"I don't know too much about the pilot all I know is that he frequents this joint. To be in witness protection this muthafucka sho do be in the club alot" Gabe says. I nod and then point to the other picture. I tapped my phone screen and zoomed in on the boy.

"This the fucker that got away" I growl out."Trayvon" Ski growls I can see Ski's eyes just above his glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose as he stared at my phone screen. His eyes met mine and then simultaneously we both looked back at my phone.

"Ally will take the pilot, I'll take Trayvon" I say Gabe and Ski nod. "Y'all make sure we ain't being watched" I say. They nod and me and Ally walk toward the crowd. "What about Denzel?" She asks. She has to yell through the music so I can hear her. 

I stop in the middle of the crowd and get closer to her so she can hear me.

"He's the outer look out. He'll be with us once we get back to the spot" She nods and then we go our separate ways.

I walk toward my brothers killer. Me and Jah weren't blood related but I'd known him since second grade and he'd always taken care of me. Even when he was in juvie or in Jail. He always made sure that I was solid. I did my first mission with Jah and he taught me how to fight. I hit my first like with Jah. I even did my first jump with Jah. Jahseh was the reason I was so hardcore now, he taught me not to let anyone walk on me.

He always used to refer to himself as the serpent but it was the other way around. 

I was the serpent and he was my keeper.

now you tell me who's more dangerous.

I let Ally take care of the pilot who snitched on Jarad because even though me and Jarad were actually blood related I never really knew him until recently. We were separated from each-other when we were super little. I think it was on our fifth birthday. (Y'all are twins if you haven't caught on) It took almost 14 years for me to do it but I made enough money to go to California and finally meet my brother for the first time in years.

I can still remember that day like it was yesterday.

"no fucking way"  I bit my lip as my brother stared at me from five feet away. "I can't fucking believe it do you know how long I've been trying to reach you. Why didn't you ever call oh my fucking god, jesus-" 

I threw myself at him so hard he fell into the couch behind him.

"He never let me J I only ever knew you through your music and I was never able to reach mom. I never knew hers or your number and he never gave them to me and I-" He cut me off by squeezing me tighter.

"How'd you even get here" He asked when he finally let me go. 

"I know a couple people. You heard of M.O" He furrowed his brow

"members only" He said.

I nodded.

"I never thought you'd get mixed up in gang shit" He said

"You never thought shit man we were five" I said back he laughed.

"Well anyways, I met a nigga named Jah and we really hit it off. You really would've loved him he was like a brother no cap" I say as i feel my eyes watering.

"Yea, me and him we texted a lot but I never got to meet him. Just before he died we was talking about meeting up and he was telling me about some girl that he kept saying looked just like me" He said.

I laughed.

"Bruh he never believed I was your twin until I'd shown him our only baby photo together" I say as I show him the picture I kept in the back of my iphone case.

"Yea, well that finna change we finna have a lot more pictures together. Lemme introduce to somebody, her name is Ally"


I remember that same week he taught me how to shoot. How to pull apart and put a gun back together again. In the span of a whole year we'd made memories that made up for the ones we lost over the 14 years we never knew each other. So you'd understand that you know maybe a month after my brother proposes to his girlfriend well all go on tour together and me and Ally step out the bathroom to find him on the ground.

Everybody staring no-one helping.

I zoned back into myself as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Pretty mama like you shouldn't be in the club by yoself" A deep voice says. I side eye  him through my glasses. Exactly who I thought it'd be.

"I'm Trayvon and what about yourself" He says.

"My friends call me serpent 🐍 but you can call me Res" I say, my voice softer than fucking feathers. I resist the urge to shudder in disgust as he looks me up and down, practically eyes fucking me.

"I thought snakes were green" He says and flashes me a grin. I resist to urge to gag as I giggle at him. "Im a sand snake baby" That made him bite his lip as he turned his chair close to me as he rested a hand on my thigh.


I clenched my jaw as I watched that disgusting piece of shit touch on my (Y/n)....well she's not mine but she definitely won't have anything to do with scum like him. I watch as she puts her hand on top of his and inches it up toward the waist band of her joggers.

He says something I can't quite make out and then grabs he hand and puts it against his crotch. Her mouth forms an 'o' and I feel my blood boiling. 

I struggle not to see red. Everything is muted except for the black light that (Y/n) and Trayvon sit underneath at the bar. I don't even realize I'm moving toward them until-

"Wait for the signal" Gabe says as he pulls me back into the dark corner both. I clench and unclench my fist as I force my eyes away from them. I scan the crowd for Ally and the Pilot.


"So you're into older men" He says. He smells like polo and he has a fake Georgia accent. Nothing like when he was driving the plane. 

I nod as I place a hand on his chest. He wastes no time in pulling me unto his lap and his hand is right against my thigh, directly underneath my ass.

"You know, you look like somebody I met before" He says.

The bubbling disgust in my stomach automatically turns into dread. 'Im fucking dead if he finds out' 

"Oh yea? who" I ask.

"I don't know, now that I think about it y'all don't look too similar. heh its probably just the alcohol talking. Somebodies girlfriend on a plan I used to pilot. " He says

I nod.

"Do you still pilot for them?" I ask as I trail my nails up and down the tie of his suit. The tags aren't popped so I know that no longer being a pilot cost him a lot of money. It sucks for him..Snitches don't end up in ditches anymore.

"No he brought a bunch of guns and drugs on the plane and you know how that goes" He says with a drunken laugh. I resist the urge not to shoot him right here. 

"stupid niggers" (chill Im black and I have my reasons) I felt my trigger finger twitch when those words came out his mouth. I guess people really couldn't tell that I was half black. "What dumbass brings drugs on a plane? You're just asking to get taken to prison. And then the poor bastard swallowed every last pill he could. Died in the airport"  I struggle to keep from crying. 

I let my eyes scan the club until I make eye contact with Gabe.

I take off my glasses. 

That was the signal.

"You know I think I'd like to take you home with me" He says. I scoff as I stand up. "I don't chill with racists" I say. He burps. "Oh we'll be doing more than that baby" He says. He stands and grabs my wrist  

"Let me the fuck go" I growl but right before I can even ball my hand into a fist Denzel is behind me. "I think you should leave the club sir" He says. Gabe makes his way to my side right as Denzel says that. 

He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Im sorry" I glare at him.

"That could've been a fucking dumpster fire if Denzel hadn't showed up" I sneered at him. He pursed his lips and nodded before nodding his head in (Y/n)'s direction. 

Why the hell was she taking so long



"You feel it" He says. I nod. "Wow baby it's big" I say. I struggle to keep my composure. "I can show you something else too" He says. 

I bite my lip. 

How the hell am I supposed to get out of this? 

He stands and stand with him as he grabs my hand and we make out way toward the crowd. I keep my head down as I scan the crowd and thank my lucky fucking stars that Ally and Gabe were close. 

I widened my eyes at them and mouthed.

'He has a gun'

I saw Ally's face contort into what I can only describe as - The literal word shit.

They made their way back to the booth with Ski and I locked eyes with him as Trayvon took me to the back exit. 

Once we were outside something unexpected happened.

It happened quicker than I could process and in less than a minute my joggers we at my knees, one hand was twisted behind my back and hisI gun was against my head.

"You though you was gonna walk in here four deep on a nigga?" He said. He pulled my pistol from the waist band of my panties. 

Jesus, shit fuck!

I needed to make a new plan. Ally, Gabe and Ski weren't going to be able to maneuver through the crowd fast enough to get to before before I was either raped or killed...or both.

"Look, I've got no idea what you're talking about but if this is your kink. I'm not into it"  I say I try to move my other arm but he's pushing my body against the wall with so much force that i can barely move it.

"Nah man, I saw you and yo people. At first i just thought it was two shawties and they niggas in the club but then I saw that durag nigga. I almost couldn't tell cus he had his glasses on but his durag gave it away. " He said. 

You mentally cursed yourself. You were about to come up with another excuse before you heard the faint familiar sound of jangling.

You smirked.

Even though you were in a situation where there was no leverage you smirked. Your God has come to the rescue.

You zoned back in as the jangling got closer. It was still faint and obviously Trayvon wasn't going to hear it was all the moaning he was doing just grinding against your ass. 

"Im gonna make you regret coming to the club tonight" He said. 

He tried to make it sound sexy as if he were your nigga and not some murderer about to commit another atrocious crime. 

"No but Im going to make you regret ever thinking you could touch her like that" 

You knew by the sound of his voice that it wasn't Stokeley talking. Nope

It was Jason.

"What the fuck-" Stokeley had caught Trayvon off guard enough so that you were able to move again. In less than a moment your joggers were around your waist and your pistol was in your hand. 

You pistol whipped him quicker than he could say crocodile nuts and he fell on the ground, his pants around his knees. 

"Now who does this remind me of" You mutter as you look down at him.

"Shut up" Ski said. 

Now was obviously not the time for jokes. 

Ski threw him over his shoulder and walked back to the car, throwing him in the trunk with the Pilot. 

Ally, Gabe,and Denzel were all sitting in the back seat while Laroi kept the car running in the front. 

"So much for not taking long" He said.

Stokeley glared at him and sort of pulled, sort of gently grabbed him out the front and into the back seat. I got into my spot in the passengers seat and we drove off.

Time skip bc I'm behind on my classes but Im too stressed out to think about it right now.

None of us used each others real name at all today and even now we weren't.

"Serpent" I looked over at Gabe.

"Scheme" I say back.

He passes me a bottle of water. I hear Ally coming down the stair with The Kid and TA13OO behind her. 

"Lotti" I say without looking at her. She hums "Where's Jason?" I asked.

I couldn't do this without him. He was the Devil on my shoulder when I needed him to be. He was the demon that scared away my cowardice. 

He was my vice and I'd go to hell for him if he'd send me.  I have no idea why he always treated me like an Angel. 


"Right here" He emerged from the shadows underneath the stairs. "Been here since we came home. I was watching" He said. I nodded "Did they try to escape?" He shook his head no. "Sleep the whole time" he says.

I nod.

I open the water bottle and sip it before I dump it on the both of them. The wake up with gasps, both tied together and in nothing but boxers.

"What the fuck is this shit" the Pilot says, his voice something shrill compared to how Lotti described him. 

Jason stepped in front of me.

"Think of this as your final Reckoning. "

"Judgment day for the both of you if you want to be dramatic"  Lotti chimed in. I hadn't even realized that she'd gotten close to me, i was so absorbed in the Demonic energy He was putting off. 

I put my hands on top of my head, my REVENGE crop top exposing the 999 I had tatted right below my belly button. 

"You know, I'm trying to make this situation as Positive as possible but that's really hard when you're dealing with scum" I say as I turn toward Ally.

"Lotti baby, I promise you can be the one to put the bullet in his head but first do you remember that water we were boiling?" 

Her brows furrowed. 

"I thought we were just gonna-"

"Waterrr" He said.

I couldn't help but smirk, my Stokeley was still in there somewhere. When he gets all Jason its hard to pull him out but he knows how to show when he's alive still.

Ally nodded and darted up stairs. 

She came back down with a hard plastic bowl and some mittens. 

I walked toward the Pilot.

"So let me explain why you've no clothes on. Polyester melts when exposed to extremely hot temperatures" I say as my eyes move back and forth between the two men. if you could even call them men But since it is fabric it takes a little while for it to absorb any sort of temperature." I say. 

I spin and clap my hand together and I grab the bowl of piping hot water from Ally.

Obviously too hot because I drop the bowl directly on the two men below me. Under any normal circumstance this would've resulted in cries of pain and agony but these two men were gagged pretty well.

"Well dressssss me up and call me Sssssilly" I say, enunciating my 'S's as my Chicago accent slip out. 

Ally steps from behind me and takes off her glasses, which prompts the Pilot to make alot of muffled garbled sounds in what I could only describe as 'surprised' 

"Did a pair of glasses really fool you, Jesus" She groans out. 

I step up behind her and snake my arms around her cool waist. 

I slowly slip one arm up her side and then down her arm until my hand is holding her against the trigger of the gun.

"kill the basstard " She didn't need a serpent in her ear to tell her twice.

"Close range so I got blood on my jeans" We say in unison

She dropped the gun and twirled the ring on her finger. "Ill be upstairs watching AHS" she mumbles. I hum at her and Laroi follows her. 

I glare at him as they walk away but neither of them notice.

If it isn't obvious I don't care too much for Laroi. The way he walked into Jarad's life just seemed a little suspect to me. That and the fact that he sound like Alvin and the chipmunks smoked too much weed but not enough to help them hit puberty when he sang.

Denzel was already mixing chemicals together to get the stains off the floor. 

I looked at Trayvon, a snot-faced, water burned mess. I lifted my foot and kicked him in the face.



three times

before I was pulled away.

Now, when I say this nigga stomped the yard on this boys face I mean he stomped the yard on this boys face.

"On your face might stomp the yard, on my mom I'd catch a charge" I mumble as I nod to myself. 

He steps away and looks at me through his Ski mask.

"Beauty and the Beast with the clip be cautious" 

I nod at him and without looking I shot Trayvon between his eyes. 

Ski's eyes were so damn captivating. 

He lifted his mask and stepped toward me. 

I could see every emotion swirling in his puppy eyes.

He pressed his lips to mine.

I inhaled his energy.

Meanwhile TA13OO in the back like

Just vibin to 13lack 13alloons

We paid no mind to him, in fact we couldn't even if we wanted to.

"It's official. You're a member..very rare. Evil triplet" It was like with each word he spoke his voice got deeper. 

The evil part of him did something to my body that made me feel like I was surrounded by hell fire. But in the best way possible

I didn't take me eyes off of him, even when the whites of his eyes turned black and the puppy brown became crimson red.

I pressed my lips back to his. 

Oke dokey, that's the end of part one. This is almost 4000 words excluding this lil message of course. Ugh this took me an hour and as much as I want to keep writing I have to get back to work. School is technically 'out' right now and I still have four classes i haven't done yet.

Im awful I know

Spank me (cus I like dat mami/papi)

Anywaaaaaaaaays. I hope you enjoy, i high key like it so I hope you do too. I gtg now because I need to do my work.

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i'm not good at writing sooo yh i'm just so lonely i feel like i have to write these ok bye
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Hi. 🧍 What the title says I need practice writing in general so this is what I'm doing lol I don't own any of the characters
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