Where I Belong #Wattys2021

By _Christy97_

122 33 2

Amelia's life is shattered when a tragedy befalls her. All she ever wanted to do was escape from her reality... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 10

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By _Christy97_

I didn't know a single call could ruin happiness. But that's what happened to me. Shattered my newfound bliss.

Adrien and I grew much closer ever since he confessed everything to the President and Esmee. We were totally on good terms. Surprisingly, good enough to go out and grab a bite or for a match or two of bowling and arcade.

Which was more of a shock to me, than happiness?

I mean weren't we fighting and jumping at each other's throat just a while back? And now we happen to miraculously be BFF's or something. Not that I minded it of course. It felt good. Spending time with the jerk face who was less of a jerk face now.

That doesn't mean I've stopped sabotaging his precious omelets! I'm not that of a good girl.

Wow, immature much Amelia?

Adrien even makes me his special Panko and Parmesan-Crusted Cod Fillets (mouth-watering... mmm) when I want to eat it. I don't have to be heartbroken and a sappy crybaby to have him make the dish for me.

Apart from being weird with his good naturedliness (if that's even a word!) towards me, he's doing pretty good if not more at school. To begin with he's a smartass with a very high IQ. So it's not a surprise it took him only a few referring of pages to get back to the top of the class!

All was well and everyone is happy and unicorns and sunshine.

So why am I locked up in my room bawling my eyes out like I just heard news the world's coming to an end?

"Amelia, Honey-pie. You need to come out of there." Aunt Felicity's worried voice penetrated through the closed door.

Just leave me alone!

I wanted to scream at someone or something at least.

"Amelia? I'm getting really worried out here Hun."

Aunt Felicity didn't do any wrong. So why am I acting like some bitch hurting a lady who's only trying to comfort me?

Dragging myself off of the messy bed, I trudge towards the door. Sighing aloud I stare at the mirror and suck in a breath.

I look hideous! Like some girl after a major breakup.


Fuck all this.

I turn the doorknob and the door creaks open. Two arms plunge forward and wrap around me. My face comes in contact with a warm chest.

"You silly girl. Making me so worried!" Aunt felicity says hugging me tighter. I wrap my arms around her slim waist accepting every warmth I could get. I realized I was shivering.

"C'mon. let's get you something to eat. You haven't eaten anything all morning."

I simply follow her without a word. As we go down the stairs my mind is suddenly clouded with worry.

"Hey, Aunt Fel. Does Adrien know about what happened?" I manage to ask. My throat felt dry after all that useless weeping.

"No Honey-pie. I was hoping to tell him when he comes back for dinner tonight."

Ah, that's right. He'd gone out with a couple of friends from school.

"Don't tell him."

She seems to be taken aback.

"What? Why?"

"Please." It was all I could reply.

I couldn't understand why I sounded so desperate. But aunt Fel seemed to sense I wasn't alright and agreed to my terms.

Why am I so worried about how he'll react?

Earlier that day, when I was about to go meet Ninnon to go for some make-up and shoe shopping I was stopped with a video call from my parents.

Nothing unusual there of course. Just your typical parents wanting to have a chat with their one and only daughter. At least that's what was supposed to have happened.

Until Dad ruined everything.

"Amelia, It's high time you come back to America" was what he had told me.

And just like that, every single effort I'd been taking these past months to make a home for myself here in Lyon was torn apart.

Endless arguing, a little screaming and even a few drops of tears, yet nothing changed my father's mind. He was hell-bent on getting me back home to America. Even Mom who has always been on my side, took his side this time.

I begged to stay back. I've never begged so much. Even when I'd been heartbroken after Sarah's death I didn't beg so much to get away.

I don't know why. I don't know when. But by the time I realized I'd already gotten used to Lyon so much that my love for this place surpassed my love for back home.

Is it because of Ninnon? Ethan? Pierre? Because of everyone in my class who had been friends I'd always wished for? Is it because of the Valentin family who had been gracious enough to accept me into their family? I have no idea. All I know is it'll be unbearable to leave everyone and everything behind and go back to the life I had before Sarah's death.

Why can't Dad understand? Why is he so unfair? Why is Mom not supporting me!?

God Damnit all!

Later that night I heard a soft knock on my door. I continued hugging my pillow and staring at the colorless ceiling.


I bolted up and sit up straight. Adrien!

"You awake?" he calls out.

I don't dare to even breath. Please just go away. I don't want to see YOU of all people.

Before Adrien came home, I'd gobbled up my food and rushed back to my room.

God, what if Aunt Fel had told him?

Why in God's name am I fucking panicking!?

This is not me. Why do I care what he thinks?

Oh God. What am I saying? I'm terrified to see his reaction.

"I'm coming in."


The doorknob turns and to my horror, it opens letting the light in the hallway spill into my darkroom.

Why in god damn blazes is my door fucking unlocked!?

"What the hell?" Mia, why is your light turned off?" Adrien reaches for the switch at the same time I bury myself under the sheets.

The lights turn on and I hear soft steps approaching me.

"What, are we playing hide-n-seek now?" He says and tries pulling the sheets off of me. Tries.

My grip is steel-like, grabbing the sheets for dear life.

"Mia stop this! The hell are you doing woman?" he continues trying to pry it off and I continue holding it close to me. He finally gives up and steps back.

"What are you in your periods?"

Oh no. you do not say that to a pure maiden!

I would have kicked his spot for being so vulgar-tongued if I wasn't in a slump. I let it drop gritting my teeth. I hear him sigh and then he sits on the bed. I scoot over to give him space.

Seriously Amelia?

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" his voice so gentle, it made me want to bury myself on his shoulder and cry my eyes out.

I shook my head hoping he'd get the movement from under the sheets. What if he took it as a nod?

"Then why are you locked up in here?"

Thank god he understood. Slowly his hand crept underneath the sheet and searched for mine. He grabs hold of my hand, gently moving his thumb in circles.

I grip his hand tight, forcing myself to not touch my face with his palm.

He remained silent not pestering me for answers.

I don't know how long we were in that position. Adrien moved side to side adjusting his position since his body was growing numb with all the sitting still, but his hand remained on mine.

After what seemed like hours, I felt his touch leave me. My eyelids were growing heavy, a yawn escaping both mine and Adrien's lips.

He stood up and stretched himself. Through the sheets, I could feel his strong gaze on me.

"I'll wait for you to open up to me. Till then I won't bother you, Mia." Saying so he ruffles my head which I slightly popped out of the sheets and he walked out switching the lights off and closing the door behind him.

He should not know.

Adrien should not know what had happened. He should not know I have to go back to America. Whatever this relationship is between me and Adrien. I don't want it to be ruined.

Therefore, Adrien will have to be in the dark till the last minute.

"YOUR WHAT!?" Ninnon yelled so loud, the entire class stopped whatever they were doing to stare at us crazy duo.

"What's going on?"

"A fight?" Ninnon and Amelia?"

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Ninnon keep your voice down! Please." I whisper-yell at her trying to shut her mouth. She slaps my hand aside.

"Do not dare shush me." Wow, she's mad. Like really mad.

Ninnon is always calm and clear. ALWAYS. So, of course, the class is going to imagine all sorts of crazy stuff since the class's Miss-Calm just blew her head off.

Pierre who was nagging Ethan to go play after school came over slinging an arm over my shoulder staring at Ninnon and me curiously.

"Everything okay?" Ethan speaks out before Pierre could even open his mouth. He scowls at Ethan childishly.

"Everything's fine. Just fine." I said gritting my teeth hard, controlling myself from punching Pierre who was now braiding my hair? The fuck!?

He's made a mess of my hair now!

"Everything is so not okay. Amelia, how could you?" Ninnon who was in a rage just a couple of seconds ago said now in a sad tone.

C'mon Ninnon. Don't do this. God people, just stop making me want to cry.

"Alright, you two. Behind the school. Now." Ethan says with a hard tone. I raise a brow staring at him and his cocky attitude. Ninnon had an identical pose.

Uh hello? Who put him in charge?

And what's with Behind the school? What are we gangsters?

Sighing Ethan scratches the back of his head.

"Since you two aren't willing to talk here. Let's go somewhere where we could talk in private? And Pierre, what in God's name are you doing?" He says the latter, after slapping Pierre's hand away from my bird-nest hair.

Thank you, Ethan.

Ninnon turns on her heels and marches out the class. Groaning internally, I walk after her with Ethan and Pierre close behind.

We stood behind the same bush I had cried my eyes out on Ethan's shoulder.

Wow, the good old memories. Not

"So?" Ethan cuts through my thoughts. He has his arms crossed waiting for an explanation. Pierre rocks on his heels, hands dug deep into his parka pockets. A solemn look plastered on his face, the usual goofy grin long gone.

Ninnon remains silent, staring hard at the ground clasping and unclasping her fists.

I don't blame her. Not one bit. If I were in her shoes I'd react the same way, or even worse.

"I'm leaving," I say.

"Uh? Where? Leaving? Be a bit more understandable Amelia." Pierre says staring straight into my face.

"America," I whisper. I bet they didn't hear me. My voice was barely audible.


"She's going back to America!." Ninnon snaps.

Ethan could only stare in shock. Pierre strode towards me and grabbed me by the shoulder making me look at him straight in the eyes.

"Quoi!? Amelia, what is Ninnon talking about? You... you're going back?" He sounded like some puppy who had finally found his master but has to let go again. He sounded so hurt.

"Pierre... I..."

"No... no no no no. Amelia you cannot! How could you leave us?"

"What am I to do? Huh? What am I to do when my dad is so freaking mad on getting me back home! Tell me, Pierre." I didn't mean to yell, but I'm frustrated too. I want to stay too. God, I don't want to leave these guys.

He remains quietly unable to give a reply.

"Yes, I have a family there. Yes, I've friends who are like soul mates there. But I just can't leave Lyon. I don't want to leave the life I've built here." Hot tears crept out of my eyes burning down my cheeks. "I want to be with you guys."

Ninnon's arms go around me pulling me close. Ethan places his hand on my head gently. Pierre had a guilty look on his face now. This idiot.

"Just join the hug you fool," I say extending a hand and he grabs it. We were in such a ridiculous position, but who cares?

"So there's no way you could convince your Dad?" Ethan breaks the awkward silence.

I shake my head dejectedly. I've tried everything. There's really nothing more I could try.


Ethan and Pierre had let go, but Ninnon's grip on me only tightened.

"Ninnon?" I ask, pushing her back slowly so I could see what's wrong.

She doesn't meet my gaze, instead, look the other way.

"I wish we'd never been friends in the first place. If in the end, you are just going to leave us behind."

Woah, what!?

"But I'm also thankful that you came to Lyon, to our school, to our class, to us." She finishes finally looking at me, a slightly sad smile on her face. "Look at me! You're making me say all sorts of sappy dialogues." She laughs now bumping my shoulder with hers.

I couldn't help but chuckle as well. The Ninnon I know was never a drama queen. But I guess there are times when even the strongest heart could falter.

"Yep yep. I'm very thankful the oh so almighty God, for sending me, Amelia." Pierre just had to say something to spoil the moment.

"I mean look at us. Who'd have thought we'd form a deep bond? Hehe," and he slings an arm over mine and Ninnon's shoulder, his goofy grin back on.

Ninnon flicks her hair and looks proud. "Of course Amelia and I would have bonded. It's you who's the miracle. Oh, wait, more like bother?"

And the two fight again. Is it love or hate between them, I have noooooooooooo idea.

"Well if there's no hope of stopping Amelia. We might as well make the best use of the time we've left together." Ethan says with a smile towards all of us. We nod in agreement.

I feel so much lighter. So much better after confiding with these guys. Thank god I made my mind to come out with the truth to the three of them.

Adrien is a different story though. He still has no idea.

When will I have the courage to face him and tell him that I'm leaving?

Ninnon sensed something was on my mind. She always had her way of figuring out my moods and thoughts. She holds my arm and gives it a gentle squeeze. She's saying me It's all okay.

Why do I have to leave her? Just when we've started deepening our friends bond. Just when we've started opening up to each other and accepting each other like BFF's.

"So when are you going to leave?" Pierre cuts through my thoughts.

"Right after the exams are over. I might not be here to spend the holidays with you guys. Since France and America are different. I have to go back soon to enroll myself in school over there." Urgh... just the thought of going back to my previous school gives me the jitters.

It's alright. I'll have Ryan. I'll have my friends. Everything will be alright as long as I don't catch sight of Noah. Cause I can't guarantee his safety.

"Not much long huh. I mean the final exams are right around the corner. How are we going to manage time to study and hang out?" Ethan says looking back at Ninnon and me.

"We'll manage somehow. We could study together most of the time. God everyone Knows Pierre needs a lot of help if he needs to advance to the next year." Ninnon says giving Pierre a your-annoying look, to which he sticks his nose in the air. Dude don't feel so proud.

Ethan's right though. In a month we'll be sitting for our Freshman year final exams. Ninnon, Ethan and Pierre would advance to Sophomore year together while I will be far away in another school.

Life can really be unfair sometimes.

It's all Dad's fault!

"Oh look, there's..." before Pierre could finish whatever he was trying to let the world know, someone called out to me.

"Mia. Wait up."

Oh no!

"Ninnon, tell him Ms. Valerie asked me to help her with some shit." And I took off running the opposite direction.

"Mia!?" Adrien calls out louder. I could only quicken my pace. I'm not ready to face him after last night. This morning I even woke early, got dressed and ran to school to avoid meeting him.

Please, please, please God don't let Ethan or Pierre reveal anything to Adrien.

I turn a corner and stop to catch my breath. Slowly I peek out to see if Adrien was following. Thankfully he was having a chat with Ninnon. He lifted his face and I quickly stepped back to stay from view. Once again I looked out and he was walking the other way.

As soon as he was out of sight, I rush back to the threesome.

"Back so soon? Weren't you going to help Ms. Valerie tidy the storeroom?" Pierre asks confused.

I stare at Ninnon and she raises a brow and shrugs. Seriously girl?

But then her expression deepens giving me a hard stare. She knows. Of course, she'd figure it out. Then she sighs shaking her head.

"Hey, what's with the stares and the sighs and the mumbo-jumbo expressions? I don't get a thing" Pierre whines. Ethan gives him a slap to the back of his head. Ninnon and I ignore him and walk away.

How am I going to say, Adrien, I'm leaving? Will the reaction be as bad as I fear? Or am I the only one who's over-reacting? Maybe he wouldn't even care and laugh at my nerves.

Just the thought that he'd brush off my leaving hurts my chest.

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