Watching and learning history...

By BabbyBobby021

76.5K 906 1.2K

Teams RWBY, JNPR, and SSSN along with some other people received an invitation to watch a movie called 'Battl... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 3: Storm of Steel
Chapter 4: Through Mud and Blood - Act 1
Chapter 5: Through Mud and Blood - Act 2
Chapter 6: Through Mud and Blood - Act 3
Chapter 7: Through Mud and Blood - Final act
Chapter 8: Friends In High Places - Act 1
About future updates
Chapter 9: Friends In High Places - Act 2
Chapter 10: Friends In High Places - Act 3
A break

Chapter 2: Trailer

9.6K 85 47
By BabbyBobby021

I do not own anything relating to RWBY and Battlefield 1. RWBY is belonged to Rooster Teeth and Battlefield 1 is belonged to DICE and EA. All names mentioned in this fanfic belong to their respective owners.

The ideas in this fanfic belongs to me.

All criticisms are welcomed, especially the ones that are constructive.

"Ow..." was the first thing that came out of everyone's mouth. One by one, they started to regain consciousness and the first question that came up within their minds was "where are we?"

"Students? What are you doing here?", a male voice suddenly asked the teams from behind. They all turned their heads towards the voice and their eyes all widened in surprise. In front of them stood their Headmaster of Beacon Academy named Ozpin and his assistant, Professor Glynda Goodwitch. Just as the teams were about to answer, another voice came up, this time from their right.

"General Ironwood, are you okay sir?", asked a female voice with a slight hint of worry.

"I'm good, Specialist Schnee, thank you for your concern.", a male voice, now identified as Ironwood's voice, replied. After dusting himself off and checking his most valued subordinate's status, Ironwood and his Specialist turned towards the others. "Oh? Fancy meeting everyone here."

"General Ironwood? Specialist Winter Schnee? You two are here too?", Ozpin asked, receiving nods from the two people in question. Weiss, upon hearing the words "Winter Schnee", immediately turned her head towards the two Atlesians and took a step forward. "Sister? Is that you?"

"Weiss?", Winter asked, her face was full of surprise and confusion. "I thought you were going out to Vale with your friends?"

"I... I was but-", Weiss replied but was interrupted by another male voice.

"Ow... Neo, did you put something into the ice cream again?", a man wearing a bowler hat asked his female mute assistant, to which she replied by raising her scroll "No".

"Roman Torchwick.", growled General Ironwood, Winter, Glynda, and teams RWBY, JNPR, SSSN. Just as everyone was readying their weapons and was about to subdue the criminals a figure wearing a black trenchcoat approached them.

"Now now, no fighting in a confine space.", the figure said and with a clap of his hands, their weapons suddenly vanished.

"Who are you, and what have you done to our weapons?!", Weiss demanded angrily.

"Chill out, Snowflake. Your weapons are fine and as for who I am, you can call me Eli.", the figure, Eli, smirked as Weiss frowned at her new nickname.

"Alright, Mister Eli. Where are we? And are you responsible for taking us here?", Ozpin asked calmly.

"Just call me Eli. And before I answer that, let me ask you this small question. What was the last thing that you guys remembered before waking up in this place?"

Instead of answering, Yang just crossed her arms and glared at Eli. "And why the hell should we do that?"

"Just answer the damn question, please.", Eli retored with slight irritation in his tone.

"I remember we all reading an invitation to a viewing of a new movie and pressing the link at the end of it.", Ruby answered cutting off her sister who was about to throw in another insult. Her teammates and friends all nodded.

"We remembered reading a similar invitation like Miss Rose's but we did not press the link.", Glynda said her piece with Ozpin, Ironwood, and Winter agreeing with her.

"Same thing over here.", Roman just shrugged.

Satisfied with everyone's answer, Eli finally answered the Headmaster's question. "Okay, as you all know, you all have received an invitation to watch the movie 'Battlefield 1'. And here we are, the theater where you all will be watching it."

With another clap, the lights in the place suddenly turned on and in front of them was indeed a luxurious theater with high-class leather seats and wooden food trays. Everybody all had their eyes widened as there isn't any theater with this much luxury in any part of Vale, or even anywhere on Remnant.

"Whoa...", Sun muttered.

"Whoa indeeed, man...", his teammates, Scarlet, Sage, Neptune, all replied.

"Hold on. We didn't accept the invitation so why are we even here?", Ironwood asked.

"To answer that, I need to tell you something. First of all, you're indeed going to watch the movie but with a slight twist. And second of all, sorry but I lied a bit."

The group all stared at Eli in confusion. "What do you mean you lied a bit?", asked Roman.

"Well firstly, I was planning to get you all here even if you didn't want to. Also each of you will be starred in the movie, and it isn't about Remnant's Great War but rather another world's Great War, also known as World War 1."

Everyone just stared dumbfounded, save for Nora who was actually excited at the prospect of being starred in a movie, and from another world no less.

"YAY!!! We are movie stars now, Renny! I wonder who I'm gonna play?! I bet it's gonna be a badass huntress!"

Winter however, was staring at Eli wearily. "You said you lied to us about the invitation. Then what prospects of it are actually true then?". Everyone seemed to agree with the older Schnee, even Roman and Neo.

"The educational one. That bit is very true and you all will indeed learn valuable lessons just by watching this movie."

At this, everyone seemed to have interest in viewing this movie. The adults still seemed to be a bit hesitant but eventually gave in and they all joined in with the students in choosing their seats.

"Oh, I almost forgot! We still have three more guests joining us today". A clap from Eli later and three figures suddenly appeared on the floor. Slowly, they all stood up albeit a bit dizzily.

"That damn bartender definitely spiked my drink... I'm gonna skin that asshole the next time I see him...", grumbled a dusty, old crow.

"Uncle Qrow!", both Yang and Ruby gasped, until they spotted another figure wearing a white cloak standing behind Qrow. Upon seeing this person, they both started to tear up, with Ruby being the most emotional.

"M-M-Mom? Is that... r-really... you?", Yang managed to utter a few words with tears threatening to leave her eyes, while Ruby was just standing there unmoving like a stone with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"M-Mom?... Mom... MOM!!!", Ruby suddenly shouted at the top of her lungs and in a torrent of rose pedals, ran straight towards her long dead mother.

"Yang? And... R-Ruby? OOF!", the woman didn't have the chance to say anything as she was tackled by her little daughter. Ruby, now lying on top of her mother and was hugging her tightly, was bawling her eyes out. Soon, Yang also joined in the group hug and just like her little sister, she was crying out loud. After a few minutes of hugging and crying, they all broke up and stood up, with Qrow slowly approaching them.

"It's good to see you again, Summer.", Qrow smirked, though if looked closely one could see his breaths were uneven and his eyes were a bit red.

"It's good to see you too, Qrow.", Summer smiled back.

Ruby, with her eyes still a bit teary, turned towards Eli. "Thank you Eli. Thank you so much for bringing Mom here."

"You're welcome, Little Rose. Though know this. After this viewing she can't go back with you for obvious reasons. However, you can still talk to her whenever you like. I just installed an app on your and Yang's scrolls in order to do that. Sounds creepy, I know but hey, at least you two can communicate with her.", Eli said. Though Ruby was a bit sad because she couldn't be with her mom after this but the fact that she now had a way to talk with her mother was enough for her.

"Friend Ruby, friend Yang, are you okay? And where are we?". The group turned towards the voice and saw the familiar android-in-disguise.

"Penny!", Ruby pulled the android girl in a tight embrace before letting her go. "As for your question, this is-"

"I'll take it from here, Ruby.", Eli said, cutting off Ruby.

(One explanation later...)

"Interesting... Alright, I'm in! But I would like to sit next to my beloved daughters.", Summer said while grabbing her daughters' hands.

"Fine by me, you all can sit wherever you want to.", Eli just shrugged. At that, Qrow, Penny, Summer with Yang and Ruby got back to their seats.

"Before we begin, I would like to tell you some things first. The characters that you guys are going to play are selected randomly so some of you might act differently than normal. Also, should you want to grab a snack, a drink, a meal or even a paper bag, just think about it in your head and it will be presented instantly on the tray in front of you. And before we begin to view the movie, a trailer will be played so you guys will know what to expect. Without further adieu, ladies and gentlemen, this is 'Battlefield 1'.", Eli finally finished his small speech but just before he made his way towards his seat, he saw the tray in front of Nora's seat was filled with pancakes. "Figures..."

The lights in the room dimmed, and the screen started to lit up.

There was soldiers holding long bolt-action rifles charging up towards a vehicle of some kind while yelling war cries. Then it cut to a scene where Scarlet lifted up some sort of piece of metal and an explosion suddenly blew him back. The scene then changed to show a machine gun was mowing down troops as someone was heard yelling "We're surrounded!", then Yang was seen running and taking cover behind a large metal object and stared at Scarlet, who was lying on the ground with shock written all over her face.

Few seconds in and the audience were already caught off guard. Their interest seemed to piqued as they all sit straighter than before, though the ones that were more weak-minded had some shock and fear showed up on their faces.

"Hey, me and Scarlet are already showed up in this trailer", Yang grinned, although she was slightly worried about on-screen Scarlet's condition.

"But Scarlet's seemed to be injured in it.", Sage said worriedly, with the rest of his teammates agreed with him.

The screen darkened then switched to a scene where soldiers were quite literally fighting each other with anything they could get their hands on. While this was happening, a voice narrated behind the scenes.

"They push. We push."

Everyone was shocked and gasped at the scene being played out. Soldiers beating each other up with things that weren't even considered as weapon like a rock showed just how brutal this war was. Glynda, Pyrrha, Weiss, and Winter covered their mouths in shock while Ruby, Jaune, and Penny all had their eyes widened and reeled back in shock. Qrow was chugging his flask while Ozpin and Ironwood just stared at the screen solemnly.

"Every once in a while, we push hard enough that the light breaks through the clouds, and the world beyond the war glimmers."

Yang was seen standing and staring at a big vehicle, then it cut to she and Scarlet sharing a handshake. The scene then cut to Sun and Neptune getting in an aircraft, then it cut to Pyrrha with symbols painted on her face, then it changed to Qrow holding a rifle and Ruby helping a wounded soldier while the voice continued to narrate.

"Behind every gunsight is a human being. We are those people."

"Promise me that you'll get me back in one piece.", Neptune said to Sun.

"Okay, I promise.", Sun answered back.

The scene then cut to Neptune lying on the ground with Sun about to swing a piece of wood down onto his friend but stopped his action.

The students were stunned at this scene. They cannot fathom as to why the on-screen Sun could do such a thing.

The scene then focused on Pyrrha with Ironwood talking to her in a desert. "You may find you're out there all alone. You know that."

A train was seen smashing through a barricade made with two cars, and Roman was seen with his hands tied behind him and yelling loudly, before being punched in the face by Pyrrha. Various scenes played out where a giant cannon on the train was fired and Pyrrha was standing alone in the desert with fire raging all around her.

"Whoa! Pyrrha is a badass in this movie!", Nora cheered excitedly, resulting in a smile and a light blush from the redhead spartan.

"Can't believe there's a day where I see Torchwick in an officer's uniform...", Ironwood grumbled with a frown.

Instead of throwing an insult towards the General's direction, Roman suddenly had a great idea in his mind. "Hey, that uniform I wear doesn't look bad at all. In fact, I think it looks alot better than Atlas' design, right Neo?"

"Definitely.", his partner wrote in her scroll and showed it to him while smirking. She totally understood what Torchwick's had in mind and the looks on the Atlesians' faces was priceless.

The scene darkened before showing Ironwood walking up a sand dune, then it cut to a squadron of aircrafts flying high in the skies, before showing Sun and Neptune standing in front of one. It changed again to show a large grim battlefield with aircrafts flying overhead, then it switched to Scarlet smirking, then a view of a sun slowly rose up behind a city with a large ship on a river. Various scenes starring Ruby, Qrow, a person placing a helmet over their head, Pyrrha, Ironwood, and a dark-skinned soldier loading his rifle was played out. While all this was happening, the narrator's tone suddenly changed to a very firm one and inspirational one, and the background music did a very good job in emphasizing the inspirational aspect of the speech.

"If history only remembers one in a thousand of us, then that future will be filled with stories of who we were and what we did. But until that day comes, we will stand, we will look death in the eye, and we will fight!"

The screen then changed to Yang shouting on the top of her lungs. "Come on!"

At that moment, every single person in the theater, even Eli, glued their eyes on the screen with great interest. Nora even stopped eating her pancakes in fears of missing a moment, while Ruby, Yang, Pyrrha, Jaune, and the entirety of team SSSN all had goosebumps all over their arms just by hearing the speech and seeing Yang's outburst. Ren, Blake, Weiss, Glynda, Winter and Summer all found their spirits uplifted, while Ozpin and Ironwood had eyes filled with hope. Even Roman and Neo also felt motivated.

Multiple scenes from various battlefields were then played out. From two ships fired their cannons, to Pyrrha drawing a sword while riding a horse, to a soldier wearing a gasmask while running on the battlefield, and so on. The screen then showed the view of a barren wasteland at night with soldiers running up a hill, which resulted in three soldiers being blown away in an explosion on the ground. It then switched to a snowy mountainous region where an aircraft was seen chasing another one. Neptune was then seen pointing an antique-looking camera towards the ground as the aircraft did an aileron roll, then it changed to one of the aircraft's wheel hitting a soldier right in the face. The scene then changed to a huge fight between multiple aircrafts against giant airships as explosions and fire was raging everywhere, before switching to various shorts before ending with the large title on the screen, 'Battlefield 1'. But just before the screen darkened, two soldiers was seen standing face-to-face and pointing their rifles at each other at ready, then the screen abruptly turned off, the lights was turned back on, signifying that the trailer was over.

Turning around, Eli saw everyone was on the edge of their seats. "So, first impressions?"

At first, nobody answered him. But then one by one, they all clapped their hands loudly.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!", squeaked Ruby, Nora, and Penny.

"Indeed it was. And the music too, it just fits perfectly and gives you that hopeful feeling inside you.", Weiss smiled. She found herself thoroughly interested in this movie and was looking forward to explore the story.

"While it is sad to see young men and women losing their lives,", Ozpin spoke up with a hint of sadness in his voice, "I also find myself interested in this 'Battlefield 1' movie.". Glynda, Ironwood, Qrow and Winter also shared the same sentiment.

"I'm soooo hyped up by that trailer right now. What do you guys think?", Sun asked his fellow teammates. One by one, they all gave their opinions in the forms of a thumps up or verbal acknowledgements.

"Me and Neo are also hooked up right now.", Roman said his piece before turning towards Eli. "Hey boss man, I think I can say for everyone here that we all wanna watch this movie already."

Hearing the words coming from Torchwick's mouth, Glynda frowned but admittedly, she did want to watch it already.

Eli smirked, and with a small cough to get everyone's attention, he said. "Very well then. Everyone, let us see the prologue, 'Storm of Steel', of the masterpiece 'Battlefield 1'".

"Wait, prologue?", everyone asked in confusion.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, this movie has six chapters, including the prologue. But don't worry, I guarantee they're very good.", Eli assured.

"Alright, let's get the show on the road!". Eli clapped his hands thenthe room darkened once again.

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