SUCKERS Namjin/yoonmin/taekook

By Snoosification

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vampires in town, watching their prey, ready to strike But the "bloodbags" have their own agenda and make the... More

1. hypnotized
2. yoongis prey
3. joons stalker
5. introduction to the family
6. how i died
7. to be a family
8. the greed for blood and vitamins
9. arrivals
10. wolves and suckers
11. big wolf vs small wolf
12. danger in a doll
13. long live the king
14. no worries
15. sex to paradise and new family member
16. choices
17. hurts
18. punishment
19. little monster
20. family times and secrets
21. excitement and pain
22. war itself
23. when the war ends
24. in the end

4. taes meal

370 13 56
By Snoosification



"excuse me???" 

"need u"

 kooks face derailed in a funny expression "huh? for what? i dont know u" he whisper yelled. "do it voluntarly or i have to force u" the others voice was so threatening that shivers ran down kooks spine. quite taken aback kook leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "what are u talking about?" the strange thing floated almost forward and got so close, that kook felt a cold breath on his skin. "can i have u?" "again: for what?" the stranger again smiled weirdly and took kooks hand, pulled him in a dimmed row of bookshelfs and cornered him there. it was so fast that kook couldnt react properly. "what the fuck happend?" the stranger smiled wide at kooks surprised face, tilted kooks head to the side and bit into his neck.

kook hissed and grabbed the strangers shoulders to push him away, or at least back. he felt the sucking extremly intense and moaned quietly. the stranger backed up, licked his blood smeard mouth clean and smiled. kooks eyes got wide when he noticed how different the others eyes looked now. his hand immidiatly came up to his neck wound and stared still at the strangers face. "thank u. see u tomorrow" "huh?" and puff away he was. kook stood there for a while. he couldnt process what had happen.

the hole night he struggled to get a proper answer to what that was and if he should go to the libary again. his wound looked small and didnt hurt. when he examined it at home. but kook was curious about that creature! so he went again, tried to concentrate on his studies and waited for the stranger. he sat there the whole day and nothing! it was already night and the libary would close in 30 min, kook was dazing of when a whisper made him jump out of his chair. the creature laughed quietly and pulled the surprised boy into their corner again. "u waited for me.... thanks" "i didnt... think u would show up again" the stranger snickert. "and miss out a fantastic meal?! not in hell" he tilted kooks head fast and licked on a spot, showed his teeth and burried them into the delicate skin. kook let out a surprised yelp and tried to control his breaths. this felt strangely good and exciting to him. his hands were in the creatures hair and on his waist. kooks face was red and hot, when he noticed something else was excited too.

kook got panic and tried to push the stranger from im, but the creature pushed him into the wall and himself into his body. embarrassed he thought that the man would feel his excitement right now. and the stranger did. a bit surprised, he smiled to himself and pressed his own crotch into the hardend one, satisfied he closed his eyes when he heard his victim moaned out. *this is going to be interesting!* it thought. finally he stopt sucking and licked over the wound to clean and close it. kook was out of breath and still had his eyes closed. the stranger smiled. "i think we should stay a bit longer here" "the libary is closing" "i am always here at this time, dont worry, they wont bother us." kook leaned against the shelf with hooded eyes and was kinda out of his surroundings. the creature scanned him up and down, smacked his lips and undid kooks jeans. with that kook snapped out of his... whatever it was... and tried to push the cold hands from his clothes. but the creature was stronger, he let the jeans fall down, yanked kooks tshirt from his body, turned him around, licked his fingers and pushed them into the unprepeard kook. he yelped again and tried to escape, but a flashlight and a "somebody here" made him frozen in his tracks. "oh god" he whispered. thats gonna be a desaster. the guard will see them! he will see a student got fingerd in a dark corner from another man. how humiliating this was goning to be! kook tried to get away from this situation, but the creature held him down by the neck and hissed "stop moving! he wont see us! stay quiet!" kooks eyes went huge when the flashlights directly pointed at him and the stranger, but nothing happend. the guard didnt scream, he didnt react at all, as if there was nobody there! kook looked at the stranger in disbelieve. he grinned and thrusted his fingers again into kook. the boy moaned out really loud, just to press his hand onto his mouth. the stranger chuckled and unleashed his beast. kooks yell echoed through the libary.

"urgh...get out!" the creature only sighed and moved his hips in a slow pace. "ah! get out!" kook started to fight the stranger off, but his head was pushed down again and couldnt move. the thrusts became deeper and faster, kook got really shaken by the man. he panted and tried to focus on his breathing, but the stranger hit a new spot in him and that felt magical. kooks body trembled, tingles rushed over his skin, his body stretched itself, pressed more against the stranger and his hands grabbed hard onto the shelfs.

"want more?" "yeah"

kook woke up, the guard shook him hard and almost yelled at him to get up, confused and still dazed kook looked at the guard and around. he sat on his chair, fully clothed, infront of his books. "where..... what....???" "son, u are in the libary, u fell asleep. pack your things and keep going" "oh ok.... where is the other guy?" "there is no one else here" "oh..." kook gathered his stuff and got pushed out by the guard. still confused he stood outside in the fresh cold air and thought he had dreamed it all. kook shook his head and went on his way home. nothing happend the next days. kook made his exams and he hadnt go to the libary again. he still didnt know if it was his imagination of his overworked and tired brain, or if it really happend. he looked for clues, but no wounds on the neck and nothing else out of the ordinary. kook couldnt grasped why the hell he had such vivid dreams of that stranger and even more disturbing that sex dream with him. weird was also that he jerked himself now off every night with that dream, the strangers face so clear in his mind. kook sighed and got inline for his coffee. he looked on his phone and was occupied on some messages about a party. kook decided to go, to get this weird thing out of his mind. he was almost too early at the party and immidiatly regreted to show up at all.

thankfully there was a lot of alcohol, kook was watched. he saw him getting really drunk in a very short time. he was concerned that kook would do something stupid. he had watched him the whole time, since a year in fact, finally he had the chance to taste him. he was sorry to disappear after they had sex, but he wasnt sure what he should do after... and not sure about all of this... whatever this was... normally he would take them as a meal or a snack, rarely he fucked them, but he never stalked them or it never took so much time for him to get their attention. and now he was at a college party and was surrounded by drunk, horny, high students. his meal already took some puffs from a joint, great... shit! he got pissed, grabbed kooks arm and pulled him out of the house. kook let him do, he was already out of everything, he couldnt make any decicions anymore. he giggled childish and stumbled behind the stranger, got pushed into a car and murmured only "hm....h...m..." the stranger shook his head. kook just leaned into the seat. they drove for a bit, came to a house, kook got pulled out from the car and was guided into the house. kook moved slowly and wobbely to the bed, what was offered to him and crawled happily onto it. the stranger watched him with his arms crossed and sighed.

he would taste awfull now!

why did he brought him here in the first place? kook sat up suddenly and stripped out of his clothes. "what are u doing?" "hot...smell..." his face showed disgust. the creature raised his brows and smiled a bit. "shall i help u?" kook nodded and almost fell from the bed by it. the stranger chuckled and helped him out. "raise your arms" kook drunk eyes looked into the strangers handsome face, his mouth hung open. "u are not real....are u?" he whined out and his hands grabbed at the strangers face. "u are drunk" "hm....kiss me... u didnt ...last time" he whined out again. the stranger smiled and pressed his finger on kooks lips to push them away from his face. kook huffed and fell back. he stretched his body and his hands caressed his own skin. "what are u doing boy?" "hm...touching me" kook murmured. "i can see that" "i want your hands" he whispered, stopt moving and waited for the respons. "ha...." the stranger looked into kooks face carefully. "u are only drunk!"

kook sighed and his lips opend. he spread his legs and layed his arms above his head. "have me" the creature raised a brow and tilted his head. "what u want me to do?" "the same as the last time. or... if i only dreamed about it, just fuck me and do what u want." "even kill u?" "i just had my last exams! so NO!" the stranger laughed at the whiny cute drunk meal. he shook his head again and got out of his clothes, slipt his food out of its remaining underwear and started to devour him. kook hummend to that unfamiliar feeling. the lips that caressed him were cold, his own skin was really hot, the difference gave him goosebumps and he had a hiccup. the stranger chuckled. "slow down" kook shook his head. "we have time, plenty of time" the stranger ensured him. "but...but...the last time i dreamed about it, i woke up in the libary, alone" "u think u are dreaming again?" kook nodded and sighed. "what did u dream about anyway?" he smirked at the restless boy. "we fucked" "thats it?" "yeah and i jerked myself off a few times after." the stranger starred at the talking meal. how funny. normally this boy was more reserved, never talked about sex, as the stranger knew from observing him and now he talked a bit dirty. he smiled wide and sucked on the nipples.

"oh u did? tell me, what were u thinking of?" kook arched his body. this was sweet torture. "u sucked me" "where?" "here" kook pointed to his neck and chest. the creature immidiatly turned his attention to it. kook moaned louder. "than?" "i....i..." "yeah?" "sucked u" kook whispered really lowly. he was embarrassed. but why tho?! it was a dream after all, he could be as slutty as he wanted it. kook sighed at that thought, smiled at the realization and pushed the stranger on his back. "right! my dream, my rules!" the stranger looked wide eyed and decided to let him do as he pleased. after all he was curious what the food was going to do anyway. the stranger never had more fun in his long life than this right now with this victim. the boy bit his lips, licked them over and let his hands roam over the strangers cold skin. he stretched out his tongue and trailed it on the body along. "u taste funny" kook noted and kept going. the creature enjoyed the touches, but kook got more and more aggressive. his teeth got into the work, his nails scratching the other. the creatures head came up to watch him better, only to fell back, when koooks wet tongue teased his tip. he moaned out and hissed loudly at kook. kook just looked up to meet his eyes and smiled with the cock in his mouth. with a plopp he released it again and smirked "i like how u react. give me some more" "your imagaination, not mine!" kook laughed out and came up very close to its face. he looked dangerous. "good that u remind me. your ass is mine tonight" the creatures face derailed in a funny way and just stared at the food. "wha...what?" he didnt had time, got turned around, the ass up in the air and kooks mouth and tongue deep inbetween. "uhhhhhaaaaa" the stranger managed to press out. kook had a firm grib onto the hips, so that the other couldnt move away. "wait...whaaaaa" the creature pleaded, but kook was to deep into it, lituarly.

the strangers sounds turned from pleading, threatning and begging to just letting out sounds. kook didnt gave him time to catch a breath nor to relax. he finger-tongued him untill he came, but didnt stopped for a second. the stranger was squirming under him and he liked that a lot. finally he let him go, the hips gave in and the proper plump ass fell down on the mattress. the stranger panted hard and moaned. kook stared at him, than to the very wet and moving hole, he inhaled deep and pushed his cock in. kook was right above on the strangers back and burried his teeth into the nape, when he thrusted faster and rougher by the second. the wines and screams of his work were the best imagination he ever had about the stranger. kook couldnt get enough nor stop. he was already beyond the line of reality and sanity. this was too real, this was too good. he had to do it again and again, there was no reason not to do it. finally after hours, both were too exhausted to move even a finger and fell asleep.

kook woke up with a headache and growled sat up in the bed. his knees up, his head leaned against them, his hand felt something cold besides him. shocked he looked and froze. kook took some minutes to get the situation. it wasnt a dream, it was real! kook lightly touched the body again, just to make sure. weird, he looked dead! he was ice cold! kook slipt closer and pressed his ear onto the strangers chest. no heartbeat, no breathing. frightend he started mouth to mouth respriation and heart massage! "come on! god! what have i done?" tears ran down his cheeks, he was desperate trying to resitate this man. his mind tried to figure out what had happen, what he had done to this stranger. suddenly the stranger opened his eyes. kook stopt and sat back on his knees. he cried hard.

the creature sat up and smiled. "interesting way to wake me up" "asshole! i thought i killed u!" he punshed the strangers chest. "ouch...sorry" he held the boy in his arms. "i look kinda dead when i sleep. sorry" kook sniffed and wiped his tears away. they looked at each other. "what are u?" "what u think?" "u cant be! they are not real!" "we fucked in the libary and nobody bothered us, i drank your blood" kook shrugged his shoulders. "besides that..." the creature chuckled. "i am taehyung. say tae" kook looked surprised. "oh yeah....tae" tae smiled wide and layed back. "what did i do yesterday?" "u fucked the life out of me, if i would still have one" he chuckled again. "how bad was it?" "it was great! amazing! i enjoyed every minute of it. but be aware that i will pay u back good!" he smirked. kooks face got red. "dont be shy! i never imagined u to be that dominant and demanding!" he grinned wide. he loved to tease this boy. "come lay down for a bit" tae tapped on the side. kook layed down and sighed. "my hips hurt" tae scoffed "what should i say?! u broke my bones!" "really???" "hmmm..." tae sighed. "sorry?" "interesting. u couldnt stop at all!" kook hid his face. tae laughed again. kook was sleepy. "what now? what we gonna do?" kook asked yawning. tae pulled him close. "lets talk later" "ok"

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