His Queen & My King Vkook

By RoseNight6523

142K 4.2K 715

Jeon Jungkook is an innocent little bunny, but not everything is what it seems. He and his siblings run the u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Happy Birthday Jungkook!!🎂🎂
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

6.2K 189 91
By RoseNight6523

A/n: Sigh..let the smut continue... (Hands holy water to y'all because i care.) 

No one Pov

Taehyung then started to kiss down on Jungkook's nipples, sucking on one of them and playing with the other. "Ahh..daddy.." Jungkook moaned out, feeling sensitive from it. Taehyung then took off Jungkook's pants, still leaving hickeys on him, he told Jungkook to suck on his fingers, which Jungkook did. 

After that Taehyung kissed him and aligned one of his fingers in his baby entrance, "I'm going to prep you okay baby?" Taehyung said, making Jungkook nod his head. Taehyung pushed his finger in making Jungkook a moaning mess, "Nng..daddy." He whimpered out.

Taehyung kissed his tears away, "It's going to be okay baby." He said and started to thrust his finger in and out fast making Jungkook moan louder. Taehyung then put a second finger in scissoring him, "Ahh! Daddy!" Jungkook yelled. 

Taehyung then put a third finger in, trying to be gentle with Jungkook, since it was his first time. "Ahh, daddy it's so big!" Jungkook moaned and squirmed a little. Taehyung honestly loved the way Jungkook was right now, he then touched a certain part making Jungkook moan louder.

"Found it" Was all he said before taking his fingers out of Jungkook, making him whine at the lost contact. "Patience baby." Taehyung said, grabbing a condom and lube from the drawer. 

He tore the condom and slipped it on, then covering his length with lube. "Tell me when you want to stop okay baby." He said aligning his length to Jungkook's entrance. Jungkook nodded, "Please daddy, I want you." right now, Jungkook just wanted Taehyung in him.

Taehyung slowly pushed his member in, Jungkook moaned out and was in tears, because it hurt so much. Taehyung groaned at how tight Jungkook was, after having himself all the way in, he waited until Jungkook was adjusted to his size. "You can move now daddy." Jungkook said, letting Taehyung know that it was okay to move. Taehyung thrusted in and out slowly, making Jungkook moan and whimper a lot.

After a few more gentle thrusts Jungkook moaned out, "Faster daddy." That was all it took for Taehyung to go faster. Taehyung went faster making both of them a moaning mess, Jungkook hugged Taehyung back scratching it from pleasure. "Damn, baby boy you are taking me in so well." Taehyung said thrusting in and out of Jungkook, "Ahh! Daddy!" Jungkook screamed when Taehyung hit a certain part.

Taehyung kept abusing that part, making Jungkook moan even louder, moaning his name so loud that the neighbors know who is doing him right. Jungkook then felt a knot, "D-daddy... Im.." He said, "Cum for me baby" Taehyung said. Jungkook came and After a few more thrusts Taehyung came as well. 

Taehyung pulled out and threw the condom in the trash can. Both of them were too tired to wash up and put clothes on so they just went to sleep naked. "Night daddy I love you" Jungkook said, "Night baby, Love you too." Taehyung kissed his head. Both of them cuddled and drifted off to sleep.


Taehyung Pov

I woke up feeling energetic, then I saw my baby boy sleeping next to me, I remembered what happened last night and smiled at it. I carefully got off the bed and went to take a shower. I got dressed and went to go get him a painkiller pill with water. I walked upstairs back into my room, he was still sleeping, luckily it was the weekend, so no school for us.

However, I still have to go take care of things in the company. As much as I don't want to wake him up, I have to, "baby, wake up." I said shaking him a little. He stirred a bit before waking up, "Morning baby, Take these." I said giving him the pills. "Why do I.." he asked sitting up, but laying back down in pain. I put the pills and water on the nightstand and helped him up. 

"Sorry baby, I went a little too rough on you" I said kissing his head, "It's okay hyung....I liked it.." He said shyly covering himself with the covers. I chuckled giving him the pills and water. He drank it, "Hyung do you have to go somewhere?" he asked me, "Yeah, now come on. Let's get you in a bathtub." I said carrying him to the bathroom.

"Do you want the strawberry bath bomb or Vanilla?" I asked him, starting his bath. He giggled and said, "The strawberry one hyung." I nodded and put him in with the bathbomb. "Alright i'm gonna go make us breakfast okay love?" I said to him and left to make us some sort of breakfast. I love homemade food, but I don't know how to cook that well.

Jungkook Pov

I got out of the bathtub, feeling less pain and putting on the clothes that Taehyung lent me. After changing, I smelled something burning, so I ran down stairs and yelled for Taehyung, "Taehyung, what is going on!?" I opened the window to let the smoke out, then ran back to the kitchen to see burnt eggs and Taehyung who was coughing.

I opened the venting, "Baby,you don't know how to cook do you?" I asked him, getting him out of there. He pouted and nodded, I smiled at him, "How about we go out to eat at a nearby cafe hmm?" I asked him, patting his back. "Okay.." he said sadly, I chuckled at him and went to get his tie, briefcase and my phone from upstairs.

After getting those things, we headed out to a nearby cafe. Of course Taehyung drove us there though, so we went inside and ordered our food. While waiting I decided to ask him why he was cooking in the first place, "I want to make you breakfast, but then Namjoon hyung called me and well...you know what happened next." he said, pouting.

I chuckled at him and held his hand, "It's okay hyung I appreciate you trying, but next time leave the cooking to me okay?" I said to him. He pouted, looking down and nodded. This boy will be the death of me, I walked over to his side and gave him a kiss.

"Stop pouting or else I will be forced to kiss it away." I said, he chuckled and pecked my lips, I went back to my seat, "Hyung do you have something to do at your company?" I asked him.

"Yeah, a meeting about the upcoming collaboration between me and the Twice company." He said, eating the pancakes he ordered. I hummed in understanding, we finished our breakfast and went straight to Taehyung's new work office.

He told me before that him and his father had combined their companies into one. He parked the car and we headed inside, many of the employees had greeted us.

"Mr. Kim, Ms. Chou is waiting for you in the meeting room." A woman said, probably his secretary. "Alright, thank you Ms. Choi. Please take Jeon Jungkook here to my office." Taetae said, she nodded her head and Taehyung had left us alone. She showed me to his office, "Here you go Mr. Jeon." She said. I thanked her and sat on the couch. I thought that she left the room because the door shutting closes, but when I looked up she was right in front of me.

"Uh..umm...can I help you with something?" I asked her, confused as to why she is still here. She walked closer to me, "Umm..miss.." I said nervously, because she is creepy! "Mr. Jeon, has anyone told you that you look handsome?" She asked me, very close to my face, too close for my comfort.  

I stood up and backed away from her, "Umm...Well yeah many have told me that." I said uncomfortably. She walked towards me, while I took a step back, this witch needs to back the fudge up.

"Oh, well they aren't lying. How about we have some fun hmm?" She said put her disgusting hands on my chest. I looked at her in disgust, and slapped her hand away, "No, I have a boyfriend, you should get out of here before you lose this job of yours." I said to her. "Oh come on Mr. Jeon, why not try me hmm? I can make you go straight~" she said, getting closer to me. (He is wearing Taehyungs Clothes not girl clothes.)

I looked at her seriously, "No, now go back to your work Ms. Choi. Before my boyfriend gets mad and you won't have a job." I said to her pushing her away from me. "Oh yeah? Who is your boyfriend hmm?" she asked, crossing her arms. I pointed towards the door smirking, she then turned to see a very angry Taehyung at the door.

"Ms. Choi what are you doing to MY boyfriend?" He said angrily, I held in my laugh because of the terrified look on her face. "I..Umm..Mr. Kim..." she stuttered out, he walked towards her, "GET OUT" He yelled. 

I flinched at that, I usually don't like it when someone yells out like that. She ran out of here and Taehyung went to his desk, hands on his head. I walked over to him, massaging his shoulders to calm him down.

"Calm down sweetheart." I said to him, kissing his cheek, he sighed and pulled me into his lap. "Why does everyone want to steal you away from me!" He whined while burying his face in my chest, I chuckled at his childlike behavior.

I pulled his face away from my chest and connected our foreheads, "Maybe because I'm handsome and have a lot of money, but I won't leave you my love." I said kissing him.

"Hmph, I want you all to myself." He said sighing, I laughed at his adorable behavior right now, "Awww.. I'm all yours handsome." I whisper in his ear. "And I'm all yours baby boy." He said to me. 

His voice was very low, making me shiver down my spine. "Alright, get to work now Mr. Kim." I said teasingly getting off his lap and onto the couch. I got out my laptop to do some work that my brother gave me to look into.

Taehyung pov

As I started to work, I kept glancing over at Jungkook to see him also working. "Babe, do you mind getting me coffee?" I asked him, He nodded his head and went to get me coffee, but before he left he told me, "Don't you dare look at my computer." I nodded my head and went back to work, after he left I got curious as to what he was doing on the computer.

I walked over and had a peak of what he was doing, when I saw what he was doing I chuckled a little bit. I went back to my desk before he came back, I can't believe he was watching Pororo. I thought he was doing some underground work.

I heard the door open, "Here you go Mr. Kim." He said in a low voice. I looked at him worried, "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked him, but no answer instead he ignored me and went back to the couch.

I sighed, putting down the coffee and going towards him, "Baby please speak to me." I said to him. He then clung on to me crying, "Shh, baby, what happened?" I asked him patting his back. He looked up, "Are..are you cheating on me?" He asked me. I furrowed my brows and looked at him shocked, "What? No why would you think that?" I asked him. He wiped his tears away and started to explain, 


Jungkook pov

I sighed at Taehyung's request, I was in the middle of watching Pororo's newest episode. I got to the lounge room and went to make him coffee. As I was about to finish up, someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around to see a man around his 20's standing behind me. "Oh I'm sorry." I said thinking he wanted to make some coffee for himself. When I got out of his way, he grabbed me and slamed me towards the wall.

I whimpered at the sudden tackle, "What was that for!?" I yelled at him, He looked at me, "Why you, you aren't even pretty, you are just an ugly duckling. Why did he pick you!?" He yelled at me. I was so confused as to what was going on. "What are you talking about!? Let me go!" I said squirming around breaking free from his grip.

"WHY YOU! I was his favorite toy, and when I thought he would love me, You showed up!" He yelled at me. Now I was getting the picture, he was talking about Taehyung, "What do you mean by his favorite toy!?" I asked him, already getting pissed off.

"He use to have sex with me, I bet I can pleasure him way better than you." He said, smirking. That was the last straw, I punched him in the face and yelled, "Never talk to me like that again you bitch! He is mine, stay away from him if you want to be alive, get it!" I took the coffee and left.

~End of flashback~

Taehyung Pov

After he explained the situation, I finally understood why he asked that. It's true that I would use someone for that purpose, but After meeting Jungkook, I stopped that. "Baby, I admit I would do that, but after meeting you, I stopped that. The only person I love is you Jungkook." I said, caressing his face. I didn't want to see him crying because of me, it hurts too much.

"P-promise??" He asked me, I nodded my head and hugged him tightly, "I promise baby." I said to him, I love him too much to let him go. After a while, I heard soft snores, I looked down to see that he had fallen asleep. I chuckled and laid him down, I went to my closet and grabbed a blanket to cover him. Now that he is comfortable, I have to deal with whoever made my baby cry.

"Ms. Choi, please send Namjoon in here." I paged my secretary. After doing some paperwork and replying back to some emails Namjoon hyung came in. "Something wrong Mr. Kim?" He asked me, I chuckled at him, "Hyung you know you are one of the only ones that can call me by name right?" I said to him. He laughed, "I know but ever since you merge the companies together, we have to be on the DL." He said patting my back.

"Anyways, I need you to look at the CCTV, because someone had the audacity to make my bunny cry and think bad of me." I told him. He nodded his head and took out his tablet, I have no idea where he got that from but okay. 

He then showed me the footage, It was Bogum hyung, REALLY! I sighed heavily out of frustration, "Can't believe he did that." Namjoon hyung said, I couldn't either, nor could I believe that my bunny cursed, but I guess he was super pissed off.

Yeah we had a fling, but he was nothing to me then a fuck buddy and friend. I stopped that relationship with him after I met Jungkook, I even told him off. "Get him in here now!" I yelled in a low voice, so I didn't wake up my nochu.

When he left my office, I picked up my bunny carefully, not to wake him up and went to the spare room I have for when I have to stay here. I placed him on the bed tucking him in and kissing his forehead.

I closed the door softly, then returned to my desk to do some more work. I then heard a knock on my door, "Come in" I said, I looked at the door to see Bogum hyung. "You wanted to see me Taehyung?" he asked me, smiling. I looked at him with a blank face, "Why did you hurt my bunny!?" I asked him, his smile faded, "Because I wanted him to know his place." he answered.

I stood up and walked right up to him, I slapped him in his face, "Never ever do that to my bunny again! Because of you he thought badly of me! Get out of here, you are not needed here." I told him, turning away going back to my desk. He gripped my suit, "Why tae! Why him! I am so much better than him! We have been friends for freaking 5 years! And I've loved you in those 5 years!" He yelled.

I turn towards him, "I don't care. My heart belongs to him. Get out of my office, and never come into my life again" I said pushing him. He then eyed the door where my bunny was standing there with a blanket wrapped around his body. 

"Why are you screaming?" He asked, yawning cutely. I held in my coo and walked towards him smiling. "Sorry bunny go back inside, I will be right there okay." I told him, he nodded and went back inside.

After he got in I turned towards Bogum, "Now leave." I told him, pushing him out the door. I slammed the door shut and walked back to my bunny, when I opened the door I saw my bunny playing with the handcuffs. "Baby what are you doing?" I asked him, walking towards the bed.

He looked at me then showed me the handcuffs, "Hyung why do you have fluffy handcuffs?" he asked me. I felt my face heated, "Umm...that's a surprise for another time bunny, come on let's go eat dinner with the rest of the hyungs." I said grabbing the handcuffs and throwing it back into the drawers.

"Aww, okay hyungie." he said, running out of the room, me and my dirty mind kept imagining him in those moaning and whimpering. Fuck im hard now, "Baby, wait there okay I need to take care of something." I told him before going to the bathroom.

No one pov

Jungkook was waiting for Taehyung to get out of the bedroom, but he wasn't coming out. So he went back into the bedroom to see that Taehyung wasn't in there. He then heard groans from the bathroom, he walked towards the door and listened in. "Fuck, Jungkook your so tight" He heard Taehyung moan out. He blushed at that, but he didn't want Taehyung to pleasure himself.

He knocked on the door and asked, "Taehyung? Are you okay?" Taehyung didn't answer him, so he handled the knob and twisted it to open it. When he opened it, Taehyung was looking at him darkly, not a moment of hesitation he smashed his lips onto Jungkooks making the younger whimper. The kiss was rough and sloppy, but it was full of love. Taehyung patted the younger's butt, signalling him to jump which he did.

Taehyung carried the younger to the bed not breaking the kiss. He threw the younger on the bed and hover over him, "You really want to find out what those handcuffs are for baby boy" he asked Jungkook, who nodded.

(And this is where I stop, use your imagination because I feel too awkward already. Even writing the smut at the beginning of this chapter was sooo awkward) 

They were both panting, "That was amazing baby." Taehyung said cuddling his baby bunny, luckily the room was soundproof so that was good. "Hyungie, we should go before we make the hyungs mad." Jungkook said, still trying to breathe. 

Taehyung lifted Jungkook to the bathroom so that they could wash up. Taehyung had spare clothes for them, he helped Jungkook change and then carried him all the way to the car.

"H-hyung...you didn't have to carry me..." Jungkook said burying his face into Taehyung's neck not wanting to see peoples faces. Taehyung chuckled, they arrived at the car, Taehyung opened the passenger seat and gently placed Jungkook down. It was 6:30 pm when he fired Bogum and they started to you know what, but now it's 7:15 pm. During the ride to the restaurant, Jungkook had texted the others what restaurant they were going to.

After arriving at the restaurant Taehyung asked, "Are you gonna be okay walking?" Jungkook nodded his head and got out of the car. They walked in, the hostess went right up to them, "Do you have reservations?" she asked, "Under Kim Taehyung, the others will join shortly." Taehyung said. The hostess guided them to a private room, they were seated and ordered water.

"Hyungie, are you sure it's safe to eat here?" Jungkook asked, remembering about what happened last time. He has been so scared since then, he didn't want Taehyung to lose his memory again. Taehyung chuckled, "Don't worry, Jin hyung owns this restaurant." he said, petting Jungkook on the head.

Even if he said that, Jungkook will make sure that the food is safe to eat for everyone. After 30 minutes everyone had arrived, "Kookie, I miss you. How is my son hmm?" Jin asked him, hugging him. 

Taehyung was sighing in relief that Jin couldn't see the hickeys on Jungkooks next since he would be dead. "Im fine Jin hyung." Jungkook said hugging him back.

The food came in and Jungkook asked them if he could smell the food before eating, they were so confused but let him. After Jungkook confirmed that it was safe to eat, they started to devour the meal. None of them ate their lunch since they were gonna eat a lot tonight, hang out and eat more. "So we should all go to my family's beach house this saturday if everyone is free." Jimin said

The others agreed and planned everything out before Jungkook's phone rang. He excused himself,

Hello who is this?




Jungkook was about to end the call until a voice came out.

You sound so pretty baby that I was left speechless.

Jungkook shivered at this creep.

Sorry I don't know who you are, so i'm hanging up now.

Don't do that baby boy. You will know who I am later on.

I'm sorry I'm not your baby boy.

Well not now but soon. See you~

With that the call ended, Jungkook went back inside with a frown because of that call. "Hey bunny what's wrong?" Taehyung asked, but the younger just slumped in his chair looking down. Everyone paid attention to the young one who sighed before looking up, "Nothing is wrong, Just a random number claiming I was his baby boy even though I have you hyung." 

Jungkook pouted, then sat on Taehyung's lap nuzzling up against his chest, sighing. Taehyung held him tight patting his back, "It's okay kookie no one will take you away from me." he said, but knowing this info Taehyung was not happy. He was frustrated as to why everyone wants to take his bunny away from him.

After a while Taehyung heard some soft snores coming from the boy, so he lifted Jungkook up and said goodbye to his hyungs. Taehyung started to drive them back home, when he pulled into the parking lot Jungkook had woken up. "Hyung where are we?" he asked sleepily. Taehyung chuckled, "We are at home bunny, come on." he said before both of them got out.

They walked in, Jungkook immediately ran to the room to change his clothes, Taehyung chuckled and went to the guest room to shower. After showering he went back to his room to see Jungkook already in bed. 

Taehyung pov

When i walked into the room, i was greeted with a nice surprise by my little nochu. 

I licked my lips and walked over to him, "Come on hyung let's sleep." he said to me giggling, putting the book down on the stand. I hovered over him, "I don't think so baby." I said before smashing our lips together. I guided my hands throughout his soft body, today was bliss for me.

(A/n: Bitch calm your horny ass down. Taehyung your bunny won't walk anymore.)

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