Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:...

By MeadowSchmitz

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The turtle's lives will be more challenging when Mei Pieh Chi, Larota, Talena, and Amoly's life suddenly turn... More

Master Chung I
Mei Pieh Chi (Venus De Milo)
Larota I
Talena I
Amoly I
Master Splinter
Leonardo Splinterson
Raphael Splinterson
Donatello Splinterson
Michelangelo Splinterson
April O'neil
Casey Jones
Yennefer of Vangerberg
Geralt Rivia
Korra Barnes
Sara Chi
Chaol Westfall
Catherine Halsey
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: The Return of the Dragons
Chapter 3: Warning Sign
Chapter 4: Master Chung I's Honor

Chapter 5: New Turtles in Town

1.2K 18 10
By MeadowSchmitz

Master Splinter frowned worryingly as he brought his consciousness back to the present. He opened his eyes to find his sons Leonardo and Donatello sparing with their weapons. Splinter sighed heavily and the pair both stopped and locked their eyes on their sensei. "What is it Master Splinter?" Leonardo asked moving towards the old rat. His father had been meditating for a while, and he could see the trouble in his eyes. "Ahh, my son, I am not too sure myself. A great evil has just been committed, and I know not how to act upon it." Master Splinter said "What happened?" Leo asked." Master Splinter looked at his son thoughtfully before answering. He must still keep Chung I's promise but knew he would need help in solving the mystery around his daughters."An old friend of mine has just been brutally murdered." Both the turtles gasped before their master held up his hand to silence them. "I have known him for many years, although you do not know of him. His death held no honour, and the one who committed it is surely a coward. But in his passing, he leaves something extremely precious, something I promised to keep them safe should the worst happen." "What is it?" Donatello asked, curiosity etched in his face. "I'm afraid I cannot tell you my son, for I also promised to keep it secret until the time is right." he said."Alright," Leonardo began. "Then where are they?" he asked."That I do not know. I had expected them to still be in my friend's home, but I could not sense them when he showed the destruction that littered through it." he said."When he 'showed' you? But Sensei, you haven't left the dojo all morning." Donnie comment."I didn't have to, Donatello. I met my friend through dream walking, an art I have repeatedly tried to teach you." Donatello lowered his head slightly in shame as his father continued. "Through this, we are able to link mentally, and see the other's surroundings. But as I said, when he did open a link, I could not sense any presence of these precious objects. Yet one thing remains clear," the rat continued, standing now. "These objects must be found before they can be harmed or used in any way. One of them is powerful but some of them are not, and there are many who would seek to exploit it." he said. "Then what shall we do sensei?" Leonardo asked, confusion tinting his features. He knew his father was deeply troubled by this event, and felt responsible for these 'objects' in question. He wished he could know what they were, but respected his father's promise. 'He will tell us when he believes it is time to do so.' Leonardo assured himself. Master Splinter looked at his son, appreciating the worry he felt for him."For now, I must meditate further to discover what exactly has happened and go over any details I may have missed. The pair of you can bring your brothers up to speed on these events. Then we shall all be ready for whatever we may have to face in the near future." he state. With that, the rat made his way to his room, but not before Leonardo asked the burning question:"Sensei, your friend, who was he?" Splinter sighed sadly before turning to face his sons. They both saw the grief in his face, and Leo almost wished he hadn't asked."He was a great Chinese shaman of the noble Shinobi clan, once in the service of the Daimyo himself. I have known him for many years; his passing is a great loss. I can only hope to honor his memory by finding these objects and keep them safe." He bowed to his sons, who returned their respect, and entered his room, a single tear running down his cheek.

The girls arrived at the airport parked their cars in the plane, they turned off their engines and they got out shutting their car doors behind them.

They looked out and saw Chaol outside the back of the plane along with Yennefer, Korra, Catherine, and Geralt.

They walked in the plane, standing in front of them." Don't worry, girls, we'll give you contact if anything happens here." Korra said.

" I'll take care of your home while you four are gone... And take care of yourselves." Yennefer said.

Geralt, Chaol, and Catherine nod their heads to them.

The girls nodded back to their friends, Mei Pieh Chi hugged Yennefer/Geralt, Larota hugged Korra/Chaol, Talena hugged Catherine, and Amoly hugged them all.

They said their farewell to each other then they're friends got off the plane.

The back of the plane closed as the girls watched it closed as if they would never see their friends again.

Master Splinter was back into reality' They are coming.' he thought standing up heading out of the chamber seeing his sons having a conversation.

"So what's a Shinobi anyway?" Donatello and Leonardo had just finished telling their brothers what Master Splinter had told them about his friend, and Michelangelo sat rather stunned and confused."Well, technically, Shinobi is another word for ninja," Leo began, pacing behind the sofa in the center of the room. "But the Shinobi are also an ancient clan of far eastern shamans." Mike frowned. Leo sighed. "Magicians. Sorcerers that can control the elements and such.""Wait, a clan?" Raphael queried. "There are other magicians?"

"Yes, for thousands of years. History suggests that samurais and shamans used to work together in harmony, both answering to the rule of the region's daimyo."

"But what about Ninja's?"

"Well, ninjas don't exactly have the best track record," Leonardo smiled. "They used to be trained solely as assassins. It wasn't until the daimyo's began to unite in peace that the art was learned for self defence and battle, like the samurais. But many still consider ninjitsu as 'dangerous', due to the fundamental lessons of disguise and deception." Leo state."How do you know this and I don't?" Donatello suddenly asked, annoyance clear on his face."You do know this; Master Splinter has told us all this loads of time. But you guys just never listen." Leo smiled again as he heard Raphael mutter "Splinter junior" under his breath. Michelangelo leaned back on the sofa, slightly awestruck. "Whoa, so Splinter was friends with a wizard." Mikey asked."Shaman." Donnie corrected, setting himself on his chair by the computer. "And yes, it would appear so." Donnie said."Why do you think he never introduced us to him, or better yet, mention him?" Raph asked, clearly a little hurt by the secret."I think it has something to do with the things that Master Splinter has to find," Leo suggested, leaning against a wall pillar. "But the real question is, what is it?" Leo asked rubbing his chin.

April was walking on her way home with her cell phone on her ear talking to her husband, Casey Jones who worries too much about her" Casey, I told you I'm fine, I'm on my way home." she confronted walking on the sidewalks." Alright, Arpil, just be careful." he replied with a little worry." I will." she answered.

She ended the call putting the cell phone in her pocket, she kept her focus back on the sidewalks and the streets suddenly she heard a bang from the ally then she heard a woman's voice." Please I didn't do anything wrong." a women's said April looked at the ally ways corner, her eyes winded seeing some kind of form dragons along with them were men wearing all black clothes with their weapons out." We know you still have the scroll, our boys tried to get the other night!" April was listening to the conversation with the mysterious dragons along with the strangers that were wearing all black..." So, where is it?" the dragon asked with his eyes glowing red, the woman was frightened while shivering leaning on the corner of the wall." I already told you, I don't have it." she confronts the dragons pointed their weapon at her throat.

" Leave her alone!!" the dragons and the cloaked strangers turned to the person who shouted, April stood there on guard in a defensive way with her arms out in front of her." This has nothing to do with you girl!" the cloaked stranger pointed his sword at her." Just let her go first or else." April confronted standing straight with her fist out." Enough talk, let's play with this woman." the dragons went up to her and started to attack her but they missed when April tucked and rolled then kicked them behind making them fall forward smashing their face on the ground.

What neither of them didn't know was that they were being watched by four figures on the rooftop watching April taking out two dragons one of them was impressed by her skills but what April didn't know was that she was about to be knocked out by the strangers when four figures dropped down from the rooftops, she turned around to see who saved her she had a relief smile on her face figuring out that it was the turtles she knows but it wasn't, she turned around heading up to the woman who was laying on the ground shaking with a shiver, April took out her hand for the woman to grab and she took it heading out of the ally taking her to safety.

Once they were gone the girls took care of the dragons and the strangers, it took them a shorter amount of time to take them all out. One of the dragons stood back up about to slash Amoly until he was knocked out behind with a Kama. The girls looked at each one of them with frowns on their faces." Where is he!" Larota confronted holding them up to her level with her fist up in the air ready to punch him." That's enough, Larota." Pieh Chi stopped her before she could finish him off, Larota looked at her sister and signed in defeat dropping him on the ground." I'm not done with you yet..." Larota commented with a tough tongue." Not after what you all did to Master Chung I, you're all gonna pay!" she threatened him the dragon chuckled" What's so funny?" Talena asked with her bo staff out holding it tightly in front of her." You poor stupid girls think you have a chance to defeat us, well you thought wrong. You all don't stand a chance." he laughed with his eyes glowing red, Larota was losing herself.

She was about to punch him but she was stopped by a magical force field she looked up and saw Pieh Chi with her hands out glowing, she shook her head, Larota signed again with a nod so Pieh Chi pulled her hand down releasing her hand. The dragon looked at her' She's a shinobi as well!?' he thought in shock he was about to get away till he was stepped on behind him he looked behind him." You're not going anywhere until you tell us where he is!!" Larota threatened still stepping on his back but harder he growled turning his head to her." You'll get nothing from me." he replied Larota and the others looked at Pieh Chi coming up with a plan of what they should do with him and they know one way of getting him to talk.

April was still on the run to take the woman to safety once they were out of there April turned around to see if any of those dragons or cloaked people were following them but none of them were. She turned her attention back to the woman who was still scared, she put her hands on both of her arms" Are you ok?" she asked worried checking on her. Seeing that she had no marks or scratches the woman is alright" Y-yes, thank you." she thanked April suggested that she should get out of there and the woman agreed and called a taxi for her but April did not go with her and decided to go back at the ally.

When she got there the ally was clear there was nobody in sight.' Was it really the guys?' she thought remembering back while she was fighting the dragons then the four shadow figures came down from the roof and attacked the dragons.' or maybe it was just me?' she thought putting her hand on her chin and rubbing it.

Master Splinter opened his eyes" They're here!" he said standing up hearing his sons having a conversation."My sons," Master Splinter's voice suddenly cut through the developing tension, causing all five to twist and stare at him. Leo went up to his side.

"Sensei, how are you feeling?" Leonardo asked."Fine, Leonardo, although I was not sick. Just deep in thought." Master Splinter answered."And have you come across anything new?" Leo asked again."Yes, the voice that spoke to Chung I, I recognise it, although I know not where from or when." Master Splinter replied."So what will you do now?" Leo wondered."I believe that some fresh air and exercise are in order. I shall accompany you on your investigation tonight." Master Splinter suggested. The news surprised the turtles, and Leo tensed, knowing that he was going to have to be extra alert. He loved his father dearly, but felt his duty as his chosen leader meant he had to keep an extra eye on him. When he joined them on their missions, he was another loved one to worry about.

The city air was cold in the early spring night, the girls took the dragon to get him to talk about the dragonlords plan but he still refused to talk Larota was getting impatient and was about to knock some sense into him but Mei Pieh Chi still refused." We'll ask again, what is the dragonlord's plan!?" Larota's voice sounded like venom ready to put him out of his misery." And like I said before you'll get nothing from me!!!" the dragon solider replied then he turned his eyes at the other edge of the building seeing one of his dragons, he nod his head then they disappeared.

" What are you looking at?" Amoly asked with her arms on her hips seeing his eyes had turned up. Then he laughed the girls were confused about what he was laughing about." What's so funny?" Talena asked confusing them more." You'll see." he began laughing again, Mei Pieh Chi sensed a knife heading straight towards Larota she grabbed it quickly before it could slice her head" What the-" Amoly comment then was cut off when all 10 the dragons came out of the bloom." Attack!" shouted the comand dragon, the dragon which the girls kept hostage disappeared out of Larota's grasp." What!?" she shouted getting angry and frustrated she turned around facing the dragons clenching her fist, the dragons ran up to them with their spears and swords in the air about to strike but suddenly the girls fade away in the shadows they all looked around confused, one of the dragons said." where are you, cowards!!" he kept turning trying to search for them but still couldn't find them until one of the dragons were being twirl tied up with a pink ribbon with a chuck at the end, they all looked at him then he was pulled back shouting three of them went after him while the other six stayed behind till Larota kicked one of them away from behind without notice then she round house kicked them in the face sending him to the ground kocking him out cold.

Talena came out spinning her bo staff hitting them up in the face and then at the chest one of them was about to burn her from behind, Pieh Chi looked behind seeing that Talena was about to get burned she got out her tenssen's sending it at his head, he dodged it letting it fly back to her, she grabbed it stealthy before it could fly off, the dragon glared at her with fury." You're going down, sweetheart." he said pointing his spear at her, Pieh Chi smirked." I doubt it." she replied standing straight getting out her other tessen then he attacked heading straight towards her.

Amoly was dealing with the other one, she rapped him around his waist spinning him around." It looks like someone hasn't done any ribbon dance lesson for centuries, better than me anyway." she said giggling then she stopped him from spinning to let his eyes stop spinning around like crazy but his eyes couldn't stop so Amy came up with an idea." Ohhh, looks like someone is about to pass out." she laughed as she spin her ribbon again then swung it up hight in the air for her chuck to be able to hit his head then "Bang!" it hit him right where she wanted it to hit him.

Once the commander dragon and his crew were finished they all were lying on the ground helpless and unable to get up the commander growled at the four." This isn't over girls!!! You four will perish just like your master!!" he shouted then the smoke came blinding the girls, they covered themselves while they coughed, when it was cleared they breath again then opened their eyes seeing the dragons were gone." Don't worry girls, we'll find them and make their master pay for what he did to Master Chung I, that's a promise." Pieh Chi promised they nod their heads, Larota ran over to the next roof along with Talena, and Amoly, but Mei Pieh Chi looked up at the sky seeing the stars out' I promise Chung I, we will have our revenge to avenge your death' she made a swore promise then ran to catch up with her sisters.

Leo, Raph, Don, Mikey, and Master Splinter spread themselves out on the roof in case of any action but there was still nothing but Master Splinter knows that the girls are in New York City somewhere. The guys didn't need telling twice. They could remember it all too clearly. The three guys then made their way to the roof of the opposite building and looked out over Chinatown. Nothing. Nothing at all. Until Master Splinter sensed something that was getting close." Master Splinter. What is it?" Leonardo asked, seeing his father tense for a moment." We are not alone." Master Splinter replied all four brothers looked around and see nothing" I don't get it, there's no one here but us sensei?" Mikey said then suddenly a voice was heard they all turned to the voice getting out their weapons." That's what you think, turtle." then the dragon with armor and horns appeared in front of all of them along with his 18 army of dragons that were holding spears and swords behind their backs." We meet again, ninja rat." he said with the smirk on his face while his red eyes were glowing." Who the shell, are you!?" Raphael asked furiously with his sai's out ready to fight but Splinter told him to stand down." You, had your followers to complete the encantation spell, to realse you and your army to return to the real world to get your revenge on the shinobi clan, as you did to Chung I." he confronts the dragonlord, he growled." Revenge is sweet and vengeance shall be mine, once I finish you ninja rat." he threatened the boys stood by their father and master" You are not touching, Master Splinter." Leo confront standing by him with his swords drawn out." Dragons attack!." then the first battle begin with Master Splinter and his sons.

Although they missed rural China deeply, the twinkling lights made the city a beautiful sight, as if stars shone up to the sky rather than from it. Mei Pieh Chi's team wasn't going too far spreading themselves out only a couple of buildings away. Then they stopped in the middle of Chinatown, They attempted to find the safety Chung I had mentioned before he died. But their honor to their duty kept them still. Suddenly Mei Pieh Chi had heard the clash of metal and thud of wood getting ever closer for hours it seemed, but now that it was all suddenly silent, all the girls looked at each other and nodded knowing what that meant. Suddenly there was a command yelled out, and Pieh Chi and her sisters followed as they quickly ran up to the roof. She stood in the centre of the group, and all she could above the sea, then they were shocked then froze as they comprehended what stood above them: Four large, anthropomorphic turtles! they gasped at what they were seeing."They look just like us!"."...this night shall be our night. We shall celebrate for years to come, the night of your demise." The dragonlord state."You talk too much!" A rough voice barked back in reply, but not from his brothers direction."This seems like a lot effort just to gain our attention!" Another voice yelled, lighter this time but still strong."Who cares Leo? I say we take down this whack-bag!" The former voice answered."Enough!" The Dragonlord barked. "I can assure you, none of you will leave here alive. Dragons, attack!" then the battle began again, and the girls looked at each one of them seeing them keep up a good fight." We have to help them." Taly suggested." What!? We don't know them!" Larota state." Yeah, but still they need help, we can't just let them do this alone." Amy comment. Mei Pieh Chi watched them closely to see if they were enemies until she caught a rat carrying a walking stick fighting off the dragons' Could it be him Master Chung I, told us about.' she thought then she was back to reality." We have to help them, now girls." she said they all looked at her but then she jumped over the roof heading straight to the fighting the girls followed after her.

" Gotta admit bros, they are very good." Mikey comments knocking the other out with his chuck." Quit commenting Mikey, and get real!" Raph shouted holding off the dragon with his sai round house kick in the face sending him falling on the ground then went off to the other one.

Master Splinter was dealing with the dragonlord fighting him off with his walking stick." You are no match for me ninja rat." he states then kicked him sending him to the wall one of the turtles wearing a purple mask suddenly came into view and attempted to attack him with his Bo staff but failed sending him away to the ground."Donnie, Master Splinter!" a rough voice yelled, and the red masked turtle came back into view, attacking the dragonlord fiercely but it was still no use of taking him down then he grabbed his leg throwing him away to the edge of the building then he went flying over." Raph, no! Raph!" Leo shouted ran over in fear and shock as he looked over the edge he was suddenly he was shocked to see what he was seeing a female turtle with red tied up bandana holding his brothers wrist with her kame in the wall holding them both, she looked down at him." Let's get you back up there, shall we." she committed has she threw him up high for him to be able to grab leo's hand, once he was back on the roof they looked back down then saw her gone." What the-" then they were cut off with the attack of the dragon sending them both to the ground, they both looked unpleased." See ya turtles." he was about to finish them till his spear was suddenly being tied with a pink ribbon with a chuck then his spear was pulled out of his hand he turned around and saw a female turtle with two braided pink." You ready to dance." she asked twirling her ribbon then he charged at her but she twirled her ribbon to his wrist and tied it then pull it up sending his fist to his face he did a funny look then fell down. She covered her mouth with her hand giggling." Amoly, focus!" The woman with the red twisted braid shouted punching the dragon's face knocking him out cold.

Master Splinter attacked the dragonlord this time and he dodged, catching his legs with a sweep of his. He landed on the ground, at his mercy heading to finish him off."Sensei!" The blue masked turtle cried out, looking over to his master whilst trying to hold off more dragons. The concern in his voice made Pieh Chi stop in her tracks kicking the other one away from her. The pain of having Chung I taken from her and her sisters flooded through her, causing her eyes to prickle.

She could never grant another being that suffering, especially not willingly. She went up and kicked the dragonlord away from him she turned to Master Splinter ledding out a hand for him to take and he took it." Are you all right?" she asked he nod his head." Yes. Mei Pieh Chi, I'm fine." Her eyes widened in shock. How did he know who she was?" How do you know my name?!" she asked looking at him with honesty." I'll explain later young one but for now we must help my sons and your sisters." he said she was even more shocked that Master Splinter know of her three sisters.

Every one of them was still fighting the dragons and Larota and Mei Pieh Chi went next to Master Splinter at his side glaring at the Dragonlord then Larota ran up to him." Larota! No!" Master Splinter shout with his hands out to her."You!" The Dragonlord roared, spinning her round before grabbing her by the neck and lifting her into the air." Get your hands off, my sister!" Talena shouted flying up high in the air for her bo staff to hit him around the head but he grabbed it and threw her back then he looked back at Larota still holding her neck and then throwing her into the midst of the battle. She landed on the ground, her shell making a cracking sound against the cement." Lara!" Pieh Chi shouts heading up to her and kneeling down to check seeing Larota groaning in pain.

Pieh Chi then focused her attention on the looming figure above her, She stood up straight, only to be kicked heavily in the stomach. She landed on her shoulder, but immediately began backing away from The Dragonlord, who never stopped moving. She felt something sharp beneath her hand and realized it was his sword. As the Dragonlord brought his sword down, she raised her tessen, causing the air to ripple with the clang of metal from his chest. He repeated his move, as did she and she managed to push him back slightly, giving her time to stand. She positioned herself on the defensive, the Dragonlord in the attack. He roared." This will be your end Shinobi!"

Her sisters looked up wide eye seeing their older sister about to be slaughtered by their most hated enemy.

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