Truly, Madly, Deeply ↨ Sequel...

By butterfliess

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Truly, Madly, Deeply ↨ Sequel to "Your Everything" ↨ Niam Horayne Collab
Chapter One - Engaged
Chapter Two - Telling Liam's Dad & More Singing
Chapter Three - In Health... And In Sickness
Chapter Five - People Change
Chapter Six - A New Addition
Chapter Seven - Doubts
Chapter Eight - Worries & Nipping at Heels
Chapter Nine - Walking
Chapter Ten - Freaking Out
Chapter Eleven - Bachelor Party Doubts
Chapter Twelve - French toast
Chapter Thirteen - The Break-Down
Chapter Fourteen -- I See How It Is
Chapter Fifteen -- I'll Wait For You
Chapter Sixteen -- We've Come a Long Way
Chapter Seventeen -- The Wrong Reasons
Chapter Eighteen - Out
Chapter Nineteen - What Have I Done?
Chapter Twenty -- "Sad."
Chapter Twenty-One -- Beautiful Goodbye
Chapter Twenty-Two -- Making a Move
Twenty-Three -- Missing [YOU]
Chapter Twenty-Four -- Goodbye

Chapter Four - Lolwut?

1.2K 31 11
By butterfliess


Liam's POV

It was dark out... That was surprising. But, it was winter. It gets darker faster in winter. I shrugged it off and stepped into the schoolyard where Lou told me to meet him. I walked to the wall and ran my fingers against the bricks until I took a sharp corner.

I stopped immediately and rolled my eyes; as I turned the corner, I found Lou making out with some girl he'd pinned against the wall. She was in a big jacket (probably one of Lou's) and a huge, furry hat with the hood up over it, so I couldn't see who it was. What sort of annoyed me was Lou never told me he was inviting someone else to hang out.

I crossed my arms and tapped my foot against the ground, but he didn't see me. I coughed violently and loudly to get his attention and they glided apart. He stared at me sheepishly with his face flushed red.

"Oh, hi Liam." He said like nothing happened.

"So, who's your friend?" I walked closer and stopped in front of him. The girl was glaring at the other direction; I still couldn't see her face. "Come on, Lou." I sighed.

"Um..." He stammered. The girl turned around and I could finally see her face.

This was no girl. It was Harry.

"What the fuck, Lou." I said in the most serious tone I could.

"About that..." He started to say but I stopped him.

"Come on, Louis! I thought we were just gonna hang out for a while, and here I find you making out with Harry?! The boy who turned everyone against Niall and made his life hell? I thought you were my friend, Lou. I thought you were just as angry with him as I was for ruining Niall's life." 

"I'm sorry, Liam. You know that we've dated before, and... I... I guess this just sorta happened. I'm honestly sorry. But you should understand what it's like to love somebody. I figured out that despite what Harry's done, I love him. If anybody, you should be the person to know how this feels. Niall ruined your life before too, but you're engaged to him. People change... I love him. And, yes, this has been going on for a while. We were gonna tell you later... Believe me, I'd never do anything to hurt you - we're buds."

"Then why are you doing this? Especially behind my back?"


I stopped him. "I've nothing left to say to you, Louis. Bye." I said quietly and turned to leave. Yeah, sure, Niall did turn everyone against me when we were younger, and yeah, I am engaged to him now. Sure, people do change. But saying he'd never do anything to hurt me? Bullshit. He just did. How could he do this to Niall and I? He ruined Niall's life. 

I'll never forgive either of them. They're both backstabbers...


I opened the door and slammed it shut as hard as I could behind me. It woke Niall up and he sat up on the couch, breathing heavily like I just gave him a heart attack. I kicked my boots off and stomped up the stairs. I heard him following me; I tried to keep my cool. I wanted to be alone, but if I told him that I'd surely be saying it in a loud, angry voice, and that would definitely upset him. He followed me into our room and I just sat on the bed. He sat next to me with concerned eyes. I'd picked my phone up as I went upstairs and I'd already gotten a text from Lou.

Please forgive me, Liam. It read. I tossed my phone aside and Niall sighed.

"What's up, Liam?" He looked over at my glowing screen and frowned. "What's up with Lou?" 

"Hey, you remember Harry, how he ruined your life and all that shit?" 

"Yeah... Trying to forget him."

"Oh, well, I guess Lou and Harry are dating again. Behind our backs. I went to meet up with Lou and there they were, locking lips right before me. Fucking backstabbers... And he tries to tell me he'd never hurt me or you. Complete bullshit." 


I said nothing. We sat there in silence for a few moments.

"I'll never forgive Lou for this." I finally said.

"Liam... He's one of our best friends. He probably loves Harry just as much as I love you, and that's a lot. And remember? We were dating behind their backs. Since you've just told me, I know that they were kissing, but can't you give him another chance? He's supposed to help plan everything. I don't want to lose him as a friend over something like this, and I know you don't either."

"I don't know if I can give him another chance, Niall, that's the thing. Yeah, he's an awesome friend, but... Harry ruined your life."

"But he's also the one who fixed it."

"Wasn't I the one who fixed it?"

"I suppose, but he's the one who actually apologized and all of that. He could have easily said no and beat you up right back. It's not like he's weak." 

"I guess..." I sighed. Maybe I was being a bit too dramatic over this. Maybe I was overreacting. I breathed in heavily. I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Fine. But from now on, you have to be honest with both Niall and I about everything. You know, Lou, if you told us before I'd be less angry...

And before a minute even passed he texted back, Thanks, Liam. 

I said in reply, No probs, bro.

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