An Unexpected Seduction

By browney23

792K 34.3K 1K

Isabella Bradford is the only daughter of the impoverished Lord Bradford of Hertfordshire. She believes she... More

The Parker's Ball.
Knight in shining armour?
The Invitation
Turned upside down.
Carriage rides and ladies blushes.
A Walk to Remember.
The Inevitable.
The Unexpected.
A new start
Encounters after midnight.
The new governess.
The Dressmaker.
Return of the wanderer
Change is everywhere
An unforeseen visitor.
The Duke's Ball
The Dance
Secret Rendezvous.
Rising Tensions
Close encounters
The Dawn
Hidden Alcoves
Pathetic Fallacy
Encroaching Realisation
To be carefree..
Uncontrolled Response
A flurry of ponderings
Sonnets and heartstrings.
Flights of purpose
The past returned
Plots and plans
Familial Restoration
Altered paths.

The Journey

21.8K 901 7
By browney23

 The silence in the house was deafening as Isabella waited for Mary to return from delivering the letter. A letter that would ultimately decide the direction her life would take. Time passed excruciatingly slowly and Isabella tried to pull any optimism she had left from the precipice of doubt and fear.

She was pacing the floor of the breakfast room when Mary hurried in the door, visibly panting for breath. "I'm sorry for my long absence my lady, his Grace insisted I wait while he wrote his reply so as to return it to you forthwith". "Oh come Mary, I'm anxious to read his response" she said extending her shaking hand into which Mary placed one of the Dukes pristine white letters. 

Miss Bradford,

I was happy to receive your favourable response. As to your request for an external residence, although it is irregular, I can provide a house for you to live in on my lands. A carriage will collect you at 10 am in the morning to transport you to my estate. I am aware that this gives you very little notice but I would like you to be present when Emma arrives tomorrow.

The journey will take approximately 6 hours; I wish you a pleasant trip.


Alexander Kingsley.

 A formal tone still pervaded his letters and although it was to be expected it still felt strange after their previous encounters. She pushed these thoughts aside and ascended the stairs to finish her packing. When it was completed her mind wandered to Charlotte. She quickly penned a letter to her disclosing her move to Kent and said her goodbyes ending with - 

I hope we shall get the chance to see each other soon, and I'm sorry I won't be there for moral support during society events... I must admit that is something I will not miss. Miss Parker will no doubt be forsaken without my company though! (She added knowing Charlotte would sense the sarcasm) If you are ever in Kent please call to see me and make sure I'm not turning into a grumpy old governess like your old Mrs Shrewsbury!

I send every good wish your way Charlotte,

Your friend,


Exhausted at the day's events, Isabella slowly crawled into bed and let sleep overtake her. She awoke with a start as Mary knocked on the door informing her it was 8am. "Already?" Isabella responded groggily. She had slept for almost 12 hours she then realised and quickly jumped up before noticing she was still wearing yesterday's dress. "Blast" she exclaimed causing Mary to jump slightly "My lady are you alright?" she inquired a look of dismay evident on her features. "Yes sorry Mary, I'm just a little scattered that's all". "I have made some breakfast, its downstairs. Is there anything else you need before I leave?" sadness pervaded her eyes.

Isabella picked up two letters on her dressing table and handed them to her "Only just to deliver this letter to Charlotte, the other is your wages and a little extra to say thank you. I appreciate that you stayed until now- under the circumstances". "Thank you my lady!" she exclaimed "I will miss working for your family and it's just awful what has come to pass, maybe Kent will bring better fortune"  "I do hope so" Isabella replied smiling slightly. Mary left, and with that the house was empty, all except for her.

She changed her dress and readied herself for the day before descending the stairs, her footsteps now echoing. She ate little of what Mary prepared before waiting impatiently for the carriage to arrive. "Would he be in the carriage like last time?" she thought and her heart jumped thinking of spending 6 hours with him!

At 10 am on the dot Isabella was peeking out the window of the breakfast room when a carriage pulled up outside her front door. There was a loud knock and Isabella quickly made her way to the door on shaky legs. "Good day miss" a young man beamed at her as the door creaked open. He was dressed in a black uniform with the duke's crest embroidered in gold stitching on his lapel.

"His Grace has given me instructions to take you to his estate, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you onto his staff. He is a good boss to work for".  "Thank you ah.." she paused "call me Beasley" he imparted with an Irish lilt to his tone. " A pleasure to meet you" she responded before taking his outstretched hand, which she gingerly shook. This way of greeting was new to her, shaking hands had not been the norm in the ton after-all. "The carriage awaits ya miss, I'll get yer bags" he said before ascending the stairs. "Mines the room on the right" she called after him, a little perplexed.

She then walked into the fresh morning air and ascended the two steps into the carriage. It was empty and she exhaled- in relief or a little despondency she could not tell. Beasley returned with the bags and placed them in a compartment at the back of the carriage, he then took the seat beside the driver and it lurched forward into motion. Isabella stared out the small window to her right and watched the London facades pass her by.

Within two hours they had reached the countryside and the view changed to a more pleasing one- that of rolling hills and twinkling streams under sunlight. She sighed in happiness thinking she would once more be living in the country. The freedom of being out in nature was something she had missed since her father had uprooted them from Hertfordshire to the greyness of London. She now longed to be back among green fields and woodland. The Duke would most certainly have land for miles she imagined. Far more than they had ever had in Hertfordshire before her father sold it.

She was in deep thought when a rumble of thunder broke through them causing her to jump. Rain then began to pummel down onto the carriage as the heavens opened. She could hear a male voice shout "Blast this infernal weather". However, the carriage continued on and Isabella stared out at the darkening sky, a look of worry now etched on her face.

An hour had passed when there was a thud, the carriage then unexpectedly veered to right, coming to sudden halt. Isabella grabbed onto the seat to keep upright and within a couple of minutes the door was thrown open to reveal a very wet Mr Beasley. "Ah miss yer all righ..good...we have hit a bit of bother" he stated matter of factly. "The wheels come of ya see...the carriage skid and hit a rock!"

Isabella gasped "But not to worry miss there's an Inn about two mile down this road, we can take a horse and get ya some food while the wheels being fixed, Im sure your starvin" At that her stomach gave a loud growl and she smiled "Yes that sounds like an idea". One of the horses was then saddled and they made their way down the wet muddy road. Isabella clung onto Beasley's back while attempting to shield her face from the rain.

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