Where I Belong #Wattys2021

By _Christy97_

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Amelia's life is shattered when a tragedy befalls her. All she ever wanted to do was escape from her reality... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 4

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By _Christy97_

What usually awaits me when I pass through the school gates in the morning are the stares and watchful eyes. The hateful stares of the majority of the female population and their silent prayers to god to make the earth swallow me whole for always walking beside their so-called prince charming. And then there's those who stare at me trying to figure out why I'm still in their school. It's pretty much exhausting having to walk through all this and enter the classroom. But today my attention was elsewhere.
Ninnon, who was always early and seated in class ready for lessons to begin was standing a few feet away from me by the entrance. She seemed to be waiting for someone.

Today was the day of the most awaited school festival. Adrien left early which was a shock to the world, for final preparations. There has never been a festival which hasn't been praised by the public, so mistakes were not an option. Which is why the lazy bone is working hard.

I walk up to where Ninnon is. She looks my way and gives me a light wave.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and she raised a brow.

"Good morning to you too." She replies. I give her a sheepish smile which catches her off guard. Well, I can't blame her. It's not like I've been all sunshine and glory since I transferred.

It’s been two days since the incident with Ethan and Adrien. I stayed away from school afterward, unsure of how to face Ninnon, Pierre and Ethan. More importantly, I was unsure of myself. But now I suppose I was ready.

"I was waiting for a certain blockhead." She cuts through my train of thought. I stare at her confused.

"Since when do you and baseball head meet up and walk to class together?" Her eyes widen when she gets what I meant and slapped the side of my arm.

"Don't even joke about it. Who would stay for that cerveau d'oiseau? I was waiting for you. You!" She scoffs. Ninnon rarely used, no scratch that, she's never used French words when speaking to me. I guess I ticked her off.

"Ever since that day, you never came to school. As we never exchanged phone numbers, I had no way of contacting you to see if everything was alright. When I came to hand over your bag, it was Vice Prez's Mom who answered the door and told me regretfully that you were asleep. I've been waiting patiently for you to return." Ninnon says sighing. I give her an apologetic smile.

"Sorry about that Ninnon. I bailed on you that day, leaving you to handle all the work." I say. Ninnon and I had been in charge of filling a dozen balloons with water. My class is hosting a water balloon brawl booth. Where you have to hit a certain target with three balloons given to per person to win prizes. Or something of that sort.
While in the midst of filling the balloons, I started feeling sick with my thoughts clouded and left leaving Ninnon behind without a word.

"Yeah, you bailed on me as you put it. I kept waiting but you never returned. I looked everywhere possible, but I couldn't find you." She says to me as we start walking towards the school building. "So I went to the only person, I knew who could help me."

I stop and look at her curiously wondering who this person is. Would it be uncle Cam?

"The Vice prez." She finishes taking me by surprise.

Woah. What?

"I barged in on his meeting with the Student Council President and Secretary. When I told him you were nowhere in sight, the look on his face startled me, Amelia. A mix of worry, fear, and tension. I've never seen him so- so nervous. He just dashed out of the room and I followed him. I don't know when and how, or from where he appeared but when I looked behind me I saw Bird brain following us."

And just like how it happened the other day, Pierre appeared once again. He was skipping while waving eagerly at everyone he passed. He suddenly came to a halt when he was within eye reach and stared at Ninnon and me.

"Ameliaaaa!!!" he yells and dashed towards me with his arms wide open. Throwing them around me he engulfed me in a bear hug, while somehow managing to choke me to death. I'd rather slap him hard and kick him to the moon for his death assault, but today is different. I'm different. So I welcome his embrace. It's also pretty obvious he had missed me.

"Are you alright!?" he yells unaware of how close we are. I flinch at the loudness and throw him a glare. First, he tries to kill me and now he's planning to make me deaf. Some passing by students stared at us curiously.

"Yeah, why not yell and let the whole school know something had been wrong with me." I scowl. He gives me a playful grin. I groan at his childishness. This guy!

"In all my years here, I've never seen the school so lively," Pierre says as he looks around in awe. I'd been so occupied with baseball head and Ninnon, I hadn't glanced around. Sure enough, the school did look very much lively. You could definitely feel the brimming energy in the air. Students and teachers were scrambling about to put finishing touches to the stalls and booths. Food stalls aligned from midway of the entrance to the school building. Colorful flags, banners, and posters were hung up.

"Wow, all your life? You've been in school for what, like 60 years?" Ninnon scoffs at Pierre's stupidity. I ignore their bickering and continue staring at every single detail.

Adrien pops up in a distant. He was with a group of students who were talking to him in a rush while showing him some leaflets or a book or something. It's hard to tell from where I'm standing. No matter how much troublesome or delinquent-like Adrien looked, he was still looked up to and admired by the students. The Student Council President and the Secretary were with him.

Adrien's eyes meet mine, and unintentionally I stand up straight without slouching.

Woah what is with me?

He throws me an arrogant smirk. The jerk. Being the brat I am, I stick my tongue out at him. Wow, real mature Amelia. He stares dumbfound while the President chuckled clearly finding this amusing. He gives me a gentle smile but I look away. I'm not gonna smile at some stranger I barely know just cause he's the school idol and has a pretty face.
He seemed taken aback, surely not having expected this kind of a reaction. Clearly, no girl has ever done something like turn her face away when he smiles. Well sorry to burst your bubble dear Prez, but I’m no typical French girl who’d swoon at you.

The students who were with the Student Council members scurried away and the three of them walked our way. Adrien hits my head lightly with the book he’s holding.

“Morning girl who sleeps weirdly.” He says as he was passing me with amusement in his tone.

Weird? Why would he say that?


Oh, my fucking shit!

This morning when I woke, I found myself on the floor, with my legs still on the bed. My shirt was raised showing off a great deal of my stomach and my hair sprawled all over the place. Don’t tell me he actually saw my ridiculous sleeping position this morning!?

I stare at his back mortified. He turns back slightly and seems to understand I figured out what he meant. He holds back his laugh very painfully, wanting to burst out at any moment. My scowl deepens.

“Oh, and one more thing.” He says. What more could ruin my day? “My rolled omelets are Mia free today.” And he disappears out of sight along with the Prez and Secretary who also seemed like they wanted to laugh. I click my tongue in a very unladylike manner. I wasn’t able to sabotage his omelets today. Shit!

But what's going on? Why is he being extra friendly today?

“Well aren’t you two all lovey-dovey this morning.” A new voice enters. It was Ethan. Wait did he just use a cliché word as lovey-dovey?

And he just ruined my image of him being the cool type!


“Hey. Nice to see you again miss I-just-left-without-a-word.” He says, a smirk playing on his lips.

Seriously, what’s with guys and their smirks!?

I feel slightly guilty towards him more than Ninnon. I mean after everything, I just left with Adrien. Okay more like he dragged me away but still. Ethan deserved more than just a yell from Adrien and me walking away without turning back once.

“Can I talk to you?” I ask him and he gives me a nod. I ask Ninnon and Pierre to go straight to the class and I’d meet them there. Pierre clearly wanting to join the conversation left with a pout, while being pulled away by the blazer sleeve by Ninnon.

Ethan and I walk to the back of the school. The place wasn’t entirely empty but there were fewer students which was a relief. “So?” Ethan speaks up, pushing his hands into his pockets and staring at me.

“Ethan... I- I’m truly very sorry for leaving that day.”

“Well, you had no choice. That guy dragged you off,” he says with a shrug.

“Yeah, but still. I feel guilty. After you opened up to me about your past and I told you mine and just cried my eyes out on your shoulder, you should have gotten a proper goodbye.” I apologize. Ethan places a hand on my shoulder. I look up at his face which held a warm smile.

“It’s alright. I don’t mind. I’m just happy you opened up to me.” He replies and I smile back at him appreciatively. “It’s nice to have you back. I was worried when you didn’t show up at school for two days straight.”

“Yeah wanted some time to clear my thoughts.”

And so with few words passed between us, we make our way to our classroom.

Somehow or the other word had gotten to almost every ear in school that I’d killed my best friend. The rumors circulating was that I’d murdered her over a boy.

Like what the fuck?

Sarah and I fought over Noah? Puh-lease. He’d be the last boy I’d ever crush on!
How dare these French kids spread such rumors? How do they even know about Sarah’s death?

Ethan was as surprised as me. I’d never doubt him. I know he’s not the type to spread rumors nor give out my secret. Mocking and disgusted looks were thrown my way. Confused I keep walking towards the class. Some second years bump into me almost knocking me off my feet.

“Hey!” I yell but they walk off snickering. Ethan asks me if I’m alright and I nod.

“What the hell is going on?” I mumble to myself and continue heading to class. When I enter the classroom, all eyes were on me. Vivienne and crew looked at me scornfully. The kids who were starting to get along with me were now staring at me with surprised expressions.

What’s going on?

“If it isn’t the murderer.” Vivienne’s sidekick, Noelle blurts out.

“Noelle!” Theodore, the class president yelled. “There has got to be an explanation.” He turns and looked at me with worry and disappointment.

“What’s going on? Why are you calling her a murderer?” Ethan backed me up. Vivienne swayed her hips left and right as she made her way towards us. She stopped in front of Ethan and batted her long fake lashes before turning to me, glaring at me like some girl with Aids.

“You shouldn’t be supporting this girl Ethan love. It is bringing down your image as well.” She cooed as she turned back to Ethan who stepped back, not wanting her to touch him.

“Whatever it is, can someone say it out to me clearly?” Ethan spoke aloud before I could demand an explanation from anyone.

“We heard some unfortunate news about Amelia,” Theodore says looking forlorn.

“And that is?” Ethan pressed.

“That she killed her best friend.’ Theodore finished. Everyone turned and looked at me to see my reaction to this. If they thought I’d feel guilty and run away in shame, they’re dead wrong. I felt my blood boiling. I bet if someone touched me right now, they’d burn up.

“Amelia? What is he saying?” From the back Ninnon’s voice came up. She pushed some kids aside and came to the front, looking at me with confusion. Pierre too stood beside her waiting for some kind of an explanation to clear this mess.

“Who started this rumor?” I demand through clenched teeth.

“Me of course,” Noelle remarked pridefully.

“What proof have you got Noelle?” I question her in rage. She’s not only putting me in the dirt but my Sarah too.

“I heard it of course. Two days back, you were talking to Ethan and I heard you saying, ‘I killed my best friend’.” She finishes with an arrogant smirk plastered on her face now.
Oh, how I wish to slap it off her scrawny face.

“You were so excited about spreading rumors on what you eavesdropped, yet you didn’t want to wait till the end of the conversation?” I snap. Her nose flared in anger when I emphasized she had eavesdropped.

When Noelle and I are about to start a catfight, or fistfight or whatever, the morning bell rings and a second later Miss Valerie walks in. She finds us all clustered together and asks what’s going on.
When no one replied, she yelled at us to start arranging our booths and not stand idly.

Everyone quickly gets busy with preparing the class and our booth. We were hosting a water balloon brawl booth, but everyone in class acted like we were holding a beauty pageant for the president to see.
Since Miss Valerie was present no one dared to look my way nor whisper. Everyone carried out their duties promptly.
Theodore being the class president barked orders at everyone.

“Amelia, Help Florence to set up the prize table,” he shouts at me from the other corner of the classroom. A moment ago he had been cold towards me but I was glad he spoke to me normally even though in the form of yelling.

I walk up to Florence, who gives me a shy smile before continuing to do whatever she was doing. Thank heavens she was treating me as usual. She wasn’t giving me weird stares or disgusted looks. Just a shy smile now and then. Florence was the class shy-girl. With her porcelain-like face and petite body, she looked like a French doll out of a store. Her voice was so soft it’s barely audible. She’s very timid and I’m not usually close with people I can’t mess up with, but Florence is one of the few girls in class who approached me with a friendly aura.

Ninnon and my eye meet when I turn around to look for her. She was helping out with hanging the ribbons and balloons on the windows. She looks at me skeptically and through her eyes tries to convey the message ‘we got to have a talk later’ across to me. Pierre being the meddlesome dude he was, was nowhere to be seen.

“Brooke. Ms. Valerie asks for a student. Mind seeing what she needs?” Theodore asks me walking up to me. I notice Florence shrink even more at the sight of him. Just how much is he afraid of guys? Theodore is like the daddy-bear of the class. Who’d be afraid of him?
And where did Ms. Valerie go to now? She was here just a minute ago.

“Sure why not. I’ll be leaving Florence.” I turn around to face the petite girl. She’s back to her normal stance once Theo had left. She nods at me and shoo’s me off with a smile.

The hallway was in a rush. In half an hour, the school will be open to the public. Final touches to check into. Makeup and costumes. Everyone seemed to have something to do.
Sighing I walk to the Teachers’ lounge, my mind clouded with worries. I had decided to talk it out with Ninnon and Pierre. And now it’s all become a mess.
My mind was already packed with unwanted worries, the last thing I wanted was the good-for-nothing stares and whispers. I quicken my pace, trying my best to zone out completely.

“Oh, if it isn’t the famous mademoiselle Amelia Brooke.” Says a voice from behind me.

“What do you want?” I snap at whoever it is even before glancing his way. Big mistake.

“Oh.” I let out a gasp. Shit Amelia. You moron.

It’s the school’s number one idol. And beside him was the school’s beauty queen. I can clearly see why she’s called that. With her long and wavy brown curls, hazel eyes and slender model figure, she most definitely looked like a girl who had come from a beauty pageant. If only she was like the other snots who thought they’re Miss-universe cause they’re a tad beautiful than the rest of the girls, I’d have ignored her completely. But miss beauty-queen was well known for her kind personality along with her looks.

The president wasn’t any less. He had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerizing deep ocean blue, with flecks of silvery light throughout. His face was strong and defined. A playful smile adorned his thin lips.

Now you see why he’s the number one idol? I heard these two can’t walk on the streets, what with model agencies desperately trying to recruit them.

Oh, and yeah, you heard it right. I just snapped at the school’s Student Body President.

He doesn’t seem offended though. His usual friendly smile faced me, his eyes dancing with amusement.

“Thank god jerk face isn’t around,” I mutter to myself. The President, whose name I’m still not aware of raised a brow at my statement.

“Who’s a jerk face!?” and there he makes a grand entrance. My mood darkens automatically. I scowl. This seemed to amuse the handsome President even more.

“Adrien seems to be very much protective over you. It’s the most unusual and surprising thing I’ve ever come across ever since I’ve known him, so I’ve been very much interested in getting to know you, Amelia Brooke.” The Secretary of the Student body finally speaks, her voice soft and melodious.

I stare at them bewildered. What did I hear just now?

Adrien chokes on his own spit. He stares at his friends completely and utterly in horror. “The fuck are you saying Esmee!? Stop spouting nonsense. This annoyance of a human already has an ego bigger than the universe. Don’t enlarge it, even more.” Adrien yells at the secretary, whose name I guess is Esmee. She just shakes her head, chuckling at her weird friend who is yelling so loud for no god damn reason in the hallway.

Where are the damn teachers when you need them? Why is this guy not being hauled to the detention center for disturbance of the public?

“She sabotages my omelets. My omelets! Why would I ever in my right mind care for this sorry of a human?” Adrien continues fuming.

Blockhead! How dare he!

“It’s because you were born with the wrong mind.” I say flicking my hair. Adrien glares at me and I glare back at him. What’s his deal?
The president grabs jerk face by the collar and pulls him away from my face.

“Please don’t mind his arrogance. He’s always been this way.” The President says ever so sweetly. I couldn’t agree with him more. Adrien’s face darkens even more with rage but he keeps silent, crossing his arms over his chest and looking the other way. Spoilt brat.

“I’m Evan Lionel. This right beside me is Esmee Moore. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Amelia Brooke.” The president introduces himself and the secretary. I give him a nod. What more am I to do?

“Alright already! Now you’ve all become one happy family. Can we get going? We’ve work to do.” Adrien’s snarky voice disturbs the friendly atmosphere. Evan must have suddenly remembered some unfinished business. He excuses himself and both he and Esmee wave goodbye and walk the other way. Adrien stops and stares at me for a couple of minutes.

“Are you alright? What’s up with these rumors I’ve been hearing?” he asks a hint of worry visible in his tone. Great. Now he acts concerned.

Bipolar much?

I just sigh and shoo him off. I’m too tired to be explaining. And so with one final look, he walks away. I groan aloud, not giving a shit on whom I scared the living shit out of and stomp towards the teacher’s lounge. I’ve kept Ms. Valerie waiting enough.

Some guy with glasses dropped a cardboard box and out flies papers. Since everyone was in a haste, no one notices the guy panicking weirdly trying to grab the papers without being stepped on.
I crouch beside him and pick a few. He stares at me surprised but doesn’t say anything. Well, of course he’d know who I am. I give him the stack I picked up and he mumbles a ‘Thank you’ with a small smile and quickly rushes away.
I’d been so occupied helping the glasses guy I hadn’t paid much attention to the surrounding. Now that I was back to my senses, I heard the whispers louder. Give me a break.

A few students stopped to stare. But not at me but behind me? Is Evan standing behind me again for a surprise attack?
Before I could turn around to find out what it was that’s perked up everyone’s interest, someone spoke out.


My heart stopped beating.

My breathing stopped.

I literally stop my movements.

Only Adrien calls me ‘Mia’ in France and this is so not his voice.

God, are you messing with me as punishment for something I had done?

I’m all the way in France. That voice can’t be here. I’m hearing things. Maybe I’m feeling a little homesick.

“Mia.” Again. The voice calls out to me.

I could feel my body shivering. A cold sweat broke out. Why do I feel like I’ve committed some crime?
The students who were busy gawking at the stranger were all staring at me now.

Have they never seen a foreigner for god- damn sake?

Slowly, taking my own precious time I turn around hoping and begging to god this is was all just my imagination. I come face to face with someone I wasn’t ready to face yet. My world turns dark and I feel myself falling deeper and deeper into complete blackness.

Why? Why are you here? Why is this happening now? Today of all days!

While I stand panicked, guilty and at a loss, the guy in front of my eyes, gives me the gentlest smile in the world, his deep blue eyes shimmering with happiness and delight.

“Ryan.” His name escapes my lips in a whisper.

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