✨Roger Taylor imagines✨

By one_hysterical_queen

13.3K 181 56

In which I write imagines because I'm bored and I'm a simp for Rog Under editing And yes they are trash More

Well this was very fun
Interview disaster
New girl
Groupie love
National Scandal
That morning
The ship of dreams
To the royals
Love is love dipshit
I've been waiting for you

Fuck this shit im out

1.1K 15 3
By one_hysterical_queen

During the shooting of Breakthru aka 1989

Today the band and Roger were starting the video shooting of their new song 'Breakthru'. And to be honest I was excited and anxious. I was excited because I helped write it. But I was anxious because I would be getting to meet the girl who stars in it. Before they chose the girl Debbie, the band suggested me, but the director said I wasn't pretty enough, and Roger and I were literally planning his death at that point. But nonetheless Roger suggested this girl he met. At our favourite restaurant.
And guess what?

She was a fûcking model, and to make matters worse.

She. Was. Bloody. Gorgeous.

I was convinced Roger would leave me for her. I mean before me, he was with Dominique who also could've been a model. So the fact that he chose someone as gorgeous as her, made me feel a little bit jealous.

Okay I give up. I was extremely jealous, but nonetheless I was going to be nice.

So here I was in the car with Roger, bouncing my knee up and down and biting my nails. I could feel Roger looking at me for a bit, but looked back because we didn't want to die in a car crash. Arriving at the train station I saw a girl, dancing with Freddie.

Shit fuck shit. It's her.

Turning to look at Roger, he was already smiling and waving at her. Well that made feel sooo much better.

Okay all I have to do is not act like I'm some weird sarcastic girl who Roger found crying in a bar. Yes that's how we met.

He got out of the car, and ran to the other side, opening the door for me.

Well that's unusual. I'm not complaining though.

"So are you excited for me." He said, holding hands with me and smiling at me.

I answered a faint yeah, which made him look at me a frown painted on his face. Looking at what I was looking at he understood.


Her hair was curled into waves, her dark eye makeup complimenting her bright green eyes making my eyes look like absolute trash. Snapping back to reality I turned to Roger and gave him a better answer.

"Of course I'm excited. I helped write the bloody thing. And it should be fun riding on the train. Your hair flying around." I said, but he still didn't smile. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He looked up at me and gave me a small smile. "Oh nothing." He said, then grabbed my hand and led me to the dressing room where his outfit was. Little did I know that Roger was questioning himself. He was thinking about how he would never cheat on me. So why would he do it now?

Walking in the dressing room, I saw Freddie and Brian joking about something. Looking at me they yelled my name and hugged me which lead to them falling on top of me.

"Hey get off her. She's mine." Roger said getting me up, and protectively wrapping an arm around me, making me blush. Yeah even after four years of dating he still had that effect on me.

"We were just saying hi." Freddie said innocently.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. Oh Y/N I have to get dressed. Fred, Bri, why don't you show her around?" Roger said. Nodding their heads yes, Brian and Freddie Queen chaired me outside where Deaky and Debbie were talking. Freddie and Brian were chanting my name while they were holding me, making everyone on set look at us weirdly, making me a little self-conscious. Deaky saw me and ran to me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Hey Deaks Nice to see you too." I said. I knew why he hugged me so quickly. He was the only who knew how self-conscious I felt compared to Debbie, and as much as he tried to help, it did nothing. So the only other way he made feel at ease, was to hug me. He also told me a million times to talk to Roger, but there was no way I was doing that. I didn't need him to worry about me when they were shooting a video on a MOVING TRAIN.

"Y/N, how are you?" He asked looking directly in my eyes. To the public eye, it would've looked like he was just asking that to be nice or something, be we knew the real meaning to it.

"I'm good. Can I talk to you?" I asked quickly seeing as Roger got out of the dressing room and went straight to Debbie. Deaky looked to where I was looking at and he nodded. Walking to a random bus and going behind it I let out a sigh.

"God I knew this was going to happen. He would find someone new and leave me to rot in hell. I mean he started dating me when him Dominique were still together. I was the second woman. And I know how it feels to be cheated on. Maybe this is karma kicking me in the butt." I said, crossing my arms. "I know I love Roger. I've said so too. But I look at Debbie and I think 'wow holy crap. She is the definition of what he really wants.'" I said slumping down to the floor. Deaky sat down beside me and hugged me while I cried a little bit. I know it was stupid but I wasn't really good at keeping my feelings to myself.

"You know Roger walks in the studio ranting about how he doesn't get to see you, and how the hours are dumb. And he always ends the rant about how he wants to see you. He's crazy about you Jessica. Yes you guys started dating when him and Dominique were still together, but you guys were in love, and at that point there isn't really anything can do. He left Dominique because he didn't want anyone else but you. Yes he felt terrible, but then when he saw your face that night he broke up with her, he knew it was the right thing to do. So don't think for one minute that Roger is going to leave you for someone he met a couple days ago by spilling soup all over her shirt. Hell if I wasn't dedicated to my wife, I'd try really hard for you to notice me or date me. So listen to me when I say, that Roger is never going to leave you." He said, brushing the tears away.

"Did he really meet her because he spilt soup all over her?" I asked chuckling at how clumsy Roger can be. Deaky nodded and started we started laughing. Little did I know that Roger was listening to our whole conversation.

Later in the day.

It was Debbie's turn to shoot her part. And let me just say. Whoa she was a professional at making people swoon.

When love breaks up.

When the dawn light wakes up.

A new life is born.

Somehow I have to make this final Breakthrough.


And that was all that happened for the next six hours. Everyone was just watching her lay down on a railroad. Finally done shooting for the day, Debbie and Roger were hugging each other. Yeah Roger knew a lot of beautiful woman, but he was loyal. Right?
I mean maybe not with the situation with me and Dominique, but I could trust him. The only thing that made me not want to scream and rage out fo pure jealousy was what Deaky said. He was a pretty honest man, so of course I believed him. But looking at Debbie flirt with my boyfriend kind of made me forget about that. Trying not to be a drama queen I silently slipped past everyone and went to the bathroom, to cry on my own time. I didn't need people yelling at my face about how pathetic I was being. A couple minutes later I heard the door open. Thank god for these bathrooms for having stalls, or else they would've seen my mascara running all over my face. Stopping what I was doing I heard two familiar voices.

"C'mon Rog, no one will see us in here." A female voice said. Guess who that one belonged too.

Debbie fûcking Leng.

I was about to scream but I didn't want to miss the opportunity of actually catching Roger, so I just stayed silent.

"No Deb, I have to go find Y/N." he said, sounding anxious. Oh thank god he didn't oblige, I would've broken his neck.

"Okay, but I'll see you later." She said, seductively. Or was it her talking with a toad stuck in her throat. I couldn't really tell. Hearing the door open and close, I thought they both went out, so I stepped out of the stall. Not looking up I wiped my tears and then finally looked in the mirror.

"Ahhhh." I screamed, once I saw Rogers face in the reflection. Wiping my tears away more I learned that did nothing because my mascara was still smudged all over the place. Keeping my head down I whispered a faint 'hello' to ashamed to look in his eyes. Across from me, I couldn't tell, but Rogers heart was breaking at the sight of you crying and not looking up at him. It made him feel like you didn't want to be embarrassed, which was the last thing he would do in this situation.

"Y/N." he said softly. "Love, please look at me." He pleaded, but I refused.. I know it sounded stupid, but I'll say it again. I hate being vulnerable, so the fact that I was crying in front of my boyfriend didn't help me. "Y/N please look at me." He said, his voice cracking. Now that made me look up. Holy crap. He was crying too. I immediately flung my arms around his neck embracing him in a hug. I wanted to make him feel better. Screw me crying and feeling sad. Roger was crying and I was gonna fix whatever happened to him.

"Roger are you okay? Why are you crying? I'll fix it tell me." I said, looking in his eyes. Hearing those words come out of your mouth made Rogers heart break even more. You didn't care about why you're so sad, you were caught up on him. Not that he didn't like that you cared, but this time he wanted it to be about you.

"Love I should be asking you the same thing." He said, said making me frown I'm confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"Love I wanna talk to you about something." He said, making me a bit nervous. I swear to god if he's already thinking about leaving me and dating Debbie, Im gonna throw some punches at this man.

"Y/N, you know I love you. Right?" He asked, I nodded my head. "Well then you know you shouldn't be afraid of me leaving you to date Debbie." He said, as if he read your mind.

"Roger what are you taking about?" I asked. Call me stupid, but if I asked this, then he would think we didn't need to have this conversation and he'll think I really don't know what he's talking about.

"I heard your conversation between you and Deaky." He said, making me freeze. I did not expect that.

"Roger I-"

"No, love let me finish. You always try to make me feel better in any possible way, which makes me fall in love with you more and more. Like the time we first met. I walked in the bar because I was having a rough day, and then I saw you chugging that whole beer crying silently, I just knew I had to talk to you. And when I did, I realized something. I loved you. Even though Dominique was pregnant, I couldn't help but think of you all the time. And when we finally got together even though we knew it was wrong, I knew right then and there that I loved you. So don't go saying all this bullshit about how I'm gonna leave your for Debbie. There's no way in hell I'll do that. Because I love you Y/N L/N." he said grabbing his hands in mine. Letting go, it looked like he was searching for something in his pocket. "I was gonna do this later tonight, but seeing as I'm confessing my feelings to you, I thought I'd do it now." Getting down on one knee he fished out a little red velvet ring box. "Now I know we can't get married now, because I'm married to Dom, due to us having to protect the kids. But I do know I wanna spend my life with you so." He said, opening the box showing a beautiful diamond ring. "Y/N L/N will you do the honours of becoming my wife someday?" He asked hopefully.

If I thought I was crying up a storm it was nothing like this. I was full on bawling my eyes out. I nodded my head frantically repeating the word 'yes' over and over again, until he slipped the ring in my finger.

"Y'know if you really think about it Y/N Taylor has a good ring to it." I said, laughing a little.

"Yeah I supposed it does." He said laughing with me. "I think we better go back out. They'll be wondering what we're doing." He said.

Pushing the door open you heard a faint "ow". Opening the door fully you saw the boys standing right in front of us, while Freddie was massaging his head since he hit it.

"Were you guys listening the whole time?" I asked. Looking at their faces made me wanna burst out of laughter. Brian looked away playing with his curls. Freddie was rubbing his head while denying everything. And Deaky was whistling looking everywhere but at me and Rog.

"Uh nope." Freddie said, which made us all laugh.

Let's just say that day was the BEST DAY of my life.

Holy shit I'm so tired. It's currently like 4 am and im dying. I'll be writing some more, don't worry my fellow readers. Other than that hope you're having a great time. Also I don't have a problem with Debbie at all, if was just for the story.  But uh yeah, see ya around.

Breakthru starts playing in the background. 😂

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