Groupie love

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You weren't fond of the name of 'groupie' but at this point it was the only name anyone called you. It was never your real name it was always there's Roger's groupie. It was annoying to say the least, but you couldn't change it, because you were. You'd been his groupie ever since after Hyde Park. He was chasing after Dominique when he met you.

In the second he saw you he was infatuated. You were flirting with Brian, but turned your attention to Roger. Roger promised to call Dominique that night, but that call never came, because you were screwing around with him.

You guys went to a bar and then slept together. The two of you didn't ignore your feelings for each other, but didn't want to do anything about them. So you came up to a compromise.

Have a no strings attached relationship, until  one of you actually found some dignity and dated someone else. But you never did.

Yes, Roger slept with other woman but at the end of the day he always preferred you. Months turned into years, which also turned into confessing your feelings about him to Freddie when you were really drunk.

"I know he doesn't want to date me, if he did then he would've done something about it. And I can't do anything because I'm just a groupie. We made a promise to not fall in love with each other." You complained while drinking the rest of your tequila.

"You're in love with him?" Freddie asked, eyes widened.

"I don't know. I mean I've liked him for two years. Dude I don't know." You mumbled sadly.

Yes on some days you were a sad drunk.

Freddie put his glass down and came over to you. "I think you should tell him. You're obviously bothered by all this." He said. You froze, and started to shake your head 'no.'

"Freddie I can't do that. Humiliation and rejection is not a good combination. A combination that'll happen." You said. You were so scared about the idea that you thought you were going to throw up.

Here's a little story. A long time ago in school, everyone found out about your crush. And then the next year they found out. It was the talk of the town and at that point you never told anyone about your romantic feelings. Until tonight.

Freddie sighed. "Alright darling do what you will, I can't force you. But what I do know is, that if you don't do it then you'll never know if he liked you."

"That's what they all say." You mumbled. You got up and headed for your hotel room. You fumbled around to find the keys when a voice made you stop.

"You need any help?" You heard him say. You turned around and saw him.

The man you'd been crushing ever since Hyde Park. With his bleach blonde hair and lazy smile it almost made you want to jump his bones right then and there but you resisted. You didn't want to be arrested for public indecency. You just nodded and let him find the keys.

He opened the door and saw that your room was a mess. Bottles and bottles of alcohol littered everywhere. You didn't need to know that he was looking at you worried definitely knowing that something was wrong. You just walked to the mini fridge and opened another bottle of beer. You didn't even get to take a sip when Roger took it away from you.

You frowned. "Hey." You whined like a kid. He put it on the nightstand. "If you really wanted a drink I could've given you one." You grumbled and flopped on the bed. He sighed and laid down beside you looking at you.

After ten minutes of him just staring, it started to get on your nerves. "What?" You said, rather loudly. He sat up and gently took your hands in his.

"I heard what you said in the bar." He said. Your heart beat started to race a mile a minute. Your worse nightmare was coming true.

He knew. He knew. He knew. Holy fuck he knew. Shit.

You swiftly got up and stood on the other side of the bed. You raked your hands through your hair. How could you let this happen. It was like life was always conspiring against you. Everything that you built up inside you eventually crashed. Your stomach started to feel weird. You immediately rushed to bathroom and threw up all the alcohol that you drank. You felt your hair being held behind you. You brushed your teeth afterwards. When you were done you just sat beside the toilet trying to catch your breathe. Roger sat beside you and gave you a hug.

"Y'know, it's not such a bad thing." He said.

You looked up at him confused. "What's not a bad thing?" You asked him.

He let out a tiny chuckle. "You liking me." He said.

You let out a groan and closed my eyes. "This is so embarrassing." He just laughed.

"Well I swore to myself that'd I never be cliche, but I guess what better way than to say this." He started. You looked at him.

"Say what?"

"That I may like you too." He said, his cheeks started to turn red.

"Wow that was very cliche." You said laughing. You started laughing for awhile the alcohol from the bar still in your system. "Can I ask you something?" You said. He nodded his head.

"If you liked me then why didn't you say anything?" You asked him. He just shrugged.

"I don't know. Girls usually come to me, so-"

"So you thought I'd come to you." You finished. He nodded his head. "Roger Taylor you should know by now that I never confess my feelings for anyone." He chuckled at what you said.

He looked at you and did something very unlike him. He pushed a strand of hair away from your face and kissed you. Even though your mouth tasted of toothpaste he still enjoyed it.

You were taken by surprise. Of course you've kissed Roger a million times, but somehow this was better. When you bother pulled away you kept your eyes closed. Roger smiled.

"Whoa." Was all you could say. You opened your eyes.

"So I'm guessing if I asked you on a date you would say yes." He asked me.

"Only Roger Taylor could make-out with someone and then ask them on a date like a gentleman." You laughed out.

"Well it's basically my only chance love." He said. "So what will it be? A date with a handsome drummer?"

You smiled and nodded your head. "It wouldn't hurt." He let out a victorious 'yes' then kissed you again.

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