Page 250 (Thomas sangster fan...

By Nowheregilrs01

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This is the story every fangirl dreams about More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 "Starbucks"
Chapter 3 "Do you need a hug?"
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 "Hospital"
Chapter 6 "Jealous"
Chapter 7 "The fight"
Chapter 8 "Never challenge a fangirl"
Chapter 8 "The game"
Chapter 10 "Sleepover"
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

230 12 2
By Nowheregilrs01

Kailee's POV

I still can't believe he did that to me, I mean I LOVE him with all my life but.. Why did he did that to me?

The next day we wake up earlier, 11:30 haha, we go downstairs and my mom is there "hey sweetie, what are you two up for today?" She says with a super big smile.
"I really don't know, maybe we.. I don't know mom we'll se later."

"Okay!!, me and your sisters are going to the mall in ten minutes, want to come?" She says as she is making us some breakfast, scrambled eggs... Yummy.

"No mom, but thanks." I really hate being rushed.

Me and Sophie eat our breakfast happily talking about the Maze runner stuff and all that crazy things fangirls do.

After that we go to my room and I sit dow on my bed, "Kailee, I'm sorry about Thomas" she says while she is moving her hands.

"Sophie, don't worry! It's not your fault, and he has better things to do." I say thinking about him and then my eyes start getting watery.

"I'm going to take a shower, after that you could take one too and I can lend you some clothes if you want" I say wiping my tears, me and Sophie are the same in size and all that, we are both skinny and really short.

After I finish I put my clothes on, put a little make up and quickly fix my hair.

"Your turn" I say as I'm closing the door of the bathroom and entering to my room, "okay!" Sophie says while she enters my bathroom.

So I'm here alone, in my bed stalking Thomas Sangster, when suddenly someone knocks on the door of my house, my mom probably just left so I go running downstairs and open the door.

It was Thomas. "Kailee.." He begins "Kailee I'm really sorry about yesterday.." He nervously says, my eyes start getting watery and a tear escapes from my eyes, "No Thomas" I say, I want him to enter to my house, I want to forgive him but my pride won't let me.

"Kailee.." he says again, "Go away Thomas!! You have better things to do than me!" I shout closing the door on his face, I almost feel bad.

"Kailee!!! Please!!! Let me explain!! I know you are there, just let me explain.."

I open the door and shout to him "What Thomas?? Explain what?!? How do you left me here?!! The way you lifted my hopes and then crashed them in the ground?! I should have known, no one will ever like me!! I'm going to die alone! How did I ever expected that THE Thomas Sangster would like me." I shout as I shut the door and go running to my room, I'm crying so much that I could flood my house, maybe I exaggerated a little, I just sit on my bed listening to thomas scream and knock on my door, after 10 minutes of constantly knocking and shouting he gives up and I hear his car engine start and then it was all silence.

I sit on my bed plug my earphones and start listening to Ed Sheeran until Sophie comes and asks me what happened and I tell her all.

Thomas POV
Kailee shuts the door in my face and I shout until I gave up and went to my car, after that I went to Dylan's place, he told me he is sorry, that he didn't knew I cared so much, I told him what happened and asked him some advice because he is very good with the girls, he told me to buy a flower and make her a letter explaining everything, I did it and after that went to Kailee's house.

I was in my car, just in front of her house, when I see a very good looking guy in her door with some flowers and a giant teddy bear, she opened the door and she hugged him and after that they KISSED.

Nonono! I'm now crying, he enters her house and she closes the door, with that I went to my house and ordered some pizza and listen to Ed Sheeran until I fall asleep in my own tears.

Kailee's POV

About one hour later I hear a knock on my door, I open the door and it was.. It was my ex boyfriend!! Shawn O'donnel!! (A/N: the boy of the picture up there👆👆👆)

I can't believe he is here, we where dating for about one year, but he had to go to Canada because of the job of his dad. He has like 40 flowers in one hand and in the other a super big teddy bear. "SHAWN!" I shout and I hug him, he hugs me back, I pull out from the hug and look an him "how? Why are you here? Why didn't you-" he cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine, I missed those lips so much, I pull out from the kiss and tell him to come in.

Hey guys!! I know, the feels😭 but I just love Thomas jealous😍



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