the number 1 comeback

By kraffsole

196K 6.6K 3.6K

following the battle of Russia, accelerator and last order disappeared for 2 months, how the city will react... More

chapter 1:the number 1 is gone
chapter 2:Shokuhou Misaki and her clique
chapter 3:an unexpected ally
chapter 4:the railgun and her little sister
chapter 5:accelerator and mental out
chapter 6:GROUP
Chapter 7:tokiwadai
Chapter 8:memory
Chapter 9:a familiar place
Chapter 10: misty childhood
Chapter 11:is there some kind of discount on heroes today ?
Chapter 12:mental out
Chapter 13:an interesting discussion
Chapter 14: 3rd ranked
Chapter 15:a never ending day
Chapter 16:the end of the day
Chapter 17:new day,same life
Chapter 18:three guys,three level 5
Chapter 19:an interesting theory
Chapter 20:me....i'm just the driver
Chapter 21:the mission begins
chapter 22:be quiet,she is sleeping
Chapter 23:insanity
Chapter 24:this is me
Chapter 25:falling
Chapter 26: Sometimes a Hug is All We Need
Chapter 27:Index Librorum Prohibitorum
Chapter 28:number 1
Chapter 29: tokiwadai
Q&A(not a chapter)
Chapter 31:just a coffee
Q&A(not a chapter)
Chapter 32:the closet
Chapter 33 : the meeting
Chapter 34: emotions
Chapter 35:more than human
Chapter 36: "guts!"scream misaka misaka
Chapter 37: Yuzuriha Ringo
chapter 38: alive and dead
Chapter 39 :emotional dysfunction
Chapter 40 :slow evolution
Chapter 41 : back at home
Chapter 42:it all start a Monday
Chapter 43:another day at the office
special chapter: happy new year
chapter 44:aleister's favourite
Chapter 45:you've been running for this long ?
Chapter 46:motoharu and the night
Chapter 47:motoharu is healed and mikoto is fixed
Chapter 48:they're just children
Chapter 49 : blood sample
Chapter 50:I's looking directly at me...
Chapter 51: criminality
Chapter 52: playing chess with the universe
Chapter 53:the beginning
Chapter 54:meeting some people
chapter 55:end of the day
Chapter 56:crazy children,crazy children everywhere
Chapter 57:harsh times
Chapter 58:dad-celerator
Chapter 59:tea time..well not really
Chapter 60: guts>faith
Chapter 61:it's been a long time
chapter 62:a bit of alchemy
Chapter 63:confusion
chapter begins...
not a chapter
not a chapter :some news
chapter 65:it's been a long time again
chapter 66: a different kind of evil
Chapter 67: i said "GET THE FUCK OUT"
announcement:not chapter

Chapter 30:a painful but necessary truth

3.6K 104 44
By kraffsole

(the image above is what accelerator is wearing...basically WWIII clothes without the jacket)

accelerator,shokuhou,hokaze and musujime are currently walking around in tokiwadai

« so you want to  go somewhere first ? do you have any place in mind ?»ask hokaze

« i don't really care,we have two hours,we can probably see the whole school and still have to wait for the meeting to start »said accelerator

musujime seem a bit embarrassed..accelerator didn't seem to be embarrassed..but he didn't seem comfortable either

« yeah...i don't care either »said the teleporter,she seems really hesitant

« is there a problem » ask hokaze,she wasn't understand the lack of energy of the two person in front of her

[i think.... i know]though shokuhou

«'s that everyone is looking at us »said musujime

« yeah... »ad accelerator

« well, none of you is......used to that kind of environment.. »said shokuhou

«environnement ? »ask hokaze

« well...i'm not use to go into a school at all,and i'm not used to go in a place,where not being rich is considered weird... »said accelerator

[wait...student receive money  every month, the amount correspond to the student level....and you're the number 1....]though shokuhou

[shouldn't you be rich ? probably have enough money to effort what even girls from tokiwadai can't......]though shokuhou, hokaze and musujime as they look at accelerator

« this place is the total opposite of everything i stand for »said musujime[i mean my school is prestigious too...but it's not like that...]

« so..i guess you don't like tokiwadai ? »deduce hokaze...she didn't know what to respond

« i don't hate this place, but i'm far from liking it »said accelerator

accelerator look around,he was looking at the girl around them...

« shokuhou can't just do something of all those people looking at us like animals at the zoo?»ask accelerator

« my remote were taking away from me »said shokuhou while acting like spoiled child

« really why ? »ask accelerator

hokaze respond instead of shokuhou

« the dorm supervisor took the her remote because of the meeting...they're afraid that shokuhou-sama could take control of the director »said hokaze

« it make you can't do anything about all those idiot looking at us...»said accelerator

« don't worry at some point they will stop looking at you like that and please restrain from calling them idiot»trie to reassure hokaze

"i can call them by worst name you know? and i don't think they will get used to see us"said accelerator

« yeah ,i doubt it »said musujime [it's me or she just tried to give an order to accelerator ?]

« anyways....we should get started ! »said shokuhou with joy at least trying to show joy

« you make it sound as if it's gonna be fun »said accelerator with a bored tone

«  instead of complaining can't you just act as a gentleman ? »ask shokuhou with a grin on her face..

there was as silence

[him a gentleman ?!she wants to die or something?!]though musujime

hokaze start imagining accelerator as a gentleman....[it feel just don't work]

"and you ! »shokuhou point her finger at musjime

« we will go search an outfit for you ; should wear something more lady like here »

« like hell,i would wear those weird outfits ! »said musujime

« plus people would think she actually enrolled is the school »said accelerator

« what's make you think she's not ? »ask shokuhou

«what ?! »almost scream musjime even hokaze as surprise

accelerator suddenly got a serious look

« you know something about the meeting don't you »said accelerator

« maybe i don't ...maybe i do »said shokuhou while smiling

« anyways...let's start the visit...but first the outfit for you »said shokuhou

« but...but what are you talking about ? »start mumbling musujime [i'm already in a school...]

« people are looking at us »said hokaze

« we're making too much noise »

« i think people don't need noise to see us"

« she's right..we might actually get in trouble especially you both»said shokuhou

« but-but.. »musujime was acting like  a child

« let's just go already »said accelerator

« you will have to force me ! you're not the one who have to wear an uniform!»said musujime

« i guess i will force you then »said accelerator with a threatening tone that gave chills down the teleporter's spine

« ok »musujime was suddenly calm,she suddenly became extremely compose

« let's go »said shokuhou as the group enter a building

in the building

« by the way...i wonder..what's your ability ? »ask hokaze to musujime

« i'm a level 4 teleporter »

« kuroko-san ! »said hokaze

« don't compare me to her !,there's a big difference between me and her in term of power »said musujime

hokaze suddenly back down due to the outburst

« i'm sorry i didn't want to be impolite ! »implore hokaze

« ....and you?what you're  ability ? »ask musujime [now i feel bad !...damn..she was so threatening at accelerator because he was near that stary eye girl...but she's like a cinamon roll...]

accelerator and shokuhou were looking the two level 4 in silence..

« my ability is called rampage's a type of electromaster ,i'm a level 4»said hokaze

this interest accelerator [rampage dress....if i remember correctly,it's what mikoto was using yesterday]

« rampage dress ? First time i hear about it »admit musujime

« it's an ability that allow someone to boost their physical strength »said accelerator before hokaze could respond

« know about it ? »ask hokaze

« yeah...the railgun can do it too »said accelerator

author's note:true fact actually accelerator is kinda like index,he know every single esper ability and is able to recognise the ability just by seeing it

« i'm the one who the one who taught her that after all »said hokaze

« it's you who though that ? »react accelerator

« wait...the railgun can do that ? »ask musujime[but i never saw her doing it....]

« yeah... »respond accelerator

accelerator sighs for a second....the three girls were confused

« a problem ? »ask shokuhou

«'s nothing »said accelerator [it's not a power,she discovers by wonder she use it the wrong way]

« anyways, i'm going to get your outfit come with me»said shokuhou

« wait...what about the size , »ask musujime [i don't want it...]

« they already have your measurement »said shokuhou

«how ?! »ask musujime blushing a bit

« well,you're wearing a school outfit right now at least what  remain of a school uniform,right ? »said shokuhou

« yeah... »respond the teleporter

« well..they just kept the same measurement »said shokuhou

« oh »react musujime

« we can go now ? »ask shokuhou

« yeah... »musujime had accepted her terrible fate

"by the way...why isn't there anyone in this buiding ?"ask musujime as she remark that they are several classroom but all of them are empty

"because it's the weekend,there are less classes the weekends"said shokuhou

"most of the weekend is dedicated to club or sport activities"comfirme hokaze

"oh.."react musujime while accelerator just don't care

"anyways,let's go"said shokuhou as she started to leave followed by hokazz and musujime

« come back quickly »said accelerator who was going to wait[i hope they won't take long]

« what ? you're gonna miss me ? »ask shokuhou while leaving a grin on her face

[she's definitely playing that game again...]

« maybe i will and you ? »ask accelerator with a grin

this surprise shokuhou ,musujime and hokaze

shokuhou turn in surprise toward him..a bit of a blush on her cheek

hokaze's look was switching in between shokuhou and accelerator at insane speed [what s going on?!]

[i never saw accelerator act like that...staying in this group could be worth it after all]though musujime

shokuhou sudendly got an evil grin on her face

« you're right...hokaze please bring musujime-san to get her uniform and make her wear it ,i'm gonna stay here »said shokuhou

« oh..okay my queen... »respond hokaze while bringing musujime away

[but i want to see this !]though musujime in despair as she follow hokaze....she knew that if she was refusing she was gonna regret it

it was now shokuhou and accelerator alone

« what do you know about the meeting ? »immediatly ask accelerator

« not a lot...i have mostly supposition but i'm not sure »respond shokuhou [and here was i hoping we could talk about something else...]

« what about musujime?what's the uniform story »ask accelerator

« this morning..i use my remote on some people from the staff of the school,i was searching for infomation...just to be sure i had nothing to worried about during the meeting »said shokuhou

« and i up end learning about the arrival of a new student which is level 4 teleporter named musujime awaki ,it's not a joke or anything,she was  enrolled in the school»said shokuhou

« really?so she is now an actual student here ? doesn't make any sense »respond accelerator[she's the same age as me]

"but the weird that is all that i found »said shokuhou

« why is it weird ? »ask accelerator

« because i read the mind of  almost every single person in the school except the director,and i didn't found anything else... »said shokuhou [i actually found something else..but he's not gonna like i will hide it for now..]

accelerator sighs...

« it's gonna be a pain in the ass isn't it... »said accelerator

« yeah..probably »admit shokuhou

there a silence

« are you? I saw you handle the  situations of the mercenaries »said accelerator

« of course i did...i took the same driver after that »said shokuhou

« and're choker is gone and you're useless cane is not there anymore....and you have long hair now »said shokuhou

« yeah..i was in the hospital to see mikoto, i stop by the frog doctor so he get those things off me »respond the number 1

« so you're fully healed ? But shouldn't' it took a few day ? »ask shokuhou[i could say i'm concerne about misaka-san..but he would probably see it's a lie....]

« yep...thank to you...whatever you help me a lot »said accelerator...he was slowly go back to a nice tone

« don't worry... »said shokuhou

there was a silence

"so you truly don't have any clue about the meeting ?other than the uniform of musujie »ask accelerator

« no...i wish »lie shokuhou

« also..about that kamijo guy »start accelerator

shokuhou raise a finger on at the level ofaccelerator's mouth,she had sad eyes

« please...just don't talk about him...just don't... »

accelerator gently took shokuhou's hand and slowly put it down

« it's not by ignoring the problem you're gonna solve it »said accelerator

suddenly shokuhou remember something that happen in accelerator's mind....especially something that was said by a version of accelerator

«  you're wasting your time by waiting for him,you're wasting your time by waiting for kamijo touma»

[something that all version agree with....that's what he thinks]though shokuhou

« you're okay ? »ask accelerator with a gentle tone

«'s just...why did he have to be there ?..why is he going to the meeting ? »ask shokuhou....she couldn't really hide her emotion to accelerator

« i don't know...GROUP is here...he has no reason to be here...i doubt he's invold into the dark side of the city »said accelerator [it doesn't  make any sense]

« the director must some kind of plan about him... »said accelerator

«but why ?....i's not like GROUP,they don't have anything to actually force him to obey»said shokuhou,she was slowly calming down,but her emotion were showing more and more

« it doesn't matter at the moment....we will have all the answer during the meeting »said accelerator

accelerator and shokuhou sighs at the same time

« you know what...after musujime finish putting her uniform,i'm gonna get a coffee.. »said accelerator

« too.. « said shokuhou,she almost seem tired

shokuhou look at accelerator in the eyes

« you think...what do you think...about me and touma... »ask shokuhou

« you probably already know my answer »said accelerator while looking straight in shokuhou's eyes

« i want to hear you say it »said shokuhou with determination in her eyes

« i...i're wasting you're's..that..he can't remember you...he can't meet you again,he can't actually make new memories about you......all of you feeling are totally's normal that it hurts you...but it's not normal to wait and hope for something that will never happen,it's like waiting for someone to come back to're waiting for nothing.........even he probably wouldn't want you to suffer like the point you are ,you are just waisting your life »said accelerator while keeping a kind tone..he was still hesitant..but he truly told her what he was thinking

he was looking at shokuhou,her face was frozen at first....after he finish his sentence he could her face seem to fall apart..she was clearly restraining herself from crying,with all her strength

suddenly shokuhou grab accelerator by his shirt and bury her face in his chest...she was trying her best to hide her pain...

..the worst thing about what accelerator just said is

[he's right....]though shokuhou while clenching her teeth and her fist ,if she had enough strength,she probably would have torn accelerator's shirt apart,her whole body as shaking....the pain she could feel ...the pain of the truth....shokuhou constantly control everyone around her,she never tell her secret or share her problem with her friend

but finally someone else knew about her problem about her pain,someone who knew as much pain as her...and told  the words that she should have heard a long time ago

accelerator starts hugging shokuhou as she start crying

accelerator could easily imagine the pain she felt,he felt a similar pain before

shokuhou could feel the warm hug of accelerator,her tear were slowling down

shokuhou was letting herself fall into accelerator's arm

tokiwadai wasn't a good place,to let all of this emotion out..but she didn't care...there was nobody in the corridor,it was complete silent

she could stay like that for hours and accelerator would stay like for hours if he needed to,he wished he had someone he could hug like that when he was younger

the girl who manage to clear accelerator's mind of doubt,had her own mind clear of any doubt by accelerator

when was the last timeshe was trusting someone else like that,she wanted to trust accelerator and she knew she could trust him

shokuhou slowly end the hug it was hard,she wouldn't have minded a bit more time into his arm

her eyes were still a bit teary,she wasn't smiling either, but her face was already showing that she was feeling better as she look up to accelerator

the two level 5 look at each other eyes

« thank you...»said shokuhou

« don't mention it »respond accelerator with a kind tone

there a silence..both of them seem to appreciate that silence

then shokuhou start wiping off the rest of her tears

« you're okay ? »ask accelerator

« i'm fine... »said shokuhou,she was already looking better

(basically how she's acting)

« you made a lady cry,i hope you ready to assume the consequence »said shokuhou while wipping some tears

« i don't mind»said accelerator

suddenly the two level 5 could hear the foot step of hokaze and musujime

shokuhou back down from accelerator,her face was actually normal now

« shokuhou-sama it's done »said hokaze

musujime was hiding behind a corner..only her face could be seen

« come on show us »said shokuhou

 musujime slowly moves out of the corner in a shy was a strangely cute behavior compare to most of the time

musujime was wearing the outfit of tokiwadai( i didn't find any fan i'm sad)

musujime was shaking from everywhere,she had teary eyes

[any moment now]though accelerator as he wait for musujime to snap

hokaze look at musujime [she seems a bit uncomfortable...]

"it's not that bad"said shokuhou

and then musujime finally snap

« there is no way!as long i live that i will not wear that !i'm in high school dammit!,i'm 16 !! »scream the teleporter thankfully they was no one in the corridors

« but it suits you ! »said hokaze[she 's 16 ?...she has nothing do to in doesn't make sense ....]

« i don't care ! Just give me my real cloth already ! Plus it only temporary,i don't intend to stay at tokiwada !»said musujime

« what do you mean temporary ? »ask hokaze

« it's probably the director who enrolled me here to make the mission easier!i'm 16,i'm in highschool i have nothing to do here !and if it's not temporary i will do anything to be expelled and believe me seeing what the rule are,here it's gonna be easy! »said musujime

accelerator and shokuhou found the situation pretty funny...but they were still worried about the meeting

« it's probably the case »said accelerator

« really ? »react shokuhou and hokaze

« well for example,i'mofficially in a school but it just a cover,i don't actually follow any class »said accelerator[ was just the time i was in group...i wonder if i'm actually still enrolled there....]

« it's just temporary the time for her mission.. »said shokuhou [i wonder if their mission is going to be long and mostly what is the mission,it must be directly linked to tokiwadai since the director himself convene all of us]

author's note:shokuhou and accelerator easily guess that GROUP was here for a mission,i mean it's obvious

« i'm a bit lost about the situation »admit hokaze,she wasn't understanding anything at all[he enrolled in a school but it's a cover ?....a mission ?...what does everyone seem to know something i don't...]

« anyways ,you should at least wear something...that look more professional »said shokuhou

for a second musujime's look stop at hokaze who was holding musujime's clothes,musujime had snake eyes

« you ! »musujime grab hokaze by the shoulders

« clothes ! »threatenen musujime

« i-i-» the poor hokaze didn't have time to respond ,musujime already had her clothe in her hand,she drop them on the floor...and start taking off her jacket...

« wait, you can't change here ?! you're in the middle of a corridor»said shokuhou while looking at musujime who is taking off her cloth

"don't you have any shame ?!"ask hokaze

« try to stop me ! they is no one in the corridor and it's  going to be fast!»said musujime

musujime's look stop at accelerator for a second

« turn around »said musujime

« you're the one changing in the middle of a corridor..there is no one but still »respond accelerator [was she always that shameless ?she is a shotacon so i guess yes..]

suddenly accelerator receive a threatening look from shokuhou and hokaze

"this doesn't mean you have to look!"said musujime

accelerator sighs as he turn around [i guess she's some weird way.....even her normal outfit don't cover much...]

shokuhou goes in front of him as if to see if he's not cheating

she was fixing his eyes

« what are you doing ? »ask accelerator

« nothing just making sure you're not cheating »said shokuhou

shokuhou start pushing accelerator toward a corner and made him leave the corridor by making him go into an empty classroom,she made him wall with his head toward the wall

[i can believe he's actually listening to me and doing it]though shokuhou

[if i turn,they're gonna make a scene...and i didn't have any coffee since at least an hour,it's better if i avoid the problem ]though accelerator

« shouldn't it be the opposite you all go in there while  i stay in the corridor ? »said accelerator while going in the room,he was turn to shokuhou

"just stay in there for a time,it's not gonna be long »said shokuhou

right before she closed the door shokuhou whisper to accelerator

"you didn't even try to turn around,you didn't even move finger,you truly have the potential of being a gentlemen...maybe it will be useful in the future"said shokuhou as she close the door,she even dare to wink to accelerator as she close the door

"tch...i"accelerator didn't say anything[like hell i'm a gentlemen...i just want to avoid a scene]

« he probably won't peep on me ,he's not like that»said musujime

« i prefer taking cautious »said shokuhou

[hmm,is she afraid of something ?]though musujime

« what ? you're afraid he find me more attractive than you ? »said musujime with a grin

« what ? ! »said shokuhou while blushing

« the queen's body is perfect ! »said hokaze

« don't say it like that ! »said shokuhou at her friend while blushing

« i'm just joking!calm down ! Plus that guy is like a robot...he doesn't find anything attractive about the body of someone,i don't think he even understand what beauty is»said musujime

shokuhou start thinking about a few things

« well...from what i saw...saying that he don't understand beauty is wrong »said shokuhou as she remember that accelerator said he indeed acknowledge her as a beauty

« really ? »react musujime..since hokaze didn't knew accelerator she was just laying low

« well...he seem to be aware of what it is.and he able to  recognize it..i think he just ignore it or that he just don't care in general»said shokuhou

« so how do you know that ? did he tell you you're beautiful or something ?»ask musujime with a grin to try to push shokuhou a i bit more but she was also actually curious

shokuhou start blushing a bit

"well..he...he did.."said shokuhou as she blush[he did say my eyes were beautiful..]

(that's how shokuhou act at the moment)

"really ?!"react musujime

"so even the number 1 acknowledge the queen's beauty!"said hokaze

"'s more like he said that he wasn't doubting my beauty"admit shokuhou

"so even him know what beauty is...huh"said musujime[that's kinda surprising...i'm curious in what situation he said that...]

"what about sexiness ?"ask musujime

"?!"shokuhou completely froze for a second and hokaze too

[i wonder...he never says anything about that...]though shokuhou

"i think..we just should stop talking like that especially in the middle of a corridor"said hokaze

musujime sighs [fine..]

« we'll never know i guess....that guy is just weird »said musujime [for some reason..i think the response is the same as the response about beauty..he know what it is ,but he just don't care....]

« any-anyways..let's change subject ...............i'm sorry but we can't let walk around the school wearing that « said shokuhou....

musujime was already completely back to her normal outfit...she doesn't have a lot to put on to begin with

«and what's your idea ? i'm not gonna wear that uniform,the woman who gave me the uniform told i was indeed enrolled in this school at least for now....i can guess how it happen.... »said musujime [the director had to pull some's probably because i'm part of GROUP ...they board of director wants me here..]

« what about you wear that old uniform, but correctly?at least for the meeting Because you bring way too much attention on you with those clothes»ask hokaze

« or maybe you at least close you jacket »propose shokuhou

« ...i will go with the jacket »said musujime as she close her jacket

« that's already better »said shokuhou

« it's better...i guess.. »hokaze wasn't convince

« anyways i think we should let accelerator out of that classroom »said musujime

musujime suddenly got close to shokuhou

« but before that..what is you relation with him?i'm just curious »said musujime with a grin

« we're just acquaintance »respond shokuhou....[acquaintance....we're way past that.......]

the simple fact  of saying "acquaintance"to describe their relation made shokuhou's heart ache,to her accelerator was way more than just an acquaintance now,her feelings were too strong to be describe as "acquaintance" and she was realizing it more and more as every second pass

« not sure,you're very touchy with him and he actually let you do it »said musujime

[what are we exatly ?]ask herself shokuhou...her relation with accelerator was now a question that was echoing in her mind

« i would like to know too... »ask hokaze

shokuhou was blushing....she was trying her best to stay calm,then she got an idea

shokuhou take off one of her glove [well i don't like doing it that, but i will]

« why are you.. »start musujime as shokuhou touch her with her bare hand and took control of musujime

« how about you stop talking about that ? »said shokuhou with a grin.['s seem easier to control my power than usual...]

« okay..i guess... »said musujime as she back down a bit

shokuhou goes toward to hokaze and touch her to control...hokaze didn't oppose any resistance

then shokuhou open the door to see accelerator

« it's finally over ? »ask accelerator as he look at musujime [she just closed her jacket...],he was a bit disappointed

« yes  »said shokuhou who seem happy

accelerator observe hokaze and musujime whowere standing and not moving,they didn't even react to accelerator

« you took control of them didn't you »said accelerator with bored eyes

« maybe.. »said shokuhou as she slowly put her glove back on her hand

« free them already »said accelerator

« aww...okay »said shokuhou as the mind control stops

« huh ? »react musujime [when did she open the door?]

hokaze just look normal...

[she's use to this...]though accelerator

« anyways.....let's just go somewhere else..... »start shokuhou

« ...i wouldn't mind having coffee »said accelerator

« i'm okay with that too »said shokuhou

« you're really gonna drink coffee?now ?! »ask musujime

« sure why not » said hokaze

musujime just gave up....she already tired because of the uniform thing

« ok...i don't mind either.. »admit musjime

the group start walking again in the go to the place musujime got the uniform to put back the uniform

« i was thinking...why is that kamijo guys here »ask musujime

shokuhou don't even react to touma's name as she look at accelerator

« i mean..i can see why you're here accelerator an the rest of our team but why is that guy here ? »ask musujime

« i don't know...i'm curious too »said accelerator

« team ? What are you all talking about ?»react hokaze...the poor girl was lost...

« it's complicated »said accelerator and musujime at the same time

the group arrive at was where musujime got the uniform..

musjime go inside and just the uniform in a was a locker that was given to her

a women was in the room,the women was probably in her late thirties

« i'm gonna let the uniform here »said musujime to the woman

" realize it's part of the rules of the school right ? »ask the women with a gentle tone,she seem to be someone nice

« oh...i know..i ...will just...wear it later.. »said musujime with hesitation

« you wish...just don't get in trouble.. »said the women

« don't worry..we will make sure of it »said hokaze as she come n the room and musujime leave the room

hokaze look around the room

« ?! »for a second hokaze froze because she saw something on the wall

 suddenly shokuhou who entered the room without hokaze noticing,put her hand on hokaze's mouth

« shut..don't say's a surprise »said shokuhou with a smile at hokaze

accelerator was still outside the room,he wanted to avoid anyone of the staff of the school

« but..those are- »start hokaze

« shut,not a word »said shokuhou with a grin[i forgot those were already here..accelerator is not gonna like the meeting..nor his friend...]

« you can keep it a secret ? »said shokuhou,this was not a questions

« o-of course »said hokaze

« anyways...we will go now »said shokuhou

« oh..of have that meeting after all »said the women

« ye-yeah »respond the two girl as they leave the room

we can go now ? »ask accelerator who was waiting on a wall

« yeah..let's go get some coffee »said shokuhou

then the group exit the building they were in...they were now in the court they were earlier

suddenly they hear weird several  people running

suddenly kamijou touma followed by motoharu and etzali(maika is not with them)the three boys seem to run for their live in the middle of the court......they seem to run away from something

« i didn't do on purpose !!!,i swear !!!! »scream touma as he run

« you did it again kami-yan!it was a bold action ! »said motoharu while running,he seem to almost enjoy the situation

« how did i got caught into this?!"scream etzali while running too

then several girl from tokiwadai seem to run after them,they seem really angry

« get those guy ,especially the spiky hair guys !!! »scream one of the girl running after the group

"yeah don't let none of them escape!"said a girl as she run

accelerator,shokuhou,hokaze and musujime look at the three boy running away and going into a building,all the girl pursuing them enter the building as well

"i wonder what happen.."said musjime

"do you really care ?"ask accelerator

"yeah you right i don't care"said musijime

after a second

"so we all agree on the coffee ?"ask shokuhou

"yeah/yep/yes"respond the rest

that's it for this chapter,it's was a big chapter again(5116 words)

important: the update will probably be slower from now on,because i have to go school(this year is an important year for me..since it's the last year of highschool...) however the story will keep going just a bit slower,i will try to update at least once a week

(maybe I will be able to keep the same schedule as now but I prefer to warn you....just in case)

anyways the next chapter will arrive around...probably friday or saturday

and don't hesitate to ask question if necessary

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