Chapter 19:an interesting theory

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accelerator was moving at great speed

at some point he stops on the roof of a building

he considered himself far enough from anti-skill

he sit on the edge.....he is alone on the roof

[fuck! i shouldn't have lost control like that !] though accelerator

then suddenly gunha arrive on the roof too followed by kakine

[those idiot followed me....]though accelerator

« hey!why did run away like that ?! »ask gunha [that was some speed by the way]

« for obvious reason !! »respond accelerator

« he's right anti-skill were going to be a pain in the ass »said kakine

then kakine turn toward accelerator

«number 1 was the hell was that earlier?!some people passed out ! »said kakine

gunha took a serious look

« yeah what happen there ? »ask gunha

« nothing you two need to care about !»said accelerator

« .......we were affected by it too asshole »said kakine

then accelerator's head start to be heavy,he started holding his head with his hand

the number 1 started to lose his balanced

[what is happening ?]though kakine

he was going to to pass out, but gunha catch him before the number 1 fall

kakine was just looking at the scene

« i'm so fucking hungry ... »said accelerator half asleep

« well,that's what happen when you don't eat anything ! »said gunha

« don't worry »start gunha as he put accelerator down

accelerator manage to go back to his mind and sit

« don't worry i'm going to get some food ! »said gunha as his heroic attitude come back

« okay.....sure »accelerator was still tired

then gunha leave the roof to find some food and water

it now only accelerator and kakine on the roof

accelerator look at kakine who had a smirk

« what ? »ask accelerator with a weak voice

« you know you already looked weak with a crutch before but now you look already half buried »said kakine with a smirk

« you're not gonna try your luck again are you ? »ask accelerator [i'm tired,hungry.....but if i use my wings i'm going to crush you!......again]

«who knows ?»said kakine

« i just wonder what the hell is going on with you »said kakine

« .... »accelerator stayed silent

« the punch from earlier was way too strong,and you didn't have those black things behind your back ! »almost scream kakine

« so what ? »ask accelerator who didn't had the strength to scream

« you hair are longer,you look healthier and yet you almost passed out because of hunger,it doesn't add up ! »said kakine

« does black things you can control it!don't you ?! »said kakine

the number 1 comebackWhere stories live. Discover now