The Daughter of Davy Jones (H...

Por TheCreator900

36.9K 706 101

Harry Hook, son of Captain James Hook, meets the daughter of Davy Jones and Calypso, (Y/N) Jones. (Y/N) lives... Más

Chapter One: The daughter of Davy Jones
Chapter Two: It's Going down
Chapter Three: Friend or foe?
Chapter Four: Until the night falls
Chapter Six: The monster
Chapter Seven: My Princess
Chapter Eight: A day well spent
Chapter Nine: Nightmares
Chapter Ten: Graduation

Chapter Five: Pain and trust

3.4K 78 10
Por TheCreator900

We went out to the forest to find Ben. We were walking for a while until Carlos broke the silence.

"It's kinda weird that Mal quickly changed her mind about you coming with us."

"Maybe she didn't want a second pirate around to find your evil princess," I said keeping my spell a secret, "and I don't want to be part of another musical number."

"Which reminds me, you owe me a ruby ring, princess," Harry said.

I sighed, took the ring off and gave it to him.

"Aww. Look at that beauty. Where did you get this from?"

"Ummm... I think... I stole it from... Jack Sparrow's daughter. It's not worth anything, I just thought it would look cool. Well, just like my parents, I don't like or look good in most jewellery."

"Who are your parents?" Jay asked.

"Locket," I replied in a sing-song voice.

"What?" The dog asked.

"She won't answer any personal questions until she has Davy Jones' locket," Gil explained.

We walked some more and eventually called out to Ben but no answer. We stopped for a minute. I listened over Jay's and Gil's conversation, trying that icebreaker thing again, Harry laughing when Jay mentioned Tourney (whatever that is) and also Harry saying that they were killing him because of this conversation. I told him that could be arranged.

Harry rolled his eyes at me while using his hook to grab a berry off a berry bush and told the others the dog went ahead of us. Everyone went ahead and I went to join them when I suddenly keeled over in pain. I put my hands over my torso and suddenly realised what was happening. The curse is taking effect. I've been away from the Isle too long. There's no going back now. Noticed that I lagged behind, Harry came over and helped me up on my feet. Thankfully, the pain disappeared for now.

"You alright, lass?" He asked.

I shook my head, "that risk I mentioned earlier? Well, it's starting to take a toll on me."

"Come on," he walked at my pace as we caught up with the others, "what's happening to you anyway?"

"All I'm telling you is that I've been cursed since birth. Inside the barrier, the curse doesn't do anything. Outside, however..."

"It starts to show," Harry completed for me.

I nodded. We continued walking and finally caught up with the others. We called out to Ben when the dog suddenly stopped saying that something stinks. That's when a beast in Auradon clothing jumped out and started lunging and attacking us. We dodged it multiple times even helping each other out. Harry pulled me out of the way at one point only for me to groan in pain because my scales were still growing. I don't remember it hurting this much.

We quickly figured out why this beast, which was actually Ben, was so cranky. He hurt himself. Well, at least he's not the only one. Carlos got close to him and pulled out a giant thorn in his hand. Suddenly, someone started squirting water at the king which turned him back to normal. It was fairy Godmother's daughter, Jane. Carlos went to greet her and they started talking over each other. At a guess, they're dating.

Makes me wanna gag all that lovey-dovey nonsense. What even is the point in it? Jane squirted Ben again to hopefully get rid of his beard and fangs but it didn't work. Turns out what she was using was enchanted lake water. Curious. I asked her if she could use a bit on me. I'm mainly hoping it'll stop the pain I was in. She did as asked but it didn't really work.

My mother's magic is too strong. After that, Harry decided to flirt with Jane but Carlos told him she was taken. I laughed at that. Ben being king, he was concerned about us villains but Jay told him we were on their side and details to follow. I ignored everyone from there. My little problem was all I could think about.

I need to get back on the Isle as soon as possible or there will be nothing of me left. I'll be a monster like my dad. With help from Harry, we made our way to Evie's cottage safely. Did my dad go through this pain becoming what he is today? This is unbearable. Finding the strength to stand on my own, everyone greeted each other while I stood and watched them.

"Okay, so, we all think that Audrey could be at Fairy Cottage," Mal told Ben, "we have no idea where it is. Did she ever take you there?"

"Every Fairy Godmother's day," Ben replied, "where is Fairy Godmother when you need her?"

"I wish I knew," Jane said.

That was apparently the perfect time for Carlos to give Jane her birthday present. This seriously couldn't wait until later? This is one reason why I think love is stupid. The lovey-dovey comes at the worst times. Ben told Doug, son of Dopey, to go find Fairy Godmother. After a little conversation which was a little confusing, Jane, Doug and Gil left and we went to go find Fairy Cottage.

It was night time by the time we got there. And many times I collapsed due to my scales growing and the pain. This wasn't worth it for my dad's locket. I wish I stayed on the Isle. When we eventually went into the cottage, Harry, who was helping me walk, sat me down on a chair as everyone else searched around.

Audrey wasn't there but someone was. There was pounding on a door that I was out of sight of but Ben opened it to reveal a boy named Chad. Oh, must be Cinderella and Prince Charming's son. I don't know how long he's been in that room or with Audrey but he saw the open door and ran for it. Harry and I laughed at that. Everyone left and Harry helped me up again.

"Alright. Let's get this Audrey chick taken care of already," Uma said making Mal laugh, "what do you say, girls? Time to wrap things up?"

"You know, someday, you're gonna have to tell me how you guys all teamed up," Ben said.

"Actually, Mal promised to let all that kids off the Isle once this is over," Evie told Ben.

"Mal?" Ben questioned.

"I have to tell you guys something," Mal stopped in her tracks, "um... I lied to you. The kids won't be coming off the Isle."

"What do you mean?" Jay asked.

"The program is shut down. And the barrier... will be closed for good."

I heard Harry groan in frustration.

"For Auradon's safety," Ben said.

"Wait," I urged myself to stand up without Harry's help, "if you lied about the barrier, did you lie about giving me Jones' locket?"

"Yes... yes, I did."

I felt tears build up in my eyes. All this time, all this pain I've endured for NOTHING? I walked off as fast as I could, away from everyone. I walked as far as I could until I collapsed again. I felt through the fabric of my clothing the first scale to appear. The pain worsened from there. I was crying both tears of pain and sadness. The only thing left of my father is his music box and I really, really want to have a part of him with me. I guess that'll never happen. Due to all the pain I was in, I passed out lying against a tree.

(Time skip)

I woke up to familiar surroundings. I was back in my hideout. Is this just a dream or am I really back. I looked around seeing no one. I felt no pain, no scales, nothing. I was back. I sat myself up and felt something hang from my neck. At first, I thought it was my skull necklace but I looked down to see my dad's locket around my neck. I quickly took it off to have a better look.

It's real!

The heart shape, the faintly carved face on the lid, the cab claws holding a beaded chain. It was genuine. One more test. I opened it and the most beautiful melody played. I watched as the wheels turned inside as the music played. My biggest question is how did I get back? What about Audrey? I pushed those thoughts aside for now. I finally have the part of me that made me feel complete. I now have my dad with me.

(A/N: imma end it there. See you next chapter)

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