
By amorawrites18

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If you had a second chance at life, what would you do differently? - Second Book in the Shea Butter Baby Seri... More

Face Claims
Back to Reality
Straight Forward
Wishful Thinking
Take It And Run
A Leap of Faith
Down Bad
Pretty & Afraid
The Night Is Still Young
A Fresh Start
Worth The Weight
Stone Cold
Mind Games
Don't Throw It Away
Quality Time
Physical Touch
You're the Reason
In Your Corner
Believe๏ฟผ Me
Just Cause You Waited
Meet Me Halfway
Don't Be Scared
The Inevitable
The Big Q
Tunnel Vision
Family Values
Her Apprentance
Pray You Catch Me
Wide Awake

Home For Now

1.1K 63 32
By amorawrites18

20 Comments for the next update / Thanks you guys for giving me feedback (you know who you are) ✨

Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Bria sat in the passenger side of the rented Mercedes Benz G Wagon that Adonis got at the airport for their trip to get around in. The three had just touched down in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and were on their way to check into their cabin. While he drove, Bria looked out of the window to observe the beauty of the greenery around her. With Kendrick Lamar's Black Panther Soundtrack playing in the background, she smiled widely finally happy to be out of the city and turned her body around so she could check on Yara who was fast asleep in her car seat, holding her favorite teddy bear. Being the mother that she is, she carefully tilted her head up so she could rest easier and turned back around so she could keep Adonis company.

"You know the actor that played Killmonger? He kinda looks like you." Bria spoke up, humming to SZA's part in 'All The Stars'.

Adonis quickly turned his head to her and chuckled. "I look better than that fucking nigga, you know he only put on weight for that movie."

"He's kinda cute," Bria smirked, loving to get him riled up.

"Nah, That nigga ain't me. He can act but he ain't me and he sure doesn't have my fucking girl."

"You're jealous that I have a celebrity crush." Bria gasped. "And I only mentioned him because you two favor each other. You know what they say, each person has a doppelgänger somewhere in the world." She shrugs.

"I'm not jealous and shit you'd do the same thing too if I'd flirt with Rihanna."

"She has flirted with you, but I've flirted with her too. It's fucking Rihanna."

"So, if I were to ask her to do a threesome—" Donnie started.

"Now why would I bring you into a threesome with Rihanna?" Bria teased.

"So you'd cheat on me."

"Only if It's Rihanna...and maybe Michael B Jordan. That nigga is fine" Bria smiles to herself watching Adonis nod his head angrily.

"Okay, bet."

She saw Adonis' free hand resting on the arm rest so she took his hand and intertwined their fingers together.

"You know I'm only joking babe, I just like to see you get all worked up because it's funny when you get jealous."

"I know, I'm just messing with you." He chuckled.

"We are almost there, just twenty more minutes up the road." Adonis said briefly looking at the GPS on the screen.

"Good, I am so exited for this trip just to get away and to be in tune with ones self and nature. Tennessee is so beautiful and I can't wait to just be with you and Yara." Bria smiles, caressing the back of his hand with her thumb.

"Me too, well until your birthday week." 

"Is everything okay? You've been acting different ever since we got back from Moscow and I don't think you notice it but you are..." Bria asked.

"I'm just a little stressed that's all...been worried about planning this trip and things to do for your birthday. Don't sweat it baby." He reassured her.

"Okay..." She trailed off. "But you would tell me if something is bothering you, right?"

"Of course." He said as he entered the gated community. After conversing with the security officer on staff, the gates opened up to the private neighborhood and they were in the clear to drive right through.

"I rented this place from country star Luke Bryan, this is his family's vacation home...he and Rocky are friends, so Rocky was able to put in a favor for me since they'll be in Los Angeles for the next few months until thanksgiving."

"Awesome, these houses are beautiful..." Bria smiles looking out at the window. "I want to own a home like this someday when I move out of the city..."

"You want to move out of Philly?" Adonis asked, briefly looking towards her.

"Why not? I've been there all my life but don't get me wrong the only reason why I'm still there is because of you, my dad, and Unc. My next job is going to be out of state...maybe Georgia to get away from all of the loudness of the city. Build my dream home from the ground up and make some more babies when someone puts a ring on it..." she mumbles, as she looked out of the window observing her surroundings as they pulled up to the front gate of the estate.

"Don't see yourself being married to me? Raising a family and making more babies?" Adonis asked as he punched the key code in, watching the iron gates slowly open in front of them.

"Do you even see yourself with me? Or are you still stuck on Bianca? I see how you've been acting towards me lately and I don't know what I'm doing wrong... or if you're just out of it...but you yourself have been distant even after we talked through our problems...I know I'm not the easiest person to love but I can literally feel you being distant towards me like your head is in another place..."

"Bria nothings wrong, just stressed that's all and like I said earlier I'm here with you. I want to be with you, why are you making this such a big deal when it isn't? Can we just stop talking about this and leave it alone, I'd actually like to enjoy my vacation please."

Adonis quickly shot down her feelings making it seem like it wasn't a big deal , but Bria knew something was up. She sighs, as the car comes to a complete stop in front of the house. She turned to look at him briefly as Adonis cut the engine off before unbuckling her seatbelt and stepping outside. She finally stretched her sore muscles from sitting almost all day and made her way to Yara's aid who was fast asleep sitting in her car seat.

While Bria helped Yara out of the car, Donnie made his way to the trunk of the Mercedes and helped with their luggage, getting as much as he could the first time around.

"This place is fucking gorgeous..." Bria gasped as she walked to the front door, with Adonis lugging the suitcases behind.

He finally approaches the front door and with his key in hand, he unlocks the front door and steps inside dropping his luggage off before going back outside to bring Bria's and Yara's suitcases in.

"Baby girl you are going to love this place, it's absolutely gorgeous." Bria said to her sleeping baby in her arms while she gave herself a self guided tour of the estate.

Once the two were finally able to settle in, Adonis went out to get groceries to stock the fridge while Bria stayed home with their baby girl. After connecting to WiFi, she called her father to let her know she made it safely and FaceTimed her friends back home just to say that she missed them.

After finally getting acquainted to everything, Bria fell asleep on top of the bed after being exhausted from their early morning flight.

When Adonis made it back from the grocery store, he placed the bags on the white marble island and heard that it was still quiet in the house that they rented. He takes off his shades, pinning them to his shirt and begins to put away the things that he bought. Once he finishes, he sets up Yara's baby monitors that they bought from home and began to set them around the house while giving himself a tour.

When he finally made it to the master suite, he sees Bria knocked out with her clothes and shoes still on. Yara was awake beside her mommy, resting against her as she played with her bib trying to take it off. He smiles to himself and and walked over towards the two to help Bria get more comfortable while she slept. He started with her shoes and socks, and walked over towards her suitcase to grab her bonnet so her hair would still be fine when she woke up. After that was done, he then picks up Yara in his arms and pulls the throw over Bria while she slept.

"Ooh, let's go get you changed mommas.." he scrunched his nose as Yara laughed at him making a funny face.


When Bria woke up, she rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes, as she stretched out her numb arms from laying on them for too long. It was nightfall when she looked out of the window. She clicked her phone on to see the time, reading that it was 8:30pm — she had slept for four hours.

"Shit!" She cursed herself, feeling around on the bed for Yara but saw she wasn't there, along with her shoes. Adonis must've taken them off—she thought to herself. "He has Yara, I'm okay." She breathes out while getting up to walk into the bathroom, grabbing her toiletry bag on the way to freshen up.

After using the bathroom, and washing her hands she used mouthwash to refresh her mouth. While gargling she looked at herself in the mirror and decided to take off her falsies, and get rid of her makeup for the day, being her authentic self. The smell of fried chicken being made put a smile to he face, so she quickly finished up in the bathroom knowing that was one of her guilty pleasures. She smiled at herself in the mirror, lightly applying a coat of lip gloss to her lips and picked up her phone on her way out.

As she made her way downstairs she could hear a football game playing in the background as Yara was talking to Adonis in her baby language as she sat upright in her high chair playing with Cheerios. She smiled at her cute little family and walked beside her boyfriend to greet him with a kiss on the cheek. 

"Hey baby," She faintly smiled.

"Hey my love." Adonis smiles as he took chicken out of the grease and put into an aluminum pan. 

"Ooh it smells good up in here, what's Chef Donnie cooking up in here for dinner baby?" Bria hyped up her man as she made her way to her daughter to help her out of her high chair since she gestured that she wanted to be held.

"Fried chicken, Mac and Cheese, collard greens, and for bought sweet potato pie. Southern styke since y'know we in the south? I would've made the pie earlier but I just chose to be lazy plus a nigga is hungry." Adonis chuckled, reaching over to peck her lips. He smiled against her lips and deepened the kiss before pulling away.

"Keep playing and we're going to leave Tennessee with baby number two." He teased her, knowing she was on birth control.

"Yeah right, I want to have another baby just not right now. I want to be able to give Yara all my time and my attention." Bria smiles at her baby girl Yara who was attached to her hip.

"No attention left for daddy?" He fake pouted. "Alright, I see how it is."

"Daddy gets my attention too only when he's good though." Bria turned to look at Yara. "Did you eat snookums? Hu? Did you eat babygirl or were you just making a mess for daddy to clean up?"

Yara giggles exposing her wide toothless smile and dimples.

"She ate when she woke up almost an hour and a half ago but she might be hungry soon." Adonis spoke up for her.

"Okay hun. Thanks baby, and I'm going to sit you back down in your high chair so mamma can eat babygirl." Bria kissed his cheek and watched as Adonis finished up by turning the appliances off and taking the Mac and cheese out of the oven with a mitt on to protect his hands from the heat.

As Bria started to put Yara back in her high chair she began to get fussy and refused to place her legs in the chair. She looked up at her mom with tears in her eyes and started to cry because she wanted to be held.

"Uh no baby what's wrong? You don't like the chair?" Bria asked her daughter.

"She was fine earlier when I did it." Adonis chimed in with a smirk on his face as he set the table.

"No one asked you Donnie." Bria gave him the look, and picked up Yara who immediately clung to her mom but still continued to cry.

"What's all that fussing for babygirl? Your diaper is clean ... you just ate?" Bria stood in the middle of the floor slowly rocking Yara in her arms to soothe her. She picked up her pacifier off of her bib and carefully placed it in her mouth calming the baby in her arms.

"Like Magic." Adonis chuckled as he got the glasses of wine out from the cabinets and placed them on the table along with the rest of the food.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to sit you in my lap and eat hu?"

"Give her to me." Adonis suggested.

"No i don't want her to start crying again. She's just tired , she'll be out soon." Bria said making her way to the table.

Adonis held out her chair for her and helped her in. Once she was inside, he gently pushed her closer to the table as she readjusted Yara so that way she'd sit up straight against her stomach. With her free hand, Bria started to fill her plate up with food. Adonis smiles at the two and watched as Bria loaded up her plate and blessed over the food that he made.

Curiously as Bria ate, Yara looked up at her mother while she was eating and started excitedly dancing in her lap before reaching across the table and pushing her tiny hand on it, accidentally flipping her plate, causing Bria's food to fly everywhere.

The baby giggled happily at the mess she made as Bria sighed getting up to clean herself and Yara up.

"And you still want two two kids?" Bria asked Donnie rhetorically, making her way to the bathroom.

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