Who are you, Percy Jackson or...

By GoBlueNYC

4K 65 16

After the Giant War, Percy was broken. He had lost everything. However, so had another family. Moira Queen, w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

470 9 0
By GoBlueNYC

AN: Hey guys, thanks for the support on this story. I have a weird idea, which is similar to Arrow the show, where it goes back and forth between flashbacks. Let me know if you want that, or if you want me to just do all the flashbacks, and then show Percy in the present. Also, I just realized how long this story is going to be. Each chapter is one episode...jeez that's like 150+ chapters, and, if I'm being honest, I don't really enjoy writing to this story as much as my other Percy Jackson one, so I won't be updating this one as much, but I still will be. Anyways, please enjoy!


Percy knew there weren't enough rations for the three of them, and he didn't want to use his powers, so he just sat there waiting. Suddenly, Robert pulled out a gun.

"Dad?" Percy asked. Robert looked grimly at Percy before shooting Hackett in the head, causing Percy to jump backwards. "Dad?" Percy asked again, this time with a scared tone.

Robert looked at Percy in the eyes. "Write my wrongs Percy. Survive. Survive for Moira and for my son," he said, putting the gun to his head.

"NO!" Percy yelled as Robert pulled the trigger, the light leaving his eyes as he slumped to the surface of the life raft. Percy cradled Robert, sad to be losing another father figure, but quickly dried the tears on his face. He would survive. He was in his element, and could find a nearby island. He would do it for Moira, for Oliver, and most of all, for Thea.

Present: 5 YEARS LATER

Percy ran through the forest, swiping branches away from his face and racing towards his location. When he reached it, he stabbed a knife into a rock and lit and arrow on fire. He pulled it back, beads of sweat going down his face, and fired, causing a makeshift explosion on the beach as it hit a massive bonfire. Luckily for Percy, there was a fishing boat, and they noticed the explosion.

The boat reached the island, and what the fishermen saw shocked them. They saw a hooded man who was well built, and had long blond hair and a long, shaggy blonde beard. However, when they raised the hood, the eyes of the man shocked them even more. They were sea-green, but were not sparkling. They were cold and dark, and looked like they could kill you.

Percy was taken onto a fishing boat and when he reached mainland China, he was able to make his way back to Starling by vapor travelling. In the five years he was gone, he was able to perfect his skills. When he got home, he was immediately treated by the Queen's doctor, Dr Lamb. He revealed to Moira that his body was heavily scarred, and that he even had some brands on it. He warned her, that Oliver might be different now.

Moira walked into the room, and Percy turned around. "Hey Moira," he said.

Moira rushed towards Oliver. "Percy, I missed you so much. I'm sorry for what you had to go through."

Percy returned the hug. "Hey, I'm fine. I've been through worse. However, Oliver has changed, but I haven't. I will be more responsible, and will try and not get into trouble, okay Moira?"

Moira chuckled. "Okay Oliver," she said loudly.

After a little while, Moira and Percy made their way home, and Percy surprised the driver by offering to take his own briefcase, which was important to him. Percy was happy. He was back in Starling, and he was able to be more of himself now. He could be serious, yet funny, but could also not go partying every day, something which he didn't enjoy. He was 27 now, and he would have responsibilities.

When he entered, he saw a tall, familiar looking, black man embrace Moira. "Hey Oliver, you remember Walter, right?" Moira asked. "Walter Steele?"

"Yes, of course," Percy said with a forced smile, setting a mental note to look up who Walter was.

"It's good to see you back Oliver," Walter said, holding out his hand.

Percy shook it. "It's good to be back."

Percy walked towards the stairs, where he saw a grown up, 17 year old Thea. "I knew you weren't dead. I knew it!" Thea said as she came bounding down the stairs.

"I'm here Speedy," Percy said, embracing his sister. While on the island, he had missed Thea the most. He missed her energy and the way she lit up every room.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a familiar face came in. "Tommy Merlyn," Percy said with a fake smile. He liked Tommy, but not what Tommy had become. He had become like him, a partier who threw chicks around like he did money.

"Good to see you aren't dead," Tommy said.

With that, they went to dinner. Tommy caught Percy up on all the world events, but besides that, they mostly ate in silence.

"What was it like there?" Thea asked, breaking the silence.

Percy sighed, keeping up the facade. "Cold and dark. I thought of you every day. It kept me going," Percy said with a slight smile.

Suddenly, Raisa stumbled next to Percy, but he caught her and the bowl of fruits she was holding. "Sorry, Mister Oliver," Raisa said apologetically.

"Ничего страшного, Раиса, ничего страшного," Percy responded in Russian, causing Raisa to smile and the rest of the table to look at him in shock (It's alright Raisa, it's not a big deal).

"I didn't realize you spoke Russian Oliver," Walter said, with surprise in his tone.

"I didn't realize you were sleeping with my mother, Walter," Percy said softly. Awkward silence came over the table. Percy quickly left the table and headed up to Oliver's room. He closed the door, before looking at himself in the mirror, looking at the scars from Lian Yu. He still had part of his scars from his life as a demigod, but only a certain few remained, and it was mostly newer scars.

He then changed his appearance back to his black hair and more swimmers build with a plethora of scars, maybe even more than his scars from Lian Yu. As Percy, his face was still looked young, and he didn't really have any facial hair, but his eyes were wise beyond his age. He missed being Percy, and especially missed camp. When he changed back to Oliver again, he left his torso the same, but keeping all the scars, and he looked over his body. He had an eight-pack, but that was given considering all of his training and exercise. However, he had scars everywhere, his entire torso was littered with them, from stab wounds, to being poisoned, to being tortured. Percy knew he had lived a troubled life, and just by looking at his body, almost anyone could see it.

When he laid down, he felt himself drift off to sleep. When he did, nightmares invaded his mind. First, he saw Annabeth's death. Next, he saw Robert's suicide. However, when this happened, he saw everybody shooting themselves. First it was Annabeth, then Leo, then Piper, and all of Percy's demigod friends, and then it was Laurel, Sara, Tommy, worst of all, Thea.

Right after Thea shot herself, Percy woke up panting, and looked over to his right to see two pairs over him. He stood up and got into a fighting position, but put his fists down when he saw that it was Moira and Walter. They looked at him with pity as he laid back down to try and get some rest.

FLASHBACK - 5 years ago

Percy sat up from his raft and quickly pinpointed his location. Realizing he was in the North China Sea, he navigated himself towards the nearest island, and let the waves take him there so he could get some rest.

However, the moment he closed his eyes, he was plagued with nightmares. He saw Robert's suicide over and over again, but instead of it only being Robert, it was Sally, and Paul, and Annabeth, and all of his other demigod friends who had died. He even saw Oliver himself, who taunted him.

Percy woke with a sweat, realizing that he had reached the island. He touched his face to feel dried tears on his face from his nightmares. He took some sea water and splashed it on his body, reenergizing him, and picked up Robert's body from the boat. He carried Robert's body and placed it on the beach, hoping to bury him properly later. He built a makeshift shelter and summoned some food for himself, and built a fire so he could sacrifice some food to the gods.

He eventually fell asleep after fiddling with his pen for a little while. He missed using Anaklusmos, and the balanced weight of the sword. After another night of nightmares, Percy woke up early to see seagulls come over to Robert's body. Percy ran over to Robert's body, using his own to shield him, knowing he could heal himself later. He winced as each bird pecked at his skin, but he had endured worse, and it showed on his skin, which still had scars from his time in Tartarus.

After the seagulls left, Percy buried Robert, but when he did, he found a book that seemed to be full of blank pages. Confused Percy sat on a rock on the beach, taking in the ocean and looking through the book. He missed his father, and he missed Camp. However, he was happy to be on the beach like this. Suddenly, Percy felt a presence behind him and put the book in the pocket of his pants. He turned around, and caught an arrow inches from his face. He looked at the archer, who wore a green hood. The archer raced into the woods, and Percy followed him, running through the terrain to catch this mysterious archer.

Suddenly, Percy shot into the air, and found himself tangled in a net. Percy sighed. He knew this archer had set a trap for him, and he walked right into it. The hooded man came from the bushes and cut Percy down, causing him to fall sharply.

"This island has many dangers," the man said in an Asian accent which Percy could not place. "You will not survive alone." The hooded man held out his hand, which Percy took, and Percy followed the hooded man. After a little while, they reached a cave where the hooded man was living. For a few days, Percy did nothing, while the hooded man was out and about. When the hooded man was not there, Percy summoned food and practiced his water powers to keep himself sharp.

Eventually, the hooded man brought back a bird, and put it into a wooden cage. "Shēng cún," he said.

Percy shook his head. "I'm not hungry, you can eat it," he said politely.

The hooded man shook his head. "Shēng cún,"

"What does that mean?" Percy asked.

"Survive," the man said. "If you want to survive this island, bird will not be the only thing you kill." I have killed before, he thought bitterly, thinking back to his time as a demigod.

Percy scooted towards the hooded man, and killed the bird effortlessly, before handing it to the hooded man. As the hooded man turned away, Percy spoke up. "What's your name?"

The man turned around. "Yao Fei."


The next day, Percy woke up feeling a little bit better, but he knew he had to address the elephant in the room. Laurel. While he wasn't in love with Laurel, he screwed her over by sleeping with her sister. However, since Oliver was now changed, Percy could act more like himself and be kind, and while he had gotten over Annabeth and decided to live his life, like she told him to do, he didn't have feelings for Laurel, but still wanted to make things right.

Tommy meets him at Queen mansion in his car. "Hey Ollie, ready for a day out back in your old stomping grounds? Or is it your new ones, because I can't tell anymore," he says jokingly.

Percy gives a fake smile. Tommy chuckled and drove Percy around. "So, tell me a place and time," he said.

"For what?" Percy asked.

"Duh, your welcome home party," Tommy said with a crooked grin. "Dude, my best friend just came back from the dead. We are throwing you a party, just tell me when and where."

Percy gave a forced chuckle. "Alright mate, I will."

"So Ollie, what did you miss most about-" he started.

"I have to see Laurel," Percy said quickly.

Tommy sighed. "You want to see the one person that hates you over everyone who is happy to see that you are back."

Percy nodded. Tommy sighed again and drove him towards CNRI. "Hey wait, can we drive by my father's old factories?" Percy asked.

Tommy looked at him questioningly before veering off the road and headed towards the Glades. When they got there, Percy was satisfied. He knew there would need to be improvements, but it would work. "This place has turned to crap man," Tommy said. "So, why did you want to come here?"

"No reason," Percy said quickly. "Now, let's see Laurel, shall we?"

Tommy dropped Percy off at CNRI, and he walked inside. "Hey, can I see Laurel Lance outside please?" he asked the receptionist. She nodded before heading off to get her. Percy stepped outside, and after a few moments, Laurel opened the door and saw him standing there. "Hello Laurel," he said politely. "Walk with me?"

Laurel huffed angrily before walking besides Percy. They walked for a few minutes in silence before Percy spoke up. "So, a lawyer huh?" Percy said, breaking the ice.

"Yeah, you know us Lances, trying to save the world," Laurel said, causing Percy to chuckle.

Percy stopped and faced Laurel. "Look. I know you probably hate me, and I hate me too for what I did to you, and I know a simple sorry won't take everything away," Percy said, causing Laurel to give him a confused expression.

"What do you mean 'you hate you too'?" Laurel asked. "Oliver, what are you not telling me?"

Percy sighed. "Honestly, I can't tell you. Look, I know I was sleeping with your sister behind your back on the boat, but I hate myself for it. I can't tell you anything else, as only Moira and I know, and Robert knew, but I can't tell you, and don't ask them, please. However, I will tell you when I can."

Laurel sighed. "What is it with you? Honestly, you are so different. It's like I don't even know you at all."

Percy gave her a crooked smile. "Maybe you don't," he said cryptically before going to join Tommy.

Tommy looked at Percy. "Did it go as expected?" Tommy asked.

"Yep," Percy replied with a smirk. As they walked down an alley, three men with red skull masks shot both of them with tranquilizers. When Percy wakes up, he is tied to a chair. He looked around to see Tommy still knocked out.

"Hello, Mr. Queen," one of the men said, holding up a taser. "Now, you are going to answer my questions, or you will die. You got me?"

Percy chuckled. "You won't kill me. I'm Oliver Queen, and I'm the heir of a billion dollar company. But by all means, ask your questions." The men look at each other before turning back to Percy.

"Well, Mr. Queen, I have some questions about the accident. Did your father survive? Did Robert Queen make it to the island with you?" the lead man asked.

Percy grunted. While they were asking the questions, he was using his fire powers to slowly melt the zip tie around his hands.

"What did you say?" the lead man said.

Percy chuckled. "Nothing. I just said 'I'm gonna kill you'."

The men laughed. "And how are you going to do that? You are zip cuffed to that chair."

Percy brought his hands in front of him. "Am I?" He quickly got to his feet and took out Anaklusmos. He then changed his appearance into Percy's and smiled. "It's good to be back," he said as he rushed the lead man, stabbing him in the heart, killing him instantly. He then ducked under a punch from the second guy, and punched him in the throat, causing the man to stumble, and Percy stabbed him in the chest, killing him as well. Percy ran over to Tommy and used some of his power over the hearth and healed him enough to barely regain consciousness. However, the third man started to get away, but Percy just vapor travelled in front of him and put his sword to his throat. "Any last words?" Percy asked.

"You don't have to do this man," the guy said.

"Yes I do," Percy said, stabbing the man. "No one can know my secret."

Percy vapor travelled into the alleyway, and went over to Tommy. "Let's go to my place, and we can call the police," Percy said, to which Tommy nodded and he drove off to the Queen Mansion.


They had called the police on the way, so when they got home, Moira immediately wrapped up Percy in a hug. "My boy, I'm so glad you are safe," he said.

Percy gave her a smile before following her into the living room and saw Quentin Lance sitting there with his partner.

"Hello Detective," Percy said politely.

"Queen," Detective Lance sneers. "So, describe what happened."

"A man in a green hood, who carried a bow and a sword came in and saved me. I was tied to a chair, and he killed the men and saved me," Percy said.

"One man, with medieval weapons, took out three kidnappers with guns? I'm not buying it," Lance said. "What about you Merlyn?"

"All I saw was darkness," Tommy said. "I was knocked out for most of it, but I woke up to see Oliver awake and that's it."

Lance grumbled. "Call me if you find out any more."

Moira nodded and guided Percy to the other room, where a tall black man stood. "Oliver, meet John Diggle, your new bodyguard," Moira said.

"Moira, I don't need a bodyguard, I'll be find on my own," Percy said.

Moira walked up to Percy. "I see you as my own son now, even if you aren't, Percy," she whispered. "You will have a bodyguard for your own safety, and for my comfort."

Percy nodded reluctantly before going up to John. "Can I go into the city?" Percy asked.

John nodded before taking him out to a car. He opened the door and got into the car after his bodyguard. After a few minutes of silent driving, Percy spoke up. "So, what should I call you?"

"Diggle's good," John responded. "So, where can I take you sir?" he asked. When he got no response, he turned around to find Oliver gone. "Shit!" he swore and slammed on the brakes. He quickly parked his car and looked around for Oliver Queen.

Meanwhile, Percy had vapor travelled out of the car and to his father's old facility where he had his briefcase and a bag of tools. He hopped over the fence and slammed a hole into the ground to create an opening. He then lowered himself into the basement of the facility and began to set up his new lair. The kidnapping had spoiled his plans, but the hooded man would strike again, this time at people on the List. He set everything up, and picked up the green hood and set it on the table. He then sat down at his computer, and looked for the first person on the list, Adam Hunt.

After a few minutes of browsing, Percy wasn't surprised Adam Hunt was on Robert's List. He was a corrupt businessman, and swindled people out of their homes. Percy changed his appearance, put on the green hood, took out his bow, and put Anaklusmos in his pocket, and vapor travelled away.

Adam Hunt was walking with his security detail when he heard a body drop. Suddenly, he turned around to see all of his bodyguards dead, and found a sword at his throat. "You are going to transfer $40 million into Starling City Bank account 1141 by 10 pm tomorrow, and if you don't, I'll take it, and you won't like how," Percy said, lowering his voice.

"If I ever see you again, you're dead!" Adam Hunt called after the hood. Percy turned around and fired an arrow into Adam Hunt's limo, and when he was turned around, he vapor travelled away.

When he reappeared back in his base underneath the old factory, he picked up his cellphone. "Hey Tommy, I got a place and time for my party," he said with a smirk.


Percy went to his party, which was across from Adam Hunt's building. When he got in, however, he spotted Thea.

"Hey Speedy," Percy said. "I'm surprised to see you here, considering that you're 17."

Thea smiled. "I came prepared. Fake ID."

"Thea, I know I wasn't the best influence, and I am definitely being hypocritical, but make sure you stay safe, okay? I can't lose you," Percy said seriously.

"Okay Ollie," she said offhandedly.

Eventually he ran into Tommy and Laurel. "How's the party?" Tommy asked.

"Good, it's good," Percy said. "It's nice to be back."

Suddenly, his phone buzzed. He looked at it and saw that it was 10 pm, and no deposit. "What's that for?" Tommy asked.

"I asked someone to do something, but they didn't do it," Percy replied cryptically. "I got to go, but I'll be back."

Percy vapor travelled away and changed into his hood. Little did he know that the SCPD had mobilized to protect Hunt from him, and that Adam Hunt had reported it and had an even bigger force, but he didn't care. He shot a grappling arrow to enter from the window straight into Adam Hunt's door. He was able to quickly take out Hunt's security team with his bow. He took them out one by one, picking them off from the shadows. However, when he faced Hunt's right hand man, he took out his trusty sword, and took him out quickly with a couple of feints and then a quick stab through the stomach.

Percy cornered Hunt. "I told you," he said, aiming an arrow at him. He fired the arrow, and it wizzed by Hunt's head and hitting the wall behind him.

"You missed," Hunt said cockily.

Percy cocked his head. "Did I?" he said cryptically. Suddenly, the doors slammed open and the SCPD, which included Quentin Lance, stormed in and began to open fire on Percy. He ducked to dodge the bullets and jumped through a broken window and slid down a zip line back to the building across. The SCPD looked on in shock at the hood's display of abilities.

Percy came back to the party as Oliver, and entered, and met Tommy. "Hey Tommy," he said, looking forward, seeing a couple of police detectives. "Hello, Detective. What's new?"

"That hood guy that saved your ass, he just attacked Adam Hunt next door," Lance sneered.

"Who?" Percy said, feigning ignorance.

"He's a businessman, and I'm surprised you aren't friends, considering your crowd," Lance said, gesturing to Tommy.

"Well, there's no one here," Tommy said. "And besides, this is a private party, is it not Oliver?"

"Yes, it is Tommy, you are quite right," Percy said. "In fact, I'll offer a reward for this hood. $2 million to anybody that can find an idiot running around in a green hood." This caused the crowd to cheer.

"Did you even try and save her?" Quentin asked, while being pulled away by his partner.

"Yes," Percy said, surprising Quentin. "You may think you know me, but you don't. I tried to save your daughter, and almost died. Do not presume anything, Detective."

Percy turned to the crowd of people and jumped on a stage. "Is this a party or what? Get the music going!" He shouted, causing a loud cheer and dance music started playing.

When he jumped off, he ran into Laurel. "What was that all about?" she asked.

"It's nothing Laurel, just some issues next door," he lied smoothly. "You should stay away from me. You'll get hurt, and I can't do that to you. I know you and Tommy have become close since I...left. Maybe spend some time with him," he said seriously, before walking away.

Percy vapor travelled to the factory and sat down in front of his computer. He typed in a password and started to transfer funds from a bank account into multiple people's bank account. He then crossed Adam Hunt's name off this list, as he had just taken $40 million dollars using an arrow. Yes, that arrow he fired was a trick arrow, and allowed him to access Hunt's back accounts.

Percy sat back in his chair, ready to wage war on the corrupt criminal elite that plagued Starling, a war that started with Robert, but would end with him.

AN: Hey guys. I just realized how long this book will be, and I am not really sure if I want to continue this whole thing. The flashback scenes, or where Percy is on the island, might be very summarized from now on, I'm not sure. I want to change a few things, and they will be highlighted, but it will be similar. Let me know what you guys think. Also, let me know what you guys think of Percy changing back into himself for when he is the hood. Should he keep doing that, or stay as Oliver? Anyways, thanks so much, and please review!

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