The Nurse

By CamoJane

54.4K 2.5K 387

With war raging all around, some battles can't be won... ♠ The year was 1916, Elosie Keller was dwelling in a... More

Chapter 1: Tell Me Your Story (Prologue)
Chapter 2: Down In the Poppy Field
Chapter 3: Survivor
Chapter 4: Eloise Ellen Keller
Chapter 5: The Germans
Chapter 6: Taken!
Chapter 7: The German Nurse
Chapter 8: The Loss of a Friend
Chapter 9: To the Airfield
Chapter 10: Magic Plants
Chapter 11: A New Friend
Chapter 12: The Transfer Papers
Chapter 13: The Final Night
Chapter 14: The Curse of a Woman
Chapter 15: No Man's Land
Chapter 16: Found by the Tommies
Chapter 17: Prisoner to the Hospital
Chapter 18: A Wartime Child
Chapter 19: The General's Daughter
Chapter 20: The Birth of a Child
Chapter 21: Return to the Field Hospital
Chapter 22: Men In Planes
Chapter 23: The German Patient
Chapter 25: The Road to the Right
Chapter 26: The Reunion
Chapter 27: Resignations and Propositions
Chapter 28: The Black Knight
Chapter 29: The Truth of Albert
Chapter 30: Closure
Chapter 31: To Germany
Chapter 32: Confessions of Mrs. Ramsay

Chapter 24: A German Friend

1K 56 2
By CamoJane

The familiar hum of voices rang from the downstairs hall. The women shared the same dreadful expression as they listened carefully to the men talking below. Each knew that another arrival of wounded would be appear. Days were growing long in the field hospital. Ypres brought a never-ending battle for the active nurses.

Eloise slowly turned, entering her room. She quietly shut the door and took Ulrich into her arms. Her mind went back onto the thoughts of the soldiers fighting. How hard it must be for them to fight for such an extended time, she thought.

She placed a tender kiss onto the cheek of Ulrich. The smile formed on the child's face reminded her of the man she loved. Her mind quickly traveled to the thoughts of him and wondered if he had gotten the photograph of Ulrich. As the months disappeared, she got to watch as her son grew. As he grew, there was no denying that Albert was his father. She longed for Albert to hold Ulrich just as she did. The thought of him made her heart leap and ache simultaneously, leaving her with mixed emotions in her mind.

A sudden knock at the door startled her back into the bitter reality of war. She approached the door and opened it. Adeline stood before her, along with an older woman.

"They are wanting you in the operating room." Adeline informed sympathetically.

Eloise let out a sigh, cradling Ulrich closer to her body. With one tender kiss, Eloise placed Ulrich in the arms of the other woman. The comforting words she whispered to Ulrich made Eloise cringe. Leaving her son in the hands of others was the harder than the job she faced downstairs.

"How much longer is this battle going to go?" Eloise faintly asked Adeline, as they wondered through the room that had filled with injured.

Adeline shrugged, "They have been fighting in Ypres since October, and it is already in November. I suppose it will go on until there is a stalemate."

Eloise knelt down beside a group of soldiers. Each one had visible burn injuries. Their faces were worn, as were their exhausted bodies. She took one of the men by the hand and helped him upright. Steadily she neared him to a chair.

With a steady hand, Eloise pulled back the bloodied uniform from the soldier's body. The flesh that remained was severely charred. She retrieved a wetted cloth and began to lightly clean the man's wounds. With tears welling in his dazed eyes, he winced in pain with every touch.

"I am sorry, sir." She whispered reassuringly as she continued her cure.

As she tended him, more wounded were being brought in. She let out a long sigh as she watched the tattered men fall to the floor around. A river of blood flowed freely throughout the building. With all the help in the hospital, it was still not enough to maintain the injured.

As Eloise finished the man, another one was placed before her. A large laceration in his stomach was the only visible injury he possessed. As Eloise began her inspection on the wound, he began to convulse below her. She steadied his body and held him close, knowing that he was slowly dying.

Sadness and fear filled the young man's eyes as he looked up at her. She offered him a tender smile and began to gently stroke his cheek. A moment of peace came to him before his body became motionless in her arms. A lump formed in the back of her throat as she held the man. Her eyes scanned around the busy room. Men were dying all around. Death had paid a visit to the field hospital and it was inevitable.

Eloise motioned to two soldiers who retrieved the body from her arms. She quickly regained herself and continued with the battle of death, an enemy that was impossible to defeat. As the time passed, the number of wounded began to dwindle away. A thankfulness came to Eloise for she could the light at the end of the tunnel. She could see the relief in the eyes of both the patients and the nurses.

A commotion grew in the door frame, drawing the attention of the nurses and the patients. Adeline pulled Eloise toward the mass, all hoping to hear the news that the officers brought. Eloise felt the eyes Captain Everett burning into her as she stood there. She dropped her head and crossed her arms over her body. Eloise watched him as he began to speak. The arrogance in him made Eloise's stomach turn. Although he hadn't done anything to her, she despised him.

"A German pilot has been shot down." Adeline whispered excitedly into Eloise's ear, before slinking away.

Her eyes grew wide at the news. The excitement in the room made her a bit uneasy, fearing that it was Albert who had been killed. She felt her heart sink into her stomach, causing it to turn circles. Bad thoughts flooded her tired mind.

"Is he in the room?" her voice softly trembled, glancing up at Adeline.

With the assuring nod of Adeline, Eloise silently vanished from the crowd. She clicked through the hallways until she arrived at the hall's end. Although the heavy door stood open wide, an unwelcoming sensation filled Eloise. She rested her nervous hands upon her stomach and took a deep breath. The visual of deceased bodies could be seen within. The mere sight of them twisted her stomach into knots, leaving her feeling nauseous. She was uncertain if she could mentally handle what she was going to find inside. The unknowing terrified her into a state of madness.

Knowing that she could not wait any longer, she hesitantly passed through the doorframe. Eloise could feel her heart pounding heavily within her chest, fearing who she would find. The heavy dread she carried weighted her down, making every step nearly impossible.

Her eyes studied the room. The light from the many windows illuminated the white walls, creating a grotesque glow upon the deceased. Long tables surrounded the parameter of the large room. Upon these platforms were bodies respectfully displayed. As Eloise passed the men, she could finally see peace on their faces. They were men who had been violated from the horrors of war—they deserved peace.

With hesitant steps, Eloise moved past the tables. With every passing step, her breaths became shallow. The sound of her heels against the hard floor kept her mind focused. Albert could be dead, she knew it. She was aware that his face could appear before her in matter of seconds. The idea of his death terrified her.

She halted in the middle of the room and scanned the bodies. Faces of strangers passed in front of her eyes until a familiar silhouette formed in the corner. She steadied herself as she approached the motionless body. Laying before her was Moritz. She could see that his body had been badly charred during his demise. With a gentle hand, she ran her hand along his burned face inching her touch toward his hair.

"Do you know him?" Adeline asked confused, appearing in the doorway.

Adeline stared concernedly at Eloise, watching her actions carefully. Eloise remained silent as she looked on the face of a man she knew. Although she hadn't known him long, she still felt a wave of grief upon his death. Her mind faded back to the days she had spent with him at the airfields. Memories from then were kept in a vault, locked away deep within her heart. No words of her days spent there were uttered from her lips.

"So, Eloise," the faintness of Adeline's voice brought Eloise back. "Do you know him?"

A half-smile formed on the corner of mouth as she shook her head. "No."

"He isn't the Black Knight, but he is one from his squadron." Adeline informed disappointedly, moving to Eloise's side. "He is no one special, just an airman."

Eloise looked back down at him, noticing the familiar German medals—many were the same of Albert. The words of Adeline spiraled in her mind. Moritz was a special man in the eyes of Eloise. He was the man who adored his airplane and was skilled at rebuilding the engines. She thought of his love of books and the joy it brought him to share with her. She glanced down at blistered lips and reminisced on the contagious smile that they once held. She knew that the news of his death would devastate his beloved mother, whom he cherished dearly.

"I'm sure he was special to someone." Eloise kindly replied, resting her hand against the motionless body of Moritz. "Everyone is special to someone."

She closed her eyes for a moment and repainted the image she last remembered. In that memory her mind wondered back to Albert. She knew in her heart that it could have easily been him lying there instead of Moritz. Her sympathy was with Albert, wherever he was, for she knew that Moritz was one of his dearest companions in the squadron.

"We should probably return to the floor." Adeline suggested, inching toward the exit. "The others will question where we have gone."

"I will be there in a moment. I believe I will say some words of passing to this man. You know the British will not speak any words for him."

A simple nod was offered before Adeline disappeared into the hall. Eloise reached into his front pocket and pulled out his lucky charm—a star of David pendant. She looked down at the silver pendant in her hand. She clutched it tightly in her hand, thinking back to the sacred Jewish words that Moritz would speak when a comrade died.

"May there be abundant peace from heaven," She paused, recalling the Jewish kaddish. "and life for us and for all Israel." She placed the star in his hand and folded his hands over his chest. "He who creates peace, may He create peace for us."

She patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "Forgive me if I messed up the prayer. I could not remember all of the words as you used to speak them. At least you can depart in peace." She closed her eyes, holding back the tears that pricked them. "Rest easy, Moritz. You were a wonderful man."

She forced herself to regain her wits before she returned to the floor. She could feel the uneasy eyes of the others staring at her. She knew that questioned why she had spent so much time with a deceased German pilot, yet they would never know. He was just another dead enemy to them.

She continued her work into the evening. Her mind remained fixated on the image of Moritz. More than anything she wanted to hold Ulrich in her arms and rest. She wanted to erase the images from her mind that been painted in a single day.

With heavy feet, she found her way back to the room. The older woman sat beside a candle, holding Ulrich in her arms. A smile came across her face as Eloise entered.

"Ulrich has been very good."

Eloise quickly took the sleeping child from the woman's arms and cradled him tightly. She placed many kissed along his small face, taking in every one of them. She offered the woman a kind expression and spoke, "Thank you for taking care of him."

"It is no trouble, dear. You have those men to take care of." The woman replied, nearing the door. "Your job is far more important than mine."

Eloise instantly shook her head, "No, ma'am, your job is very important in my eyes. My son is the most important person in my world. In my opinion, you have the most important job."

The pleased expression that appeared on the woman's face gave Eloise a sense of gratefulness. The woman then disappeared from the darkened room, leaving Eloise with her child. Eloise staggered toward the bed and placed Ulrich down. She hoovered over him, watching his in his peaceful slumber. She imagined what could be in his dreams. The peace he had filled her heart with a momentary joy.

She made her way toward the old vanity and plopped down on the hard stool. The candles illuminated her face in the mirror. Dark circles hung around her weary eyes. With a finger she stretched the tired skin on her face, seeking for the youthful appearance she had once possessed. War had made a stranger in the mirror. Her mind instantly returned to the men she had operated on. Images from the carnage flooded her mind, forcing her to remember the gory scenes she had to tend. The thought of the poor soldiers haunted her. Her longing of a youthful face was petty at the thought of them. The young men with permanent disfigurements haunted her memories to the point of where she hated her own self

She let out a soft sigh as she released her tightly bound hair. With gentle fingers she ran her fingers through the roots, regaining feeling in tingling scalp. She began to run the soft brush through the tangles. The flicker from the candles calmed her restless soul, thinking about the past days she had experienced.

Her eyes roamed back to the bed where she could see the form of Ulrich laying sound asleep. The sight of her child softened the parts of her heart that had become hard since the sights of war plagued her daily. Each steady breath he made, made her wonder what had become of Albert. He was just a ghost in her mind, haunting the shell of what used to be a whole.

Her thoughts quickly sprang back to reality when three knocks came from the door. Startled, she slowly approached the door. Through the keyhole she could see the bottom half of a greenish-brown uniform, knowing that it was a soldier.

Another knock came, followed by a voice. "Miss Eloise. It is Captain Everett Bradford. Might I have a word with you."

She instantly rolled her eyes at the sound of his voice. He was the last man she wanted at her door. Assuming that the visit held some importance, she opened the door. He stood poised in the doorway, clutching a bottle of wine in his hand. A coy smile appeared on his face with every second he watched Eloise.

"I saw you today in the lobby and I hoped that I would get the opportunity to speak with you. I have thought about you quite often since our last meeting." He spoke nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that I was coming by, Eloise. I didn't know if I would have the time to stop by here. They were confirming my kill today of the German lieutenant. I was aiming for The Black Knight but got his comrade. Every enemy I take down is one closer to victory."

"Congratulations, sir. I am sure that your people must be proud of you." Eloise kindly spoke as she forced a smile on her face. "I would also like to thank you for stopping by but," she paused, noticing how his face lit up, "I was just getting ready to turn in for the evening with my son."

He quickly pointed to the wine he brought. "Would you like to have a few drinks before you go to bed?"

"I don't drink, sir." She declined politely. "Why did you really come here, sir? Do you visit all the nurses after hours, or just me?"

He glanced away, while his cheeks began to turn a dark shade of red. Eloise knew she had mentioned something that made him uncomfortable, however, she did not mind the fact; she just wanted him to leave.

"Eloise," he began softly, "I know I must sound and look crazy to you; but I would be honored if you would let me get to know you."

She held up her hand, flashing the golden ring to him. "Does this not mean anything to you?"

He shook his head. "You aren't married. I know it."

"How do you know what I am?"

"Married women talk about their husbands; you refuse to mention a man to anyone." He made his way beside her, looking down into her annoyed eyes. "And as far as anyone knows, the child doesn't even have a father. You just wear a ring to make you appear as that," he paused and shrugged his shoulders. "but you aren't fooling anyone. Many people talk about you that you aren't aware of."

Eloise stared at him, rage filling into her heart at his words. The longer she looked at him the more she wanted him gone.

"Then let them talk. If they have nothing to say but lies about me, then they clearly do not know me." Eloise bluntly remarked, motioning him toward the door.

"I'm sorry if I have struck a nerve on you, love." He said coolly and collectively. "If you are married, just tell the name of your husband and I will leave you alone."

"I don't have to tell you anything, sir." She retorted, shaking her head. "In fact, I am going to ask you to leave. I don't think that we need to be having this conversation, especially at this hour." She glanced over at the clock that sat on the vanity, reading the time of 12:15. "I have a very busy day tomorrow and I must get some rest. Thank you once again, sir, for stopping by. I am thankful for your concern, but I am not interested in anything you have to offer." She forced a smile onto her face, gritting her teeth together until they hurt.

Everett became silent as he studied her expression carefully. "When may I see you again?"

"Whenever I am working in the hospital."

He laughed to himself, "No, I mean when can I see you again," he raised a brow, "alone." He reiterated his words and his plans.

"We'll have to see, sir."

As he turned to leave, he replied, "When I end The Black Knight, you will want me then. I will be the hero of all the nurses." A sly smile crept onto his face, "but you needn't worry, darling, I will always choose you."

"As I said before," she followed him to the door. "we will have to see, sir."

She slammed the door behind him, falling back against it. With her hand resting on her chest she felt her heart pounding wildly. She sensed a form of hate inside of her, she had never felt before. Secretly, she hoped that Albert would take Everett from the skies, then her worries of him would be over.

Thanks for reading! Remember to vote and comment. 

A/N: I hope that this chapter made sense. I feel like it is rushed, maybe it is just me. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. I'm trying to find more time to write because I'm ready for you to get the rest of the book. If my layout goes as planned, there will only be about six more chapters.

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