My Asgardian Prince (A Thor F...

By elfiestars

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Edited Description: December 18th, 2020I'm only keeping this story up because it has comments from old friend... More

Chapter 1: Never Again
Chapter 2: Planning for it
Chapter 3: Pure White
Chapter 4: I am Esmeralda
Chapter 5: Good Bye, for now
Chapter 6: Run in's
Chapter 7: Giant Guess
Chapter 8: Curse you Fandral
Chapter 9: I'm Sorry
Chapter 10: Call the Ambulance!
Chapter 11: Accident
Chapter 12: Yellow Eye
Chapter 13: Don't Want Darcy to Hurt That Gorgeous Body
Chapter 14: You're Calling Jane!
Chapter 15: This Time, Hit, not Grazed
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Chapter 16: Blue Sky, One Sun
Chapter 17: Twelve Miles East From Here
Chapter 18: Driving With a Prince
Chapter 20: Found You!
Chapter 21: Visitors
Chapter 22: Meeting the Prince
Chapter 23: Home is Where my Love is
Epilogue: Emphisis to Flowers

Chapter 19: Unbelievable

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By elfiestars

a/n o hello. how are you. anxious to read? here, have some tennet booty. i know all of you will enjoy this chapter VERY much, updating sooner than normal yay. :*


Once we reach to Thor's destination, I made sure to set the vehicle close enough for escape, but far away so that they couldn't see it. We crawl to the edge of the ridge and look out to an impressive base that illuminated the night. Around it was a gate to keep out outsiders with no permission. I place my binoculars to my eyes and search through the area. This place is very protective and locked down.

"You're going to need this." Thor speaks up while handing a jacket to me.

I raise an eyebrow in a questioning manner. "Why is that?" Suddenly, I can hear thunder booming in the distance, causing me to flinch.

"Stay here," He orders quietly. "Once I have Mjolnir, I will return what they have stolen from your companion Jane."

"Wait, Mjolnir?" I repeat. "Isn't that your hammer?"

Thor gives a wide smile that causes my chest to tighten up, a slight pain striking. "You are a very clever mortal, aren't you?" He pauses for a few seconds. "Do we have a deal?"

I snap out of it, he's referring for me to stay put here. "No! Look down there, you can't just walk in, grab our stuff, then walk out! They'll kill you!"

"No," He replies. I feel content that he agrees with me and sigh in relief. "I'm going to fly out." He finishes his sentence.

Before I could properly react he begins his descent down the hill and onto the area. I frantically scramble up to stand and attempt to stop him by words. He ignores me and heads closer to them. That idiot will get himself hurt, he isn't in his Aesir form so he cannot heal from horrible wounds.

In defeat I sit back down and intently watch, feeling a few droplets of water fall onto my head. I take the jacket and drape it over myself, watching them with a close eye. An annoying alarm begins to blare from the tents and security lights explode to life and search around the area. This mustn't be good.

A spotlight fires towards my direction and I duck down to hide from it. I swallow nervously and reach into my pocket, pulling out the cellular device that Jane gave to me for emergencies. I dial Erik's number since I don't want to deal with Jane and her anger at the moment. He doesn't answer and his voice mail speaks to me instead.

I speak quietly but urgently, unsure of what to physically do right now. "Erik, okay, first of all, don't worry. I'm perfectly fine, really." More sounds of mayhem come from the base. I really hope he can't hear what's happening and go into a fit of anxiety. "But if you do not hear from me again, you might consider traveling to the crater site and search for me. I kind of did what you said I should not have done. So um, my thanks. Farewell."

I end the call and place it back into my pocket, fear for Thor rising in the pit of my stomach is causing me to feel uneasy. I peer over the ridge and stare down at the frenzied aftermath of what looks like an ATV crash. The noise of alert becomes obnoxiously louder, causing me to shutter. More lightning cracks in the sky behind me, this thunder storm isn't helping.

I grip onto the jacket and feel the rain become more heavy, pattering onto my jacket harder than before. I take out the binoculars and look out to the base, but I can't see clearly through this rain. Frustrated, I throw the tool down and patiently wait for the next few minutes.

One more time, I thought while grabbing the binoculars. I see the SHIELD Agents and Guards swarming into what appears to be a cube like containment structure. It's where they're keeping Mjolnir so they're after Thor.

"Oh gods no." I mutter, anxiously biting my lower lip. I try to search for him again but no avail, all that I can see now is rain and faint figures of Midgardians. Terrible possibilities of what they might do to Thor leak into my head. I can't think that now, he can still make it out if he finds a different route. Knowing his stubborn demeanor he will not stop until he gets that damn hammer.

I lower my binoculars, sensing things have gone from bad to worse. I debate with myself I either run or go and help him. I love this man, I have nothing else to lose. I then start over the ridge to go to him. Almost immediately, a spotlight sweeps past me. I can hear the sound of canines and loud SHIELD agents approaching, the glow of flashlights moving from the base towards I.

With no other choice, I make a quick retreat up the small hill and into the vehicle. I start it up and skid away, breathing heavily in defeat and embarrassment. I couldn't have fought them off, they would've captured me also. Then where would I end up and what else could I have done? I could not risk it, so I drive off and down the road, heading back to Jane and the others.


After a long half hour of Jane and Erik's pointless lea tides, I argue back with my point. "I can't just leave him there!" I yell defensively.

"Why not?" Erik says with a hard voice. He looks disappointed in me, I could care less about what they all think.

"You didn't see what happened!" I sigh, feeling a little regret in me.

Darcy, who was looking through books they received from the Library, points at an illustration of Thor's hammer in the book. "Hey! Myeu-muh!" She squeals in delight from her find.

Jane looks at the illustration in the book, turns to Selvig knowingly. "Where did you find this?" Jane asks, barely glancing to me. Have she finally understood what I was trying to tell them and what I'm trying to say now? I know that she believes in this stuff also, but not as much as I, so there's still hope.

Erik then grabs the book from her and hurriedly closes it. "In the children's section." He shortly replies. "I wanted to show you two how ridiculous his story was."

Jane is unconvinced by this, she is aware that he wants to believe in these 'myths'. "Aren't you the one who's always told me to chase down all leads, all possibilities?" She says strongly.

Erik rolls his eyes in exasperation. "I was talking about science, not magic!"

"Magic is just science we don't understand yet. Arthur C. Clarke." I quote a line from a novel I've read a few months back.

"Thank you for agreeing with me Lilah." Jane thanks with a respective smile.

"Who wrote science fiction." He blandly quizzes us.

"The precursor of science fact." Jane and I answer at the same time. We both look at each other and giggle at the coincidence that usually happens when we're really into a subject that we both know. Which is rare, but when it happens it's truly a show.

Erik takes in a deep breathe, trying to cope with our childish acts. "In some cases." He says after.

"If that's really an Einstein-Rosen Bridge out there, then there's something on the other side." Jane rants on about this. In which she's correct, but I love it when mortals try to comprehend something that they barely know about. " Advanced beings could have come through it before."

"Jane . . ." Erik tiredly utters.

"A primitive culture like the Vikings might have worshipped them as deities." Darcy adds. Oh praise the Gods she says something that is intelligent instead of just a mess of undecipherable words!

Jane and Erik give her a look, surprised by her unexpectedly insightful input. Darcy shrugs and Jane points at her, she must be grateful for the support. "Yes! Exactly! Thank you!" Jane praises and the intern beams in pride.

"Jane, Delilah, if you guys do this, you'll find yourselves in a situation that I won't be able to get you out of this time." Erik attempts to warn.

"I'll help ya'll." Darcy says.

Jane looks grateful once more. Erik looks at her and notices that there is no stopping her. He sighs in defeat in which causes Jane and I to rejoice. They have paid heed to me and agreed for the first time! This unusually, they would shoot me down when I talk about this!

"Don't expect too much." Erik says while taking the keys to the van.

"I'm going to get my biggest piece of evidence yet." Jane gasps with an excited smile. An expression of realisation replaces the excitement, her hazel eyes wide and gawking at me."Wait, does that mean that you've been right all this time, Delilah?"

"Of course I am! I wouldn't make all of it up!" I say. "Just wait till he gets here--"

"You're actually a goddess? Asgard is real?!" Jane exclaims, holding her hand to her mouth.

"You might not be so crazy after all." Darcy says.

"Well, I was a goddess until events happened. Now I'm a simple mortal." I say.

"Tell me everything again!" Jane demands while taking out her newest journal. I smile and gladly begin explaining everything yet again, happy that Darcy and Jane are listening to what I have to say.


I lay in silence in my makeshift bed, which in my own personal trailer. I stare at the light grey ceiling, feeling better than ever. Once I told Jane and Darcy everything, from birth in a golden castle to banished from my home realm, they grasped every word I had said with eagerness.

I also told them my unrelenting love for Thor and how I could not wait to tell him who I truly am. Jane also could not wait till Erik came back with Thor so that he can confirm everything. I told her that she can question him after I consult to Thor.

I smile widely and laugh aloud, I can't sleep and it's already 1 in the morning. I flip to my right side and to the left, occasionally giggling and whispering happy things to myself. I'm never like this but tonight just feels special.

I am then startled by the loud rapping on the door. I bolt to it and open to find my blue eyed prince standing there with the unconscious Erik slung over his shoulder.

"Erik!" I say with concern. "Is he all right?"

"He's fine. Not injured at all." Thor replies with a bit of a slur to his voice, it's barely noticeable. I respectively step aside and motion for him to come on in. As Thor enters, he accidentally his Erik's head on the doorway. My friend groans from the pain but doesn't say a word.

"Sorry." Thor laughs.

"What happened?" I ponder.

"We drank. We fought. He made his ancestors proud." Thor booms happily. Oh dear gods they went out for liquor. Very unlikely for Erik, but we've all had a tough time so I don't blame him.

"Put him on the bed." I order. Thor moves through the small trailer carrying Erik like a bear lugging another bear. He unconsciously smashes into things along the way, until he sets Erik down on my bed. Erik awakens groggily and looks up at him through bleary eyes.

"I still don't believe you're the God of Thunder!" He slurs. "But you ought to be."

Thor grins and little pats him on the cheek. As Erik drifts off to sleep, Thor pulls my blanket over him. I watch carefully, stunned by their friendship and impressed by Thor's tenderness. He turns back to me and begins to look around.

"Is this your chambers?" He asks. I suddenly become self-conscious about how messy it is in here. I start cleaning up the mess around myself.

"Well, yes and no, it's more of a temporary living space, really. I don't usually have visitors in here." I pause. "Actually, I never have visitors. I don't get along with most people . . ." I then resume back to cleaning. I stop myself and sheepishly ask; "Can we go outside?"

I lead him over to the lab and to a ladder, telling him to go up it. He climbs up it and I follow after, once he reaches to the roof he outstretches his hand for me to grab. He pulls me up without hesitation and I thank him.

"I come up here sometimes when I can't sleep." I gesture to the chairs and blankets along with a telescope Jane lets me use. "Or when I'm trying to reconcile particle data. Or when Darcy's driving me crazy . . ." I pause and look at the floor. "I come up a here a lot now that I think about it." I cease my talking when I notice that Thor isn't paying attention to my words. Instead, he is gazing to the night sky with a thoughtful expression. I look up also, smiling and holding myself. "I'm glad you're safe." I say.

"You've been very kind. I've been far less grateful than you deserve." Thor says in a quiet tone of voice. It's a nice change to his normal loud tone.

"I also hit you with the vehicle a couple times, so it kind of evens out." I reassure. He grins, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out Jane's old notebook.

"Jane's notebook!" I gasp. I then take it from him, surprised by his act of kindness.

"It was all I could get back. Not as much as I promised. I'm sorry." He says, slightly glumly.

"No, this is good. Thank you. This means we don't have to start from scratch . . ." I grin at the cover, then frown. "Listen, I have to tell you something."

Thor looks down to me and raises and eyebrow. "Hm?"

I push some loose strand of my hair behind my ear, keeping my eyes away from his. "The reasons why I know so much about you is because . . . I've known you since we were children."

I hear no words from him till a few moments after. "Say again?"

"I mean," I try to explain without overreacting. "I look different, I know I do. I've grown faster because I'm a mortal now, and instead of the green eyes that you're accustomed to are now brown because of eye contacts."

"You're not making any sense, Delilah." Thor says lowly.

"That isn't my name." I interrupt. "It's-It's Delia." I look back to him to see his reaction. He's frowning and appears to still be confused.

"Are you playing games, because this isn't funny." Thor snaps.

"Hear me out!" I say. "Here, look." I then reach up to my eyes and skillfully pull out the brown contacts. "These were my covers so that people wouldn't treat me any differently, so that people wouldn't call me a freak like the first few months when I came here."

I pull them out and blink a few times so that my eyes can get used to not having them. I look up to Thor and she his shocked expression, I can see a golden shine reflect in his eyes.

"This can't . . . You're not . . ." he stutters, stepping a little closer to examine me. "Delia . . ?"

He's closer than I've ever seen, a look of curiosity on him. I nod and smile, but didn't really expect this.

"You're lying." He seethes. "My Delia is dead, you're not her. She doesn't have a golden eye. She only has emerald eyes."

"It's me, I-I swear." I manage out, feeling my voice strain.

"Shut up." He snaps. I can tell that the subject about me is a touchy subject, I can see pain in his eyes.

"I've known you since we were six, you called me princess irregardless of not being one." I tell him.

"Anyone who studies on us will know that!" Thor yells, stepping away from me.

I dare to step closer to him. "My sister is Levana and my parents are Faro and Telrin! I would never lie to you!" I reach out to grab his arms but he harshly pushes me away.

"I SAID TO SHUT UP!" He yells.

"We both liked each other but we were too shy to admit!" I say, feeling tears prick at my lower eyelashes. I quickly stand up, shaking in my place. Tho is attempting to ignore me by turning away, taking deep breathes to calm himself down.

"I trained in magic and swordsmanship with my father! Loki and Sif hated me so much but you were always there!" I yell, trying to get to him. He groaned and turned to me to say something but I stopped him. "It's not your fault that I was banished!"

He ceased, causing me to also stop. His azure eyes stared right into mine. "It's okay, it's okay, it's not your fault." I whisper quietly, grabbing each of his arms and stepping closer. "I don't blame you, I could never blame you."

He gazed down to me, and I couldn't advert my attention away. I step closer until our bodies were slightly touching, and I could hear him breathing. I can feel his warmth that overthrew the cold midnight air, his arms reaching out to hold me. He places his hands into my hips and I take another step, placing my lips onto his.

This wasn't what I expected, I thought it'd be warm and soft but this is filled with energy. My eyelids flutter to a close and I feel his large hand travel up my spine and to the back of my head. He tangles his fingers into my hair and I throw my arms around his neck. With his other hand he pushes my body to his, dear gods the electricity was causing me to quiver.

He pulls away and nibbles at my lower lip, causing me to yelp and pull away. "Watch it!" I snap.

"Delia." He says with his low tone of voice.

"I'm here." I say.

"Unbelievable," Thor whispers while placing his forehead onto mine and placing his hands into my hips. I smile like an idiot, I've never been so happy in my life. "Delia, I love you."

I am silent for a few moments, a little shocked by his words. I then smile more widely,"I love you too, Thor, more than anything."

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