The Guardian

De SylanderJidah

121K 2.8K 2.5K

When Izuku was four years old he was told that he was quirkless and couldn't be a hero. Then his mother died... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 9

5.7K 130 162
De SylanderJidah

"Alright class, I looked over your results from the battle training the other day. You all performed well... Midoriya..." Aizawa said, grabbing my attention.

"Your performance stood out from the rest. Your power is incredible, yet you reserved yourself in order to get a more promising result. Well done." He then said. I only nodded in confirmation to his praise.

"Now, you will have to pick a class representative... Make sure to do it before my nap ends." He then said, which shocked me to a certain extent.

After some arguing we decided that the easiest way to decide would be with a vote. It didn't take long, since most probably voted for themselves.

After a few minutes of counting, the results were presented, and boy I was shocked. I had apparently gotten seven votes, thinking that I was going to have none.

"ALRIGHT WHO VOTED FOR THAT SHITTY NERD!!!" Katsuki bellowed in anger. As a response I could see six hands being raised. They consisted of Iida, Uraraka, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ojiro and Tokoyami... The seventh one was still unknown.

This was surprising, but what's more surprising is the vice rep. I didn't expect that I was going to be class rep, with Rachel as vice rep.

Both Rachel and I were forced to come and stand in front of the class, so that it could be made official. Rachel and I looked at each other, both feeling just how awkward this was getting.

. . .

Right now it was lunch, and my diet consisted mostly of meat. I was sitting at a table with Rachel, Iida, Kirishima, Ashido, Asui and Uraraka. It was fine and all, but things didn't get any less awkward since Rachel and I had somehow managed to sit right next to each other.

"I can't believe that I'm class rep." I said before I put a piece of steak into my mouth.

"You'll be fine. I mean, six people have deemed you qualified." Uraraka said. I then proceeded to speak with my mouth full.

"Seven actually." I said, correcting her statement. Everyone looked at me confused, as if they wanted me to answer. I just looked at them, as I swallowed before I spoke.

"I voted for Rachel."

These words made everyone shocked, but not as much as Rachel herself. She had dropped her glass when she heard me say that, then she proceeded to ask.

"Why would you do that?"

I felt a little awkward, but I still answered.

"Well, because you're strong, you're smart, and you're extremely caring."

Now I couldn't stop myself from blushing mad red, and so did Rachel. We then proceeded to look in opposite directions.

"Can I point out something obvious?" Asui then asked. I gave her the green light, and she spoke.

"The two of you seem to know each other very well." She said. I could feel slightly sad over what she just said, but it wasn't as bad as the thing that Ashido said afterwards.

"Yeah... Are you two dating perhaps?" She said, attempting to tease me and Rachel. We didn't get the reaction she was hoping for, we just began moping.

"Not anymore..." Rachel said, and immediately regretted it. Everyone around the table were both shocked and confused, because that wasn't what they expected to hear. Rachel realised that she had slipped her tongue, so she began explaining.

"We used to be a couple a while back, but not anymore... In other words, this whole situation with class and vice rep is awkward... " She said, practically reading my mind.

The table went quiet, from a form of sympathy. Then Kirishima spoke up.

"Sorry if I'm being rude, but... May I ask what happened between you two?" He asked. Everyone just stared at him, thinking that was being insensitive, but Rachel gave a sign that it was okay. She was going to give some explanation, without putting the blame on anyone, but I beat her to it.

"I hurt her... That's the only way to put it... " I said, which earned some looks of shock from everyone. Rachel looked at me, as if she was asking why I said that, but I met her gaze, as if I was saying that we both knew it was true.

Now the table went completely quiet once more, only for a different reason. Everyone was still processing what they had just heard, and they most likely had mixed feelings about it.

However, the silence was then broken by the sound of the alarm. It was roaring that there had been a security breach, and that someone had made it onto campus.

We all stood up and tried to get out of the cafeteria, but that would prove impossible. The hall was overflowing with students of different courses, the only reason we weren't standing still was because we were being dragged along by the current.

Out of instinct my hand grabbed on to something and proceeded to drag whatever it was behind me. I needed to know what was happening, so I pushed my way towards the windows.

It was difficult, for the reason that I could easily trample over someone if I wasn't careful, but I managed to get there. When I looked outside I got slightly annoyed, for I couldn't see a single threat. What had broken into campus, the thing that we were so afraid of, was the media...

I needed to let everyone know that there was nothing to worry about, and I needed to do it fast. So I took a deep breath, then I roared.

"HWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!" As loudly as I could. The tone carried itself across the entire campus, and everyone suddenly stopped in their tracks. They all looked towards me, some had fear in their eyes, as I announced.

"IT'S JUST THE MEDIA OUTSIDE! CALM THE FUCK DOWN, AND GO BACK TO YOUR CLASSROOMS!" With a loud and slightly aggressive voice. People then began looking out the windows, to see if I was speaking the truth. Once they realised that I did they calmed down, and walked back to their classrooms.

Everything had calmed down now, and I Iet out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"H- Hey, Izuku?" I heard Rachel say. I turned to her and saw that she was blushing, I then noticed the reason. When I grabbed and dragged something out of instinct I didn't realise what it was, but now I do. It was her hand, I had grabbed onto Rachel's hand.

The moment I realised what I had done, I began blushing. My eyes then met Rachel's, before I let go and said.

"S- Sorry!" With a bit of panic in my words. Rachel didn't respond to this, she only looked in the opposite direction as me.

After that exchange we decided to head back to our classroom, thinking that we've been through enough already.

. . .

"Alright class. Today we'll be doing rescue training at an off campus facility." Aizawa said during his presentation. As if on cue, people got excited. Aizawa then continued by saying.

"I know that you're all excited about costumes, but know that you're not yet used to them and that they might hinder your abilities." Before he pressed a button to reveal our costumes. I went to grab my suitcase, but then I was stopped by Aizawa before I could leave.

"Midoriya, can I ask you something?" He said, and I stopped to listen.

"Is something wrong, you look stiff and uncomfortable?" He asked. I wasn't surprised by his question, if anything it meant that I was doing something right.

"I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just careful. I don't want to accidentally break anyone." I answered, which was only half of the truth. Aizawa seemed to buy it, as he then let me go to change into my costume.

It didn't take long to change, and after a while we were all on the bus that would take us to the facility. Somehow I had managed to sit next to Rachel, again, and we were both very quiet. It was probably due to me grabbing her hand on instinct, it was now hard for any of us to say anything.

"Are we going to talk about it?" I asked, quietly so that only she could hear it.

"No" She answered shortly after. I meant that we were going to talk about the awkward incident from earlier, but I now realise that my question had a deeper meaning. I could also be asking if we were going to talk about our relationship, which she had declined.

"Hey, Midoriya." The voice of Asui called out, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I answered. Asui didn't change her expression, as she said.

"You're quite similar to All Might." This shocked me, so I asked.

"In what way?" Asui looked confused, as if she asked how I didn't know.

"I mean in terms of strength and ability." She then added. I questioned it at first, but then I accepted that it might be true.

"He was trained my All Might, he even stated that Midoriya was stronger than him." Kaminari then said. I was shocked by this, even though I knew it was true. I wanted to be more modest about my power, but there's no point now.

"Midoriya will definitely become a great hero." Kirishima then said. This time I needed to say something.

"You guys think too highly of m- Grrr!" I was stopped by a weird sensation. It felt as if something was crawling up my back, which made me put my guard up.

Everyone looked at me confused, so I said something that would calm them down.

"It's nothing, my back started itching out of nowhere." I said, which worked because they all had calmed down after that.

Rachel looked at me with slight concern, and I understood why. The only times that I've felt this crawling over my back were in dire situations. Was it just misunderstanding the situation, or is something bad about to go down.

. . .

Shortly after the end of the conversations the bus stopped, and all of the students followed Aizawa into the facility. Inside they could see numerous different areas, which simulated numerous different situations.

After that they were approached by the pro hero thirteen, who began explaining. She said that the facility was called USJ, and that it was made to simulate different catastrophes and disasters.

In the middle of her explanation, however, Izuku felt something over his back again. It was similar to the sensation in the bus, only it was far stronger this time.

Izuku is a hardened warrior, he has fought through enough battles to know when it is dangerous. During his time as The Guardian, something happened to his back. It wasn't anything supernatural, but it became strange when it combined with his instincts. When his instincts try to tell him something, his back starts to itch... Right now it was telling him that something bad was going to happen.

Right as the itching began, Izuku turned towards the center of the facility. What he saw only confirmed his suspicion, they had company.

"Sir, it would appear that we're not alone." He called out, which made Aizawa look towards the center. As soon as he saw the villains he took action.

"Thirteen get everyone to safety, those are real villains that we're dealing with." He said, before he put his glasses on and began charging into the swarm of villains.

Izuku wanted to charge and help Aizawa, but he knew that he had to stay and protect his classmates.

They all began heading towards the exit, right as a man made out black mist blocked their path.

"Hello there, we are the league of villains. We're here to kill the symbol of peace, does anyone know where All Might is?" The mist man spoke. Izuku thought that he could recognise that figure, for he had met him before. His name is Kurogiri, he works for All for one. If he's here, it means that the so-called league also is associated with All for one.

Right as he began speaking, both Katsuki and Kirishima charged him. That had no effect, for the quirk that Izuku feared was being used... Warp gate, and he was warping most of the students into different areas.

Izuku landed in the shipwreck zone, where he immediately fought a villain off before swimming to the surface. Upon making it the ship, Izuku saw who was with him. It was Asui and Mineta.

They began discussing their next move but, in the middle of everyone explaining their quirks, the ship was attacked. They were suddenly on a time limit, for the ship began sinking.

"To hell with it! Asui, grab Mineta and get out of here! I'll deal with these scumbags, then I'll catch up to you!" Izuku ordered. Asui wanted to object, but she couldn't. The sheer anger that was boiling inside of Izuku's expression didn't let her utter a single word of defiance.

They began to leap away, while Izuku put his improvised plan into motion. He used his strength to tear off the entire captain's quarters of the ship, then he threw it into the water with full power. The force was great enough to create a maelstrom, trapping the villains long enough for them to get away.

After leaping and regrouping with Asui and Mineta Izuku tried to calm himself.

"We should get back, Thirteen must be protecting the others still." Asui said, and Mineta agreed like the coward he is.

"I can't do that just yet." Izuku then said, which earned a look of confusion from both Asui and Mineta.

"WHY?! IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!" Mineta shouted, then Asui said.

"For once I agree with Mineta. We're not safe here!" Trying to convince Izuku to go back with them, but it didn't work.

"That applies to the others as well, the ones who got warped away!" Izuku shouted back. Both of them stood still in shock, as Izuku then continued.

"We got lucky that we landed here, Asui belongs in water after all, but the others might not have gotten so lucky! I have the power to do something, so I will make sure that my classmates are safe!... That she is safe...." He said, frustration growing in his voice.

Asui didn't know what to think about the relationship between Izuku and Rachel. Him claiming that he hurt her only gave bad mental images, but that changed now. Izuku's frustration stemmed from the fact that he couldn't keep Rachel from harm's way, because he still loves her. Whatever he did to her in the past, it wasn't on purpose.

"Alright, I'm going with you. The other's need help!" Asui then said, agreeing with Izuku's course of action.

"Huh!!! Why are we running into danger?!!!" Mineta roared, while tears flowed through his eyes. Izuku only looked at him, and gave him some encouragement.

"Mineta, girls like brave men..." He said. Mineta suddenly stopped crying, instead he roared.

"LET'S GO GET THEM!!!" Showing an unbeatable will. Now that all were motivated, Izuku looked towards the center of the facility as he spoke.

"Let's take a look, we need to know what we're dealing with." He said, and the others agreed.

They slowly made their way to the center, and saw that Aizawa was fighting with all he's got. He seemed to be fine, that's not what bothered Izuku.

In the back he could see a man who was covered in hands, and next to him there was a monster that Izuku recognised.

It was huge, had black skin, a bird-like head, and an exposed brain.... A Nomu. Izuku had faced one of these back in the day, but it was much smaller and looked different. Back then they weren't so strong, but this one seemed powerful. It had an aura around it, showing its strength to everyone. Izuku only needed to look at it, and feel the constant itching from his back, to know that this thing was their key to defeating All Might.

"He seems fine, let's get going." Izuku whispered, and the other obliged.

They then began running through the other zones. On the way they managed to round up Todoroki, Hagakure, Tokoyami, Koda, Ojiro, then Kirishima and Katsuki. It took some convincing, but Katsuki agreed to help find the rest.

As the group made their way through the zones, Izuku could suddenly feel another itch on his back. It wasn't like the previous ones, those were warning signs. This one was more like a sonar, as if it was telling him that he was about to approach something. It took him awhile, but he realised what it was... He was closing on Rachel's location.

He took off running, and the others struggled to keep up. Then he could see it. Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Kaminari and Rachel were surrounded by villains, and they had no way of escaping.

Izuku didn't wait another second, he charged in and began fighting the villains. They were small fries, so they only needed one punch each.

After knocking out the last one, the rest of the group had arrived. They were all relieved that their classmates were alright, and they started to plan their next course of action.

"We have to get back immediately, the longer we stay the more dangerous it gets." Yaoyorozu suggested, but Katsuki was having none of it.

"Run away if you want to, I'm going for that warp gate!" He said aggressively. Everyone began to argue with him, until Todoroki spoke up.

"I agree with Bakugou, we should fight!" He said.

No one was getting along with anyone, that's when Asui spoke up.

"We don't stand a chance against them!" She said. Todoroki looked unamused at her, but didn't talk back.

"You're right, we don't stand a chance against them... But he does!" Kaminari then said, while pointing at Izuku.

"If we fight along with him, we'll win!" He then continued. Everyone looked at Izuku, some with hopes, and some were waiting for him to make a decision.

He looked over to Rachel, and saw her expression. She was worried for him, she must have been scared when the villains surrounded her. He then turned back to the group, and said.

"Remember what that guy said earlier, that they were going to kill All Might. I went to see what he meant earlier, and he wasn't bluffing. They have an All Might killing weapon on their side, we shouldn't be so foolish to go and fight." With a calm voice.

"But you're stronger than All Might!" Kaminari shouted. Izuku didn't flinch at his comment, and said.

"Perhaps, but how many more villains do you think there are?" Now everyone went silent, for they understood that there's not much they can do.

"Aizawa rushed in to buy us time. He's trusting us to get to safety, so that's what we should do." He then added, to which everyone nodded.

They made their way to the rest of the class, where they found that things weren't ideal. Thirteen had been injured, and they still couldn't get out. Iida had gone out to get help, which was the only good thing about this situation.

Izuku was about to say something, when he heard the sound of someone being slammed into the ground. Izuku looked for the source of the sound, and saw Aizawa. Nomu had grabbed on to him, and was slamming him to the ground. It was breaking and tearing his limbs apart.

Izuku couldn't sit back and watch, so he rushed towards the Nomu and pushed it away from Aizawa. He then picked up the broken teacher, and carried him to the rest of the group.

"Why did you rush in like that?" Aizawa asked, struggling to speak. Izuku didn't change his expression, as he answered.

"It's what a hero does, isn't it?"

Aizawa only smiled at Izuku's comment, then he started to relax. Upon making it to the group Izuku put Aizawa down to the floor, and everyone looked on in horror.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, was that your teacher? Don't worry, you're all going to die here!" The hand covered villain shouted, which angered Izuku.

As if on cue, a villain began charging the group, but Izuku punched him back effortlessly.

Izuku knew what he had to do. The rest of the class needed to get to safety, and he had to buy them time. In other words, he was going to fight.

He could feel his back, itching without stop. It was warning him, yes, but there was something else to it. His body wanted to move, his instincts were telling him to fight.

"I'm gonna fight them, make sure to bring Aizawa and Thirteen to safety." Izuku said. Then Kirishima objected.

"I'm going with you!" But Izuku wasn't having any of it.

"No! You'll be a hindrance in this fight!" He said. He knew that he was being harsh on his student, but he rather be harsh than watch him die.

"I'm going to try and grab the attention of that warp gate, when I do you need to leave." Izuku then said. He was going to enter the battlefield, but was stopped by someone pulling his arm.

"Please, don't go!" She shouted, and Izuku could recognise that voice anywhere. He turned towards Rachel, and saw that she was crying. He felt bad, he was the cause of those tears.

"I have to, and you need to get out of here... This is something only I can do... But saving Aizawa and Thirteen, that is something only you can do." Izuku said, trying to reassure her. Rachel had experience in healing people, it was something she picked up after stitching Izuku every night in the past. She understood what needed to be done, so she didn't object.

She hugged Izuku, and said.

"Don't you dare die!" Before she walked over to the others.

Izuku was now prepared, so he charged into the battle. The villains tried to surround him, but they couldn't overcome his supreme strength.

The villain leader, who was covered in hands, watched the fight play out. He knew that Izuku was strong, and he wanted to crush him. But first, he was going to kill the other brats!

"Nomu! Go get them!" He ordered, and Nomu began charging. Izuku was busy fighting some other villains, so he couldn't stop the monster before it got to his classmates. Izuku then saw who was in front, the one who was going to get hit first... Rachel.... So he snapped...

In what seemed to be less than a second, Izuku closed the gap between himself and the Nomu. He held the Nomu back, similarly to how he held back Gigantomachia the other day. This time, however, he couldn't afford to move back, his classmates and Rachel were right behind him.

He pushed with all of his might, and it seemed to work. The Nomu grabbed on to his armored jacket, right as Izuku threw it across the facility. Nomu still held on to his jacket and tore it to shreds, revealing Izuku's upper body.

Everyone, both classmates and villains, froze in both shock and fear from what they saw. He looked monstrous, with almost a thousand scars at the front of his body. What was even more terrifying, was his back.

Izuku had pride, despite what people think. When he was The Guardian there were things that his pride didn't let him do. That was, flee from a battle. He viewed it as disgraceful, so he always fought to the bitter end. As a result he almost has more scar tissue than he does normal skin on the front of his body, where his back almost lacked scars.

His back had scars, but not nearly as many... not nearly as beautiful.

The only times that Izuku would let anyone hit him from behind, is when he's protecting someone he can't live without. Only then is he capable of throwing away his pride. Each scar on his back represented who he was protecting. Right over his shoulder blades he had two horizontal scars, and in the space between them he had two vertical ones, all four are the result of a sword cut.

If the muscles of his shoulder blades are the eyes of a human face, the horizontal scars would be eyebrows and the vertical ones would make the frown. But that's not all.

He then had thirteen additional scars, which are more like black and blue bruises that stick forever. He received those while protecting one person, Rachel...

They go around his shoulder blades, then they form rigid lines that go down his entire back. Then the thirteenth goes in the middle of his lower back.

Combined with his incredible muscles they form something that looks like a piece of art, or a flag. Also, if you consider the shoulder blades to be eyes you can make out the rest of a face from his muscles. Combine that with the scars, and you get the name of his back which became a legend to those who saw it... The Warpaint...

Izuku returned to the battle. He needed to make sure that his classmates could get away, but to do that he had to distract Kurogiri. He already had a plan.

He began charging, but not for Kurogiri. He charged the villain who was covered in hands.

"Tomura Shigaraki!" Kurogiri called out, as he stepped in front of his master. Izuku expected this, so he proceeded with his plan. He charged, and then grabbed onto Kurogiri's metal body. He held it firmly, making sure that he wouldn't move. During which his classmates made their way out, carrying their teachers.

Shigaraki tried to attack Izuku, who was forced to let Kurogiri go.

"You brat! They escaped!... You'll pay for that! NOMU, GET HIM!" Shigaraki growled, as the Nomu had returned and charged at Izuku once more. Izuku fought back, knowing that it was only him and the villains now, and used his full strength.

The Nomu seemed to be unaffected by the attacks, and the strength it possessed was on par with All Might's.

Izuku then grabbed the nomu by the arm, slammed it to the ground, and began pulling at it. After a long effort, and the sound of flesh and bone being ripped, the arm separated from the nomu.

Izuku was then pushed back by the beast, as he let go of the arm. The nomu then stood up, as its arm started to grow back.

Izuku was shocked. The nomu was strong, but it also had a regeneration quirk?

"You like it? This nomu was designed to kill All Might, it has both shock absorption and regeneration! Your punches won't have any effect on him!" Shigaraki roared. Izuku was once again shocked, but it explained a lot.

The shock absorption was the reason for it being unaffected, and the regeneration heals the damage he actually does. Izuku knew one thing now, he can't just rely on his vitality for this one.

Izuku and the nomu then charged at each other. They began exchanging punches like wild beasts, and their battle pushed the other villains back. Izuku was the superior in strength, but the nomu's vitality and regeneration was troublesome.

But he refused to give up, he will hit this thing until it breaks. Everyone has a limit, even Izuku, he is just intent on making the nomu hit it before he does.

After a long, and bloody, barrage they were knocked away from each other. Izuku could feel the damage he had accumulated, and it was threatening to knock him down. He was reaching his limit, and can only do so much before he falls.

The nomu had taken damage, for the shock absorption had been breached. But it was healing itself, only slower this time.

Izuku realised that he had pushed the nomu to its limit, he could defeat it now. The only problem was that Izuku himself was at his own limit, if he wanted to win he would have to do it with one last hit.

Izuku looked at Shigaraki, tilting his head in confusion. The villain was angered, and ordered the nomu to continue attacking.

The nomu charged, and Izuku waited. He needed to be precise, and pour the last of his strength into this punch. He raised his arm and, with incredible power, he punched the nomu in the head. When looked at you could see blood and brains flying about, from the smashed head of the nomu.

The monster then tumbled to the ground, completely lifeless.

Shigaraki was furious as he began spitting insults and having a temper tantrum. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He began scratching his own neck furiously, for a murderous itch had made its presence. Then, as he drew his own blood, he said.

"Kurogiri, we're leaving. Nomu has been destroyed by this brat, we can't kill All Might." His voice filled with shame. Kurogiri looked at his master, and then said.

"Master Tomura, we don't have to retreat just yet. The nomu is dead, and we might not be able to defeat All Might, but that boy has reached his limit and backup won't get here for some time."

Shigaraki thought for a second. He looked at Izuku, who was standing completely still in front of him. His bangs were covering his eyes, he had blood dripping from him, and he hadn't moved since the nomu fell. As Shigaraki had finished his observation, he smiled.

"Yes, if we can't kill All Might we'll kill one of his students. Not just any student, but the strongest student." He said, and then ordered the other villains to attack.

They all began approaching Izuku, but he still didn't move a millimeter. A massive villain got closer to Izuku, intent on killing him.

"Payback time!" He roared as he began to charge. He got closer and closer, he would definitely hit Izuku... But he didn't.

Right before impact, Izuku moved. He grabbed the villain by the face, pushed against his forward momentum, and then slammed him straight into the ground. The floor cracked underneath the villain's head, and he fell unconscious. After that Izuku stood back up, in the exact same posture that he was before.

Everyone was scared, they were frozen with fear. They thought that this kid was on the verge of collapsing, but he still had enough strength to take one of them down instantly. No one dared to approach Izuku, not after what they just saw.

Shigaraki got even more furious, as he roared.

"YOU BRAT!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Before he charged. If he managed to get his fingers onto Izuku it would over in an instant, he would crumble to dust. He got closer, and closer.

Then, when he was seven meters away from him, a gunshot could be heard, and Shigaraki crumbled to the floor.

"HAVE NO FEAR, FOR I AM HERE!!!" The booming voice of All Might could be heard as he entered the facility, the entirety of UA's staff behind him.

Kurogiri was quick to grab Tomura and warp out, they couldn't win now. The remaining villains surrendered, for they were still frozen with fear.

All Might approached Izuku with a warm smile, but then he stopped once he saw what was on his back. Every hero present was frozen from shock, as they stared into the eyes of The Warpaint. But All Might kept his smile and then stood next to Izuku.

"You've done well Young Midoriya, let us take care of the rest."

He awaited a response, but he got nothing.

"Young Midoriya?" All Might then asked, concerned. He put his hand on Izuku's shoulder, and was stunned.

Izuku was as cold as ice, and his muscles were tense. All Might looked at Izuku's face, and began to panic.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA!!!!" He roared, as he saw something he feared. Izuku's eyes were closed, he was unconscious. The other pros looked at the scene in horror, as they realised what happened.

Izuku had fallen unconscious right after he defeated the nomu. Everything he had done since then was nothing but his battle hardened instincts taking over, continuing the fight even after the limits had been breached.

Class 1-A was still waiting outside and giving their statements to the police, but there was one more thing. They wanted to wait and see if Midoriya was okay, they couldn't leave until then.

Eventually they saw him, but they were horrified. He was lying down on a stretcher, unconscious, beaten, and covered in blood. The class was horrified as Izuku was carried to an ambulance, but none of them were as affected as Rachel was.

She could barely breathe, that's how broken she was. Just the thought of losing Izuku was painful enough, but now that it's happening she could feel her heart break.

She ran up to the ambulance, where she pleaded to All Might to let her go with Izuku. After seeing her face, All Might realised that Rachel was the person who was so important to Izuku, so he let her come with them in the ambulance.

They took off with haste, not wanting to waste any more time.

Rachel couldn't stop crying while she was looking at Izuku. He had given it his all, he stood up and saved everyone. She was regretting the fact that she had tried to change him, that she had left him. She should have been there and supported him instead, but she didn't and now he had been hurt.

She began breaking down again, nothing could stop the tears from flowing. All Might was going to try and reassure her, but he was beaten to it by... Izuku?

Somehow, through his unconscious state, he had reached his arm up and wiped the tears from Rachel's face. This came as a shock to everyone in the ambulance, how was this even possible?

Rachel looked at Izuku's face, then she realised what was happening.

It was just how he hand grabbed her hand earlier, he did it unconsciously. Izuku's instincts are so powerful that not even the lack of consciousness can hold them back. He loved Rachel so much that it had become an important part of his instincts to protect her from harm's way.

Rachel smiled, as she grabbed onto Izuku's hand. He may be unconscious, but he still loved her. That was enough for her to be happy, the knowledge that he was always with her.

. . .

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling how I was starting to get blinded by some light. My vision was fuzzy, but it slowly recovered. When I could see I noticed that I was in a hospital bed. It took a while, but I then remembered what happened.

I was at the USJ when we got attacked by villains. In the end I had to fight them off while the others escaped. I fought with the nomu, then I blacked out.

I tried to pull myself out of bed, but I immediately stopped myself. My body was aching, it felt as if I was on fire, but there was something else... It felt as if I had a massive weight on my chest, and it was stopping me from moving.

I looked down, and couldn't believe my eyes. There was a person lying in bed next to me, and it was Rachel. Before I could get anymore confused, I noticed that she was waking up.

As she raised her head I pulled myself up and leaned against the wall behind me, during that time Rachel managed to wake up fully. She looked at me for a second, as I said.

"Good morning, sleep well?" With a smile on my face. Upon hearing this, Rachel began crying into my chest, while speaking through her sobs.

"You reckless idiot! I thought I lost you!" She shouted. In a way I was at a loss for words, so I only said.

"Sorry, I worried you too much." With a quiet voice.

After a while Rachel pulled herself together, and said.

"No, I'm the one who's sorry." Her voice was still affected by the sobs. I was confused, and asked.

"For what?"

Rachel looked at me, and began to speak.

"I tried to change who you are, but I was wrong. I shouldn't have left, I should have stayed and supported you instead." She said. I was shocked, the fact that she thought about it like this only made me sad. But I was still to blame.

"It was my fault too, I'm the idiot who keeps getting himself into trouble." I said. Rachel didn't object, and said.

"Yeah, you are an idiot." With a joyous tone, which made me feel bad, but then she added.

"... But you're my idiot... "

I was shocked by her words, not able to say anything. The fact that she would say this made me feel weird inside.

She then wrapped her arms around my neck, as she whispered.

"And I want to be with you... Do you?"

From the tone of her voice I could tell that she was worried, or afraid. She was afraid of me saying no. I want to tell her yes, but I don't have the words for it. I don't know what to say, so I just pulled her close to me and did the thing I've been wanting to do for so long... I kissed her... And she kissed me back...

After that I smiled at her, while asking.

"Does that answer your question?"

She smiled back at me, and then we kissed again. It didn't last long, for right in the middle of it I could hear the door open, and someone yell.

"MidoriYAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Which made both me and Rachel stop our session, to see what the fuss was about. What we saw made things awkward.

Almost the entirety of our class were now standing in my hospital room. No matter how awkward this might have been, one question was still looming in my head.

"For how long have I been under?" I asked, which Rachel answered.

"One day... " With a calm voice. Everyone else was a little shocked, so I asked.

"What's up guys?" Showing them my confusion. Iida then walked up, to speak for everyone.

"First of all... you making a recovery of that magnitude, while also being quirkless, is other worldly... Second... Are you guys back together?" He said, which seemed to hit the nail with most people. There were those who didn't know that Rachel and I had been together before, but his question was similar enough to theirs.

Before I could say anything, Rachel decided to answer for me.

"Izuku has always been known for being able to recover quickly... As for the other question..." She said, then she held my hand and looked at me.

"Yeah, we're back with each other." I continued. Everyone began cheering and congratulating us, eventually Kirishima came up and gave me a bro hug. The festivities quieted down when two people entered the room.

"I am here!" The booming voice of All Might said, as he walked through the door. On his shoulder was the principal of UA, Nezu.

"Ah Midoriya, how are you feeling?" The bear and mouse-like creature asked, and I answered.

"I'm fine, how are Aizawa and Thirteen holding up?"

Nezu was quick to answer my question, as he said.

"They both received some critical damage, but they'll be fine. If not for the efforts of you and miss Organ, they wouldn't have made it." With a calm voice. I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that no one had died.

"Since the class has gathered, it's best that I say this now. Midoriya, on behalf of UA I wish to thank you for protecting your teachers and classmates." Nezu then said. I only scratched the back of my head, as I said.

"Don't sweat it, I just did what I thought was right."

The principal only nodded at my exclamation, before he continued.

"Unfortunately the school will be closed for a week, so that we can conduct a proper investigation." He said.

The class began feeling bummed out. None of them knew what to do during this week. Kirishima then walked up to me, while asking.

"Hey boss... Can you help me train?" To which I smiled and answered.

"I was already planning on training, you're welcome to join me."

Kirishima smiled at my answer, but then class began asking.

"You train together?" Kaminari asked, which I answered.

"Yeah, I was training him before the entrance exam. We're still at it." With a calm voice.

"What kind of training do you guys perform?" Sero asked, possibly because he wanted to attempt at getting our physique. Kirishima answered his question.

"We've done quirk training and muscle training, both of which at Agoge Gym." He said with a calm voice. Now everyone had their jaws open, except Rachel because she already knew.

"AGOGE GYM?! THAT PLACE IS SAID TO HAVE MONSTERS GOING THERE TO TRAIN!" Iida roared. Kirishima and I looked at each other, pretty surprised, then I said.

"That statement is surprisingly accurate." With a surprised voice. This only made everyone more shocked, until Kaminari asked.

"Can I train with you?" Which was followed by the entire class asking the same question. I looked at them all and said.

"I can't bring you guys to Agoge Gym, but we can probably arrange some sort of training camp." While scratching my chin.

"In that case I'll be there to both monitor and help!" All Might exclaimed, which made everyone more excited.

"If you get another pro hero onboard it can be an official training camp." Nezu then added. I was thinking of who should be added, but was stopped when Iida suggested.

"I could ask my elder brother, he's the pro hero known as Ingenium."

Nezu smiled at Iida's suggestion, before he said.

"Alright, go and ask your brother. I'll leave this in your hands Midoriya." With a calm voice, before he left.

Everyone was getting excited over the fact that they were going to be trained by All Might and me, the strongest student at UA.

I looked at Rachel, who gave me a nod. Then I looked at Kirishima, who did the same. I only smiled after that, thinking about how fun it would be to torture my fellow classmates. 

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