Managing Mischief

By Bookworm-Showgirl

273 0 3

connected one-shots of the marauders during their Hogwarts years More

The House of Black
Passing the Cloak
Platform 9 3/4
Boats and Sorting part 1
Sorting part 2
Home, Grim Home
Keeping Secrets
Secret Project
A New Home
Any Requests?
Late Night Snacks

The Surprise visit

47 0 1
By Bookworm-Showgirl

Lyall (Remus' dad) POV

Lyall Lupin was enjoying a game of gobstones on the floor of his living room with his 10 year old son, Remus. This was one of the rare days that the father and son could spend much time together. With Lyall's work and Remus'... illness... there weren't many free and healthy days that lined up.

Remus took his turn just as they heard a knock on the front door.

"I'll be back in a bit, Rey" he told his son with a smile.

He got to the front room just as his wife, Hope, opened the door

They were met by a man with a growing beard and long, colorful robes. Before he could introduce himself, Lyall spoke from behind her

"Professor Dumbledore!" he said surprised. "To what do we owe this pleasure?" 

"I am here to speak to you about your son, Remus" the man answered

Lyall's smile dropped

"if you are here to tell us he can't go to Hogwarts, we've already made that decision ourselves. I'm sorry you felt you needed to come all this way" he said, closing the door.

It might have felt rude, but the parents already knew their son would not be welcomed at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Or many places in the wizarding world at all, in fact

5 years ago, a werewolf, Fenrir Greyback, bit and infected Remus out of anger towards Lyall. Once a month ever sense, him and his non-magical wife, Hope, have to usher their only child into their  reinforced shed in their yard, and can do nothing as they hear the boy's cries turn into howls as his small body painfully morphs into a wolf and back under the full moon. Because of this, most people think their son and others like him to be dangerous, and are uncomfortable around them, even weeks away from the full moon.

The parents soon realized, as a boarding school, Hogwarts would most likely not be an option for their son.

A few seconds passed since he closed the door until his wife spoke up.

"Are you sure that was what he was going to say?" she asked

"Of course. He's headmaster of a few years now, and he just wanted to make sure we wouldn't go and complain when Remus didn't get a letter. Besides, he doesn't need to go. I can find a way to lessen my workload at the ministry, and the two of us can homeschool him."

Once they were quiet, he heard 2 voices coming from the living room where Lyall left Remus.

"Who is Rey talking to? Is it..." Hope asked.

Lyall was wondering the same thing. Had Dumbledore come into the house somehow, even after being turned away?

The couple quickly made their way into the room to find a peculiar sight.

Albus Dumbledore was playing Gobstones with their son.

The headmaster and boy noticed them enter the room

"I hope you don't mind, Lyall. Remus and I are continuing the game of gobstones the two of you started" Dumbledore said, breaking the silence. 

After standing up, he continued.

"Now that I have a chance to speak to you, i will do so quickly. As i already told your son, I am here to assure you that young Remus dose in fact have a spot reserved for him at Hogwarts, despite his condition"

The parents were speechless. They had not expected this. Lyall responded with 2 simple questions, for they where all he could make himself say

"How? Why?"

With his signature sparkling smile, Dumbledore answered

"My reasoning as to why is that I believe every potential wizard and witch gets their chance at a wonderful education in any way possible. It would be unfair to not give a bright and kind young man a chance. And, especially now that I have met the boy, I am assured that Remus belongs at Hogwarts and will do extremely well there."

He paused as the parents took in his meaning

"As to your question 'how', I'm sure you're referring to how we are to handle his condition. Well, over the next year, I plan to have three things added to our grounds. We have acquired a rare tree called a 'whomping willow" that attacks anyone that comes near it, unless they know the right way to freeze it. Under this tree, we can have a sort of tunnel that leads to a small shack on the outskirts of the village of hogsmeade. With certain reinforcement and enchantments, this would be a wonderful, private place for a young werewolf to spend his full moons. Our matron, madam pomfrey, is more than willing to help any student in need, and she sees no reason to treat Remus any different. She can escort him across the ground, and give him any assistance he needs the next morning. I assure you, the matter has been well thought out."

After another pause, Dumbledore turned to Remus

"Remus, your parents seem to be at a loss for words. Would you mind telling them what  you  told me your opinion on the matter?"

The young boy spoke up.

"Well, I said i do want to go, but only if it's ok with you, mom and dad. You've told me so much about Hogwarts, Dad, and it seems amazing. I don't want to waste a chance to go there myself. I promise to work as hard  as I can, be very careful, and keep my wolf a secret."

After another pause, Lyall figured he better say something.

"Well, im flattered that you are willing to do all this for us, Professor, but i think  we need some more time to think it over."

"That is understandable. You will be able to reach me by owl when you make a decision. I see you have a brown owl for yourselves. Now, I'm afraid i must be going. I wish you good luck for the full moon next week, and  thank you, Remus for a wonderful few rounds of gobstones. I hope to hear from you soon."

With that, Dumbledore turned and left out the previously locked back door.

AN: Hello, all! just so you know, I'm planing on having a chapter for each boy getting their Hogwarts letter, and one jumping between them on the Hogwarts Express. ill see where this goes from there. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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